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Just bought Black after trading some I've finished/no intention of finishing. Went with Snivy as my starter cause he looks badass, beat Bianca then lost to Cheren (git :angry: ). Loving it so far but only at the very start. My Snivy's struggle to beat a lvl 4 Patrat when he was lvl 5 is slightly worrying

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Just bought Black after trading some I've finished/no intention of finishing. Went with Snivy as my starter cause he looks badass, beat Bianca then lost to Cheren (git :angry: ). Loving it so far but only at the very start. My Snivy's struggle to beat a lvl 4 Patrat when he was lvl 5 is slightly worrying

There is a reason for that.

You see, Snivy's line is the weakest offensively of all three starters. And I believe the weakest offensively of all the starters ever as well. Of the three, Tepig's line hits the hardest but the final form is ugly imo, Oshawott's line is I think a smidgen weaker but its final form looks awesome, and Snivy's line hits the weakest but all three look brilliant.

That's sort of how it breaks down.

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Again, I maintain that as soon as Snivy gets thrown on to the Dream World with Contrary (stupid name change No. 3,234 <_<) then it'll all change. I mean, Leaf Storm + Giga Drain + Contrary could destroy some of the Bulky Waters and keep Serperior strong throughout it.

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Again, I maintain that as soon as Snivy gets thrown on to the Dream World with Contrary (stupid name change No. 3,234 <_<) then it'll all change. I mean, Leaf Storm + Giga Drain + Contrary could destroy some of the Bulky Waters and keep Serperior strong throughout it.

You're not the first person to maintain that, but holy hell that's going to be awesome. +2 SpAtk with a rather powerful move every time you use it? Yes please.

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Hm. Depending on EVs, of course, Leaf Storm + Contrary Serperior would likely 2HKO Marshtomp. After that, you would effectively have a Serperior with about 750 Special Attack, but apart from Leaf Storm and Giga Drain it's pretty much wasted on him due to his awful movepool. You've pretty much reliant on Glare and maybe Leech Seed as your other moves, or a Hidden Power and hope >_>

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Hm. Depending on EVs, of course, Leaf Storm + Contrary Serperior would likely 2HKO Marshtomp. After that, you would effectively have a Serperior with about 750 Special Attack, but apart from Leaf Storm and Giga Drain it's pretty much wasted on him due to his awful movepool. You've pretty much reliant on Glare and maybe Leech Seed as your other moves, or a Hidden Power and hope >_>

...Marshtomp? You mean Swampert?

And that's an easy set. Glare/Leaf Storm/HP Ice/Grass Knot or Energy Ball. Glare for paralysis, Leaf Storm because obvious, HP Ice for Dragons and other Grass types who would otherwise laugh at you, then Grass Knot for taking on heavier stuff like Swampert and Tyranitar and such or Energy Ball for more consistent damage.

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Here is a little Nightmare Fuel for you regarding Black and White.

The Geographical location that Black and White are based on is New York City and the surrounding area, which is the first time the game area has been placed in an area outside Japan.

The Desert Resort is in the correct area geographically speaking as Ground Zero. The area contains two wrecked towers.

Inside the towers are Ghost Pokemon called Yamask. The Pokedex in White says that Yamasks are dead humans who retain the memmories of their lives before they died. The Pokedex in Black says "Each of them carries a mask that used to be it's face hit was human. Sometimes they look at it and cry."

So guys have fun in Pokemon White/Black when you got to the Desert Resort and capture your own "ghost 9/11 Victim who wears a mask made of it's old face and that looks at it and cries as they remember what their lives used to be like before they died."

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3rd gym down. I dropped Throh for now and picked up a Sandile and Darumaka. I think I have a decent team now. L20 Panpour, L21 Blitzle, L22 Tranquill, L21 Sandile, L23 Darumaka and L24 Servine. Darumaka hits fucking hard. I might replace the bird Tranquill or Panpour later but I like this set up for now.

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Cubone is a baby Kangaskhan who's mother died.

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As creepy as the 'Cubone wears it's mothers skull and femur' is, I've always found the Paras/Parasect evolution far worse.

Full article here

Essentially, your cute little Paras' brain has been completly taken over by the parasetic fungus turning into some sort of Fungus Zombie, incapable of independant thought or action. All because YOU wanted a stronger Pokemon. Jerk.

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Yeah, meant to say Swampert >_> I get confused over the Hoenn starters. They're easily the most forgetabble of the bunch, even if Swampert and Blaziken are so popular.

Because Meganium, Typhlosion and Feraligatr was sooooooooo awesome. (btw sarcasm, they sucked)

How dare you! Typhlosion is awesomeness! It's better than Charizard in some respects, in particular because it doesn't get ruined by Stealth Rock.

Meganium's...sorta good as a supporter but that's it, and Feraligatr is like a less powerful Gyarados that can Swords Dance and doesn't have a Flying type, but it's not bad by any means.

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Wonderful game. Picked up Pokemon Black when it turned out I got £70 for a few trade ins instead of the £30 I was expecting. Started with Oshawott because it's clearly the most adorable and WATER4LYFE. Also fuck the haters, I've seen it's evolved form, that thing looks badass. Haven't even beaten the first gym yet but loving how much more in depth this is, for the first time I'm actually having to train my Pokemon before taking on the first gym leader. Trying to catch everything I can in every area, but the fact some Pokemon can only be caught in certain seasons will be a bitch, as will the fact that (I think) some can't be caught at night/day?

Loving Lillipup. Assuming he's half decent I can see him being a keeper, I love dog types. My biggest regret in this game is that I won't be able to catch an Arcanine until I've finished the game.

Also please tell me that we can catch most of the Legendary Pokemon this time around? There's not going to be more bullshit where you can only catch some Pokemon if you've got a SPECIAL ITEM CARD or are able to make it to TOKYO POKE CONVENTION 2000, because fuck that shit. I brought the damn game, outside of version exclusives I should be able to capture all the Pokemon the game can offer.

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