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CoH Talk

Herr Matzat

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nah, it´s fun becaus it shows you on a level that you can relate to way easyer that online gaming causes trafic that coasts monney :-/ and thats something i dident do before wich might be a reason "people" not getting stuff ´n shit........

i just reached level 14, i can fly, yay~!

Edited by Michael Matzat
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you do know that the gameprice includes the fee for the first month of playing right ?

So thats 40 Euro minus 13 euro, 27, left, that should be around 22 british phounds.... the price you are asking for...... also you get a colectors book that includes the first 3 ore 4 issues of the COH comic and a printed version of a lot of the PvP comic, wich is stuff you don´t usualy get with other games you buy (like manual and a map of the game, wich this game of cause also includes)


In the game, what stands out first to other online RPGs is that the characters actualy look different (if you ever played an online game you know that this is quiet an archivement) . . . the sunday times just gave it 5/5 stars, it was voted the best online rpg of the year . . . gamplay wise its hard to say, it just is so awsome simple but yet VERY efecktive to play, there basicly is no learning curve in playing, same goes for the leveling/superpower system, i wish they would redo the system so it works in an offline game - the chalange is working together as a team, and if you don´t have totale retards that just gungho into a level 17 mob with level 10 characters you can pull tactical masterpices ^^

February 05, 2005

City of Heroes

NC Soft/PC (£29.99)

This “massively multiplayer” game, which has attained cult status in its native Korea, involves players meeting up online to do battle with the super- villains who are menacing Paragon City. The premise is simple. Players invent their own superhero character with unique fighting combinations, then set out for Paragon City to pick fights with criminals as well as “Rikti” — menacing aliens who have invaded Earth. Befriending local informants, such as newspaper reporters and police officers, is also vital in helping to track down where the baddies are lurking and working.

Online players team up to take on Paragon City’s underworld and undesirables. The online action is about more than endless fighting, since players also get the chance to formulate strategies in a sort of chat-room environment. City of Heroes came out in America last spring where, as in Korea, it has attracted legions of loyal fans. But the game’s popularity there did not go unnoticed by Marvel, which is pursuing a legal action against the publisher NC Soft for alleged infringement of copyright, claiming that many of the players’ creations bear uncanny likenesses to some of its most bankable superheroes such as Hulk and Wolverine.

There is a monthly charge to play online, for which you will need valid credit card details. Once the limited free trial period expires, playing online will cost £8.99 a month or £23.99 for three months. While Americans and Koreans may be willing to stump up such cash, for most of us Brits it will be an unwelcome, unfamiliar experience. This is also one game for which you really do need a broadband connection — the update files alone are massive; even with a fast connection, preparing the game for online play takes the best part of three hours.

Tim Wapshott

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from what i know developing a propper online game takes around 3 years (i read this somewere some time ago) - if you have anny idea how much a decent coder coasts thes days you can do the math yourself, not to speak of how much more expensife beta an alpha stages will be in the end becaus you have to have servers running for the game and the download (especialy speaking of hugh public betas like WoW and CoH just had)

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For anyone bitching about having to pay for the game AND pay to play every month, I have a simple solution:

Buy the DVD version of the game and sell the Statesman HeroClix that comes with it on eBay.

A lot of people have been doing that, and have been getting most (if not all) of their money from the purchase of the game back from the sale of the HC.

The DVD edition version isn't really worth the extra cost over the regular version, really. All you get are the Statesman HC, a special edition PVP Online comic (black and white, and all the strips are on the PvP website, anyway), a special in-game cape you can purchase at a costume shop once you gain the ability to wear capes after doing a mission at lvl 20 (and the cape design sucks, imho), an in-game V.I.P. badge that doesn't do anything except look nice when you look at your list of badges you've collected, and a travel power called Powerslide which is basically the same power as Sprint but with different animations and an FX added. (With Sprint, you look like you're jogging, with no noticable visual effects. Powerslide looks like you're surfing across land with a light purple glow underneath your feet.)

One thing I've heard that I don't like: The European versions of CoH won't let you connect to the already existing servers. I know there are a lot of people in the U.K. who post in the CoH section over at Freedom Reborn (a board for the Freedom Force game that has an area for City of Heroes discussion) and are upset that they won't be able to play with the rest of us unless they order the North American version of the game.

Oh, and the `Issues' (3 so far) = free expansions. With most MMORPGs, you have to pay for each expansion. (They are coming out with City of Villains, which will have to be purchased, but its an add-on that lets you play supervillains and adds a lot more content mostly for those characters, not a normal expansion)

And with each Issue, they put in some things that everyone can use or do right off the bat. With Everquest, which I played for a few years, the expansions (which had to be paid for) usually had content that served no purpose whatsoever for most low level characters. In fact, the last expansion that came out before I quit pretty much had no content at all for anyone below lvl 45, and the game's max lvl (max lvl at the time, anyway - no idea if they've increased it) was 65.

I don't know about in Europe, but over here in the U.S. (and in Canada, too, I assume) you also get a comic book in the mail every month as part of your subscription (you can opt out of receiving the comic book, but since its essentially free (your subscription isn't any cheaper if you choose not to receive it), I don't know why anyone would opt out.

Issue 4 is supposed to add more costume options and optional PvP capabilities (basically, arenas where you go if you want to fight other people).

I play on the Freedom server, and am usually on late at night\early morning EST (usually on from 10 or 11pm to around 4 or 5am). My main character is an Electric\Devices Blaster named GhostMachine (currently lvl 29).

Don't know if Midget mentioned it or not, but he plays on Virtue, iirc.

Edited by GhostMachine
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One thing I've heard that I don't like: The European versions of CoH won't let you connect to the already existing servers. I know there are a lot of people in the U.K. who post in the CoH section over at Freedom Reborn (a board for the Freedom Force game that has an area for City of Heroes discussion) and are upset that they won't be able to play with the rest of us unless they order the North American version of the game.
Edited by Michael Matzat
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