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World Wrestling Federation 1996


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World Wrestling Federation Championship

The Undertaker© Vs. Kevin Nash

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Al Snow Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin©

World Wrestling Federation European Championship

Alex Wright© Vs. Ahmed Johnson

World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

Chris Benoit and Brian Pillman© Vs. D'Lo Brown and Chavo Guerrero

Hardcore Rules Match

Shawn Michaels Vs. Terry Funk

Handicap Match

British Bulldog and Vader Vs. Bret Hart

Ken Shamrock and Rick Martel Vs. Goldust and ?

Plus, The New Commissioner Will Be Announced

Plus, The Money Mine Promise A New Member

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first match of the night?Alex Wright© Vs. Ahmed Johnson

2. Which match will get the best match quality in EWR?Al Snow Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

3. Which match will get the worst match quality in EWR?Alex Wright Vs. Ahmed Johnson

4. How many titles will change hands? (titles can't change hands by DQ, No contests, Etc)1

5. What's going to be the match before the main event?

British Bulldog and Vader Vs. Bret Hart

6. Will anyone debut? And if so, Who's debuting?No

7. Who's joining The Money Mine?Steve Austin

8. Who will be the new Commissioner?Roddy Piper

9. Who's going to be Goldust's mystery partner?Hollywood Holly

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World Wrestling Federation Championship

The Undertaker© Vs. Kevin Nash

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Al Snow Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin©

World Wrestling Federation European Championship

Alex Wright© Vs. Ahmed Johnson

World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

Chris Benoit and Brian Pillman© Vs. D'Lo Brown and Chavo Guerrero

Hardcore Rules Match

Shawn Michaels Vs. Terry Funk

Handicap Match

British Bulldog and Vader Vs. Bret Hart

Ken Shamrock and Rick Martel Vs. Goldust and ?

Plus, The New Commissioner Will Be Announced

Plus, The Money Mine Promise A New Member

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first match of the night? Ken Shamrock and Rick Martel vs. Goldust and ?

2. Which match will get the best match quality in EWR? Al Snow vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

3. Which match will get the worst match quality in EWR? Alex Wright vs. Ahmed Johnson

4. How many titles will change hands? (titles can't change hands by DQ, No contests, Etc) 0

5. What's going to be the match before the main event? Shawn Michaels vs. Terry Funk

6. Will anyone debut? And if so, Who's debuting? Justin Howe

7. Who's joining The Money Mine? Justin Howe

8. Who will be the new Commissioner? Rick Rude

9. Who's going to be Goldust's mystery partner? Hollywood Holly

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World Wrestling Federation Championship

The Undertaker© Vs. Kevin Nash

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Al Snow Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin©

World Wrestling Federation European Championship

Alex Wright© Vs. Ahmed Johnson

World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

Chris Benoit and Brian Pillman© Vs. D'Lo Brown and Chavo Guerrero

Hardcore Rules Match

Shawn Michaels Vs. Terry Funk

Handicap Match

British Bulldog and Vader Vs. Bret Hart

Ken Shamrock and Rick Martel Vs. Goldust and ?

Plus, The New Commissioner Will Be Announced

Plus, The Money Mine Promise A New Member

Tie Breakers

1. What will be the first match of the night? Tag Team Championship

2. Which match will get the best match quality in EWR?Al Snow Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

3. Which match will get the worst match quality in EWR? Handicap Match

4. How many titles will change hands? (titles can't change hands by DQ, No contests, Etc)0

5. What's going to be the match before the main event? Shawn Michaels vs Terry Funk

6. Will anyone debut? And if so, Who's debuting?No

7. Who's joining The Money Mine?Steve Austin

8. Who will be the new Commissioner?Ted DiBiase

9. Who's going to be Goldust's mystery partner?Hollywood Holly

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Credit Jules for the awesome banner

Date: April 20, 1997

Location: Rochester, New York

Attendance: 18,166

Ticket Sales: $1,089,960

Pay Per View Revenue: $4,600,000

Announcers: Vince McMahon and Jim Ross

Voice Over- The World Wrestling Federation, For over fifty years the revolutionary force in sports entertainment.

Vince McMahon- Welcome everyone! Welcome to the Memorial Auditorium here in Rochester, New York! And we are live for WWF In Your House "Back From The Dead"! We got a jam packed capacity crowd here on hand for what should be a amazing night! We got over eighteen thousand fans on hand tonight in Rochester, New York! And what a huge event this promises to be! We got The Undertaker defending the WWF Championship against the genetic wonder Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels and Terry Funk meet in a hardcore rules match, Bret "The Hitman" Hart faces the man they call Vader and Davey Boy Smith in a handicap match, Plus much more! Hello, I'm Vince McMahon alongside my broadcast partner Jim Ross. And Jim Ross, Is this capacity crowd pumped up what? It's hard to describe the feeling inside this arena tonight. We got our French announcers and our Spanish announcers here for what should be a wild night! We get a shot of the French announcers and then the Spanish announcers. And everyone wants to know who will be named the Commissioner tonight. Who will Kevin Nash name as the new Commissioner of the WWF?

Jim Ross- We thank you once again for welcoming us into your home, And Vince, What a huge night this promises to be. A new Commissioner will be named tonight. It's promised that Kevin Nash will reveal to the world who he's chosen to run the World Wrestling Federation from now on. And who is this man? Who is the next Commissioner going to be? Not only will that big announcement take place, But The Money Mine promise a new member tonight. Who have they chosen to be their newest member? And we also got huge matches tonight. Kevin Nash and The Undertaker lock it up in what should be a amazing match up, And a true slobber knocker. Shawn Michaels gets a chance to get revenge on the man who screwed him over at Wrestlemania, Terry Funk in a hardcore rules match. And with the sadistic attacks we've seen from both men as of late, I think one of them will leave the arena in a ambulance. And Bret Hart faces both British Bulldog and Vader. Four titles are on the line tonight in this huge event. I've never looked forward to a Pay Per View event like I have been looking forward to this one. And folks, From Where I sit, This will be a amazing Pay Per View.

Vince McMahon- The WWF Championship match is certainly one of the big dream matches that the fans of the World Wrestling Federation have been wanting to see for quite awhile now. Kevin Nash has promised to walk out of Rochester with the WWF Championship. But that's easier said than done. Because Mr. Nash has got to take on the greatest WWF Champion of all time, The Undertaker. The Undertaker has been the most dominant WWF Champion in the history of the WWF since winning the title. But tonight he's got his work cut out against him as he takes on Nash, Who is one of the most physical wrestlers in the history of the WWF. And with the new Commissioner possibly on his side, Many are thinking that Kevin Nash is walking out as the new World Wrestling Federation Champion. Will we see that happen? Which man will win tonight? Will Nash Jackknife The Undertaker? Or will The Undertaker be able to Tombstone the genetic wonder? That's the main event for tonight's huge In Your House extravaganza.

Jim Ross- Well, One would assume that since Nash is picking the next Commissioner then he will get special treatment. And I hope to God that Nash picked someone with some integrity. Not some disingenuous scumbag. Because if Nash chose a friend of his, Then we sure as hell can expect Kevin Nash to walk out with the WWF Championship tonight. And when will Nash announce the new Commissioner? After he wins the WWF Championship? If that does happen? You can never count out The Undertaker though. Everyone assumed that Scott Hall would defeat Undertaker at Wrestlemania but that did not happen. The Undertaker has been WWF Champion for almost one full month. He's beaten Scott Hall twice, He's beaten Billy Gunn, Tonight he'll be ready for Kevin Nash. He'll be ready to take Nash to the woodshed tonight. This will be the biggest slobber knocker in the history of the World Wrestling Federation.

Vince McMahon- Fans, We're going to start off the night with a match that's mighty personal. Al Snow challenges Steve Austin for the WWF Intercontinental Championship. And it was Steve Austin that turned on his best friend, His tag team partner Al Snow just over a month ago. These two have been going at it like mad men as of late, We saw a violent scene this past Friday night, And tonight they'll fight it out for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship. Which man will leave with the title? Lets take you to the ring for what should be a great match up!

We cut to the ring where Howard Finkel is standing by.

Howard Finkel- The following contest is scheduled for one fall, And it is for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship! About to make his way to the ring, The challenger, From Lima, Ohio, Weighting in at two hundred thirty eight pounds, Al Snow!

The crowd is going nuts as Al Snow's music plays. Al Snow steps out through the curtains with a look of determination on his face. Snow walks down the stage and slaps hands with fans at ringside before walking up the steel steps. Snow enters the ring and poses. Snow rips off his T-shirt and tosses it into the crowd. Snow is wearing black pants with some snow designs on it. Snow lays back in the corner, Waiting. Ross and McMahon hype what a emotional match this should be for Al Snow.

Howard Finkel- And his opponent, From Victoria, Texas, Weighting in at two hundred fifty two pounds, He is the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin!

The glass shatters to a huge chorus of boos from the crowd. Steve Austin comes slowly walking down the entrance way with the WWF Intercontinental Championship over his shoulder. Austin also has a determined look on his face as he walks down the entrance way. Austin walks up the steel steps and enters the ring. Austin poses on all four corners with the title high in the air. Austin tosses his vest out to the floor and stares down Al Snow.

World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship

Al Snow Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin©

Referee- Jim Korderas

Austin goes to hand the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship to Jim Korderas, But Snow jumps right at Austin with a vengeance! The fans are going nuts as Snow backs Austin into the corner and starts pounding on the champion with right hands! Snow pounds away on Austin in the corner with right hands while Korderas gets the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship and sets it down in the corner. Korderas calls for the bell, Signaling the start of the match. Snow continues to pound Austin in the corner with right hands, So, Korderas tries to break it up. Snow gets in the referee's face while Austin rolls to the outside. The crowd boos as Austin starts walking away! Steve Austin doesn't want any of Al Snow tonight! Snow sees Austin trying to run like a coward and goes to the outside and runs after Austin! Snow runs right over Austin with a clothesline to the back of the head as Austin was walking up the steel stage! Snow starts stomping down on Austin like a mad man! Snow lifts Austin up to his feet and hooks up Austin, Suplex right on the steel stage by Al Snow! Al Snow pulls Austin up to his feet and headbutts Austin, With Austin falling down to both knees. Snow grabs Austin by the throat and shouts at Austin before nailing Austin with a right hand to the face! Snow lifts Austin up to his feet and applies a headlock to Austin. Snow walks Austin down the stage and back to the ringside area. Snow rolls Austin back into the ring. Snow says that he's going to massacre Austin! Snow enters the ring and kicks Austin right in the stomach! Al Snow lifts Austin up by his bald head and rams Austin's head into the top turnbuckle. Snow rams Austin's head nine more times into the turnbuckle, With the crowd counting along each time Austin's head hits the turnbuckle. And while he rammed Austin's head into the turnbuckle, Snow shouted at Austin. Snow turns Austin back first into the turnbuckle and mounts Austin. Snow nails Austin with ten right hands right to the face, Again, The crowd count along each time Snow hits Austin. Snow gets off of Austin and sends Austin to the opposite corner. Snow charges at Austin, But Austin raises his foot in the way and kicks Snow right in the face! Al Snow staggers back a bit which allows Austin to run right over Snow with a clothesline. Austin quickly mounts on top of Al Snow and begins to punch Snow in the face! Snow fights back and rolls Austin over on his back and starts punching Austin in the face! Austin counters and rolls on top of Snow once again. Austin punches Snow over and over, But Snow counters and rolls Austin back over. Snow grabs Austin and starts choking Austin! Korderas tries to get Snow off of Austin, But Snow shoves him aside. Korderas has to physically pull Snow off of Austin gaining boos from the crowd. Snow confronts the referee while the cowardly champion rolls back out to the floor. Snow sees Austin out on the floor, Readjusting his knee brace. Snow charges off the ropes and baseball slides Austin, Sending Austin into the steel guardrail! Austin slowly pulls himself up and Snow springboards off the second turnbuckle with a cross body right to Austin on the outside! Al Snow stands up to his feet as the crowd chants his name. Al Snow lifts the Intercontinental Champion up to his feet and nails Austin with a stiff right hand to the face. Snow grabs Austin by the head and applies a side headlock. Snow then rams Austin's head right into the steel steps! Snow grabs Austin again by the head and rams Austin's head into the steel steps! Snow rolls Austin back into the ring. Snow gets up on the apron and begins to climb the ropes. Steve Austin stands up and Snow comes off the top with a double ax handle to Austin. Snow with a cover. One, Two, No. Austin is able to kick out. Al Snow goes to lift Austin up, But Austin rakes Snow in the eyes. Austin kicks Snow in the midsection as he stands up. Austin connects with a right hand to Al Snow. Austin follows up with more right hands. Snow blocks a right hand from Austin and nails Austin with right hands! Both men are slugging it out in the center of the ring! Steve Austin knees Snow in the midsection to stop Snow's momentum. Austin goes for a Irish whip, But Snow counters by elbowing Austin in the face. Al Snow sends Austin for the ride. Austin comes off the ropes and ducks a clothesline from Snow, Austin then comes off the opposite ropes and goes for a clothesline to Snow, But Snow ducks it and catches Austin with a super kick as Austin comes off the ropes again, Sending Austin right back out to the floor! Al Snow quickly heads up top. Steve Austin stands up and Al Snow comes off the top attempting a dive to Austin, But Austin moves out of the way and Snow hits the guardrail chest first! Austin lifts Snow up, Who appears to be out of it. Austin nails Snow with a stiff clothesline! Austin rolls back into the ring to stop the referee's count and then rolls right back out. Austin pulls his former best friend up to his feet and sends Snow into the steel guardrail back first! Austin drops Al Snow down across the steel guardrail! Austin again drops Snow right across the steel guardrail! Austin goes back into the ring to stop the referee's count. McMahon points out that now Austin wants to punish Snow, Who crash and burned on the outside. Austin goes back out to the floor as Al Snow slowly stands up. Austin, Like a vicious animal, Kicks Snow in the midsection. Austin sends Snow right into the steel steps shoulder first! Austin lifts Al Snow up and rams Snow's shoulder right into the steel ring post! Austin again rams Snow's shoulder right into the steel ring post! Austin rolls Al Snow back into the ring. Austin comes back into the ring as Al Snow is on both his knees. Austin yells at Snow to beg him for mercy, So Austin can end this, But Snow tells Austin to bring it on. Austin does just that by kicking Snow right in the face! Austin lifts Snow up and sets him up, Austin suplexes Snow. Austin stands up and lifts Snow back up. Austin connects with another suplex to Snow. Austin again stands up and lifts Snow up his feet. Austin connects with a third straight suplex to Snow. Austin covers Snow. One, Two, Kick out by Al Snow. Steve Austin stands up with a wicked smile on his face. Austin backs up into the corner as Snow pulls himself up. Austin comes running out of the corner and grabs Snow's head, Driving Snow down to the canvas with a swinging neck breaker. Austin covers Snow again. One, Two, Snow kicks out again. Steve Austin pulls Al Snow up to his feet and rams his shoulder into Snow's injured shoulder. Austin twists Snow's arm back and lays a shot to Snow's midsection using his knees. Austin sends Al Snow for the ride and Snow comes off the ropes right into a sleeper hold from Austin. Austin tries to bring Snow down to the canvas, But Snow counters and delivers a back suplex to Austin. Al Snow and Steve Austin both lay down flat on their backs as Referee Jim Korderas begins to count both of them down. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, No! Both men get up to their feet! Austin rakes Snow in the eyes and delivers a jaw breaker to Al Snow, Which he follows up by nailing Snow with a clothesline. Austin covers Snow. One, Two, Snow kicks out again. Steve Austin pulls Al Snow up and clubs Snow in the back several times. Austin then grabs Snow by the arm and rams Snow's shoulder right into the steel ring post, With Snow's shoulder smacking the steel post quickly loudly. Austin goes out to the apron while Snow is in the corner, With his shoulder on the steel post. Austin grabs Snow's arm and jumps off the apron, Smacking Snow's shoulder onto the steel post! Austin climbs up the steel steps and again grabs Snow's arm, Austin again jumps out to the floor, Smacking Snow's shoulder onto the steel ring post! Austin rolls back into the ring as Al Snow comes out of the corner, Holding his left arm. Austin quickly wrenches back on Snow's arm, Making Snow fall down to both knees. Austin lifts Snow up and again wrenches back on Snow's arm, Making Snow fall back down to both knees. Austin applies a arm wringer and yells at Snow to give it up. Snow tries to fight out of Austin's arm wringer, But Austin takes Snow down to the canvas and applies a cross arm breaker to Snow. Referee Jim Korderas asks Snow if he'll give it up, But Snow says no. Snow tries to roll out of Austin's deadly hold, But Austin takes Snow back down and keeps the pressure on the challenger. Snow is able to grab the bottom rope, And Jim Korderas makes Austin break the hold. The champion gets up to his feet and kicks Snow in the ribs. Austin pulls Snow up to his feet and thrusts his shoulder onto Snow's bad shoulder. Austin applies a side headlock to Snow, But Snow shoves Austin onto the ropes. Austin comes off the ropes and attempts a sunset flip, But Snow counters and gets a pinning situation! One, Two, No! Austin kicks out! Both men get up to their feet and Snow headbutts Austin! Snow pulls Austin's arms back and nails multiple headbutts to Austin! Snow comes off the ropes with a clothesline to Austin! Austin stands up and Snow hip tosses Austin! Austin gets back up and Snow hip tosses Austin down once again! Austin stands back up and Snow nails Austin with another clothesline, But this time, Snow hits him with his injured arm. Snow tries to stand Austin up, But his arm is hurting too badly, That he can't lift up the champion. Snow tries to lift Austin up, But Austin takes Snow down with a small package! One, Two, Snow kicks out! Both men are quickly up to their feet. Snow goes for a super kick, But it's ducked by Austin. Austin then nails Snow on his injured arm! Austin sends Snow for the ride. Snow comes off the ropes right into a big time spinebuster from Austin. Austin covers Snow. One, Two, No. Snow gets the shoulder up. Austin pulls Snow up to his feet and slams Snow down to the canvas. Austin gets up on the second turnbuckle. After taunting the crowd by showing them the finger, Austin comes off the second turnbuckle with a elbow drop right to Snow's heart. Austin hooks the leg. One, Two, Snow kicks out. Austin lifts Snow up to his feet and delivers a back breaker to Snow. Austin comes off the ropes and drops a elbow right to Snow's heart. Austin drops a knee down across Snow's injured arm and applies another cross arm breaker to Snow. Snow tries to fight out, But Austin kicks him in the face a few times and keeps the pressure on Snow. After a minute or so, Austin lets go of the hold and drops a knee to Snow's shoulder. Austin lifts Snow up and sends Snow to the corner. Snow comes out of the corner right into a back body drop from Austin. Snow stands up and Austin clotheslines him out to the floor! Austin goes out to the apron. Snow stands up and Austin comes off the apron with a clothesline to Snow. Austin lifts Snow up and sends Snow to the steel steps, With Snow's arm again hitting the steel steps! Austin pulls Snow up to his feet and drops Snow down across the French announce table. Austin mounts Snow and nails Snow with right hands right there on top of the table. Austin gets off of Snow and rolls Snow back inside the ring. Austin comes back into the ring with a smile on his face as this crowd boos the champion. Snow stands up to his feet and Austin kicks Snow in the face. Austin backs Snow into the corner and starts nailing Snow with right hands. Austin hammers down on his former partner and then starts stomping away on Snow. Austin lifts Snow up and puts Snow on the top turnbuckle. Austin goes up top with Snow. Austin tries a superplex, But Snow fights Austin. Austin hammers Snow over the back several times and then superplexes Snow right off the top turnbuckle! Austin slowly rolls over on top of Snow. One, Two, He got him, No he didn't! Snow kicks out! Austin can't believe it! Austin goes over to Jim Korderas and starts yelling at him over a slow count, But Korderas says Snow kicked out. Austin looks at Snow, Who's trying to stand up. Austin lifts Snow up and starts slapping Snow around. Austin shows Snow the middle finger and kicks Snow in the gut. Austin goes for the Stone Cold Stunner, But Snow counters! Snow tries to backslide Austin down, But Austin mule kicks Snow right in between the legs! Referee Jim Korderas wasn't able to see it though. Austin delivers a big time DDT to Snow! Instead of going for the cover, Austin sets up Snow. Austin calls for the Stone Cold Stunner. Snow stands up and Austin kicks him in the gut. Here it comes, Stone Cold Stunner, No! Snow falls down to the canvas before Austin can apply the Stone Cold Stunner to Snow. Austin lifts Snow back up and starts cursing at Snow. Austin goes to kick Snow, But Snow grabs Austin's foot. Snow spins Austin around and grabs Austin by the waist. Snow delivers a release German suplex to Austin, Dumping Austin right on his neck! Both men are out! Al Snow and Steve Austin both lay down flat on their backs as Referee Jim Korderas begins to count both of them down. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, T........ No! Both men are up! Austin and Snow start trading blows! This crowd is going nuts! Austin gets the advantage and backs Snow into the corner. Austin with right hands to Snow! Snow fights back with kicks to Austin! Snow grabs Austin by the waist and tosses Austin back into the corner. Snow nails Austin with right hands and chops! Snow gets raked in the eyes by Austin. Austin comes charging out of the corner at Snow, But Snow catches Austin with a powerslam! Cover! One, Two, Kick out by Austin! Al Snow lifts Austin up to his feet and takes Austin down with a Russian legsweep. Snow points to the top turnbuckle, Getting a huge ovation from this crowd. Snow goes up top. Moonsault! Snow connects with a moonsault to the prone champion! Snow covers Austin! One, Two, No! Austin gets the shoulder up! Snow goes out to the apron and then heads up top. Austin stands up to his feet and Snow comes off the top with a high cross body! One, Two, No! Austin rolls over on top of Snow! One, Two, No! Snow kicks out! Both men stand up to their feet and Snow kicks Austin in the gut. Snow backs up into the corner and tornado DDT's Austin! Cover! One, Two, No! Austin kicks out! Snow lifts Austin up and suplexes Austin. Snow waits for Austin to get up. When Austin gets up, Snow hooks him up and delivers a overhead belly to belly suplex to Austin! Snow covers Austin. One, Two, Austin kicks out. Snow lifts Austin up and goes for the Snow Plow, But Austin rakes Snow in the eyes. Austin takes Snow down to the canvas with a backslide! One, Two, No! Snow counters and sunset flips Austin! One, Two, No! Austin counters by rolling Snow over on his back and then getting on top of Snow. One, Two, No! Snow counters back into a sunset flip! One, Two, No! Snow breaks it up and grabs Austin by the legs. Snow catapults Austin right into the turnbuckles! Snow then rolls up Austin! One, Two, No! Austin kicks out! Both men stand up to their feet and Austin goes for a clothesline, Snow ducks it and knees Austin in the gut. Snow goes behind Austin and delivers a Dragon suplex to Austin! One, Two, No! Austin kicks out! Snow lifts Steve Austin up to his feet and atomic drops Austin. Snow connects with another atomic drop to Austin. Snow ducks a right hand from Austin and jabs Austin in the stomach. Austin goes for another right hand attempt, But Snow ducks and goes behind Austin, Snow applies the Million Dollar Dream to Austin! Snow tries to take Austin down to the canvas with the hold, But Austin is fighting! Austin runs into the turnbuckles while in the Million Dollar Dream, But drops down to the canvas, Making Snow hit the turnbuckle chest first! Snow comes out of the corner right into the Stone Cold Stunner! Austin covers Snow! One, Two, No! Austin lifts Snow up! Why did Austin do that? Austin lifts Snow up and knees Snow down to the canvas. Snow is on both his knees in front of Austin. Austin starts smacking Snow around. The crowd boos Austin as he keeps smacking Snow around. Austin lifts Snow up to his feet and continues smacking Snow across the face. Austin then kicks Snow in the gut and goes for another Stone Cold Stunner, But Snow counters and applies the Million Dollar Dream to Austin! Austin is desperately trying to fight out of the hold, Austin stands up with the hold still on him, And shoves Snow back into the corner, Right into Referee Jim Korderas! The referee is out! Austin frees himself from the hold but eats a super kick from Snow. Snow goes to lift Austin up, But Austin low blows Snow! Snow crumbles down to the canvas while Austin grabs the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship from the corner. Austin waits for Snow to stand up. Once Snow is up, Austin goes to hit him with the title, But Snow ducks it! Snow kicks Austin in the gut and grabs the title from Austin. Snow nails Austin right in the face with the title! Snow drops the title down and grabs Austin, Snow Plow right onto the title belt! Snow tosses the belt out to the floor and covers Austin! Jim Korderas comes to and makes the count! One, Two, Three!

Howard Finkel- The winner of this match, And new World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion, Al Snow!

Al Snow's music plays to a huge ovation from the crowd. Jim Korderas is handed the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship and he gives it to Al Snow. Snow poses with the title to a huge ovation from the crowd. Suddenly, Referee Monty Davidson comes running down from the back. Monty Davidson enters the ring and snatches the title from Snow as the music dies down. Monty Davidson tells Korderas that Snow used the title on Austin! Monty Davidson points to the big screen, Where we're shown footage of what just happened. Korderas and Snow start arguing. Korderas goes over to Howard Finkel..........

Howard Finkel- The referee has reversed his decision, Therefore, The winner of this match as a result of a disqualification, And still World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin!

The crowd boos as Monty Davidson hands Austin the title, Austin and Monty Davidson flee to the back while Snow stands in the ring arguing with Jim Korderas. Snow vows to get payback as we go back to the announce position.

Winner as a result of a Disqualification and STILL World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

99, 100, 100 *****

The WWF Intercontinental title has gained in image.

Vince McMahon- What an amazing match we just saw. Al Snow had the title won, He was announced as the new champion, But thanks to referee Monty Davidson, The decision was reversed. I don't know if that's what the fans wanted to see, But what can you do? Al Snow used the title on Steve Austin. Though, Is it really any of Monty Davidson's business? He wasn't even the assigned official for this match up. In any event, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin walks out still the WWF Intercontinental Champion.

Jim Ross- Al Snow got screwed here. Why is Monty Davidson sticking his nose where it don't belong? We've seen some very weird things happen when Monty Davidson is around. We saw him get handed some money this past Friday night, And tonight he's screwed over Al Snow. Snow did use the title, But Monty Davidson had no business interfering into things. And after all we've seen Steve Austin do, Everyone wanted to see him drop the title tonight. And look at how fast he and Austin ran out, They got a case of the limber tail in my view. There'll be hell to pay tomorrow night on Raw.

Vince McMahon- Monty Davidson has been the most controversial referee we have seen in quite sometime, And this decision will not make him a fan favorite with our great World Wrestling Federation fans. And Fans, Our next Pay Per View will be live May 18th, From Richmond, Virginia. It'll be In Your House "Unfinished Business". And we know that one huge match has been announced for the event. The "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels takes on Cactus Jack in a Wrestlemania 13 rematch! What a unbelievable match that is going to be.

We're shown a video package hyping the next WWF Pay Per View event, In Your House "Unfinished Business". We're be coming to you live from Richmond, Virginia on May 18th. And one huge match has already been announced for the event, Shawn Michaels meets Cactus Jack in a rematch from their classic Wrestlemania encounter. More matches will be added in the upcoming weeks, So make sure to watch Monday Night Raw and Friday Night Mayhem.

We cut to the ring where Howard Finkel is standing by.

Howard Finkel- The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall, And it is for the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship! About to make their way to the ring, The challengers, At a total combined weight of four hundred eighty eighty pounds, D'Lo Brown and the World Wrestling Federation Light Heavyweight Champion, Chavo Guerrero!

D'Lo's music plays as Chavo Guerrero and D'Lo Brown come walking down the entrance way. Chavo Guerrero has the WWF Light Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder. as both men walk down the entrance way and slap hands with the fans at ringside. They enter the ring and pose, D'Lo on one corner and Chavo on the opposite corner, Holding his title high in the air. Chavo and D'Lo stop posing and stand back. Chavo hands his title to the time keeper as D'Lo looks on at the entrance way with a determined look on his face.

Howard Finkel- And their opponents, First, From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Weighting in at two hundred twenty nine pounds, Chris Benoit! And his tag team partner, From Cincinnati, Ohio, Weighting in at two hundred thirty five pounds, Brian Pillman. And they are the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions!

The WWF Tag Team Champions, Chris Benoit and Brian Pillman make their way down to the ring with their music playing as the crowd boos. Benoit and Pillman walk down the entrance way with their titles over their shoulder. They enter the ring and hold the belts high in the air while their opponents look on. Pillman has his usual psychotic smile on his face while the Canadian crippler looks to be all business, As usual.

World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

Chris Benoit and Brian Pillman© Vs. D'Lo Brown and Chavo Guerrero

Referee- Mike Chioda

Benoit and Pillman hand the titles to referee Mike Chioda. Chioda raises the titles high in the air for the fans to see before handing them to the time keeper. Pillman and D'Lo go to their corners as Chioda calls for the bell. Chavo Guerrero and Chris Benoit stay in the ring. Benoit and Guerrero circle the ring as their teammates look on and cheer them on. Benoit and Guerrero lock up in the center of the ring and Benoit kicks Chavo in the midsection. Benoit clubs Chavo in the back and knees Chavo in the ribs a few times. Benoit then quickly applies a side headlock to Guerrero. Guerrero escapes by shoving Benoit into the ropes. Benoit comes off the ropes and takes down Guerrero with a shoulder block. Benoit quickly covers Guerrero. One, Two, Kick out by Chavo. Benoit lifts Chavo up and tries to suplex Chavo, Chavo counters out of it and lands behind Benoit. Chavo goes for a waistlock, But gets elbowed in the face. Benoit kicks Chavo in the midsection and starts nailing Chavo with chops to the chest. Benoit goes for a Irish whip, But Chavo counters. Benoit comes off the ropes right into a drop kick from Chavo, Which knocks Benoit down. Benoit gets up to his feet and Chavo connects with another drop kick to Benoit. Benoit again stands up and gets a drop kick for his trouble. Chavo lifts Benoit up to his feet and suplexes the Canadian crippler. Chavo hooks the legs. One, Two, Kick out by Benoit. Chavo pulls Benoit up to his feet and sends Benoit head first into D'Lo's boot in the corner. D'Lo gets tagged in. D'Lo enters the ring and nails Benoit with right hands. Benoit fires back with chops and rakes D'Lo in the eyes. Benoit kicks D'Lo in the midsection and nails D'Lo with more chops to the chest. Benoit sends D'Lo for the ride and catches the youngster coming off the ropes with a back elbow to the face, Knocking down D'Lo. When D'Lo gets up, He's run down by a stiff clothesline from Benoit. Benoit tags out to Brian Pillman. Pillman enters the ring and lays some kicks in on D'Lo as D'Lo was getting up. Pillman backs up into the ropes as D'Lo stands up. Pillman comes running off the ropes, But D'Lo leap frogs over Pillman. Pillman then comes off the opposite ropes right into a big back body drop from D'Lo. Pillman stands up and gets nailed by a spinning heel kick from D'Lo. D'Lo covers Pillman. One, Two, Kick out by Brian Pillman. D'Lo Brown lifts Pillman up to his feet and kicks Pillman in the gut. D'Lo sets Pillman up for a powerbomb, And comes running out of the corner with Pillman, Attempting a running powerbomb, But Pillman counters and takes D'Lo down with a hurricanrana. Pillman mounts D'Lo and nails D'Lo with right hands to the face. Pillman lifts D'Lo up to his feet and suplexes D'Lo. Pillman stands D'Lo back up and atomic drops D'Lo. Pillman goes for a kick, But D'Lo grabs Pillman's right leg. Pillman then uses his left leg and kicks D'Lo in the back of the head with a enziguri kick. Pillman covers D'Lo. One, Two, Kick out by D'Lo. Pillman goes to lift D'Lo up, But gets nailed with a right hand. D'Lo gets up and starts nailing Pillman with right hands. D'Lo goes for a Irish whip, But Pillman counters and plants D'Lo with a devastating DDT! Pillman covers D'Lo. One, Two, Kick out by D'Lo! Pillman tags in Benoit. Benoit enters the ring and starts chopping away on D'Lo while Chavo rallies D'Lo on. Benoit backs D'Lo into the corner and chops D'Lo in the chest several times. Benoit then stomps away on D'Lo before headbutting D'Lo down. Benoit sends D'Lo to the opposite corner and runs D'Lo down with a stiff clothesline. Benoit snap suplexes D'Lo out of the corner and covers. One, Two, D'Lo kicks out. Benoit pulls D'Lo up to his feet and delivers a rib breaker to D'Lo. Benoit rolls D'Lo over and covers D'Lo. One, Two, Kick out by D'Lo. Benoit stands D'Lo up and positions D'Lo for a powerbomb, But D'Lo counters by back dropping Benoit down. Benoit gets up and D'Lo nails him with right hands. D'Lo atomic drops Benoit and follows up with a jaw jacker. D'Lo Brown goes for the Sky High, But Benoit rakes D'Lo in the eyes and sends D'Lo out to the floor with a stiff clothesline. Benoit distracts Mike Chioda while Pillman runs down D'Lo on the outside with a clothesline. Chavo tries to tell Chioda, But Chioda holds him back while Benoit smiles. Pillman lifts D'Lo up to his feet and sends D'Lo right into the steel steps! Pillman rolls D'Lo back into the ring where Benoit covers D'Lo. One, Two, D'Lo kicks out. Benoit pulls D'Lo up to his feet and snap suplexes D'Lo. Benoit goes out to the apron and heads up top. Benoit comes flying off the top with the Diving Headbutt to D'Lo! Benoit hooks the legs. One, Two, Chavo makes the save. Benoit tags out to Pillman. Pillman and Benoit hook up D'Lo and double suplex D'Lo. Pillman climbs the second turnbuckle and comes off of it with a leg drop to D'Lo. Pillman lifts D'Lo back up to his feet and delivers a neck breaker to D'Lo. Pillman covers D'Lo. One, Two, Kick out by D'Lo Brown. Brian Pillman lifts D'Lo up to his feet and slams D'Lo down. Pillman goes out to the apron and heads up top. Pillman comes flying off the top attempting a frog splash, But Benoit moves out of the way and Pillman gets nothing but canvas! Chavo rallies the crowd behind D'Lo as the youngster is crawling to his corner. Before he can make it there, Benoit runs into the ring and kicks D'Lo in the back of the head! Chavo tries to enter the ring, But is held back by Chioda. Meanwhile, Benoit and Pillman stomp away on D'Lo! Benoit goes back to his corner as Chavo is forced back into his. Pillman delivers a side suplex to D'Lo and covers. One, Two, Kick out by D'Lo. Pillman lifts D'Lo up to his feet and tosses D'Lo over the top rope, Sending D'Lo out to the floor. D'Lo Brown stands up and Pillman dives over the top rope onto D'Lo on the outside. Pillman grabs D'Lo and sends D'Lo into the steel guardrail. Pillman rolls D'Lo back into the ring and goes up top. D'Lo stands up and is met by a high cross body from Pillman. One, Two, D'Lo gets the shoulder up. Pillman tags out to Benoit. Benoit comes into the ring and connects with right hands and chops to D'Lo. Benoit sends D'Lo for the ride and tosses D'Lo high in the air as D'Lo comes off the ropes, Making D'Lo fall stomach first to the canvas. Benoit lifts D'Lo up and goes behind D'Lo. Benoit takes D'Lo down with a German suplex. Benoit hangs onto D'Lo and connects with a second German suplex. Benoit lifts D'Lo back up and goes for a third one, But gets elbowed in the face. D'Lo goes for a clothesline, But Benoit ducks and delivers a northern lights suplex into a bridge to D'Lo. One, Two, D'Lo kicks out. Benoit pulls D'Lo up and sends D'Lo to the corner. Benoit charges at D'Lo with a stiff clothesline! Benoit grabs D'Lo and puts D'Lo up on the top turnbuckle. Benoit heads up top with D'Lo. Benoit tries to superplex D'Lo, But D'Lo won't allow him. Benoit tries again, But he can't. D'Lo shoves Benoit off the top turnbuckle! D'Lo leaps off the top turnbuckle and hits the Lo Down to Benoit! Both men are out! D'Lo isn't able to cover Benoit. Referee Mike Chioda begins to count out both men as their partners are trying to get them to crawl and make the tag. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight........... No! D'Lo and Benoit are both up! Benoit tries to prevent D'Lo from making the tag, But D'Lo slugs Benoit down and tags in Chavo Guerrero! Guerrero enters the ring and takes out Benoit with a clothesline! Pillman enters the ring and gets hip tossed! Benoit stands up and gets a drop kick! Pillman gets up and gets a drop kick as well! Chavo lifts both Benoit and Pillman up and ram their heads together! Chavo Guerrero tosses Pillman out to the floor and starts chopping away at Benoit. D'Lo baseball slides Pillman, Sending himself out to the floor as well. Chavo has Benoit backed up in the corner and starts chopping Benoit. Chavo climbs the second turnbuckle and punches away at Benoit's head. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten! Ten punches to the head of Benoit! Chavo gets off of Benoit and delivers a tornado DDT to Benoit! Chavo covers! One, Two, Three! No! Benoit has his foot on the ropes! Out on the floor, Pillman goes to send D'Lo into the steel guardrail, But it's countered and Pillman hits the guardrail back first! D'Lo then back drops Pillman right on the outside! Chavo goes up top! D'Lo stands up Pillman and Chavo leaps off the top rope right onto Pillman out on the floor! Benoit then comes running off the ropes and dives in between the top and middle rope with a dive to both Chavo and Pillman out on the floor! Benoit lifts Chavo up and rolls Chavo back into the ring. Meanwhile, D'Lo lifts Pillman up to his feet and sends Pillman face first into the steel ring post. Inside the ring, Chavo Guerrero counters out of Benoit's German suplex attempt and delivers a big release German suplex to Benoit! Chavo lifts Benoit up and drives Benoit down to the canvas with a brainbuster! Chavo goes out to the apron, But D'Lo stops him. D'Lo says he wants to do it to! D'Lo climbs the top turnbuckle and leaps off the top with the Lo Down to Benoit! D'Lo then points at Chavo to finish him off. Chavo goes up top, But Pillman gets up on the apron and shakes the ropes, Straddling Chavo on the top turnbuckle. D'Lo decks Pillman with a right hand! Pillman grabs D'Lo and hip tosses D'Lo out of the ring and right out to the floor! Meanwhile, Benoit gets up and grabs Chavo by the arm as Chavo lays on the top turnbuckle. Benoit drags Chavo by the arm off of the top rope and takes Chavo down to the canvas. Benoit locks in the Crippler Crossface! Chavo is struggling as Pillman sends D'Lo into the steel steps. Chavo tries to grab the ropes, But he can't! Chavo taps out!

Howard Finkel- The winners of this match, And still World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions, Chris Benoit and Brian Pillman!

The fans boo as Benoit and Pillman's music hits the arena. Benoit lets go of the Crippler Crossface as Pillman enters the ring. The champions are handed the titles while D'Lo helps Chavo to the outside. The disappointed team of D'Lo and Chavo head to the back while Benoit and Pillman pose with the belts on the turnbuckles. After they pose, The champions head to the back.

Winners by Submission and STILL World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions: Chris Benoit and Brian Pillman

73, 60, 86 ***

This match suffered because the crowd were still pumped up from the last one, and so this bout was seen as something of a let-down to them.

Vince McMahon- Chris Benoit and Brian Pillman retain their titles in a great match up. So far, Both title matches has resulted in the champions retaining their titles. Is that a sign of things to come tonight? Benoit and Pillman have really proved to be great champions here in the World Wrestling Federation. Who will challenge these two for the titles next? We got so many talented tag teams in the WWF like The Quebecers, Like Harris Brothers, PG-13, Born In The USA, Suicide Blonds and many others who want a shot at the titles.

Jim Ross- Pillman and Benoit retain the title in a great match up. It seemed like D'Lo's ego might have cost him and Chavo the titles tonight. A little mishap there perhaps. But they can get a rematch anytime they want after coming so close to beating the champions tonight. Pillman and Benoit have been on quite a roll since winning the titles last March. Chavo and D'Lo came quite close, But the young pups couldn't do it tonight.

Vince McMahon- Fans, Up next it'll be a handicap match. Bret "The Hitman" Hart must face two men. That's right. Bret Hart will go up against Davey Boy Smith and Vader. Vader returned to the WWF after being on the shelf with a injury and he and Davey Boy Smith have set their sights on taking out Bret Hart. Bulldog is bitter that his brother in law, Bret Hart ended the career of his other brother in law, Owen Hart last month at Wrestlemania. And the question is, Can Bret Hart overcome the odds tonight?

Jim Ross- Vince, This is going to be a tough match for Bret Hart. Bret Hart is as good of a technical wrestler as anyone I have ever seen in the WWF, But he's taking on two big strong bulls. He's taking on two men who are pound for pound the strongest men in the WWF. Bret Hart attacked both men this past week to try to have some sort of advantage heading into this match, But will it work? Can Bret Hart survive this two on one match tonight?

Vince McMahon- We've seen "The Hitman" against some very tough opponents in the past. And he's always somehow fought back against all odds. British Bulldog and Vader, However, Are two men. They're men who's beaten some of the best that the WWF has to offer. And they have big wins over Bret Hart in the past.

Jim Ross- The odds are stacked against Bret Hart, But like we've said, Bret Hart has beaten the very best that the WWF has to offer. He might be in there against two men, But he'll give it everything he has. Can we see "The Hitman" pull out a miracle and defeat British Bulldog and Vader?

Vince McMahon- Anything can happen in the World Wrestling Federation, We all know that. Fans, Here's a look at all three of these men who are heading into battle tonight.

A video package is shown hyping the upcoming handicap match. Clips are shown of Bret Hart's win over his brother Owen Hart last month at Wrestlemania. Due to Bret beating Owen, Owen's WWF career came to an end. British Bulldog, Owen and Bret's brother in law, Laid down the challenge to Bret Hart. Bulldog claimed that Owen had asked him to take out his brother once and for all. It was suppose to be Bulldog versus Bret Hart. That's what everyone was expecting. But then, Vader made his return to the WWF after an injury and helped Bulldog beat down Bret Hart. It was made into a handicap match for tonight. Bret Hart has recently attacked and beaten down both men to try to get some sort of advantage heading into this match, But will it work? "The Hitman" is in there against two of the toughest wrestlers in the history of the World Wrestling Federation. Can Bret "The Hitman" Hart score the win tonight? Or will he get run right over by the man they call Vader and British Bulldog?

We cut to the ring where Howard Finkel is standing by.

Howard Finkel- The following contest is scheduled for one fall, And it is a handicap match! Making their way down to the ring, First, From Manchester, England, Weighting in at two hundred sixty eight pounds, British Bulldog! And his tag team partner, From the Rocky Mountains, Weighting in at four hundred fifty six pounds, The man they call Vader!

The crowd boos as British Bulldog's music plays. Bulldog and Vader come walking down the entrance way looking ready for tonight's match. Bulldog flexes his muscles and smiles while Vader snarls on and scares the fans at ringside by shaking the guardrail. They enter the ring and flex their muscles. Both men look pumped up for tonight's big match up.

Howard Finkel- And their opponent, From Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Weighting in at two hundred thirty five pounds, Bret "The Hitman" Hart!

Bret Hart's music plays with the crowd going crazy. Pyro goes off from the rafters as the lights go pink. The legendary Bret Hart makes his way down the entrance way wearing his traditional sunglasses and Hitman jacket. Bret slaps hands with fans as he comes down the isle way. The Hitman" takes off his sunglasses and hands it to a young fan at ringside. Bret Hart enters the ring and poses. Bret takes off his jacket and tosses it to the outside as the lights go back to normal and his music dies down.

Handicap Match

British Bulldog and Vader Vs. Bret Hart

Referee- Jack Doan

Jack Doan calls for the bell and British Bulldog goes to his corner. Bulldog cheers on Vader as the big monster flexes his muscles at "The Hitman". Bret Hart goes right after Vader and starts hitting Vader with right hands! Bret Hart and Vader trade blows in the center of the ring. The smaller Bret Hart ducks a right hand from Vader and punches the big man in the ribs. Hart headbutts Vader and nails Vader with another right hand. Bret Hart backs Vader into the corner and nails Vader with right hands to the face. Hart goes for a cross corner whip, But Vader counters and sends Hart into the opposite corner. Vader comes charging at Hart, But all he gets is a boot to the face. Bret Hart connects with more right hands to Vader! Bret Hart knocks down Vader with a clothesline. Bret quickly covers Vader. One, Two, Kick out by Vader. Bret Hart lifts Vader up to his feet and headbutts Vader. Bret Hart tries to suplex the four hundred fifty eight pound monster, But gets clubbed over the back. Vader grabs Hart and sends Hart into the corner. Vader charges at Hart and this time, He connects with a avalanche to Bret Hart. Vader grabs "The Hitman" and delivers a big belly to belly suplex to Hart. Vader tags out to British Bulldog. British Bulldog enters the ring and clubs Bret over the back. Bulldog hits Bret in the ribs with his knee a few times before sending Bret Hart for the ride. Bret Hart comes off the ropes right into a clothesline from Davey Boy Smith. Bulldog covers Bret Hart. One, Two, Kick out by Bret Hart. Bulldog lifts Bret Hart up to his feet and goes for a Irish whip, But it's reversed by Hart. Bulldog comes off the ropes right into a punch to the stomach from Bret Hart. Bret Hart follows up with a Russian legsweep. Bret Hart quickly goes for Davey Boy's legs to try to apply the Sharpshooter, But Bulldog kicks Hart in the face several times. Bulldog gets up and rakes Hart in the eyes. Bulldog sends Hart to the corner. Bulldog charges at Hart and clotheslines Bret Hart in the corner. Bulldog grabs Bret Hart and places Hart on the top turnbuckle. Bulldog heads up top with Hart and tries to superplex Bret Hart, But Hart nails Bulldog with right hands to the midsection and shoves Bulldog off the top turnbuckle. Bret Hart gets off the top turnbuckle and catches Davey Boy Smith with a knee lift to the face. Bret Hart connects with a right hand to Bulldog and atomic drops Davey Boy. Bret Hart grabs Bulldog and tosses Bulldog out to the apron. Hart knocks Bulldog off the apron with a right hand which sends Bulldog onto the steel guardrail. Vader enters the ring and nails Hart with a clothesline from behind! Vader drags Bret Hart to the corner and calls for the Vader Bomb! Referee Mike Chioda pulls Vader away and tells Vader to go back to his corner! Bulldog enters the ring and stomps away on Bret Hart. Bulldog lifts Hart up and slams Hart down. Bulldog drops a leg drop to Hart and tags in Vader. Vader enters the ring and stomps away on Bret Hart. Vader lifts Hart up and suplexes Hart with ease. Instead of covering Hart, Vader pulls Hart up and slams Bret Hart down. Vader comes off the ropes with a big splash to Hart! Vader covers Bret Hart. One, Two, Kick out by Bret Hart. Vader stands Hart up to his feet and punches Hart in the midsection. Vader sends Hart to the corner and avalanches Hart! Vader drops Hart down to the canvas and tags in Davey Boy Smith. Vader stands up Hart, Allowing Bulldog to kick Hart in the stomach. Vader exits the ring as Bulldog sends Hart for the ride. Hart comes off the ropes right into a knee to the midsection from Bulldog. Bulldog then lifts Hart right over his head! Gorilla slam by Bulldog! Bulldog covers Bret Hart. One, Two, Hart kicks out! Bulldog drags Bret Hart up and tosses Bret Hart right over the top rope, To the outside! British Bulldog distracts referee Jack Doan as the man they call Vader stalks Hart from the outside. With Bulldog distracting the referee, Vader runs right over Bret Hart on the outside with a clothesline! Vader lifts Hart up and sends Bret Hart right into the steel steps! Vader lifts Bret Hart up and drops Hart across the steel guardrail! Vader rolls Bret right back into the ring where Davey Boy Smith covers Hart. One, Two, Kick out by Bret Hart. Bulldog lifts Hart up to his feet and sets Hart up. Bulldog lifts Hart up into the stalling vertical suplex and holds Hart up in the air for a good twenty seconds before dropping Hart down into the suplex. Instead of covering, Bulldog tags out to Vader. Vader enters the ring and as Bret Hart stands up, Vader runs right over him with a clothesline! Vader lifts Bret Hart up to his feet and punches Hart in the ribs several times. Vader sends Hart to the ropes and Hart comes off the ropes right into a body avalanche from Vader. Vader covers Bret Hart. One, Two, Kick out by Bret Hart. Vader lifts Bret Hart up to his feet and slams Bret Hart down. Vader drags Hart to the corner and climbs the turnbuckle. Vader is up on the second turnbuckle and taunts the fans. Vader jumps off attempting the Vader Bomb, But Hart raises his knees! Vader slowly crawls to his corner to try to tag in Bulldog while Bret Hart pulls himself up. Vader tags in Bulldog, Who enters the ring and clubs Hart over the back. Bulldog goes for a Irish whip, But it's countered. Bulldog comes off the ropes right into a boot to the gut. Hart grabs Bulldog by the head and drives Davey Boy Smith down with a DDT! Both men lay on the canvas while Vader tries to get Bulldog to make the tag. Both men stand up and start slugging it out! Bret Hart gets the best of Bulldog with his right hands and atomic drops Bulldog! Bret Hart sends Bulldog for the ride and Bulldog comes off the ropes right into a high back body drop! Vader decides he's seen enough and enters the ring. Bret Hart catches Vader with a right hand to the stomach! Bret Hart atomic drops Vader and delivers a Russian legsweep to Vader! Bulldog stands up and Hart headbutts him! Bret Hart tosses Davey Boy Smith out to the floor! Vader tries to nail Hart from behind, But Bret Hart takes him down to the canvas by both his legs! Bret Hart grabs Vader's legs and tries to lock in the Sharpshooter! After some struggling, Bret Hart is able to apply the Sharpshooter to Vader! Vader is trying to grab the ropes, But he can't escape! Vader taps out, But referee Jack Doan says Vader isn't the legal man! Bulldog crawls into the ring and hits Bret with a clothesline from behind. Bulldog lifts Bret Hart up and scoops "The Hitman" up over his shoulder. Running Powerslam! No! Hart escapes out of it and back suplexes Bulldog. Vader stands up and Hart runs right over him with a clothesline, Sending him out to the floor! Bulldog rakes Bret Hart in the eyes as Bret turns around. Bulldog kicks Bret in the midsection and sends Bret for the ride. Bret comes off the ropes and ducks a clothesline from Bulldog. Bret Hart then comes off the ropes again and catches Bulldog with a Hart Attack like clothesline. Bret stands Bulldog up and drives him down with a back breaker. Bret Hart gets up on the second turnbuckle and dives off with a elbow drop right to Bulldog's heart. Bret Hart spots Vader getting up on the apron and knocks Vader down with a right hand! Bret Hart lifts Bulldog up to his feet and places Bulldog on the top turnbuckle. Bret Hart goes up top with Bulldog. Superplex right off the top by "The Hitman"! Vader is about to come back into the ring while Hart stands up. Hart tries to apply the Sharpshooter to Bulldog. But then, Rick Martel runs down from the back! Martel attacks Vader from behind by nailing Vader over the back of the head with a forearm shot while the referee is looking at the action inside the ring! Martel then sends Vader into the steel steps! Martel smiles and yells "It's all about me, Not you, You fat piece of crap!" before heading to the back. Inside the ring, Bulldog clotheslines Bret Hart and notices Vader down on the floor. Martel is long gone as Bulldog looks confused. Bulldog is so distracted, That he doesn't see Bret Hart sneak up behind him and take him down with a victory roll! One, Two, Three!

Howard Finkel- The winner of this match, Bret "The Hitman" Hart!

The crowd is going nuts as Bret Hart's music hits the arena. Bret Hart quickly exits the ring and walks around ringside, Slapping hands with the fans. Vader enters the ring and tells Davey Boy Smith about what happened. Both men throw tantrums while Hart poses on top of the stage.

Winner by Pin Fall: Bret Hart

86, 87, 85 ***1\2

Vader lost overness from this match.

Vince McMahon- Bret Hart has done it! "The Hitman" has beaten both Vader and British Bulldog tonight! What a amazing victory! Bret Hart has survived this fight against two men! Rick Martel came down from the back and send Vader into the steel steps. This allowed Bret to roll up a distracted Bulldog and get the win. The question is, Why did Rick Martel help out Bret Hart?

Jim Ross- Martel obviously did it to stroke his massive ego. We've seen Martel act very cocky for the last few weeks and I think that he didn't want to help out Bret Hart, He wanted to get the attention tonight. Either way, Bret Hart is victorious tonight at In Your House. What a impressive win for Bret "The Hitman" Hart. Bret Hart picks up another huge victory and he's been on quite a roll since defeating his brother Owen Hart at Wrestlemania 13 last month.

Vince McMahon- Bret Hart's legacy in the WWF continues with this impressive win. And will we see Bret Hart back into the WWF Championship picture? And fans, Up next, It's one of the most anticipated matches of this upcoming Pay Per View. The WWF European Championship is on the line. Alex Wright defends the title against Ahmed Johnson. Now, Lets make the story clear. Alex Wright is the WWF European Champion. But he got the championship stolen by Ahmed Johnson. That's why Johnson is holding the title. And this is such a personal match. Ahmed Johnson has come here to destroy Alex Wright after Wright's comments from this past Monday night.

Jim Ross- Alex Wright made some very cruel comments about Ahmed Johnson and his family this past Monday night. They were things that we did not need to know. Things that no one wanted to know. The German superstar crossed the line this past Monday night.

Vince McMahon- And lets us in the World Wrestling Federation say that we do not stand for what Alex Wright said. This is not what the World Wrestling Federation is about. We're about great action and competition. And I think we're going to see a great match up take place here between Alex Wright and Ahmed Johnson.

Jim Ross- You're definitely right about that. The WWF does not condom Alex Wright's actions. He is one talented individual, But his anti American attitude sickens us all. What he said this past Monday night has sickened us all. This might not be a wrestling match. It could very well end up being a street fight between these two young studs. And some people are wanting to see Ahmed Johnson injure Alex Wright for good. I talked to some of the guys in the back who truly want to see Ahmed Johnson injure and destroy Alex Wright tonight. And I can't blame them.

Vince McMahon- Fans, Lets take a look at the man who might be WWF European Champion for a few more minutes, Lets take a look at Alex Wright.

A video package is shown hyping Alex Wright. Since coming into the WWF, The German Superstar has had amazing success. Alex Wright is as talented as they come. But the fans hate this man. Alex Wright has often bashed America and it's people, Claiming that the Germans are superior to all Americans and that it's only a matter of time before he rules the World Wrestling Federation. Alex Wright became the first ever WWF European Champion this past March by winning a twenty men battle royal. Alex Wright not only threw Ahmed Johnson over the top rope to become champion, But this past Monday night, Alex Wright revealed a terrible secret about Ahmed Johnson's family life. Some say that the German athlete has crossed the line, Will Alex Wright be able to walk out of In Your House as the European Champion? Or will he not be able to walk out period?

We cut to the ring where Howard Finkel is standing by.

Howard Finkel- The following contest is scheduled for one fall, And it is for the World Wrestling Federation European Championship! About to make his way to the ring, Being accompanied to the ring by Joanie Laurer, From Germany, Weighting in at two hundred thirty pounds, He is the World Wrestling Federation European Champion, Alex Wright!

Edited by Baby Hewey
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The marching sound of Alex Wright's music plays to boos from the crowd. The boos get louder as the German superstar appears on top of the stage. Wright is wearing all black, With a black trench coat covering his wrestling gear. Wright does a salute to the crowd before walking down the long entrance way. Joanie Laurer waves the German flag in the air while the fans chant "USA". Alex Wright enters the ring with Laurer not too far behind. Wright does a little march in the ring before posing on the ropes while Laurer enters the ring and waves the German flag. Wright takes off his trench coat and is in his wrestling gear, Black trunks with black boots and black knee pads. Laurer goes out to the floor with the flag in her hand.

Howard Finkel- And his opponent, From Pearl River, Mississippi , Weighting in at two hundred ninety five pounds, Ahmed Johnson!

Ahmed Johnson's music plays to a big ovation from the crowd. The peoples champion comes walking down the entrance way carrying the World Wrestling Federation European Championship in his hand. Johnson rushes to the ring, Tossing the belt in first!

World Wrestling Federation European Championship

Alex Wright© with Joanie Laurer Vs. Ahmed Johnson

Referee- Teddy Long

As Johnson slides into the ring, Wright begins to stomp away on him! Wright stomps down on Ahmed Johnson several times as Teddy Long sets the World Wrestling Federation European Championship down in the corner and calls for the bell. Wright lifts Johnson up and grabs Johnson's face. Wright starts yelling at Johnson but gets decked in the face! Johnson begins to nail Alex Wright with right hands! Wright gets knocked down by a big right hand! Wright stands up and gets knocked back down! Wright gets up again and gets knocked back down! Wright again stands up and gets knocked down! Wright stands up and Johnson kicks him in the midsection. Johnson sends Alex Wright to the ropes. Wright comes off the ropes right into a stiff clothesline from Ahmed Johnson! Wright stands up and Johnson runs him down with another clothesline! Wright stands up again and Johnson clotheslines him out to the floor! Johnson goes out after Alex Wright. Laurer tries to interfere, But referee Teddy Long gets in her face. Meanwhile, Johnson sends Alex Wright into the steel guardrail! Johnson pulls Wright up and drops Wright down across the steel guardrail! Johnson rolls Wright into the ring. Johnson comes into the ring and Wright is on both his knees begging Johnson for mercy. Johnson kicks Wright right in the mouth! Ahmed Johnson pulls Alex Wright up to his feet and clubs Wright over the back. Johnson sends Wright to the corner. Johnson charges at Wright, But Wright back elbows Johnson in the face. Wright comes running out of the corner at Johnson, But Johnson delivers a big powerslam to Wright! Instead of going for the cover, Johnson lifts Wright up and tosses Wright down across the ropes neck first. Johnson then tosses Wright back out to the floor! Johnson goes to the outside after Wright once again. Wright stands up and Johnson runs right over him with a clothesline. Joanie Laurer sets the flag down on the apron and then nails Johnson from behind! Teddy Long threatens to disqualify Wright as Laurer sends Johnson to the steel steps. Wright tells Long to go ahead, Since he'll retain his title. Long lets Wright off with a warning. Wright rolls Johnson into the ring. Wright enters the ring and lays a stiff kick to Johnson's stomach as Johnson was trying to stand up. With Johnson down on the canvas in pain, Wright does a salute to the crowd, Getting booed by this huge crowd. The fans chant "USA" as Wright lifts Johnson up and nails him with a European uppercut. Wright backs Johnson into the corner and starts stomping away on Johnson. Wright lays some chops in on Johnson before choking Johnson in the corner. While he's choking Johnson, Wright yells "Your mother is a whore Ahmed Johnson!" and the crowd responds by booing Wright. Johnson starts fighting back by nailing Wright with right hands, But Wright rakes Johnson in the eyes. Wright sends Johnson to the ropes and catches Johnson with a big drop kick. Wright covers Johnson. One, Two, Johnson kicks out. Alex Wright lifts Ahmed Johnson up to his feet and positions Johnson for a piledriver. Wright tries to lift Johnson up, But he can't! Wright tries again, But Johnson counters with a huge back body drop! Alex Wright stands up and Ahmed Johnson clotheslines him down. Ahmed Johnson mounts on top of Wright and begins to punch Alex Wright in the face over and over again! Teddy Long tries to pull Johnson off of Wright, But Johnson shoves him down! Wright then low blows Johnson behind Long's back! Laurer grabs the German flag and nails Johnson with the flag pole! Johnson falls down to the canvas as Wright helps Long up. Wright covers Johnson. One, Two, No! Johnson kicks out! Alex Wright can't believe it! The crowd is chanting "USA" as Johnson stands up. Johnson is yelling like a beast and pointing at Wright! Wright charges at Johnson but gets a big boot right to the face! Johnson pulls Wright up to his feet and sends Wright to the corner. Laurer gets up on the apron, But Johnson knocks her off with a right hand! Johnson has lost it! Johnson charges at Wright in the corner with a stiff clothesline! Wright falls down to the canvas as the crowd chants for Johnson. Johnson lifts Wright up and sends Wright for the ride. Wright comes off the ropes right into a huge spinebuster from Ahmed Johnson! Johnson lifts Wright up to his feet and positions Wright for the Pearl River Plunge. Laurer enters the ring and comes charging at Johnson as he drops Wright down. Johnson boots Laurer right in the face! Johnson grabs Laurer and tosses her out to the floor. Wright stands up and decks Teddy Long! Wright tries to flee the ring, But Johnson grabs by the throat and tosses him down to the corner. Long stands up and goes to call for the bell, But Johnson kicks him in the gut! Johnson grabs Teddy Long and tosses Long out to the floor! Ahmed Johnson grabs the WWF European Championship. Wright stands up and Johnson nails him in the face with the title! Teddy Long gets up on the outside and calls for the bell! He's saying he's disqualifying both men!

Howard Finkel- The referee has disqualified both men. Therefore, Alex Wright is still the World Wrestling Federation European Champion!

The crowd is booing as Finkel announces the decision. Ahmed Johnson ain't done yet though. Johnson grabs Alex Wright, Who's bleeding quite badly and tosses Wright out to the floor. Johnson goes out after a bloodied Wright. Laurer attacks Johnson from behind with a forearm shot! Laurer kicks Ahmed Johnson in the midsection and looks like she's going to plant Johnson with a DDT out on the floor, But Johnson tosses her right into the steel steps! Wright grabs the ring bell and nails Johnson in the face with it! Wright tosses the bell down and lifts Johnson up. A bloodied Wright yells at Johnson in German before slapping Johnson across the face! Johnson comes to and knocks out Wright with a right hand! Johnson clears the French announce table! Laurer stands up and gets kicked in the gut by Johnson. Johnson lays Laurer down on the French announce table. Johnson grabs the top part of the steel steps. Alex Wright looks like he's going to leave the ringside area, But Johnson tosses the top part of the steel steps right onto his bloodied face! Johnson then grabs Wright and drags him near Laurer. Johnson grabs the bottom part of the steel steps and gets up on it with Alex Wright. Johnson positions Wright and delivers the Pearl River Plunge to Wright sending Wright onto Laurer right through the French announce table! Both Wright and Laurer are out! Ahmed Johnson's music plays to cheers from this crowd as Referees and Road Agents come down from the back. They hold back Ahmed Johnson while Paramedics come to check on Wright and Laurer, Who are left lying in the wreckage of a broken table. Johnson heads to the back without the European Championship. Johnson is heard saying this is only the beginning while Wright and Laurer get checked on. After a few minutes, Both Wright and Laurer are stretchered out to the back. Wright's face is a crimson mask, But he holds his WWF European Championship high in the air as he's wheeled backstage.

Decision: Double Disqualification

75, 77, 71 *3/4

The WWF European title has gained in image.

Vince McMahon- What carnage! Ahmed Johnson has just destroyed Alex Wright and Joanie Laurer! What a scene! Both Wright and Laurer had to be taken out of here on stretchers. What a massacre! Ahmed Johnson came to fight and he's taken out both Wright and Laurer. Ahmed Johnson Pearl River Plunge Wright off the steel steps, Sending Wright onto Laurer right onto the French announce table! Amazing!

Jim Ross- As God is my witness, I have never seen anything like this. Ahmed Johnson just straight up kicked Alex Wright's behind tonight. And I hate to say it, But Wright deserved it. I also wouldn't com dome a attack on a woman, But Laurer is no woman. She's over six feet tall and well over two hundred pounds. She tried to play with Johnson and got burned. Wright was busted wide open. Just like a stuck pig. His blood is all over the wreckage over there on the French announce position. He might have a broken back as well. Ahmed Johnson has totally destroyed both Wright and Laurer tonight. Who's your daddy Alex Wright? Who's your daddy? The young stud Ahmed Johnson sure as hell took Alex Wright to the woodshed tonight.

Vince McMahon- Some might feel that Ahmed Johnson crossed the line tonight. And we don't normally see this kind of behavior in the WWF. But after all he's done to Ahmed Johnson, Some say that Wright had it coming. Alex Wright made some disturbing comments during Monday Night Raw and during the match he was cursing at Ahmed Johnson. Both men crossed the line tonight by touching the referee, And being out of control. We apologize for Alex Wright's language. I'm sure WWF officials will have a talk to the young superstar.

Jim Ross- Well, I hope you don't expect these fans to shed a tear for Alex Wright. He got what he had coming. And after taking the Pearl River Plunge through the table like that, Will Alex Wright be able to compete again? This has been the story of the whole show thus far. Alex Wright took a hellacious beating. He got beat down like a government mule.

Vince McMahon- What we witnessed just now might not be anything compared to the match we'll see later tonight between Shawn Michaels and Terry Funk. Fans, Up next we'll see the newest member of The Money Mine be announced. Who will be the newest member of The Money Mine? Who will join Dawn Marie's elite group in the WWF? We're going to find out in just a moment. Lets take you to the ring where we understand The Money Mine are about to make their way down to the ring.

The Newest Member Of The Money Mine Is.........................

The music of The Money Mine begins to play with this crowd booing. Dawn Marie leads Sycho Sid, Duke Droese, Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger down the entrance way and into the ring. All the members of The Money Mine are smiling as they enter the ring. Dawn Marie is handed a microphone and doesn't wait for the fans to quiet down.

Dawn Marie- We in The Money Mine are usually happy to be in front of all you great fans of the WWF. But we are certainly not glad to be in a dump of a town like Rochester, New York. (crowd boos) This has got to be the worst city that I have ever been to. (crowd boos and chants "you suck") In any event, Tonight we're here to announce the newest member of The Money Mine. And we have chosen a very elite superstar of the WWF to join our group. This man is one of the greatest wrestlers to step foot inside a WWF ring. He's got it all. Charisma, Talent, Attitude. And now with us, He'll have the back up he needs to make his future even brighter than it already is. All though he's not the original man we had in mind to join us, He'll do just fine. Ladies and gentlemen, It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you the newest member of The Money Mine, Sean Waltman! (crowd boos)

Sean Waltman's music plays to boos from the crowd. Out comes Sean Waltman, Flicking his tongue and doing crotch chops at the crowd. Waltman enters the ring and poses on the ropes while the other members of The Money Mine clap and smile. Waltman is handed a microphone and gets up on the turnbuckle.

Sean Waltman- What's up Rochester? (crowd boos)

Dawn Marie- Welcome Mr. Waltman. And let me be the first one to say what an honor it is to have you join us. We're truly overcome with joy that you decided to join us at the last minute. And with us on your side, You will reach new heights to your WWF career. You're a amazing athlete, But with us on your side, Your career will sky rocket!

Sean Waltman- Yeah, I was sitting in the back and I heard you say Sean Waltman wasn't your original pick? Is that what you said?

Dawn Marie- Well, You see..........

Sean Waltman- (cutting off Dawn Marie) Woman, Ain't no one better than Sean Waltman! (crowd gives a mixed reaction) I didn't really agree to anything either. Because when you were talking with that big mouth of yours, Quite frankly, I wasn't paying attention to a damn thing you were saying. I was just looking up shirt! (big pop from the fans) And then you come down here and said you had someone better than Sean Waltman in mind?

Dawn Marie- I............

Sean Waltman- (cutting off Dawn Marie once again) Yeah, The Money Mine. What a elite group! I liked it better the first time around, Yeah, When it was called Ted DiBiase's Million Dollar Corporation! We got Sid! Sid, What happened to you man? You used to be a moron. Only a moron. And now, You're a complete moron! You come out here and make those stupid looking faces and growl at the camera like you're constipated! I mean, If you need to go, Then go. But don't come out here and waste these fans time by making those faces at them. No one wants to see you struggle to let it out. That's what a bathroom is for. Not only that, But you're a true jackass to boot! And no doubt, You're the biggest idiot I've ever seen in my life! (the fans cheer on Waltman.) Duke Droese? Who in the hell are you kidding? Go collect my garbage! Go put on your uniform and grab your garbage can! You're the biggest joke of a redneck gone rich I've ever seen in my life! (the fans cheer as Droese tries to go after Sean Waltman, But Dawn Marie gets in his way and tells him to cool it down.) What are you gonna do? Wrassle me to the ground? Give me a pounding? I'll knock you on your cheap little ass in a second boy! Diamond and Swinger? Diamond, You look like a sex change gone wrong! Is your name Simon Diamond or Simone Diamond? And Swinger, From what I've heard, It's not the ladies bedrooms you ducked out of in Atlanta, It was the men's bedrooms if you know what I mean! (the fans are going nuts cheering on Waltman while Swinger and Diamond look shocked) As far as joining your little second rate group is concerned, I'll take a pass! (big pop from the fans who are now chanting Waltman's name) The only way I'll hang around with you losers is if Dawn Marie never gets anywhere near a microphone again! No one wants to hear you speak ever again! Your voice sounds like someone putting a animal out of it's misery! (the fans continue cheering on Waltman.) The Money Mine, What a p*** ass excuse for a group!

Dawn Marie- Mr. Waltman, Your comments have made us very angry. Since you've offended us so badly, There's only one thing we can do. (Dawn Marie points at the members of The Money Mine and then points at Waltman.) And after your snide little remarks, These men are going to be looking to shut that big mouth of yours for good.

Sean Waltman- Hey, Don't sing it. Bring it!

The members of The Money Mine come charging at Waltman! Waltman tries to put up a fight, But the four on one odds are against him! Waltman is able to knock down Diamond and Swinger with right hands, But Sid boots Waltman in the face, Sending Waltman into the corner. All four men gang up on Waltman in the corner while Dawn Marie watches on. They pound away on Waltman with right hands and then stomp down on Waltman. Diamond and Swinger pull Waltman up to his feet and send him right into Sid. Sid grabs Waltman by the throat and delivers a huge one handed Choke Slam to Waltman! The crowd boos as Sid poses. Diamond and Swinger lift Waltman up and connect with the Money Answer! They stand Waltman up and send Waltman into a big boot to the gut by Droese. Droese drives Waltman down to the canvas with a neck breaker. Sid lifts Waltman up and positions Waltman for the Powerbomb. Sid delivers a huge Powerbomb to Waltman! The Money Mines music plays as Dawn Marie takes a one hundred dollar bill out and stuffs it down Waltman's mouth. The Money Mine poses as Waltman is left laid out in the ring. The Money Mine head to the back while officials come down from the back and check on Waltman.


Dawn Marie gained overness from this segment.

Sean Waltman's turn was completed, and he is now a face.

Sean Waltman gained overness from this turn.

Vince McMahon- Sean Waltman has just gotten destroyed by The Money Mine! Waltman verbally trashed The Money Mine and ended up paying for it! Sean Waltman has just turned fan favorite before our very eyes. Listen to this crowd! They're chanting for Sean Waltman! Who would have ever thought there would be a day when the crowd would chant for Sean Waltman? What a moment!

Jim Ross- That youngster Sean Waltman has got alot of heart. He stood up to The Money Mine and didn't back down. Waltman took on four men, But the odds were against him here tonight. And what will happen next? We both have known Sean Waltman for a long time Vince, And you know he ain't gonna this beating quietly. The Money Mine will have hell to pay tomorrow night on Monday Night Raw in my view. Waltman's got the biggest heart I've ever seen to take on four men like that.

Vince McMahon- Fans, Up next, Rick Martel and Ken Shamrock team up to face Goldust and a mystery partner. This match is certainly one of the most interesting matches of the entire Pay Per View. We've already seen Rick Martel earlier when he cost Vader and Bulldog their handicap match against Bret Hart. The match was going to be Shamrock and Goldust choosing their own partners, But Martel signed up to be Shamrock's partner. And Rick Martel has certainly had a interesting attitude over the last couple of weeks. Shamrock, On the other hand, Is not happy to be teaming up with Rick Martel.

Jim Ross- Yeah, Martel's ego has gotten way out of hand. Shamrock never asked Martel to be his partner. I don't think the world's most dangerous man wants anything to do with Martel. We've seen Martel's ego get way out of hand over the last few weeks. And earlier tonight, He attacked Vader which allowed Bret Hart to get the win. Why would Martel attack someone who never did anything to him is bizarre to me. I think it was just a case of Martel wanting to stroke his ego by stealing all of the attention. We got some combustible elements in this match. We all know the rivalry between Goldust and Shamrock, And with the way Martel has been acting, Will he and Shamrock get along?

Vince McMahon- Who will Goldust choose as his partner? This is certainly a very interesting match up. Lets take you to the ring.

We cut to the ring where Howard Finkel is standing by.

Howard Finkel- The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall, About to make his way down to the ring, From Sacramento, California, Weighting in at two hundred forty five pounds, "The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock!

The world's most dangerous man comes walking down the entrance way to a huge ovation from this crowd. Shamrock walks down the stage with the usual look of determination on his face, Looking ready for business as usual. Shamrock walks up the steel steps and does his in the zone routine before entering the ring. Shamrock waits in the corner.

Howard Finkel- And his tag team partner, From Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Weighting in at two hundred fifty three pounds, Rick Martel!

Pyro goes off and Rick Martel's music begins to play to a huge ovation from the crowd. The veteran comes walking down to the ring with a big smile on his face and saying that In Your House is all about him. Martel slaps hands with fans at ringside and looks on at Shamrock, Who seems annoyed at Martel's antics. Martel grabs a sign from the crowd that says "Martel Is God" and enters the ring with it. Martel prances around with the sign before putting it on the outside. Martel goes over to Shamrock and gives Shamrock some advice and tells Shamrock to stay calm, Even though he's teaming up with a God.

Howard Finkel- And their opponents, First, From Hollywood, California, Weighting in at two hundred sixty six pounds, Being accompanied by Marlena, Here is Goldust!

Goldust's music plays with the crowd booing. The lights go golden as we get half of the screen cut off for Goldust's entrance. Golden pyro goes off and gold dust falls from the rafters. Goldust comes walking down the entrance stage wearing his robe and wig, Marlena is right besides him, Holding his hand and smoking a cigar. Goldust slowly enters the ring, And rubs up on the ropes before licking it. Goldust enters the ring and takes off his wig and robe while Marlena stands at ringside smoking her cigar.

Howard Finkel- And his tag team partner................

The fans wait............... Music then begins to play. It's Hunter Hearst Helmsley! The crowd boos as the blue blood snob, And former WWF Intercontinental Champion, Hunter Hearst Helmsley makes his way down the isle way wearing a red robe over his wrestling gear. Helmsley walks down to the ring, Some fans try to touch him, But he pulls away from them and looks at them in disgust. Helmsley enters the ring and does his pose. He then takes off his robe and tosses it to the outside to the ring attendant. Goldust shakes hands with Helmsley as McMahon wonder why Helmsley would team up with the bizarre Goldust.

Ken Shamrock and Rick Martel Vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Goldust with Marlena

Referee- Charles Robinson

Rick Martel is in the corner giving Shamrock some advice while Goldust goes to his corner. Martel pats Shamrock on the back and goes to his corner. Martel claps on Shamrock, Who looks very annoyed. Helmsley and Shamrock lock up in the center of the ring. Helmsley is able to get Shamrock into a side headlock and holds onto Shamrock. Martel is jumping up and down, Yelling at Shamrock at how to counter, But Shamrock shoves Helmsley into the ropes. Helmsley comes off the ropes right into a shoulder block from Shamrock, Which knocks down Helmsley. Shamrock lifts Helmsley up by his long hair and punches Helmsley in the face several times before sending Helmsley for the ride. Helmsley comes off the ropes right into a high hip toss from Shamrock. Helmsley quickly stands up and Shamrock hip tosses him back down. Helmsley stands up for a third time and this time, Shamrock takes him down with a drop toe hold and quickly goes for the Ankle Lock, But Helmsley kicks Shamrock off and crawls to his corner. Goldust gets tagged in by Helmsley. Shamrock looks ready to go, But Martel tags himself into the match. Shamrock does not look happy as Martel enters the ring and tells Shamrock to watch how it's done. Shamrock goes back to his corner as Martel poses on the ropes. Goldust attacks the arrogant Martel right from behind with a right hand to the midsection! Goldust pulls Martel off of the ropes and punches Martel in the face with a right hand. Goldust backs Martel into the corner and starts punching and kicking Martel. Martel fights back by poking Goldust in the eyes! Martel hits Goldust with a chop to the chest and backs Goldust into the corner. Martel starts chopping away at Goldust in the corner! Martel sends Goldust to the opposite corner. Martel does a little pose before charging at Goldust with a huge clothesline! Martel grabs Goldust and drives Goldust down to the canvas with a big bulldog. Martel turns Goldust over and covers Goldust. One, Two, Kick out by Goldust. Martel lifts Goldust up to his feet and quickly suplexes Goldust down. Instead of covering Goldust, Martel starts posing and shaking his hips at Marlena. Shamrock tells Martel to focus, But Martel says he's got it under control. And he does, As Goldust stands up and gets a big drop kick to the face. Martel pulls Goldust up to his feet and suplexes Goldust down again. Martel goes to the corner and mounts the second turnbuckle. Martel does another little pose before coming off the second turnbuckle with a leg drop to Goldust. Martel quickly hooks the leg. One, Two, Goldust gets the shoulder up. Martel grabs Goldust and atomic drops Goldust. Martel comes off the ropes with a stiff clothesline to Goldust! Martel tags in Ken Shamrock. Before Shamrock enters the ring, Martel gives him some more advice. Shamrock comes into the ring and kicks Goldust in the ribs. Shamrock punches Goldust in the ribs and follows up with a fireman's carry take down. Shamrock applies a arm bar while Martel says he taught Shamrock how to do that. Shamrock lets go of Goldust and knees Goldust over the back. Shamrock stands Goldust up and European uppercuts Goldust in the jaw. Shamrock goes for a Irish whip, But Goldust counters. Shamrock comes off the ropes and runs right over Goldust with a clothesline! Shamrock lifts Goldust up to his feet and suplexes Goldust. Shamrock covers Goldust. One, Two, Goldust kicks out. Shamrock comes off the ropes and as Goldust gets up, Shamrock goes for a hurricanrana, But Goldust catches Shamrock and powerbombs Shamrock! Goldust crawls to his corner and tags out to Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Helmsley enters the ring and starts punching away at Ken Shamrock. Helmsley takes Shamrock down with a neck breaker but instead of covering, Helmsley backs up into the corner. Helmsley comes out of the corner with a knee drop to Shamrock's face! Helmsley covers Shamrock. One, Two, Shamrock gets the shoulder up. Helmsley stands Shamrock up and kicks Shamrock in the midsection. Helmsley sets Shamrock up for the Pedigree, But Shamrock counters with a huge back body drop! Helmsley gets up to his feet and Shamrock kicks Helmsley in the midsection and plants Helmsley with a huge DDT! Both Goldust and Martel are trying to get their partners to make the tag as Charles Robinson begins to count out both men. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, No! Shamrock is able to tag in Martel! Helmsley stands up and Martel runs him over with a clothesline! Goldust enters the ring and takes a huge drop kick right to the face! Martel lifts Goldust up and tosses Goldust out to the floor right in front of Marlena! Helmsley and Martel are slugging it out! Martel atomic drops Helmsley! Martel once again atomic drops Helmsley! Martel comes off the ropes and clotheslines Helmsley down! Helmsley stands up and Martel comes off the ropes and grabs Helmsley's head, Driving Helmsley down with a swinging neck breaker. Martel covers Helmsley. One, Two, Helmsley kicks out. Martel stands up Helmsley and starts chopping away at Helmsley's chest. Martel backs Helmsley into the corner and kicks and chops away at the former Intercontinental Champion. Martel cross corner whips Helmsley, Making Helmsley flip over the turnbuckles and lands on the apron! Martel then charges at Helmsley with a forearm shot to the face, Knocking Helmsley off of the apron, Sending Helmsley into the steel guardrail! Martel slides out to the floor and stands Helmsley up. Martel rams Helmsley's head right onto the steel steps! Martel goes to whip Helmsley into the steel steps, But Helmsley elbows Martel in the face! Helmsley sends Martel right into the steel steps shoulder first! Helmsley rolls Martel back into the ring and goes up top. Martel slowly stands up and is met by a double ax handle from Helmsley. Helmsley lifts Martel up and slams Martel down. Helmsley comes off the ropes and drops a knee to Martel's face! Helmsley covers Martel. One, Two, No! Martel kicks out. Helmsley tags in Goldust. Helmsley stands Martel up and holds him back, Allowing Goldust to nail Martel with a right hand. Helmsley leaves the ring as Goldust drops down to both knees and uppercuts Martel in the face. Goldust stands up quickly and sends Martel for the ride. Martel comes off the ropes right into a big time powerslam from Goldust. Goldust hooks the legs. One, Two, Martel kicks out! Goldust lifts Martel up and delivers a big back breaker to Martel. Goldust turns Martel over and applies a camel clutch to Martel. Martel tries to fight out of the hold while Shamrock encourages him on, But Goldust breaks the hold and drops down butt first onto Martel's back. Goldust stands Martel up and connects with a right hand to Martel's back. Goldust grabs Martel and sends Martel shoulder first into the steel ring post. Goldust follows up with a big back suplex to Martel. Goldust tags in Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Helmsley enters the ring and stomps away on Martel. Helmsley stands Martel up and sends Martel for the ride. Martel comes off the ropes right into a high knee to the face from Helmsley. Helmsley covers Martel. One, Two, Martel kicks out. Helmsley pulls Martel up and goes for a Irish whip, But it's countered. Martel ducks his head too early as Helmsley comes off the ropes, Allowing Helmsley to use a knee buster to Martel! Helmsley follows up with a stiff clothesline to Martel! Helmsley covers Martel. One, Two, Martel kicks out! Helmsley stands up Martel and sends Martel to the corner. Helmsley distracts referee Charles Robinson while Goldust chokes down Martel in the corner! Helmsley lets go of the referee and kicks Martel in the midsection as Goldust stops choking Martel. Helmsley places Martel up on the top turnbuckle. Helmsley heads up top with Martel. Helmsley tries a superplex, But it's blocked.Helmsley tries to superplex Martel again, But Martel punches Helmsley in the ribs several times. Martel shoves Helmsley off the top rope, Sending Helmsley down to the canvas. Martel then comes off the top turnbuckle attempting a elbow drop, But Helmsley moves out of the way and Martel gets nothing but canvas! Both men are slow to get up, When they do, Martel blocks a right hand from Helmsley and headbutts Helmsley. Martel sends Helmsley for the ride and back body drops Helmsley as the blueblood snob comes off the ropes. Helmsley stands up and walks into a belly to belly suplex from Martel. Shamrock is yelling at Martel to tag him in, But Martel says he can handle it! Martel lifts Helmsley up to his feet and takes Helmsley back down with a double leg take down. Martel goes for the Quebec Crab, But Goldust enters the ring and kicks Martel in the face. Helmsley follows up with a big time DDT to Martel! Helmsley goes out to the apron and heads up top. Martel gets up and shakes the ropes, Straddling Helmsley up top! Martel goes up top with Helmsley and connects with a huge superplex to Helmsley right off the top turnbuckle! Both men are down! Charles Robinson begins to count out both men while their partners are reaching out for a tag. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine........... No! Both men are up! Martel tags in Shamrock while Helmsley tags in Goldust. Shamrock enters the ring and runs right over Goldust with a clothesline! Goldust stands up and gets knocked back down by another Shamrock clothesline! Helmsley enters the ring and gets kicked right in the face! Shamrock sends Helmsley to the ropes and Helmsley comes off the ropes right into a back elbow to the face from Shamrock. Goldust stands up and Shamrock runs him down with a spinning heel kick. Martel enters the ring and as Helmsley stands up, He and Shamrock run over him with a double clothesline! Goldust stands up and gets double drop kicked! Martel stops to pose while Shamrock stands up Goldust. Shamrock whips Goldust into Martel accidentally, Knocking Martel right out to the floor! Shamrock takes down Goldust with a hurricanrana take over. Helmsley gets up and Shamrock delivers a big time belly to belly suplex to Helmsley! Martel stands up and is about to enter the ring, But Vader and British Bulldog are shown standing on top of the stage! Martel grabs a steel chair and heads up the stage! Vader is the first one to step up and gets a shot right to the head! Davey Boy Smith gets hit with a chair shot to the elbow! Referees and Road Agents are up on the stage trying to break up the fight between the three men. Vader and Bulldog are taken to the back, But Martel goes after them! This leaves Shamrock alone against two men. Goldust and Helmsley nail a distracted Shamrock from behind. They set Shamrock up for a double suplex, But it's countered into a double DDT from Shamrock! Shamrock stands up as both Goldust and Helmsley are down. Helmsley is the first one to stand up and Shamrock knees him in the midsection. Shamrock tosses Helmsley out to the floor! Goldust stands up and walks right into a huge belly to belly suplex from Shamrock! Shamrock turns Goldust over and applies the Ankle Lock! Marlena gets up on the apron though! Marlena distracts Charles Robinson as Goldust taps out! Helmsley enters the ring and kicks Shamrock in the back of the head! Helmsley stands up Shamrock and kicks Shamrock in the midsection. Pedigree! Helmsley is able to deliver a thunderous Pedigree to Shamrock! Helmsley rolls Shamrock over on his back and puts Goldust on top of Shamrock. Marlena gets off the apron as Robinson makes the count. One, Two, Three!

Howard Finkel- The winners of this match, Goldust and Hunter Hearst Helmsley!

Goldust's music begins to play as this crowd boos. Marlena helps Goldust up to his feet as Helmsley looks on. Goldust and Helmsley raise their arms in the air while Martel comes running back down from the back with a steel chair in hand! Marlena, Helmsley and Goldust quickly flee the ring as Martel enters the ring to check on Shamrock.

Winners by Pin Fall: Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Goldust

89, 92, 85 ***1\2

Vince McMahon- Goldust and Hunter Hearst Helmsley are victorious here tonight. What a great tag team match up. Rick Martel, Though, Left Shamrock all alone. Martel went out after Bulldog and Vader, The men he cost their match against Bret Hart tonight. Shamrock couldn't fight off both Goldust and Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Which lead to his downfall tonight. Some might say if Martel hadn't messed around with Vader and Bulldog earlier, Than this wouldn't have happened.

Jim Ross- Rick Martel only has himself to blame for this loss. Why did he go and mess around with Bulldog and Vader earlier in the night? He left Shamrock to fend off to former Intercontinental Champions, And Shamrock could not fight two men. Shamrock was able to built some momentum, But he could not beat two men the caliber of a Goldust and a Hunter Hearst Helmsley. I'm interested as to why Helmsley would team up with a man he has nothing in common with, In Goldust.

Vince McMahon- Maybe Goldust and Marlena paid off Helmsley? Who knows? We might find out why tomorrow night on Monday Night Raw though. Shamrock looked like he was going to win, But Marlena got up on the apron and distracted the referee, Allowing Helmsley to deliver the Pedigree to Shamrock. And no one can get up from Helmsley's Pedigree. Shamrock gave it all he had, But two men will always beat one man. No matter who they are.

Jim Ross- Will we see Shamrock and Martel go at it tomorrow night on Monday Night Raw? Shamrock must not be happy over being pinned by Goldust, Who he has had a very violent feud with.

Vince McMahon- Fans, Next, We'll see a hardcore rules match. It should be a very violent match indeed. Shawn Michaels takes on Terry Funk. Terry Funk made his shocking debut at Wrestlemania when he cost Michaels his first blood match against Cactus Jack. Jack and Funk seem to have some kind of alliance, And we know that Cactus Jack is barred from ringside for this match. Will Shawn Michaels beat Terry Funk tonight? Or will the Kliq die?

Jim Ross- Vince, This is not going to be not for the weak at heart. Shawn Michaels and Terry Funk battle for the first time ever in a hardcore rules match. Terry Funk debuted at Wrestlemania when he cost Michaels his match with Cactus Jack. We've seen the alliance of Jack and Funk attack Michaels on many, Many occassions. We've seen Michaels fight back, But will Shawn Michaels be able to beat one of the men who is considered to be the king of hardcore?

Vince McMahon- We do know that next month, Shawn Michaels meets Cactus Jack in a rematch from their classic match from Wrestlemania. Will Shawn Michaels head into that match with a win under his hat? Who will survive this hardcore rules match? Remember, Cactus Jack is barred from ringside for this match up. Lets take a look at the violent feud between Shawn Michaels and Cactus Jack, Which now involves Terry Funk.

We're shown a video package hyping the upcoming match between Shawn Michaels and Terry Funk. We saw Terry Funk debut at Wrestlemania by costing Shawn Michaels his match with Cactus Jack. Since then, Funk and Jack have made Michaels' life a living hell. They've attacked the "Heart Break Kid" several times. They've left Michaels laid out, But Michaels has been able to fight back from everything they have dished out. Tonight, Michaels and Funk go at it for the first time ever. It's a hardcore rules match. Who will survive? Will Michaels make it to next month's In Your House to face Cactus Jack?

We cut to the ring where Howard Finkel is standing by.

Howard Finkel- The following contest is scheduled for one fall, And it is a hardcore rules match! Making his way down to the ring, From Amarillo, Texas, Weighting in at two hundred forty seven pounds, Terry Funk!

Terry Funk's music plays to boos from the fans. The psychotic Terry Funk comes walking down the entrance stage wearing one of his T-Shirts, Shouting that the Kliq will die once and for all tonight. Funk enters the ring and waits.

Howard Finkel- And his opponent, From San Antonio, Texas, Weighting in at two hundred twenty seven pounds, He is the "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels!

The crowd waits, "Sexy boy" then begins to play to a huge ovation from this sold out crowd. Shawn Michaels comes dancing out from the stage while pyro goes off from the rafters. Michaels looks focused here tonight as he walks down the entrance way and slaps hands with fans in the front row. Michaels walks up the steel steps and enters the ring. Michaels spins around before doing his traditional pose as pyro goes off behind him. Shawn Michaels strips off his entrance attire and tosses it to the outside. Michaels poses on the turnbuckles for a bit before the music dies down.

Hardcore Rules Match

Shawn Michaels Vs. Terry Funk

Referee-Tim White

Tim White calls for the bell and both men go right after each other! Michaels and Terry Funk begin to trade blows in the center of the ring! Michaels connects with a chop to the chest of Funk! Michaels connects with a few more chops to Funk's chest and backs Funk into the corner. Michaels chops away at Funk. Michaels connects with a right hand to the jaw of Funk, But gets nailed in the eyes by Funk. Funk starts chopping away at Michaels. Michaels and Funk trade chops! Michaels gets nailed by a right hand from Funk, Who follows up with a knee to Michaels' midesection. Funk sends Michaels to the ropes, But Michaels comes off the ropes with a huge clothesline to Funk! Funk stands up and Michaels hits Funk with a right hand and follows up with atomic drop. Michaels whips Funk to the corner and comes charging at Funk, Funk moves out of the way, But Michaels jumps onto the second turnbuckle. Funk turns around and Michaels comes off the second turnbuckle with a sunset flip to Funk. One, Two, Funk kicks out. Both men stand up and Funk rakes Michaels in the eyes. Funk backs Michaels into the corner and starts punching Michaels in the face. Funk chops, bites and stomps down Michaels in the corner. Funk cross corner whips Michaels, Sending Michaels flipping over the top turnbuckle hitting his back with high velocity! Funk stands Shawn Michaels up and rams Michaels head first onto the turnbuckle. Funk goes for a back suplex, But Michaels counters and lands behind Funk. Michaels then drop kicks Funk in the back, Sending Funk into the turnbuckle. Michaels grabs Funk's head and rams Funk's head into the turnbuckle ten times, With the fans counting along! Michaels follows up with a cross corner whip, Sending Funk flipping right over the turnbuckles and right out to the floor! The crowd chants "HBK" as Michaels heads up to the top rope! Funk stands up on the outside and Michaels comes off the top rope diving onto Funk out on the floor! "What a maneuver" says McMahon! Michaels stands Terry Funk up and violently rams Funk's head into the steel ring post! Michaels then sends Funk shoulder first into the steel steps! Shawn Michaels shoves the time keeper aside and grabs his steel chair. Michaels charges at Funk and drills Funk with a violent chair shot right to the shoulder! Michaels again drills Funk with a violent chair shot right to the shoulder! Michaels tosses the chair into the ring and punches Funk in the face. Michaels sends Funk back first into the steel guardrail! Michaels comes charging at Funk, But Funk backdrops Shawn Michaels right out into the front row, With Michaels' back smacking the concrete floor! Terry Funk grabs the ring bell from the time keeper as Shawn Michaels lays on the concrete floor. Funk stands up on top of the time keeper's table and as Michaels stands up, Funk jumps off the table and nails Michaels with the bell right to the head! Funk tosses the bell down and stands Shawn Michaels up. Funk grabs Michaels by the head and punches Michaels several times in the face. Funk sets up Michaels for a piledriver out on the floor, But Michaels counters and gets revenge by back dropping Funk on the concrete floor! Shawn Michaels stands up and pulls Funk up to his feet. Both men begin trading blows! They fight their way through the crowd and make their way near the guardrails in front of the stage. Michaels grabs Funk and tosses Funk from the guardrails, Onto the floor. Michaels jumps over the guardrail and grabs a trash can that's set up there. Funk stands up and Michaels drills him with the trash can right to the head! Shawn Michaels whips Funk into a part of the stage and follows up by attempting a clothesline, But Funk hotshots Michaels face first onto the steel staging! Funk and Michaels battle their way around the stage and make their way up the ramp way. Terry Funk kicks Michaels in the midsection and delivers a brutal DDT to Michaels right on the steel ramp way! Michaels is laid out while Funk starts shouting in his face. Funk stands Shawn Michaels up and tries to suplex Michaels on the steel stage, But Michaels counters and suplexes Funk, With Funk's back smacking the steel! Michaels drags Funk up to the very top of the stage and kicks Funk in the midsection. Michaels sets Funk up and delivers a piledriver to Funk right on top of the steel stage! Shawn Michaels lifts Funk's dead weight up and carries Funk down the stage. Michaels carries Funk to the side of the stage where there's a table set up. Michaels rolls Funk over on top of the table. Michaels walks back up to the top of the stage and looks at Funk, Who's laid out on top of the table. Michaels comes off the stage with a moonsault, But Funk moves out of the way and Michaels goes crashing right through the table! Michaels is down and hurt! Funk lifts Shawn Michaels up to his feet and carries Michaels back to the ringside area. Funk grabs the top part of the steel steps and waits for Michaels to get up. When Michaels does stand up, Funk comes charging at him with the top part of the steps, But Michaels drop kicks the steel steps right onto Funk's face! Shawn Michaels grabs the steel chair from the ring and smacks the steel steps with it, As the steps are on top Funk! After he's done beating the chair out of Funk with the steel chair, Michaels throws the chair into the ring and removes the steps from on top of Funk. Michaels rolls Funk into the ring and goes up top. Terry Funk stands up and Michaels comes off the top attempting a double ax handle, But Funk nails Michaels with a shot to the midsection. Terry Funk quickly follows up with a Russian legsweep. Funk covers Michaels. One, Two, Michaels kicks out. Funk grabs the chair and drops down it. Funk lifts Shawn Michaels up and attempts to DDT Michaels onto the steel chair, But Michaels and shoves Funk back first onto the steel chair. Michaels then comes off the ropes and hits a seated drop kick to Funk. Michaels goes over to the corner and undoes the turnbuckle padding. Michaels goes to whip Funk into the corner, But Funk collapses down to both knees. Michaels goes to lift Funk up, But suffers a low blow! Terry Funk takes Shawn Michaels down with a neck breaker. Funk lifts Michaels up and rams Michaels head first onto the exposed steel in the corner. Funk rams Michaels' head several times on the exposed steel! Funk laughs as Michaels drops down to the canvas face first. Funk takes off his leather belt and as a bloodied Michaels stands up, Funk wraps it around his fist and punches Michaels in the face! A bloodied Michaels stands back up and gets nailed again by a right hand from Funk! Funk unwraps the belt from his fist and starts whipping Michaels with the leather belt! After he's done whipping the "Heart Break Kid", Funk starts to choke Shawn Michaels with the leather belt! The crowd boos and chants "HBK" while Funk chokes Michaels with the leather belt. Funk stops and again, Starts whipping Michaels with the leather belt over the back! Funk tosses the belt down and stands Michaels up. Funk headbutts Michaels, Sending Michaels out to the floor through the middle ropes. Terry Funk goes to the outside and takes off the protective mats from the outside. Funk goes back up on the apron as the bloodied Michaels stands up. Funk comes off the apron attempting a cross body like move, But Michaels catches Funk in midair and delivers a powerslam to Funk on the exposed floor! Shawn Michaels stands up, Blood all over his face, Running down his chest, And takes off the covers from the Spanish announce table. Michaels drops the monitors to the floor and stands Funk up. Michaels rams Funk head first onto the steel ring post! Funk falls down to the floor as Shawn Michaels looks under the ring. Michaels pulls out a ladder! Michaels grabs the ladder and rams the end of the ladder onto Terry Funk's ribs! Michaels rams the ladder one more time to Funk's ribs! Michaels lays Funk down on the Spanish announce table and sets up the ladder on the outside. Michaels climbs to the very top of the ladder and looks at the crowd. The fans are going nuts, Chanting "HBK" as Michaels comes off the top of the ladder with a splash to Funk, Right through the Spanish announce table! Someone stop the match! They're both dead! Well, Not really, As Shawn Michaels stands up. A bloodied Michaels rolls Funk back into the ring. Michaels slowly enters the ring and it looks like he's going to finish this one! Michaels goes for the deadly Sweet Chin Music as Funk stands up, But Funk ducks it! Funk kicks Michaels in the midsection and plants Shawn Michaels with a big time DDT! Both men are down! After a couple seconds, Funk rolls over on top of Michaels. One, Two, No! Michaels kicks out! How in the world did he kick out of that one? Terry Funk stands up and grabs the steel chair. A bloodied Shawn Michaels stands up and gets drilled with a chair shot right to the head! Terry Funk puts the chair across Shawn Michaels' body and heads up top! Funk comes off the top with a moonsault right to Shawn Michaels and the steel chair! Funk slowly covers Michaels. One, Two, Shawn Michaels kicks out! Terry Funk can't believe it. Funk stands up Shawn Michaels and places Shawn Michaels on the top turnbuckle. Funk goes up top with Michaels. Funk tries a superplex, But Michaels blocks it. Funk punches the bloodied Michaels in the face several times and is able to deliver a huge superplex to Michaels! Funk covers Michaels. One, Two, Michaels kicks out! Funk stands up and starts arguing with Tim White while Michaels tries to stand up. With Michaels on both knees, Funk begins to punch and kick the former WWF Champion. Funk lifts Michaels up and sends Michaels for the ride. Funk throws a clothesline at Michaels, But it's ducked. Michaels comes off the ropes with the forearm shot to Funk's face! Both men are out of it. The crowd chants "HBK", And Michaels nips up! Funk stands up and Michaels starts nailing Funk with right hands. Michaels takes Funk down with a hurricanrana take over and punches Funk in the face several times. Michaels lifts Terry Funk up to his feet and sends Funk for the ride. Funk comes off the ropes and right into a huge back body drop from Michaels! Shawn Michaels grabs the steel chair and drills Funk with a huge shot to the head! Michaels nails Funk two more times with the chair, Making Funk fall down to the canvas. Michaels drops the chair down and goes up top. Michaels comes flying off the top turnbuckle with a perfectly executed elbow drop to the heart of Terry Funk! Here we go! Michaels goes to the corner! He's calling for it! Michaels starts to tune up the band! The fans clap and stomp along as Michaels tunes up the band. Funk stands up, And Michaels nails it! There it is! Sweet Chin Music! Michaels covers Funk! One, Two, Three!

Howard Finkel- The winner of this match, The "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels!

Michaels' music begins to play to a huge ovation from this crowd. Michaels stands up and gets his arm raised high in the air by referee Tim White. Tim White helps Funk out of the arena while Shawn Michaels poses and celebrates his victory. Cactus Jack is shown standing on top of the stage, Watching Michaels. Both men stare down each other, With Jack saying he'll finish all of this on May 18th.

Winner by Pin Fall: Shawn Michaels

87, 90, 83 ***1\4

Vince McMahon- What a win! What a huge victory for Shawn Michaels! Shawn Michaels is able to defeat Terry Funk here tonight in this hardcore match. What a amazing match! One of the most grueling matches I have ever seen! Shawn Michaels was able to defeat Terry Funk with the devastating Sweet Chin Music. And now the "Heart Break Kid" heads into In Your House on May 18th ready to end the feud between him and Cactus Jack once and for all. There is only one Shawn Michaels, And he's in the World Wrestling Federation! And he's victorious here tonight!

Jim Ross- What a amazing hard fought win for Shawn Michaels. As God is my witness, I have never seen a match like this one. Shawn Michaels drilled Terry Funk with the most scintillating super kick I have ever seen in over twenty five years in this business. Shawn Michaels ended up getting busted wide open, But he fought back. Both men have got to be damn near broken in half after Shawn Michaels came flying off the top of the ladder with a splash through the Spanish announce table.

Vince McMahon- Shawn Michaels now heads into In Your House on May 18th to face Cactus Jack. Will their feud finally finish up? Who will win that match? Some people might look at Jack as the favorite since he beat Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania, But after this huge win tonight, I think Shawn Michaels might be heading into this rematch as the favorite.

Jim Ross- And folks, From where I sit, Shawn Michaels and Cactus Jack will no doubt top their amazing Wrestlemania performance next month in my view. Their rematch will not for the weak at heart. These two men are going to be looking to finish this feud once and for all.

Vince McMahon- We got one more match to go, Hang on, I'm getting word from the back. Kevin Nash is headed to the ring! What's this all about?

Edited by Baby Hewey
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Kevin Nash Announces The New Commissioner

As soon as McMahon is done speaking, Kevin Nash's music begins to play to huge heat from the crowd. The boos only get bigger as the genetic wonder steps out on top of the stage. Kevin Nash slowly walks down to the ring with a big smile on his face. Nash is in his wrestling gear already, With McMahon being the genius and stating that the main event is about to take place. Nash enters the ring by stepping over the top rope. Nash does his Jackknife pose as pyro goes off from behind him, From the rafters and from the ring posts. After Nash is done posing, He grabs the microphone from Finkel.

Kevin Nash- (pointing at Fink) Don't gimme that look hair club for men. I'll knock you on your ass so fast that your kids are going to feel it! Now then, This event has been great hasn't it? (the crowd cheers) Yeah, What a event! There's only one thing missing, And that's me! (the fans boo and chant "you suck") Do you people think that's gonna hurt my feelings? Look at me. I'm seven feet tall and well over three hundred pounds. I'll kick all your asses! (pointing at fan in the front row, who's showing Nash the middle finger.) Yeah, I know I'm number one buddy. You don't need to tell me. In Your House will go down in the history books for two things. One being the night where I walk away as the new World Wrestling Federation Champion. And number two, The night where I introduce all you fans to the new Commissioner. Now, I told everyone from the start that I had a great name lined up to be the new Commissioner of the World Wrestling Federation. I chose a man who knows how to run things. And he's gonna be watching my performance tonight as I win the World Wrestling Federation Championship. (the crowd continues booing and chant for The Undertaker) Why are you people in such a hurry to see Undertaker get his butt kicked? Like I was saying, This man will now rule the World Wrestling Federation with a iron fist. Unlike Ric Flair. Hey Flair, I know you're probably watching this, And I'll tell you what, After the beating I gave you at Wrestlemania, You're probably lying in a bed somewhere. Or you're probably in a hospital. Who knows? Frankly, Who cares? But lemme tell you something nature boy, I promise to send you all the money I earn from this show for your retirement fund! I retired your ass at Wrestlemania, And thanks to me, You no longer run the WWF. But you know who does now? The only and the only, "Ravishing" Rick Rude!

The boos are very loud as some music begins to play. And out comes Rick Rude, In a suit and tie. Nash is all smiles as Rude enters the ring and shakes hands with Kevin Nash. Nash hands the microphone over to the new Commissioner, Rick Rude.

Rick Rude- Thank you Kevin. I must say, When I got your call to come run the WWF as it's new Commissioner, I must say, I was flattered. Here I am, Rick Rude, One of the biggest names in the history of our great sport, Sitting at home after managing some country singer loser, And I get called up by the genetic wonder himself. And after watching the way the corrupt Ric Flair ran the WWF, I gotta say, I am sickened to my stomach! (the fans boo and chant "you suck") Ric Flair was as corrupt as I have ever seen! Well, I'm in charge now! And I run things! (the fans boo) And I promise to run the World Wrestling Federation as fair as possible. And that means, No one will get special treatment. (Rude and Nash share a look, With Nash trying to hold back his laughter.) And there is someone from the back I need to have a chat with. Someone I feel is not the right man to call this huge main event. That man is senior official, Earl Hebner! Earl, Come on down here, We need to have a talk!

Earl Hebner comes down to the ring to a good pop from the crowd. The senior WWF referee enters the ring and shakes hands with Rick Rude.

Rick Rude- Earl, I know you're used to being the referee for all the main events. I know you love to call the action. But there's a slight problem with you, See, You're the "old WWF". I'm trying to shake up things. I can't have you main eventing all of the shows, Understand? (Hebner shakes his head, Appearing to understand things) Good. Now, I had to find a capable referee. One who would make sure the rules would be enforced tonight. And I've found that person. That person is a referee who's been in the company for less than a month, But he's counted his way right into our hearts. This referee is none other than Monty Davidson! (the fans boo and chant "you suck") Don't boo Earl, I think after all he's done for the company, You people should cheer him. (Nash pats Earl in the back and tells him "good job all these years.") See, Monty Davidson saw some lousy officiating earlier in the night, And he made things right. (Earl is trying to plead with Rude to pick anyone but Monty Davidson, But Rude shakes his head.) Earl, Keep quiet. You wanna talk about a dirty referee, You'd sell out in a minute pal! Mr. Davidson, Due to you being such a fair man and enforcing the rules like no other, I've decided to reward you! Monty Davidson, Come on down!

Monty Davidson comes down from the back with this huge crowd booing the referee. Davidson enters the ring and offers a handshake to Hebner, But Earl leaves the ring and walks to the back with a disgusted look on his face. Davidson shakes hands with Nash and Rude.

Rick Rude- All right, There's one more guest. This man is the greatest announcer in the history of the World Wrestling Federation. He'll be calling the action alongside Jim Ross and Vince McMahon. This man is our beloved Todd Pettengill! Toddster, Come on down here!

The crowd boos as Todd Pettengill, Neck brace and all, Comes down to the ring. McMahon and Ross make sure to remind us that Todd got tombstoned this past Monday night. Todd enters the ring slowly and acts if his neck is about to fall out. Todd is handed the microphone.

Todd Pettengill- Wazzzzzuuuuuuup? (crowd boos) Shaaaaaaaduuuuuuup! (crowd boos as Todd adjusts his neck brace) Commissioner, Thank you for having the greatest announcer in the history of this barn call the action tonight. What would In The House be without Todd? (crowd boos) Don't boo a injured man. I'm surprised I'm not crippled! Commissioner, I promise you that when Tuesday comes around and the replay of the Pay Per View is shown, It'll be the most viewed PPV in the history of the WWF for one reason. Todd's commentary!

Rick Rude- And because this man right here, (pointing at Nash) Will walk out as the new WWF Champion! I'll be at ringside to make sure The Undertaker tries nothing funny. Todd will announce with McMahon and Ross, Nash, Best of luck to you.

The crowd boos as Todd and Rude leave the ring. Todd joins McMahon and Ross at the desk while Rude sits down near the time keeper. Monty Davidson stays in the ring and for some reason, Talks to Nash and shakes hands with Nash once again.


Rick Rude debuted his new gimmick, (Commissioner) it got a positive response.

Howard Finkel- The following contest is scheduled for one fall, And it is for the World Wrestling Federation Championship! In the ring, The challenger, From Detroit, Michigan, Weighting in at three hundred seventeen pounds, Kevin Nash! And his opponent, From Death Valley, Weighting in at two hundred twenty eight pounds, He is the World Wrestling Federation Champion, The Undertaker!

The purple lights come on to a huge ovation from the crowd. The Undertaker's music begins to play with the bells sounding. The fog fills the arena as we see the phenom himself, The Undertaker walk down the entrance way slowly, Wearing a black entrance attire. The Undertaker slowly makes his way to ringside with the crowd going nuts. He walks up the steel stairs and raises his arms, Bringing the lights back into the arena. The Undertaker enters the ring and takes off his long black cape thing and tosses it to the outside, Revealing the WWF Championship around his waist. Undertaker takes off the WWF Championship and holds it in his hand.

World Wrestling Federation Championship

The Undertaker© Vs. Kevin Nash

Referee- Monty Davidson

Monty Davidson is handed the World Wrestling Federation Championship by The Undertaker. Davidson goes over to Kevin Nash and hands Nash the World Wrestling Federation Championship. Nash holds the title high in the air and poses with it. Nash hands it back to Davidson, Who hands it to the time keeper. Davidson calls for the bell as both Undertaker and Nash come out of their corners. These two giants get face to face as the crowd is going rabid. Nash starts the trash talking, Nash then shoves Undertaker. Undertaker nails Nash with a right hand! Undertaker and Nash both trade right hands! Neither men backing down! Undertaker seems to be getting the best of Nash with his right hands. Nash gets rocked down by the right hands from the phenom! Nash fights back by nailing Undertaker in the gut with a knee! Nash punches Undertaker and follows up with a elbow to the back of The Undertaker's head. Nash punches Undertaker in the midsection several times and hits Undertaker with a right hand to the ribs. Another knee to the gut from Nash takes Undertaker to the corner. Nash starts nailing Undertaker with right hands in the corner. Undertaker starts fighting back! Undertaker comes out of the corner with right hands to the genetic wonder! Undertaker grabs Nash by the throat with both hands and throws Nash back first into the corner. Undertaker comes down on Nash with quick, violent right hands! Monty Davidson tries to warn The Undertaker, But Undertaker gives a cold look, Sending Monty Davidson running out of the ring! Undertaker continues to pound on Nash in the corner. After some encouraging words from Commissioner Rude, Davidson comes back in the ring. Davidson tries to force Undertaker off of Nash, But Undertaker chucks him off. Davidson gets up in The Undertaker's face and starts to yell at The Undertaker! Davidson points to the WWF logo on his shirt and tells The Undertaker to never disrespect him like that again! The crowd is going crazy, Begging Undertaker to strike Davidson, But Nash nails Undertaker from behind with a clothesline. Undertaker stumbles into the corner where Nash comes charging at him, Undertaker though, Boots Nash in the face! Undertaker comes out of the corner and grabs Nash by the hair and drives Nash to the canvas, With Nash's head smacking the canvas! Undertaker mounts Nash and starts punching Nash! Monty Davidson grabs Undertaker by the waist and tries to get Undertaker off of Nash! Undertaker stands up and stares down Monty Davidson. Undertaker says something to Davidson, Which looks to have scared the new senior official. Nash stands up and gets a uppercut to the throat. Undertaker nails Nash with right hands, Sending Nash stumbling back. Undertaker gets a head of stem and clotheslines Nash out to the floor. Undertaker exits the ring and goes after the challenger. Nash stands up and gets kicked in the midsection. Undertaker grabs Nash by the head and smacks Nash's head into the steel steps! Undertaker again smacks Nash's head into the steel steps. Undertaker grabs Nash by the hands and whips Nash into the steel guardrail! Undertaker goes over to the time keeper and grabs his steel chair! Undertaker winds up, But Commissioner Rick Rude grabs the chair away from The Undertaker! Undertaker stares down Rude and grabs Rude by the throat! Luckily for Rude, Nash nails Undertaker from behind! Nash grabs Undertaker and rams Undertaker face first into the steel ring post! Monty Davidson ignores the action and goes to check on the Commissioner while Nash grabs the steel chair and nails Undertaker over the back with it! Nash then hits Undertaker a few more times behind the referee's back! After nailing Undertaker in the ribs with the chair, Nash throws down the chair and rolls Undertaker into the ring. Nash enters the ring and covers Undertaker. Davidson quickly enters the ring and counts. One, Two, Undertaker kicks out! Kevin Nash stands Undertaker up and nails Undertaker over the back of the head with a elbow. Nash whips Undertaker into the corner and charges at Undertaker with a running clothesline! Nash follows up with his devastating knees to The Undertaker's midsection! Each powerful blow looks to really hurt The Undertaker. Nash backs up and starts connecting with back elbow shots to The Undertaker. Nash nails Undertaker with back elbows to the face several times. Nash stops and steps back. Nash measures Undertaker, Does a little pose, And nails a huge back elbow to Undertaker's face! Nash raises his leg up and sticks it to Undertaker's throat, Choking the deadman. Monty Davidson slowly counts to four, And Nash breaks the hold. Nash sends Undertaker to the opposite corner and connects with another devastating running clothesline. Nash sends Undertaker back to the other corner, With Undertaker hitting the turnbuckles so hard, That he comes out of the corner right into a sidewalk slam from Nash. Nash covers The Undertaker. One, Two, No! The Undertaker kicks out. Kevin Nash lifts The Undertaker up and punches The Undertaker in the ribs. Nash applies a abdominal stretch to The Undertaker. Monty Davidson asks Undertaker if he'll give it up, But Undertaker says no. Monty Davidson keeps asking Undertaker over and over if he'll give it up, But Undertaker says no. Nash then grabs the ropes with his left arm for extra leverage in clear view of Monty Davidson! But Monty Davidson acts like he's not seeing it and keeps asking Undertaker if he'll give it up. Rude is shown watching from ringside, Telling Nash to keep the pressure on him. Undertaker starts showing signs of life as this crowd chants "rest in peace". Undertaker counters out of Nash's grueling hold by hip tossing Nash! How did he do that? Nash stands up and gets a kick to the midsection. Undertaker goes for the Tombstone early on, But Nash slips out of it and sends Undertaker chest first into the corner! Nash quickly grabs Undertaker and delivers a side suplex to The Undertaker! What a maneuver! Here's the cover. One, Two, He got him! No, He didn't! Kevin Nash stands Undertaker up and nails Undertaker with a shot from behind, Knocking Undertaker down across the ropes throat first. Nash charges at Undertaker and drops down in a sitting position, Driving Undertaker neck first into the ropes! Nash pulls Undertaker down and covers the champion, One, Two, No! Undertaker gets the shoulder up. Kevin Nash pulls Undertaker up and sets Undertaker up for the Jackknife! No! Nash gets back dropped by The Undertaker. Undertaker comes off the ropes and clotheslines Nash down! Undertaker comes off the ropes and attempts a elbow drop, But Nash moves out of the way! Undertaker sits up though! Both men get up and start trading blows. Nash knees Undertaker in the midsection and sends Undertaker for the ride. Undertaker comes off the ropes right into a big bear hug from Kevin Nash. Undertaker tries to escape, But Nash squeezes down on The Undertaker, Squeezing the life out of the WWF Champion. Undertaker rakes Nash in the eyes, But Nash won't break the hold. Nash keeps Undertaker in the bear hug for about three minutes, Until Undertaker starts to bite Nash in the face! Nash breaks the hold and gets a uppercut to the throat! Undertaker comes off the ropes and goes for a cross body, But Nash catches Undertaker in midair! Nash slams Undertaker down to the canvas. Nash covers Undertaker. One, Two, Undertaker kicks out! Nash lifts The Undertaker back up and nails Undertaker with a back elbow to the head. Nash goes for a Irish whip, But Undertaker counters and plants Nash with a DDT! Both men slowly stand up. Undertaker connects with right hands to Nash. Undertaker kicks Nash in the gut and grabs Nash by the throat. Choke Slam, No! Nash elbows Undertaker in the face. Nash whips Undertaker right into Monty Davidson, Knocking Davidson out of the ring! Nash doesn't seem to concerned as he nails Undertaker with a kick to the gut. Nash sets up The Undertaker for the Jackknife Powerbomb, But Undertaker drops down to both knees and low blows Nash! Undertaker scoop slams Nash down to the canvas! Undertaker waits for Nash to get up. When Nash does get up, Both men go for a big boot, And knock each other out! Both men are out! Rude tries to help up Monty Davidson as the fans chant "rest in peace" Wait a minute! What's this? It's Scott Hall! What is he doing here? Hall comes out through the crowd and grabs a steel chair. Rude looks shocked and asks Hall what he's doing here. The lone wolf slides into the ring with the chair in hand! Undertaker gets up and Hall drills him with a shot to the head! The fans are booing as Hall taunts the crowd. Nash stands up, Hall nails Nash with a shot to the head! What the hell is going on here? Hall drops the chair down and tells both men to stick it! Security comes running down from the back, But Hall is already running out of the ring! Hall leaves through the crowd as both Undertaker and Nash are out. Monty Davidson finally makes it to the ring and looks at both, Not knowing what the hell happened. Rude tells Monty Davidson that both men got drilled by chair shots from "that damn Hall!" Davidson slowly walks around the ring and "accidentally" rolls Nash over on top of Undertaker with his foot! One, Two, No! Undertaker gets the shoulder up! Rude and Davidson can't believe it! Davidson tries to act cool, As JR throws every bad word he can think of at the referee. Both men stand up and start trading blows. Undertaker's blows seem to have more affect on Nash, Rocking down the big man. Undertaker goes for a Irish whip, But Nash counters by elbowing Undertaker in the face. Nash sends Undertaker out to the floor with a clothesline. Undertaker lands on his feet and grabs Nash by the legs and pulls Nash out to the floor! Undertaker pummels Nash with right hands. Undertaker smacks Nash head first into the announce table! Undertaker goes to whip Nash into the steel steps, But it's countered and Undertaker hits the steps back first! Nash lifts Undertaker into the snake eyes and tries to ram Undertaker into the steel ring post, But Undertaker escapes and rams Nash head first into the steel ring post. Undertaker rolls Nash onto the apron. Undertaker gets up on the apron and leg drops Nash! Undertaker heads up top. Nash stands up and Undertaker comes flying off the top attempting a clothesline, But Nash drops down to the canvas and Undertaker gets nothing but canvas! Nash stands up and as Undertaker gets up, Nash drills The Undertaker with a devastating big boot! Undertaker is out! Nash gets up with this huge crowd booing him. Nash lowers down the straps, And it's time for the Jackknife! Nash lifts Undertaker up and positions Undertaker for the Jackknife. Nash raises his right arm in the air before lifting up The Undertaker and planting him with a huge Jackknife Powerbomb! It's over! Nash covers The Undertaker. One, Two, No! No! No! Undertaker kicks out! How did he do that? How did he kick out of the Jackknife Powerbomb? Nash grabs Monty Davidson and starts yelling at Davidson, But Davidson says he did nothing wrong. Todd Pettengill then gets out of the announce position, Still in his neck brace and grabs a steel chair! Todd enters the ring with the chair! Davidson is distracted by Nash as The Undertaker stands up. Todd goes to hit Undertaker with the chair, But Undertaker boots the chair right into Todd's face! Nash nails Undertaker from behind. Both men are slugging it out again! Davidson helps Todd out of the ring as Nash sends Undertaker to the corner. Nash charges, But Undertaker moves out of the way and Nash hits the turnbuckle chest first. Undertaker then comes off the ropes and drives Nash down with a flying DDT to the canvas! After laying down for a few seconds, The Undertaker sits up! Nash stumbles up to his feet and looks shocked as the sight in front of him! Undertaker starts nailing Nash with right hands. Undertaker sends Nash to the ropes and boots Nash in the face. Undertaker follows up by coming off the ropes and nailing the flying clothesline to Nash! Undertaker goes out to the apron and heads up top. Nash stands up and is met by a flying clothesline from The Undertaker. Here's a cover. One, Two, Nash gets the shoulder up from a rather slow count. Undertaker waits for Nash to get up. When Nash gets up, Undertaker knocks him down with a clothesline. Nash stands back up and Undertaker takes him down with a Russian legsweep. Undertaker comes off the ropes and delivers a big leg drop to Nash. Undertaker covers Nash. One, Two, Nash kicks out. Nash slowly stands up and Undertaker grabs Nash by the throat. Undertaker goes to Choke Slam Nash, But Monty Davidson accidentally bumps into Undertaker, Making Undertaker break his grip on Nash. Undertaker has had enough of it and nails Davidson with a right hand! Undertaker drags Davidson up and sets him up, Here it comes, Tombstone! Davidson is out! Undertaker turns around and Nash boots him in the gut, Jackknife! Nash is able to Jackknife The Undertaker. Nash covers Undertaker, But there's no one to make the count. Wait! Here comes Earl Hebner. Hebner enters the ring and counts! One, Two, No! Undertaker kicks out again! Nash can't believe it! Nash starts yelling at Hebner, Rude, and the unconscious Davidson. Nash sees that The Undertaker is out of it, And calls for one more Jackknife! Nash sets up The Undertaker, But then, The lights go off! Everyone is confused as some chanting starts up. Thunder and lightning strike in the arena, With a huge lightning volt striking the top of the entrance way. And then, A single light is shown on top of the stage. It's the urn! And holding it, Is Paul Bearer! Paul Bearer, Like a zombie, Comes walking down the stage with the urn in hand. Meanwhile, Nash drops Undertaker to the canvas and starts cursing at Bearer. The lights come back on, And Bearer holds the urn high in the air. Bearer shouts back at Nash as The Undertaker sits up! Commissioner Rude gets up on the apron, But The Undertaker decks him! Nash turns around and Undertaker grabs him by the throat. Choke Slam! Undertaker delivers a huge choke slam to Nash! Undertaker looks at the crowd, Who are going nuts, And calls for the Tombstone! Nash stands up and The Undertaker scoops him up. Tombstone! Undertaker delivers a picture perfect Tombstone to Nash! Undertaker does the darkness pin! One, Two, Three!

Howard Finkel- The winner of this match, And still World Wrestling Federation Champion, The Undertaker!

The fans are going nuts! Paul Bearer enters the ring as The Undertaker is handed the WWF Championship. The Undertaker looks a bit shocked as Bearer holds the urn high in the air. Bearer says something to The Undertaker, And then, The Undertaker kneels down, Holding the WWF Championship. The lights go purple as Bearer holds the urn high in the air. Nash is helped to the back by Rude while The Undertaker celebrates his win.

Winner by Pin Fall and STILL World Wrestling Federation Champion: The Undertaker

91, 96, 81 ***3/4

Vince McMahon- Paul Bearer is back! He's back! The Undertaker wins thanks to some help from long time manager, Paul Bearer! The Undertaker overcomes the odds and wins tonight! What a match! What a amazing moment in World Wrestling Federation history! The Undertaker retains the WWF Championship in a amazing hard fought match up! And Paul Bearer is back!

Jim Ross- What a amazing moment. Paul Bearer returns from the dead and helps The Undertaker retain the WWF Championship. Undertaker overcame Nash, Scott Hall, Rick Rude, Monty Davidson and Todd to retain the title. And who is gonna be able to stop the phenom now that Paul Bearer is back with The Undertaker?

Vince McMahon- The dark days of the WWF continue as The Undertaker retains the title. It looked like the genetic wonder would walk out with the WWF Championship, But that wasn't meant to be! Paul Bearer is back from the dead tonight on April 20th!

Jim Ross- And what will happen tomorrow night on Monday Night Raw? What will Commissioner Rude do now that he's in charge?

Vince McMahon- Fans, The Undertaker retains the title tonight. What will happen next month? Thank you so much for joining us tonight, For Vince McMahon and Jim Ross, We'll see you next month!

In Your House "Back From The Dead" goes off the air with The Undertaker doing his kneeling pose with the WWF Championship while Paul Bearer holds the urn high in the air.

Overall Rating- 85

Pay Per View Buyrate- 1.84



TV Rating- 3.92

Attendance- 7,028

Ticket Sales- $281,120

ABWF Psycho Circus

Attendance- 32

Ticket Sales- $320

USPW Feel The Burn

Attendance- 3,097

Ticket Sales- $92,910


"Al Snow and Steve Austin work pretty well together due to their similar styles." -Pat Patterson

"I think i should be higher up the card." -Al Snow

"I think i should be higher up the card." -Chris Benoit

"Goldust and Hunter Hearst Helmsley work well together as a team, it adds to their matches." -Pat Patterson

"Terry Funk and Shawn Michaels didn't 'click' in their match, maybe due to their mismatched skills causing their styles not to gel?" -Pat Patterson

"Terry Funk and me don't have much chemistry in the ring. How about putting me in a program with a worker like Steve Austin? I think our styles would really work well together." -Shawn Michaels

"Here is my weekly report on our battle with WCW. They have more star power than us, and that is affecting our image. We are seen as having better workers, and this is causing fans to choose us over them. The fans see us as being the more professional promotion, thanks to our higher production values." -Sophie


- Bruce Prichard and Scott Putski were released from their contracts.

All right, For PPV's I'm thinking of making it a bit shorter. Kinda of like my MNR/FNM shows, Except it being a little longer. Anyone like the idea? Or do you guys want me to stick with the way the PPV's are now? Sorry it took long to post all of this, But the boards were messing up for me.

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Nothing wrong with making them a little shorter, as long as you fit in everything you want to.

Great PPV, and I think I scored pretty good on the predictions part. HHH was a bit of a surprise, and Rude was out of nowhere. I completly forgot about him! Nice heel authority figure, and it's great to see Todd in the Main Event :shifty:.

Al Snow vs. Steve Austin was definitly the MOTN, and I have no idea how they got 100 in both categories and not 100 overall. I guess it would break the game or something:-p

Also glad to see Watlman turn, as he's much better in a face role... at least back in 1997. Hopefully he has a good feud with the Money Mine and maybe he can get into the IC title scene.

Good show, and it'll be interesting to see where you go from here.

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Predicton Contest

Verder- 10

Razer82- 9

VA Finest 1- 9

mattman1624- 8

jason_daronlane- 8

Hajjhowe- 8

Pattitude- 7

Hailtothechimp- 7

Jam- 6

bubba- 5

Verder, PM me the following stuff so you can get your own guy created in my game..........

Name: *do not give him a name of a current wrestler, Like Randy Orton/John Cena etc*


Weight: Light or Heavyweight 224lbs and lower is a Light Heavyweight




High Spots: Yes or No

Superstar Looks: Yes or No

Shooting Ability: Yes or No

Diva: *only if you want a female worker*

Booker: Yes or No

Fonz Factor: Yes or No

Trainer: Yes or No

Menacing: Yes or No

Finisher or Finishers: Please put what kind they are, Like impact and what not

Disposition: Face, Heel, Tweener

Gimmick: *my risk level can only go up to 70* (Make sure to tell me how you want them to act, Like if you pick blue collar or something, What would you want him to be? Don't let EWR limit you. Also tell me how you'd want his promos to go and stuff, Any characteristics or anything you want the character to have etc)

Body Description: What you want him to look like, Tattoos, Scars, whatever you want

Picture: *Sean O'Haire, Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton, Victoria, Rob Conway, Shelton Benjamin, Rene Dupree, Johnny Nitro, Dale Price, Chris Sabin, Spanky, John Walters, Ken Anderson, Adam Flash, CM Punk, Austin Aries have already been picked* Also, Don't pick a picture of someone who's already in the game, Like HBK, Jericho etc

Other Things that are Irrelevant with EWR but helps Dairy-wise: How long the person has been wrestling for, Anything you feel that's important to your character.

And to anyone else who reads the diary, If you want a guy in my game, Here's what you do, PM me all that stuff, Except for the picture option. I'll create your guy in my game, But won't hire them. Each person can create two people. Verder, You can also have two, But when you PM me the stuff, Put the one you want me to hire in bold or something. Only one though. The rest will be surfing the indies for awhile , Who knows? Maybe they'll pop up on a episode of Raw/FNM/RSN as enhancement talent or something? (Y)

Thanks for everyone for participating (Y)

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IPB Image

Credit Jack Krauser for the logo

Date: April 21, 1997

Location: Binghamton, New York

Tonight we come to you live from Binghamton, New York. We're just twenty four hours removed from last night's huge In Your House event. Many shocking things went down, Paul Bearer returned from the dead to help The Undertaker retain the WWF Championship against Kevin Nash, Rick Rude was announced as the new Commissioner, Shawn Michaels won the grueling hardcore match, Among many other shocking things. Last night, We also saw Sean Waltman turn down the offer to join The Money Mine. After Waltman's comments, He received a huge beat down at the hands of The Money Mine. And Commissioner Rick Rude has made one huge main event tonight. It'll be Sean Waltman and whoever wants to team with him, To take on three members of The Money Mine! Rick Rude commented on the situation earlier today on wwf.com and said that Sean Waltman showed complete disrespect to The Money Mine and he'd have to pay tonight. Why would the Commissioner punish Waltman? Which three members of The Money Mine will Sean Waltman and his partner face in this handicap match? After burning many bridges in the past, Does Sean Waltman have anyone to watch his back? This will no doubt be the biggest main event in the history of Monday Night Raw.

We also know another huge main event will take place tonight. Bret "The Hitman" Hart will step into the ring against a man he knows very well, Tonight, Bret Hart steps into the ring with the man they call Vader. After Bret Hart won last night's handicap match thanks to a little help from Rick Martel, You know Vader's got to be steaming. We also know that as always, Davey Boy Smith will be in Vader's corner. Will Rick Martel be in Hart's corner? Are Bret Hart and Rick Martel working together? Vader and Bret Hart had one heck of a rivalry last year, And we're going to see another chapter tonight in another huge Monday Night Raw main event. This is no doubt the biggest main event in the history of Monday Night Raw. Which man will come out as the winner?

After being announced as the Commissioner last night, We all saw Rick Rude side with Kevin Nash to try to cost The Undertaker the WWF Championship. Undertaker overcame interference from Rude, Todd Pettengill, Scott Hall and the crooked referee, Monty Davidson to retain the title after Paul Bearer made his return after eight months of being out. We know that Rick Rude has already made two huge main events for tonight's show. But what will the new Commissioner do tonight? What will Kevin Nash say after losing a match that he had in the palm of his hands? What will The Undertaker and Paul Bearer do? What about Scott Hall? Scott Hall not only laid out Undertaker with a steel chair, But he laid out Nash as well. What will the unpredictable Scott Hall do tonight?

Matches For Monday Night Raw

Born In The USA Vs. Chris Benoit and Brian Pillman

After retaining their titles last night, Benoit and Pillman will have to defend them against one of the greatest tag teams in the history of the WWF, Bart Gunn and The Patriot. After last night's tough title match, Can Benoit and Pillman come out the winners in this non title match? Or will The Patriot and Bart Gunn pick up the win?

Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. D'Lo Brown

D'Lo Brown has been on a amazing winning streak as of late. The young rookie holds win over the likes of Billy Gunn and Steve Austin! Tonight, He takes on the '96 King Of The Ring winner, And former Intercontinental Champion, Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Helmsley showed up at In Your House last night as Goldust's mystery partner. What is the deal between Helmsley and Goldust? After last night's loss, D'Lo Brown is no doubt going to be intense here tonight. Can D'Lo beat Hunter Hearst Helmsley? Or will he suffer the Pedigree? Two of the WWF's finest go at it tonight!

Cactus Jack and Terry Funk Vs. Ken Shamrock and "The Wildman" Marc Mero

Cactus Jack heads into next month's In Your House event to take on Shawn Michaels in a rematch from their classic Wrestlemania encounter. Tonight, They take on Ken Shamrock and Marc Mero. We've seen Marc Mero act very bizarre over the last couple of weeks. We've heard Mero talking about having the power. What's that all about? This should be quite the intense match up.

Bret Hart Vs. Vader

The first main event of tonight's huge Monday Night Raw. Bret Hart defeated both Bulldog and Vader last night in a handicap match thanks to interference from Rick Martel. Are those two men working together? Will Rick Martel show up tonight to make sure Bulldog doesn't interfere tonight? Bret Hart and Vader had quiet the heated rivalry last year. Tonight, We'll see another classic from these two men. And who will walk away with the win? "The Hitman" or the man they call Vader?

Two On Three Handicap Match

Sean Waltman and ? Vs. Three Members Of The Money Mine

This is no doubt the biggest main event in Monday Night Raw history. Sean Waltman became a fan favorite last night after making some insulting comments to The Money Mine. Rick Rude was so disgusted over Waltman's comments that he signed this three on two handicap match. Rude has allowed Waltman to choose anyone to team up with him to take on any three members of The Money Mine. Who will Waltman choose? The controversial Waltman has not made many friends in the WWF, And we'll have to see who will help out Waltman tonight. Could we see Waltman fight three men? The odds are no doubt stacked against Sean Waltman in tonight's huge main event, The biggest main event in Monday Night Raw history.

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IPB Image

Credit Jack Krauser for the logo

Channel: USA Network

Time Slot: Prime Time

Date: April 21, 1997

Location: Binghamton, New York

Attendance: 9,027

Ticket Sales: $361,080

Announcers: Jim Ross and Vince McMahon

Voice Over- The World Wrestling Federation, For over fifty years the revolutionary force in sports entertainment.

Monday Night Raw comes on the air with a video package showing great World Wrestling Federation action. When the video ends, We're taken inside the arena where pyro goes off from the rafters and from the entrance way. We then head over to our announce position where Vince McMahon and Jim Ross are standing by. They are very excited and hype up tonight's big show.

Born In The USA Vs. Chris Benoit and Brian Pillman

Non title match here. Benoit and Pillman worked well with The Patriot and Bart Gunn, Who are now a official tag team. Bart Gunn wears face paint now, With the American flag pattern while The Patriot still wears his mask. The champions started off as aggressive as ever, Attacking Gunn and The Patriot on top of the stage. Both teams brawled on top of the stage, With the two American superstars getting the better out of the champions. They ended up coming to ringside where Pillman took a nasty back body drop on the padded floor. Inside the ring, Patriot and Bart Gunn double teamed Benoit for a short while, Which ended up with Patriot and Benoit in the ring. The Patriot ran down Benoit with several clotheslines, But when he went for a early Uncle Slam attempt, Benoit gave him a low blow behind the referee's back. Benoit and Pillman started working over The Patriot and came close to putting him away several times. Bart Gunn rallied the crowd behind The Patriot, But the crowd couldn't do anything to stop the vicious assault from the champions, Who worked over The Patriot with plenty of double team maneuvers and deadly submission holds. Benoit and Pillman ended up trying a stacked superplex to The Patriot, But Patriot countered by coming off the top with the Patriot Missile to Pillman, Who was up on Benoit's shoulder. The Patriot then made the hot tag to Bart Gunn. Bart came into the ring and started cleaning house. Patriot and Gunn started taking out the champions with everything they had. Pillman and The Patriot ended up on the outside, Leaving Benoit and Bart Gunn all alone in the ring. Benoit delivered a big German suplex to Bart Gunn, But didn't go for the cover. Benoit headed up top and attempted the Diving Headbutt, But Gunn moved out of the way! Both men slowly got up and Gunn ran down Benoit with the Forearm Shot! Gunn covered and scored the win while Pillman tried to come back in the ring.

After the match ended, Pillman came into the ring and jumped Bart Gunn. The Patriot then ran in and planted Pillman with a big DDT! The Patriot and Gunn tossed the champions out to the floor at the same time and took their titles. Bart Gunn and The Patriot posed with the titles before tossing them out to Benoit and Pillman on the outside. Gunn and Patriot made it clear that they were coming after the tag team straps.

79, 75, 84 ***


The Commissioner Fixes Things

Monday Night Raw returns from the commercial break with a very ticked off Kevin Nash making his way down to the ring to boos from the fans. The big man enters the ring and shoves Howard Finkel aside. Nash grabs the microphone and doesn't even wait for the fans to quiet down.

Kevin Nash- I'm not in the mood tonight. (the crowd doesn't seem to care too much and continue to boo Nash) Undertaker, Let me tell you something, You are one lucky son of a b****! The only reason you walked out still the champion is because there's a major conspiracy to keep the most talented and gifted wrestler on the roster down! (the fans continue to boo Nash, who looks like he's going to blow) Don't make me go out into that crowd and whip all your asses one by one! I'll do it damn it! I'm Kevin Nash! (the fans still boo and start chanting "you suck") I had the title win like ten times last night! Scott Hall screwed me over! (the fans cheer and start a slight chant for Hall) You can cheer for that worthless bum all you want, But he's going to get his real soon. No, Forget that. Scott Hall ain't never returning to active competition here in the WWF. (the crowd boos Nash) Since does Scott Hall have all these fans? Last night you people didn't cheer Hall until he hit me with that steel chair. And Scott Hall, You better not hope we better not cross paths my man. Because, I will slap the p*** out of you! (the crowd boos Nash) Last night was suppose to be my night. I was suppose to walk out as the new World Wrestling Federation Champion. And nobody was suppose to stop me. Undertaker, That belt is only around your waist because I haven't taken it from you yet. (the crowd boos Nash, Who appears to be getting cocky) Everyone knows I'm taking that strap from around your waist. Kevin Nash always gets what he wants, And I want that WWF Championship. You're only keeping the belt warm for me. And I will get my title back. And Paul Bearer, You might have returned from the dead or whatever, But remember this, I will send your fat butt back to the dead and this time you won't be coming back. And since I got screwed over big time last night, I'm going to screw over everyone tonight! I'm going to cause some real mayhem tonight on Monday Night Raw. And I won't leave this ring until The Undertaker comes back here and faces me once again. And if you don't, Hey, The Commissioner is on my side! He'll give me my rematch. Better yet, He'll make you hand me the title! (the fans boo and start chanting for The Undertaker) If you morons think I'm going to stop chasing the WWF Championship, Then all you people were born brain dead! I............

The music of the new Commissioner, Rick Rude comes on to boos from the crowd. Rick Rude comes walking down to the ring carrying a piece of paper. Rude enters the ring and shakes hands with Nash. Rude is handed a microphone as McMahon and Ross mention Rude's actions last night at In Your House.

Rick Rude- (trying to speak over the loud crowd) Kevin, You're right. Last night was a travesty. My first big show, And you get screwed over. That's just not right. We had a great referee, A great announcer, And myself to make sure things didn't go wrong. But first, It was that damn Scott Hall messing things up. (the fans give Scott Hall a big ovation) And then, That damn Paul Bearer. (another big ovation from the crowd) Kevin, You deserve to be the WWF Champion. You deserve to wear the WWF Championship around your waist. God knows you've beaten everyone who's stood in your way. You will get a rematch for the WWF Championship, And it will be tonight! (the crowd cheers as Rude mentions tonight's huge main event) And I will make sure nothing goes down that'll cost you your title! Undertaker, That title will gone from around your waist by the end of the night. I guarantee it! You will not leave with that WWF Championship around your waist tonight. (the fans continue booing, Rude is trying to speak, But every time he tries to speak, The fans boo) Shut up. Let me finish. Undertaker, You will not leave this dump of a town with that title around your waist. (the crowd continues booing Rude on) That title belongs to the best athlete in the whole entire company, In the whole entire business, Kevin Nash! (Nash is all smiles and poses, The crowd doesn't like this one bit and continue booing) Kevin, I will make sure The Undertaker is left laid out tonight. I got a huge plan for the title match tonight. I promise you that you will be very happy with the results I get tonight. And now, I got something I need to do. Scott Hall, You did ruin things for me last night. But unlike Ric Flair, I'm not going to give you anymore time off! (mixed reaction from this crowd) I know Kevin Nash suspended you, But I expect you to be back at work by next week!

Kevin Nash- What? Don't bring him back! Let him sit around at home! Scott Hall brings nothing except trouble! He's a menace!

Rick Rude- Kevin, Hang on. Why should I pay that bum money to sit around and do nothing?

Kevin Nash- Fire him then! You don't need Scott Hall, You got me! (the crowd boos Nash very loudly) Shut up!

Rick Rude- No, As much of a rebel Scott Hall is, He brings money to the WWF. And as the Commissioner, I plan on making my reign on top the most successful in the history of the WWF. And this is notice to every WWF superstar in the back, Each and everyone of you is going to do as you're told. If any of you lay a hand on me, I will fire you on the spot! No one lays a hand on me. I run things now and you people better get used to it. Scott Hall, You will be back at work by next week. And if you mess with either me or Kevin Nash again, You will have to pay the consequences. (the fans boo and start chanting for Hall) Either you play by my rules, Or you'll be as good as gone. Rick Rude runs the WWF for now on. (the fans continue booing on Rude) I will be at every show, Unlike Ric Flair. I will be giving the talented, The hungry, The stars with guts the change they deserve. And tonight, The most hungry, talented, Tough star will get his shot at the WWF Championship. (Rude points at Nash, Who's eating this up) And that's you big man. I................

Rude is interrupted by a "Hey yo". Rude and Nash look around, And we spot Scott Hall in the balcony area of the arena.

Scott Hall- Hey yo................ (big pop from the crowd) I don't know who you think you are big man, But ain't nobody telling me what to do! (another big pop from the crowd, Nash and Rude look annoyed) You want me back at work? Well, The cheerleader over there, (pointing at Nash) Suspended me. And I did sit at home for awhile. I had a few beers, Watched some sports, And thought about coming back to the WWF, Because after all, Without Scott Hall things wouldn't be as much fun now would they? (the fans cheer Hall on) Last night I will admit, I did smash that big head of yours with a steel chair. And I also smashed Undertaker with a chair as well. See, I don't give a damn about what anyone thinks of me. (the crowd give Hall a mixed reaction) I don't need anyones approval. I never asked for the people to cheer me on. I'm Scott Hall, I need no one else on my side. I stand alone, And I walk alone. I'm a lone wolf. And like I said, Nobody tells me what to do. Especially you, Rick Rude.

Rick Rude- I can and I will. You took your little vacation and hung out with your friends in Miami. But you're back at work now. And if you wanna continue making money, You'll show up each and every night I book you and do your job.

Scott Hall- I never been one for doing my job, But I'll tell you what, Commissioner. I'll hang around here tonight, Watch tonight's main event. And who knows? If I feel like it, Then I'll come back. And when I come back, It doesn't matter who's the damn champion. Whether it's big daddy over there, Or Morticia himself, I'm taking back what's mine, The WWF Championship! And the two of you can do two things about it, Nothing and like it!

Scott Hall taunts Rude and Nash before heading off. Nash and Rude stay in the ring with Nash talking to Rude about tonight's title match, Rude tells Nash not to worry about it. Rude says he's got a plan for tonight.


The Fat Man Is Back

We're taken to the locker room where we see the WWF Champion, The Undertaker standing by. The camera shifts to where we see Paul Bearer. Bearer is holding the WWF Championship and the urn.

Paul Bearer- Oh yes. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes! Paul Bearer is back. I am back to my rightful place alongside my Undertaker. Oh yes I am. Last night the world saw Paul Bearer return from the dead. The whole world saw after eight months of being in the dark side, recuperating, Paul Bearer make his return. And now that the creatures of the night are stronger than ever, My Undertaker is going to rule the World Wrestling Federation like no force before him. Last night was only the beginning of The Undertaker era. With Paul Bearer and the urn back on his side, The Undertaker will run right over everyone who stands in his way. Kevin Nash, Tonight you're going to go one on one with my Undertaker one more time, And this time, My Undertaker will bury you six feet deep. Last night you tried to defeat him, But there's no defeating him. He's unbeatable. And with the power of the urn and the creatures of the night backing him up, You will rest in peace once again. Oh yes you will.

The Undertaker- Kevin Nash, When the battle was over last night, You were the one laying flat on your back. You want what I have, But you will not get it. The WWF Championship belongs to all the creatures of the night worldwide. Tonight, You will rest in peace one more time.

Paul Bearer- Oh yes you will! Oh yes you will!


The Undertaker lost overness from this segment.


Hunter Hearst Helmsley Vs. D'Lo Brown

Excellent match up here with both Helmsley and D'Lo putting on a great showing with a hot crowd. D'Lo Brown really seems to have gained popularity over the last couple of weeks and looks like the WWF is serious about pushing D'Lo. Goldust and Marlena were shown watching this one from the back. D'Lo started off red hot by keeping the former Intercontinental Champion off of his feet. D'Lo used right hands, Clotheslines, Drop kicks and everything else to keep Helmsley down. The young star went for early pin fall attempts, But the '96 King Of The Ring winner wouldn't go down that easily. D'Lo Brown was able to toss Helmsley out to the floor, But when he went for a plancha to Helmsley on the outside, Helmsley moved out of the way, Causing D'Lo to hit the padded floors very hard. Helmsley worked over D'Lo by sending D'Lo into the steel steps and nailing a big suplex to D'Lo out on the floor. Back inside the ring, Helmsley gained several near falls on D'Lo, But the young star kept fighting back. Helmsley looked like he was going to have the win in the palm of his hands after delivering a big superplex to D'Lo, But instead of going for the cover, Helmsley decided to lift D'Lo up. Helmsley went for the Pedigree, But D'Lo countered and catapulted Helmsley into the turnbuckles. D'Lo made the comeback and hit several moves on Helmsley, Almost putting Helmsley away with a big running powerbomb. D'Lo Brown connected with a big suplex to Helmsley, And headed up top. The fans cheers turned to boos as Goldust came running down from the back. D'Lo got distracted by Goldust, Who didn't look like he was going to attack D'Lo. With Helmsley still out, D'Lo came off the top attempting the Lo Down, But Helmsley moved out of the way! Helmsley then quickly kicked D'Lo in the gut and delivered the Pedigree to score the win.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley posed while Goldust looked on. Helmsley noticed Goldust and didn't look too bothered that Goldust was out there. Goldust gave Helmsley a thumbs up before heading to the back. Helmsley did another pose before heading to the back. The announcers wondered what the relationship between Helmsley and Goldust is as we went to a commercial break.

89, 85, 93 ****


Cactus Jack and Terry Funk Vs. Ken Shamrock and "The Wildman" Marc Mero with Sable

During the entrance for Jack and Funk, We were shown stills from Funk's match with Shawn Michaels last night at In Your House. McMahon and Ross hyped the Shawn Michaels versus Cactus Jack rematch for next month's In Your House event through out the match, Promising that both men would top their amazing Wrestlemania performance. Knowing Michaels and Jack, That's very, very likely. Marc Mero was once again showing his new aggressive attitude. This one started off with a huge brawl taking place. McMahon and Ross kept wondering what Marc Mero means when he says he has the power. Ross assumed that Mero had been knocked on his head way too many times and that he needs to take time off as soon as possible. This one went all around ringside, With all four men ending up brawling out into the crowd. They brawled in the crowd for several minutes, With Jack taking a nasty bump on the concrete floor after being back dropped by Mero. After several minutes of nonstop brawling, Mero and Funk were able to make their way inside the ring while Shamrock and Jack fought out on the floor. Mero went crazy on Funk, Stomping and punching Funk in the corner, Yelling at Funk during the entire time. After a few minutes of nonstop brawling, All four men were in the ring once again. The referee had no idea who the legal men were, And couldn't stop the men from battling it out, So he called for the bell!

That didn't stop all four competitors from still going at it. Shamrock clotheslined both Jack and Funk out to the floor with Mero following up with a dive off the ropes onto both men out on the floor. Referees and Road Agents came down from the back to stop the mayhem. Mero entered the ring and was trying to dive back out to the floor, But Shamrock held him back. Mero didn't seem to like this too much and he and Shamrock got face to face in a stare down.

85, 87, 83 ***1\4


Ahmed Johnson's Challenge For Friday Night Mayhem

Ahmed Johnson makes his way down to the ring as we return from the commercial break. The fans give Ahmed Johnson a big ovation as we're shown clips of Ahmed Johnson putting Alex Wright and Joanie Laurer through the announce table last night at In Your House. Johnson enters the ring and grabs a microphone.

Ahmed Johnson- Alex Wright, I'm gonna make this as simple as possible. Get your ass down here so I can finish kicking it like I did last night at In Your House! (big ovation from the crowd) Last night we threw down. And I kicked your little German ass all over Rochester! (big ovation from the crowd) I beat you, I beat that thing you carry with you, But I ain't done yet. (the fans cheer and chant Ahmed's name) I wanna make sure you never walk again! (big ovation from the crowd) I want these fans to go to the WWF shows without having to see you! (big ovation from the crowd) I don't give a damn about the WWF European Championship anymore. All I care about is beating the living hell out of you. I will finish what I started last night at In Your House. There ain't gonna be no coming back from the dead for you after I whip your ass! (big ovation from the crowd) I want a match with you this Friday night! You and I one more time on Friday Night Mayhem! I know you're here tonight, So come on down here and lets finish this once and for all. Accept my challenge. Step into the ring with the people's champion once again! Be a man! I...............

Ahmed Johnson is interrupted by the marching sound of Alex Wright's music. The fans know this theme all too well and start booing. Alex Wright is shown standing on top of the stage wearing a black suit. Wright has the WWF European Championship over his shoulder. Wright holds his back for awhile before speaking, To sell the injuries suffered at last night's events.

Alex Wright- First of all, Let me tell you something, You American idiot, Last night you crossed the line. You not only hurt me, But you hurt my bodyguard. I know Americans like to go around beating their women, (Alex Wright isn't able to finish up due to the crowd already booing the young man quite loudly) Like I was saying, I know beating your women is a patriot as the fourth of July here in America, (the fans are going crazy, chanting "USA") But In Germany, We treat our women with respect. We don't hit them. We don't make them walk around like whores, No, We treat our women with dignity in Germany. That's something Americans don't do. You make your women look like idiots. You go around slapping them, Bruising them, I guess it's because American men are just so damn insecure. Aren't you? (the fans are going crazy, chanting "USA") Chanting "USA" at me when I'm speaking the truth only shows how ignorant you people are. Ahmed Johnson, I had a little talk with the Commissioner, And he's not happy with the way you attacked a woman last night. You can expect to be fined very soon. And as for our rematch, I accept! (the fans cheer as Ahmed Johnson looks on) See, Despite what you and your moronic countrymen might think, I am not scared of you. I have never been scared of you. And I will never be scared of you. Why do you think you scare me? Because you're bigger than me? Because you're more muscular than me? Because you growling like a ape is suppose to scare me? Or could it be that you're a ignorant American? (the fans are going crazy, chanting "USA". Alex Wright goes to speak, But the crowd won't stop the chanting, After the crowd simmers down, Alex Wright prepares to speak) See, I will defeat you this Friday night. Make no mistake about it. I'm so certain that I'll be able to defeat you, That I'll put my WWF European Championship on the line against you. And after I'm done making an example out of you, That will my message to you and the rest of the Americans. Don't think just because you're a American you'll be able to defeat me. Us Germans can find a way to overcome the odds, No matter how big they are. We've made examples of people for years now, And on Friday Night Mayhem, I'll make an example out of a ignorant American piece of trash. You're going into our match to try to harm me, I'm going into our match to survive. And as everyone knows, The German people will do anything to survive. So think about that Ahmed Johnson.

Alex Wright drops his microphone down and holds his WWF European Championship high in the air. Alex Wright heads to the back as we get one last shot of Ahmed Johnson in the ring. McMahon and Ross put on the hype for Ahmed Johnson versus Alex Wright this Friday night.


Ahmed Johnson lost overness from this segment.


Lightning will strike.............. The World Wrestling Federation will change forever, The Master Of Lightning Will Come................

One Crazy SOB

The WWF Intercontinental Champion, Steve Austin makes his way from the back as we return from the commercial break. McMahon and Ross talk about Austin's controversial match with Al Snow last night, And talked about how Snow deserved a rematch for the title. Austin enters the ring and poses with the title. Austin is handed a microphone and waits for the crowd to quiet down.

Steve Austin- Last night, I was in the toughest battle of my life. I was in the toughest match I have ever been in. Al Snow gave me everything he had. (big pop from the fans) You should cheer that man on. He whipped my ass all over Rochester last night. (big pop from the fans) But when the fight was done and over with, Al Snow didn't walk away with the WWF Intercontinental Championship, I did. (the crowd boos Austin, Austin paces around the ring) I came out still the WWF Intercontinental Champion. I overcame the odds and walked out still the champion. (Austin stops pacing around the ring, The crowd still boos him on) I overcame Al's cheating to still be the WWF Intercontinental Champion. Al, I want you to know something, This is from the bottom of "Stone Cold" Steve Austin's heart, Last night, As I was beating on you, As I was stretching you, As I stomped a mudhole on you and walked it dry, I still cared. That's right, I still cared. I cared enough to not to anymore damage to you. I could have done a hell of alot more if I wanted to. But I didn't. (the crowd boos and chant for Al Snow) See, The truth is, I'm a misunderstood human being. I am a compassionate man. If you hit me, I'll hurt. If I see something sad, I'll cry. And if you try to take what's mine, I'll get angry. And Al, You tried to be greedy and take my Intercontinental title. Luckily, You weren't able to. Luckily, I didn't have to put you back in the hospital again. (the crowd boos and chant for Al Snow) Al, Don't you miss teaming with me? Don't you remember the good times? Like when we beat up those three homeless guys who threw up on ya? Or the time we pretended we were going to sign that fat kids picture, But we chose to rip it up instead? Well, "Stone Cold" remembers the good times. We started out in The Corporation, And damn it Al, Didn't we have some good times? Roll the footage!

Several footage of Al Snow and Steve Austin are shown from back when they first started out as members of Ted DiBiase's Corporation. It shows them destroying opponents, (including WCW's Lance Storm) and them posing with their tag titles.

Steve Austin- Remember when we won the titles for the very first time? Yeah, I remember it like it was yesterday. July 1st, 1996. What a night it was. Monday Night Raw. Al Snow and Steve Austin versus the Smoking Gunns. Billy and Bart came into the arena expecting to walk out with the titles still around their waists, But what they got was a ass whooping like no other. We were the tag champions two times Al. Twice! We were unbeatable. But then, Things started to change.

Clips are shown of Steve Austin's Intercontinental Championship win this past February. Clips are then shown of several confrontations between Austin and Snow.

Steve Austin- Why'd you change Al? Weren't you happy being in a team? Weren't things just fine with you being behind me? Why did you let the ego get out of hand? Why Al? Why Al? Why Al why? Lord knows I tried to make things work. I did everything I could to help you find your path, Away from my title. But you couldn't help it. I saw the way your little beady eyes were all over my title. Well, I had to try to make you go away. To make you take a little vacation. And we all know how that went down.

Clips are shown of Al Snow being laid out in the parking lot back in Germany. Clips are shown of Austin asking several people if they had anything to do with Al Snow's attacks, And then clips are shown of Austin nailing Snow with a steel chair during his match with Hunter Hearst Helmsley. And revealing to the world that he and Helmsley worked together to try to put out Al Snow.

Steve Austin- You had left me no choice Al. And last night, As I made sure I beat the living hell out of you, I still took it easy on you. Because, I care. (the crowd is booing the psychotic Austin and chant for Al Snow) Al, It's been over one year since we first came to the WWF and joined The Corporation. And despite all of the rocky stuff that's been thrown in our way, Let me tell you something, Steve Austin loves you man. I truly do. (the easy going look on Austin's face changes to a more sadistic and psychotic look) But try to take this from me again, And I will make your heart stop beating. I'll yank that heart out of your chest and hold it high in the air. Don't ever try to take my Intercontinental Championship away from me ever again. In any event, I thought I'd tell you something to you and all your little mealy mouthed fans. There will not be anymore rematches. (the crowd boos and continue chanting for Al, McMahon and Ross call Austin a coward) See, You had your chance and you blew it. I'm all about giving deserving people a shot at this title. Al..............

Steve Austin is shut up due to Al Snow's music hitting the arena. The crowd is going nuts as Al Snow comes walking down the entrance way, But he is being held back by Referees and Road Agents. Snow can't quite reach the ring, And Austin laughs it up.

Steve Austin- (laughing) Look at ya! Being held back like a woman is held back when she's trying to fight someone! You're pathetic! What did you think was going to happen? You were gonna jump me? Assault me? That ain't happening Al! You people hold him back, I don't wanna dish out another beating! I..............

Austin's expression changes as Snow is able to free himself from the referees and road agents. They try to stop Snow, But Snow decks anyone who stands in his way! Austin looks scared and starts slowly backing up as Al Snow enters the ring. Austin sees that he's trapped and grabs the microphone.

Steve Austin- You don't wanna do this! You don't wanna assault a man who's been like a brother to you! Think about it! Think about it Al! Don't do this! I...........

Austin is shut up by a spear from Snow! Snow is on top of Austin and pounds away on the champion! The crowd is going bananas as Al Snow pounds away on Austin with right hands to the face! The Referees and Road Agents come into the ring and try to pull Snow off of Austin, But Snow nails a few of them! Austin tries to flee the ring, But Snow tackles him back down and continues to beat away on Austin! The officials finally are able to pull Snow off Austin and try to hold back Snow. Austin grabs his titles and flees the ring! Austin runs out through the crowd, And Snow is able to assault the officials and goes running after Austin. We go to a commercial break with Snow chasing Austin!



Bret Hart Vs. Vader with British Bulldog

Great main event here. It seems like Vader's popularity has shot down over the last couple of months, It's kind of hard to believe that the WWF was behind the idea of having Vader beat Shawn Michaels for the WWF Championship last year by the way the big man is being used now. Last year, Vader was feuding with Bret Hart at this time. It was mentioned several times by the announcers. Bret Hart started this one off by attacking Vader right from the get go. "The Hitman" was smart here, Not trying to out brawl Vader, Instead, Hart was able to take down Vader early on and tried to apply the Sharpshooter to the big man early on, But couldn't quite get it on Vader. Bret Hart did quite well early on and was able to send the big man out to the floor with a clothesline. Bulldog tried to get involved, But Bret Hart nailed Bulldog with a right hand and send Bulldog into the steel steps. Bret Hart and Vader got it on outside of the ring, With Vader being able to grab Hart and easily ram Hart's back into the steel ring post several times. Vader worked over Bret back in the ring, With Bulldog getting involved several times behind the referee's back. Vader worked over Hart with right hands in the corner, Punching Hart in the ribs several times, Trying to soften up Hart. After Vader was able to deliver the powerbomb to Bret Hart, Vader went up for the Vader Bomb. Vader was ready to Vader Bomb "The Hitman", But he decided to go up top! Vader went for the huge moonsault, But Bret Hart was able to move out of the way and Vader got nothing but canvas! Bret then made the comeback and started taking it to Vader. Bret Hart wore down Vader's leg with a long figure four, But Bulldog got up on the apron! Bret let go of the hold and decked Bulldog right off the apron. Bret Hart did his five traditional maneuvers, And finished off by locking Vader into the Sharpshooter! Vader looked like he was going to tap out, But Bulldog entered the ring with a steel chair and drilled Bret Hart with a shot to the head! The referee called for the bell and awarded the win to Bret Hart as a result of a disqualification.

Bret Hart fell down to the canvas and was left all alone. Bulldog held Bret back while Vader did a number on "The Hitman" with right hands! Vader took down Hart with a stiff clothesline! While Vader taunted the fans, Bulldog scoops up Bret Hart and delivered the Running Powerbomb to Hart! Bulldog dragged Hart to the corner where Vader delivered the Vader Bomb to Bret Hart! Both men began to stomp down on Hart, But then, Help arrived! Rick Martel came running down from the back with a steel chair in hand! Bulldog and Vader quickly left the ring! Martel entered the ring with the steel chair and taunted both men. Vader and Bulldog headed up the ramp way vowing revenge as Martel stood tall in the ring. The thing is though, Martel never checked on Bret Hart. As soon as Vader and Bulldog headed to the back, Martel posed to the photographers around the ringside area, Never even looking at Bret Hart's direction.

86, 85, 88 ***3/4

Sean Waltman's Partner Is................

We go to the backstage interview area where Kevin Kelly is standing by a door....... But not any door, Sean Waltman's door! Waltman comes out of the locker room and gets a big ovation from the crowd.

Kevin Kelly- Sean Waltman, Last night, In one of the most courageous acts I have ever seen, You went up against all four men of The Money Mine. You told them what was on your mind and got beat up for it. But here you are, Ready for action. Sean Waltman, Last night after the beating you took at the hands of The Money Mine, How are you going to be able to wrestle tonight? And why did you turn down The Money Mine?

Sean Waltman- Why? I told the whole world last night that I wouldn't join up with those rejects Kevin. I'm my own man. I don't need to be in a group or nothing. I'm one of the best wrestlers to ever step foot inside of a ring. And tonight, I'm going to make sure three of the members of The Money Mine pay the price for messing with me. Sid, Droese, Diamond, Swinger, Whichever three of you faces me tonight will go down. I'm planning on taking out that sad excuse for a group all by myself if I have to. I know The Money Mine think they have the advantage over me not being the most popular guy with the boys, But it seems like I made a new friend. Someone who's willing to go out there with me tonight and watch my back. And he's vowed to back me up anytime I need him. And with this amazing talent watching my back tonight, We're picking up a win. Two on three doesn't matter to us.

Kevin Kelly- You have a partner for tonight's match? Who he is?

Sean Waltman- You wanna know? (knocking on the door) Come on out man! It's time to kick some money mine ass!

The door opens up and out of the locker room comes Shawn Michaels to a huge ovation from the crowd.

Kevin Kelly- Shawn Michaels? You and Sean Waltman working together tonight? What's this all about?

Shawn Michaels- Kevin, Did you think HBK was going to come to Binghamton, New York and not wrestle in the main event? Come on, You should know better! And as to why I'm teaming up with this young lion, Well, It's quite simple. A few weeks back me and this man right here put on quite the show stealing match up. We went at it tooth and nails, Sean Waltman came oh so close to putting me away. Kevin, I hadn't been challenged like that in months in my friend! So, When I saw Mr. Waltman's comments last night, Not only did I laugh, But I agreed with him. Does the WWF really need The Money Mine around? I came to this man tonight and begged to be his partner tonight. This is what the WWF needs. The WWF needs people like Sean Waltman around. Sean Waltman gave me one of the toughest matches I have ever been a few weeks back. And tonight, Me and Sean Waltman are going to come out winners. This man right here is the future of the WWF, And nobody is stopping us tonight.

Sean Waltman- Money Mine, Whichever three of you clowns step into the ring with us tonight will come out losers! Lets go!

Waltman and Michaels head off as we go to a commercial break.


Shawn Michaels lost overness from this segment.


Two On Three Handicap Match

Sean Waltman and Shawn Michaels Vs. Duke "The Money Maker" Droese, Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger with Dawn Marie

The three members of The Money Mine for this match were chosen to be the original members, Alongside Dawn Marie. Michaels and Waltman started this one off by attacking the three men. Michaels took on Diamond and Swinger while Waltman went after Droese. Michaels and Waltman controlled the match early and tossed all three men out to the floor. Then, Showing off their high flying talents, Michaels and Waltman dove off the ropes onto all three men out on the floor. Michaels and Waltman continued to dominate The Money Mine by using their speed, But when it was Waltman and Droese alone in the ring, Waltman went for a flying head scissors attempt, But Droese countered and threw Waltman down onto the ropes! After that, The match was all The Money Mine. Droese, Diamond and Swinger triple teamed Waltman several times, With even Dawn Marie getting involved and interfering. Waltman came close to making the hot tag to the "Heart Break Kid" several times, But someone would always break it up. Sean Waltman, After taking about ten minutes of nonstop punishment, Was able to deliver a big spinning back heel kick to Diamond and make the hot tag to Shawn Michaels. HBK came into the ring and started to clean house. Michaels took out each member of The Money Mine with right hands and clotheslines. Waltman got back into the fight and he and Michaels ran right over The Money Mine. Waltman and Michaels send both Diamond and Droese out to the floor with a double clothesline, With Waltman following up by coming off the top with a huge moonsault to both men on the outside! This left Michaels and Swinger in the ring. Michaels was out wrestling Swinger, But after Dawn Marie caused some distraction, Swinger delivered a low blow to Michaels and followed up with the Swing Thing for a very close near fall. Waltman fought off Diamond and Droese on the outside while Swinger got a near fall on Michaels. Swinger then tried to mock Michaels by finishing Michaels off with a super kick, But HBK ducked and ended up drilling Swinger with Sweet Chin Music! Michaels covered Swinger and picked up the win!

Things didn't end there though, Diamond and Droese were double teaming Waltman out on the floor! They set up Waltman for what appeared to be a double DDT on the outside, But Michaels saved Waltman by coming off the top rope onto both men on the outside! The fight came back into the ring, With Waltman and Michaels both drilling Droese and Diamond at the same time with super kicks, Sending both men out to the floor! The Money Mine headed up the ramp way and vowed revenge while Michaels and Waltman celebrated their win.

79, 75, 84 ***


WWF Slam Of The Week- Shawn Michaels comes off the top of a ladder with a splash to Terry Funk right through the Spanish announce table! (In Your House "Back From The Dead" 4/20/97)

What The Heck?

We came back from the commercial break, Getting ready for tonight's main event between The Undertaker and Kevin Nash for the WWF Championship. Nash had already entered the ring. The Undertaker then came down alongside Paul Bearer to a huge ovation from the fans. The Undertaker entered the ring and he and Nash stood face to face. The fans cheers in anticipation for the match turned to boos as Sycho Sid came running down from the back! Sid entered the ring and clotheslined Undertaker from behind! Sid started stomping away on Undertaker while a confused Nash looked on. Sid dominated The Undertaker, Pummeling Undertaker with right hands in the corner. When Undertaker started fighting back, Nash helped out Sid by booting Undertaker in the face! Sid grabbed Undertaker by the throat and Choke Slammed Undertaker! Sid then lifted Undertaker up and delivered a huge powerbomb to The Undertaker! Nash told Sid he could go and that his job was done, But Sid grabbed Nash by the throat and Choke Slammed Nash! Referee Earl Hebner tried to asked Sid what was going on, But Sid grabbed Hebner and Choke Slammed Hebner! Sid then lifted Nash up and planted Nash with a powerbomb! Undertaker sat up, But walked right into another powerbomb! Sid grabbed the WWF Championship and held it high in the air, With the crowd booing. Commissioner Rude watched from the back, His main event ruined, But the Commissioner didn't seem to be minding it too much as Monday Night Raw faded to black with Sid posing with the title. McMahon screamed that Sid is the master and ruler of the world tonight.


Overall Rating- 83

TV Rating- 7.62


Monday Nitro

TV Rating- 6.08

Attendance- 6,511

Ticket Sales- $260,440

ECW Code Red

TV Rating- 4.21

Attendance- 1,753

Ticket Sales- $52,590

USPW Thursday Night Jam

TV Rating- 1.66

Attendance- 502

Ticket Sales- $10,040


"Our ratings battle with Monday Nitro is so close that neither show is gaining a clear advantage!" -Sophie

"I think i should be higher up the card." -Simon Diamond


- WCW have fired Butch!

- WCW have fired Ax!

- WCW have fired Scotty Riggs!

BTW, If anyone still wants to send me their created guys, You can still PM me. If you didn't see my post, Try going like a page back to where I posted the prediction results.

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IPB Image

Credit Jack Krauser for the logo

Date: April 25, 1997

Location: St. Louis, Missouri

Friday Night Mayhem comes to you from the heels of the biggest Monday Night Raw in history. Last Monday night, We were all set to see the amazing rematch from In Your House between Kevin Nash and The Undertaker for the WWF Championship, But Sycho Sid got involved. Sid first attacked The Undertaker and laid out the champion like no other before him! Then, When Nash tried to send Sid away, Sid Choke Slammed and Powerbombed the genetic wonder! The scene on Monday Night Raw was total mayhem, With Sycho Sid standing over two of the greatest WWF superstars in history. And tonight, We're going to see the biggest main event in the history of Friday Night Mayhem. We're going to see The Undertaker face Sycho Sid in a non title match up! After getting Powerbombed by Sid this past Monday night, Will The Undertaker get revenge in this non title match? This is the biggest main event ever on a Friday Night Mayhem. It's a non title affair, You do not want to miss this classic! Who will come out the winner? The Undertaker? Or Sycho Sid? What about Kevin Nash? How will the big man react to having his title shot blown?

Next month at In Your House "Unfinished Business", We'll see the feud between Shawn Michaels and Cactus Jack come to an end as they meet in a rematch from their classic Wrestlemania battle. Both men will be in St. Louis, Missouri tonight in a face to face confrontation! What will happen when these two bitter rivals come face to face? After the rivalry these two men have had for months, You do not want to miss what these two men will have to say.

We'll also have a very special interview with Bret "The Hitman" Hart. Bret Hart has been saved now twice by Rick Martel. Martel helped Hart win his handicap match this past Sunday night, And he chased off Bulldog and Vader this past Monday night. Are those two men working together? What will the former three time WWF Champion have to say? You don't want to miss this special interview with Bret Hart.

Matches for Friday Night Mayhem

Sean Waltman and Suicide Blonds Vs. Duke "The Money Maker" Droese, Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger

Sean Waltman and Shawn Michaels were able to defeat the members of The Money Mine this past Monday night in a great handicap match. Tonight, Waltman teams up with two of the brightest young stars in the WWF to once again battle The Money Mine. After losing their battle on Monday Night Raw, The Money Mine will no doubt be looking to get revenge on Waltman. But will it happen? Which six men team will come out with the victory tonight? It's a six men tag team match that you do not want to miss.

Ken Shamrock Vs. Billy Gunn

The world's most dangerous man is not in a happy mood. After getting pinned by Goldust this past Sunday night, Shamrock laid down the challenge to anyone for this Friday night. Billy Gunn, A man who's been on a long losing streak, Accepted the challenge. Can Billy Gunn get back to his winning ways tonight? Or will Ken Shamrock beat Billy Gunn and continue the amazing success he's had in the WWF?

World Wrestling Federation European Championship

Alex Wright© Vs. Ahmed Johnson

The most intense rivalry in the WWF comes to an end tonight. Ahmed Johnson laid down the challenge this past Monday night with Alex Wright accepting. These two amazing athletes look to finish their heated rivalry tonight in St. Louis for the WWF European Championship. After taking a beating like no other this past Sunday night, Will Alex Wright be able to pull off the upset? Or will the people's champion run right over Alex Wright and send the German superstar packing?

Luigi Alfredo Rufino Vs. Hakushi

Last week, Luigi Alfredo Rufino made his in ring debut and picked up a win over Mark Henry in a amazing battle. Tonight, Luigi Alfredo Rufino takes on the light heavyweight sensation from Japan, Hakushi. Can the Italian superstar beat the Japanese sensation? Or will Hakushi score the ultimate win?

The Undertaker Vs. Sycho Sid

The biggest main event in Friday Night Mayhem history takes place as The Undertaker takes on Sycho Sid in a special non title match. After Sycho Sid laid out The Undertaker and Kevin Nash this past Monday night, Will The Undertaker be in any condition to wrestle tonight? Will Sycho Sid score the win over the greatest WWF Champion in history? What about Kevin Nash? What will Nash have to say in all of this? This is going to be a classic that you do not want to miss.

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IPB Image

Credit Jack Krauser for the logo

Channel: UPN

Time Slot: Prime Time

Date: April 25, 1997

Location: St. Louis, Missouri

Attendance: 9,004

Ticket Sales: $360,160

Announcers: Jonathan Coachman and Jerry Lawler

Voice Over- The World Wrestling Federation, For over fifty years the revolutionary force in sports entertainment.

Friday Night Mayhem comes on the air with a video package showing great World Wrestling Federation action. When the video ends, We're taken inside the arena where pyro goes off from the rafters and from the entrance way. We then head over to our announce position where Jonathan Coachman and Jerry Lawler are standing by. They are very excited and hype up tonight's big show.

Sean Waltman and Suicide Blonds Vs. Duke "The Money Maker" Droese, Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger with Dawn Marie

Excellent way to open up Friday Night Mayhem here. Sean Waltman is becoming quite the popular guy since his face turn, And it's expected that he'll get quite the big push this year. Waltman certainly seems more into his matches now that he's turned face than he was last year. During the match, The announcers hinted that The Money Mine had some kind of alliance with Commissioner Rick Rude. The crowd was into this match as the face team has the best high fliers in the company today. The action was nonstop here, With Waltman and the Suicide Blonds hitting big dives out to the floor onto the members of The Money Mine. Waltman and the Suicide Blonds controlled the early portions of the match until Christian Cage got planted by a back suplex/neck breaker combo from Diamond and Swinger. The Money Mine triple teamed Cage for a long while, In front and behind the referee's back, Though, The referee was Monty Davidson, Who spent most of the match talking to Dawn Marie when The Money Mine would triple team Cage. Duke Droese roughed up Cage quite a bit and would stop to play the crowd, Yelling out, I'm rich, You're poor, Get used to it!" Christian Cage was able to make the hot tag to Waltman after delivering a double DDT to Diamond and Swinger, And following up with a spinning heel kick to Droese. Waltman came into the ring and went bananas, Dishing out kicks to all three men. All six men then entered the ring and a huge scuffle broke out. The Suicide Blonds ended up out on the floor with Diamond and Swinger, Leaving Droese and Waltman in the ring. Sean Waltman took out Droese with a devastating spinning back heel kick, But before he could go for the cover, Referee Monty Davidson turned his back to the action and started chatting it up with Dawn Marie. Waltman got up and started yelling at Davidson, Who then started yelling at Waltman. During all of this, Droese got up and grabbed his briefcase from ringside. Before Droese could nail Waltman, Scott Hall came out of the crowd! Hall got up on the apron and started yelling at Droese. Droese went to hit Hall with the briefcase, But Hall ducked and then hung Droese neck first across the ropes! Waltman was quickly able to roll up Droese, With Monty Davidson having no choice but to count the three!

After the match ended, Diamond and Swinger tried to jump Waltman, But the Suicide Blonds stopped it and tossed them out to the floor. The Money Mine headed to the back with Monty Davidson while Waltman and the Suicide Blonds celebrated their win. Scott Hall was shown watching from the crowd with a smile on his face. Coachman said he couldn't believe Scott Hall is not worried about what will happen to him if he keeps messing with Commissioner Rude.

77, 70, 84 ***

The Ego Of The Man

We're taken to the backstage interview where we see Marissa Mazzola standing by with Bret "The Hitman" Hart.

Marissa Mazzola- Bret Hart, Tonight you're not scheduled to be wrestling, But you are here tonight in St. Louis, Missouri. Last Monday night we saw you defeat Vader by disqualification after British Bulldog got involved. But twice now, We've seen Rick Martel come to your rescue. He helped you win your handicap match this past Sunday night, And he helped you out when you were getting beat down this past Monday night. After we've seen Rick Martel come to your rescue twice now, Is there anything going on between the two of you?

Bret Hart- I wish I could say, But I don't know what Rick Martel is up to. I appreciate his help, But I never asked for it. Rick Martel interfered in my match at In Your House because he wanted to. I didn't ask him to. I didn't need help from anyone this past Sunday night. And this past Monday night, I never needed Rick Martel to come out and save me. I appreciate his help, But I never asked for it. There's no alliance between Rick Martel and myself. I don't know what's on his agenda, But I'm not forming some kind of team with Rick Martel. He's a great wrestler and everything, But I'm my own man.

Marissa Mazzola- In any event, We know that this coming Monday night, It'll be you and Rick Martel teaming up for the very first time ever. You two will meet the team of Vader and British Bulldog. What are your thoughts on this Monday's huge tag team match up?

Bret Hart- I'm looking forward to teaming up with Rick Martel to end this thing between myself, Vader and Bulldog. Vader, Bulldog, You two have tried to assault me with your two on one tactics long enough, This Monday night, I have someone watching my back. And Rick Martel and myself are coming out victorious. I promise you that. Rick Martel and myself are going to give you two everything we got. We're..........

Bret Hart can't finish up as he gets patted over the back by Rick Martel. Martel is smiling and wearing a expensive suit. Martel puts his arm around "The Hitman".

Rick Martel- Bret, Doll, Great to see you. You too Mindy.

Bret Hart- Good to see you too. Are you here to talk about our match?

Rick Martel- No, I came here to see how you were doing. I mean, After finding out you'd be teaming with me this Monday night, You probably suffered some kind of panic attack or something. (Bret tries to speak) Shhhhhh. These people have already heard you speak. It's my turn now. You don't wanna be a microphone hog do you? Bret, I know you got butterflies in your stomach. You're probably nervous about having to team up with such a icon like myself. But let me tell you something, Let me give you some advice if you will, I'm Rick Martel. And damn it, I'm a legend. I know you're going to be nervous about screwing up or making yourself look bad, But don't think like that. Think positive. (Bret tries to speak, But Martel puts his hand over Hart's mouth) It's okay Bret. We'll go out there on Monday night and we'll win. I know you might not be able to do anything since my mere presence will intimidate you, But don't worry about it. We'll go out there, You'll do your moves, Maybe the Sharpshooter or whatever, And I'll finish them off. Hey, I'll make you look better than you have your entire career. Don't worry about it. This Monday night you'll have nothing to worry about. (Bret tries to speak, But Martel again cuts him off) Bulldog and Vader are going down. Rick Martel is promising victory this Monday night. All my fans will be gathered to see me make one of those muscle bound freaks submit. And after we're done, I promise to show you a few things as well Bret. Now, If you'll excuse me, I gotta go meet some lucky fans. Remember my advice, And I'll see you this Monday night.

Martel pats Hart in the back one more time before heading off.


A New Friendship?

Right after the Hart/Martel segment, We're taken to the locker room of Hunter Hearst Helmsley. We see Helmsley packing up his things. Before Helmsley can head off, The door opens up and we see the bizarre Goldust. Goldust is carrying a large gift wrapped box.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley- Hey, What do you want Goldust? I'm kind of busy at the moment. I'm heading out.

Goldust- First of all, I wanted to thank you again for being my partner this past Sunday night.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley- You paid me the right amount of money. No big deal. I should thank you for being out there this past Monday night, But we both know I beat him D'Lo all by myself. And that I never needed help from anyone.

Goldust- Of course you did. Hunter, I just wanted to give you a little present. Something to show my appreciation for you being there for me. Here you go (handing Helmsley the box)

Hunter Hearst Helmsley- (Helmsley opens up the box and pulls out a golf club) Thanks Goldust. I golf alot and stuff, This will come in handy.

Goldust- Really? You like it?

Hunter Hearst Helmsley- Yeah, Whatever. I mean, It might not be as expensive as the ones I got at home, But it's darn good. Thanks.

Goldust- No problem. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Who knows? Maybe we'll play sometime?

Hunter Hearst Helmsley- Sure, Maybe someday........

Goldust- And Hunter, For you having my back this past Sunday night, I just want you to know, If there's anything you ever need from me, Anything at all, Don't hesitate to ask.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley- Right............. Well, I don't really need anything now. But thanks for the golf club. I'll see you around buddy..........

Goldust- Really? I'm your buddy?

Hunter Hearst Helmsley- (obviously distracted by the club, and trying to leave the dressing room as soon as possible) Sure. Why not? I'll see you around Goldust.

Helmsley heads off with the robe. Goldust looks on with a smile on his face.

Goldust- Thanks, Friend..............


Hunter Hearst Helmsley gained overness from this segment.

Goldust gained overness from this segment.


Ken Shamrock Vs. Billy Gunn

Shamrock and Billy Gunn put on a pretty decent match here. The crowd was all over Billy, Chanting "loser" at him several times. Billy was great here, Acting like he was going to cry, And started to throw tantrums. Due to being so distracted by the crowd, Billy didn't get any offense in on Shamrock early on. Shamrock attacked Gunn right off the bat and took Gunn down with several suplexes and quick submission holds. Shamrock ended up tossing Gunn out to the floor and went out after Gunn. Shamrock tried to whip Gunn into the steel steps, But Gunn countered and Shamrock hit the steps shoulder first. Billy now had some offense, He worked over Shamrock's shoulder for awhile, And got a close near fall with a vertical suplex. Billy couldn't stop messing with the crowd though, He'd look at the fans and yell I'm not a loser! Billy Gunn looked to have the match won after nailing Shamrock with the Rocker Dropper, But he didn't go for the cover. Billy stood over Shamrock and started shouting "loser" at Shamrock, Which allowed Shamrock to take Gunn down by the leg and apply the Ankle Lock! Billy tried and tried to get to the ropes, But there was no escape! Billy ended up tapping out very quickly after that!

Ken Shamrock celebrated his win to a big ovation from the crowd before heading to the back. Shamrock was heard saying I want Helmsley, One on one! Meanwhile, The crowd chanted loser at Gunn, Who threw a fit and tried to hold back his tears. Gunn then left the ring in a fit.

82, 86, 73 **1/4

Win, Or You're Out Of Here

We're taken to the back where we see Ahmed Johnson heading out to the ring for his big match. Johnson stops as he sees Commissioner Rick Rude standing in front of him.

Ahmed Johnson- The hell you want?

Rick Rude- I just came by to see how you were doing.

Ahmed Johnson- I'm done just fine, Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go throw down with a little punk German.

Rick Rude- Hang on just a second there. I saw your little rampage this past Sunday night. And let me tell you, Going around beating women will not be tolerated by my office. I'm going to give you a five thousand dollar fine.

Ahmed Johnson- Whatever. That ain't nothing outta my pocket.

Rick Rude- Also, Some folks in the back don't feel too comfortable with Ahmed Johnson running around beating up women. That's not very appropriate now is it?

Ahmed Johnson- No one told her to get in my way. So the way I looked it, She wanted to play with the men, She had take it like a man.

Rick Rude- Well, She's not a man. And I'm not for beating up women. That'd make my reign as Commissioner look bad. Understand? So here's what I'm going to do. If you lose your match tonight, Then you're out of the WWF for good. Say goodbye to your career Ahmed Johnson. Because quite frankly, I don't want you hanging around here. You add nothing to the WWF. You can't wrestle, You're a danger to anyone who steps into the ring with you, And quite frankly, I just don't like you.

Ahmed Johnson- Let me tell you something, Not only am I winning tonight, But I'm going to massacre Alex Wright. And if that thing of his gets in my way, I'm putting her ass right through a table as well. My career ending tonight. His is!

Rick Rude- We'll see about that. Tonight, You lose and you're out of here. And you'll never come back. You'll have to find employment elsewhere. Understand?

Ahmed Johnson- You know Commissioner, I think I'm going to have some fun with you while you're the Commissioner here. Yeah, I think I'm going to have a really good time throwing down and beating your men. And if you get in my way, I'll send you right back into retirement.

Johnson shoves Rude aside and heads off.

Rick Rude- You're wrong, You won't have a career after tonight. I promise you that.


Rick Rude gained overness from this segment.


World Wrestling Federation European Championship

If Ahmed Johnson Loses, He's Fired

Alex Wright© with Joanie Laurer Vs. Ahmed Johnson

Even with the special stipulation of Ahmed Johnson's career being on the line for this match, The crowd wasn't all that into it as it was expected. Laurer came out with Wright, Barely showing signs of being beat down by Johnson this past Sunday night. Ahmed Johnson went right after Wright from the opening bell. Johnson, Just like Sunday night, Started off dominating Alex Wright. Johnson knocked down Wright with right hands and clotheslines, Hitting Wright with stiff blows through out the match. Ahmed Johnson and Alex Wright fought out on the floor with Johnson tossing Wright into the steel steps and then ramming Alex Wright's head several times into the steel ring post, Busting Wright open very badly. Laurer tried to get involved, But referee Earl Hebner threw her out of the ringside area! Back inside the ring, It was a massacre. Johnson continued pounding the living hell out of Wright, Looking like he was going to win the title. Alex Wright's only offense was when he raked Johnson in the eyes and tried to follow up with a clothesline, But Johnson ducked and almost decapitated Alex Wright with a stiff clothesline! Ahmed Johnson then delivered a huge spinebuster to Alex Wright and set up Wright for the Pearl River Plunge! Johnson was able to deliver the Pearl River Plunge to Wright, And got a two count as referee Monty Davidson pulled Earl Hebner out of the ring! The two referees argued, Allowing Laurer to run down from the back! Laurer entered the ring and drilled Johnson with a DDT! Laurer left the ring as a bloodied Wright covered Johnson. Davidson left and let Hebner go back into the ring. One three count later, And Johnson's career is over!

Alex Wright was then helped up to his feet by Laurer. A bloodied Wright grabbed the WWF European Championship and posed with it over Johnson's body. Wright shouted some stuff in German before being helped to the back. Ahmed Johnson then stood up to a decent ovation from the crowd. Officials helped Johnson to the back as Coachman said Johnson's career has ended tonight!

75, 77, 71 *3/4

Ahmed Johnson lost overness from this match.

Alex Wright gained overness from this match.

The WWF European title has gained in image.

The True Bad Guy

Rick Rude is shown watching what just happened from a monitor in the back, Smiling. The crowd cheers as Scott Hall is shown standing behind Rude. Rude turns around and sees Scott Hall standing behind him. Rude is not pleased as he sees Scott Hall.

Rick Rude- What do you want? Better yet, What are you doing here? You're not suppose to return to active duty until this Monday night. And yet, I see you interfering in matches! What is the big idea of you messing with The Money Mine? They're good friends of mine! What were you thinking?

Scott Hall- What was I thinking? Well, I thought I'd go out there and really piss you off. I know you're good friends with those scrubs, And I thought, What better way then to mess with the Commissioner than making him see his boys lose?

Rick Rude- You keep messing around with them like that, And you won't have to worry about me. Understand?

Scott Hall- If I was you, I wouldn't threaten me Rude. You don't wanna go there. Cause if you do, Don't think I won't beat the living hell out of you.

Rick Rude- Hang on just a second. We don't have to be enemies Scott. Heck, I think you're one of the best WWF Superstars. You should be fighting for the WWF Championship. You should be on top of the company. But you're not. And that's because you decided to mess with authority. You keep messing with me and Kevin Nash, And you're going to find yourself like Ahmed Johnson did. Understand?

Scott Hall- I think I understand. But you know what? I think I'll keeping messing with you. Lets see what you got Commissioner.

Rick Rude- You're making a big mistake Scott Hall. A mistake you will have to pay for.

Rude walks off as Scott Hall looks on.



Luigi Alfredo Rufino Vs. Hakushi

Decent match here with little crowd interest. The announcers talked about how Luigi Alfredo Rufino paid off Monty Davidson last week and wondered if he'd pay off Mike Chioda tonight. Hakushi started off frustrating Luigi Alfredo Rufino, Taking him off of his feet several times and using his speed to his advantage. Early on, Hakushi send Rufino out to the floor with a clothesline and followed up with a beautiful asai moonsault to Rufino out on the floor. Rufino was able to get the match in his hands after he send Hakushi into the steel steps and followed up with a Russian legsweep, Sending Hakushi into the steel steps once again. Inside the ring, Rufino used a few suplexes and stomps on Hakushi for near falls. Hakushi was able to mount a small comeback, And after planting Rufino with a DDT, Hakushi headed up top. Hakushi went for a moonsault, But he got nothing but canvas as Rufino moved out of the way. Rufino then finished Hakushi off with his finishing move, A modified DVD (FU) which was called the Trip To New Jersey to pick up the win.

Luigi then celebrated his win, But not before lifting Hakushi back up and delivering another Trip To New Jersey to the Japanese sensation. Rufino left to some boos from the crowd as Coachman and Lawler hyped him up as a true superstar.

63, 58, 68 *


Lightning will strike.............. The World Wrestling Federation will change forever, The Master Of Lightning Will Come................

Business Will Be Finished

We return from the break with Jonathan Coachman standing in the ring.

Jonathan Coachman- It's been quite the night tonight. We've seen alot of things go down! And we still got tonight's huge main event to come! (big pop from the crowd) But right now, I'll be conducting a special face to face interview between two of the greatest WWF superstars in history! Check it out, Next month, In Your House "Unfinished Business" will be on May 18th. And we know one huge match has already been signed for the event. It'll be the rematch from Wrestlemania, Shawn Michaels and Cactus Jack go at it one more time! (huge ovation from the fans) Right now, Let me introduce to you the first of the two competitors. He is Cactus Jack!

The fans boo as Cactus Jack walks down the entrance way. Jack enters the ring and stares down Coachman. Coachman offers a handshake, But Jack just looks on.

Jonathan Coachman- And now, The man whom he'll be meeting, The one and the only, Shawn Michaels!

Shawn Michaels' music plays to the biggest ovation of the night. The "Heart Break Kid" makes his way down to the ring with a big smile on his face. Michaels slaps hands with fans at ringside before entering the ring. Jack and Michaels never take their eyes off of each other. HBK shakes hands with Coachman as this huge crowd starts a "HBK" chant.

Jonathan Coachman- All right, You two both know the rules. No fighting tonight. This is a face to face confrontation. No fighting allowed! (the crowd boos) All right, You two fought this past March at Wrestlemania. It was one of the greatest matches I have ever seen in my life! You two fought to tooth and nails. In the end, Cactus Jack won the match thanks to a little help from Terry Funk. (the fans boo, Jack just looks on) In any event, Cactus Jack did win at Wrestlemania. But last Sunday night, Shawn Michaels defeated Terry Funk in a hardcore classic. (big ovation from the fans) And now, You two are going to go at it for the final time. It's gonna be another classic in my opinion on May 18th. My first question is to you, Shawn Michaels. After losing at Wrestlemania, How do you go about this huge match?

Shawn Michaels- Well, We all know the only reason he defeated me at Wrestlemania was due to him needing help from Terry Funk. That's the only reason why Cactus Jack was able to defeat at Wrestlemania. He couldn't make me bleed on his own. He needed help. But that's all right. Because I'm begging Terry Funk to try and get involved this time. I'm begging Terry Funk to interfere in our match on May 18th. Because after what I did to him this past Sunday night, I'm sure he won't even dare to try to get involved. It's going to be just the two of us Cactus Jack. And you know that in a one on one match, You cannot beat me! (big ovation from the fans) I'm not gonna sit and whine about what happened at Wrestlemania, On May 18th I get my chance at payback.

Jonathan Coachman- Cactus Jack, Your thoughts on this match?

Cactus Jack- Shawn Michaels like to talk about how I needed help at Wrestlemania, And he's right. I won thanks to help from Terry Funk. But lets not forget I said winning didn't matter to me. Winning is the last thing on my mind when I'm in that ring. First thing on my mind is hurting my opponent. And you know as well as I do, That at Wrestlemania I hurt you like no one else has. I might have needed help, But you took a beating like never before. You been in cage matches, Ladder matches, Last man standing matches and everything else, But at Wrestlemania, None of that hurt like you hurt after our match was all said and done with. And on May 18th, I'm going into our match with one thing in mind, Hurt you. (the crowd boos) That's the only thing I care about. That's the only thing I care about. I don't care about winning. And the sooner you and your little Kliq realize this, The sooner you'll understand that your career is going to end on May 18th. (the crowd boos)

Jonathan Coachman- Okay, Lets not get out of hand..............

Cactus Jack- I'm not getting out of hand. I'm telling him that I'm going into In Your House to hurt him. Shawn Michaels, I told you when this all first started that I was planning on sending you straight to a hospital. And I think on May 18th we'll see that happen. (the crowd boos) And this time you won't ever be returning. (the crowd boos and start chanting "HBK")

Shawn Michaels- You think you're really going to send me to a hospital? After I'm done kicking your teeth in, You're the one who's going straight to the hospital! (big ovation from the fans) You think you scare me with your empty threats? I'm making a statement right now, You won't be seen again after In Your House. May 18th will be the last time these fans see you ever again. You want to talk about going into the match and hurting, I say try your worse. It'll be nothing compared to what I do to you. (big ovation from the fans)

Cactus Jack- Try my worse? Are you sure you can handle that Shawn Michaels? Are you sure you can take what I give out? Wrestlemania was only the beginning. When your blood pured from your head, That was only the beginning. When I hit you time and time again with these fists, That was nothing compared to what I'm going to do on May 18th. (the crowd boos) There will be no Terry Funk at ringside with me this time. There will only be the two of us. You and I in the ring. I don't know what kind of stipulations you want for this match, And frankly, I don't care. I said that you and the Kliq would die. And slowly, You're dying. (the crowd boos) Look at you Shawn. One year ago, You were on top of the world. You were on top as the WWF Champion. You had it all, Fans, Money, The title and your peace of mind. Now, You're slowly turning into me. You're turning into everything these WWF fans hate. You're more vicious, Sadistic, And I think you like it. (the crowd boos) You like being this new Shawn Michaels. For so long you did everything you could to please your fans. And what has that gotten you? You're beginning to see things my way. And who knows? When you're away from the WWF, When you realize that your career is dead, Then you'll join me and fight for what I stand for.

Shawn Michaels- If you think I'm ever going to turn into a lunatic like you, Then you're crazier than I thought. You're right about one thing, I do enjoy beating you up. I do enjoy hurting you. And I might cross the line when we step into the ring again, But that's because you're making me cross the line.

Cactus Jack- You don't need to be these people's savior Shawn Michaels. It will get to you. And you will end up like me. One way or another, You'll lose everything. These fans will start to hate you and go on to the next big thing. (Michaels looks on, Trying to calm himself down) What are you planning doing? Do you wanna kick me in the face? Go ahead Shawn! I dare you! Kick me! I'll get kicked and get back up from it, Eventually. But it's not me you're hurting, You're proving me right! You know you want to kick me right across the face! You wanna hurt me! Go ahead HBK! Do it! I'm begging you to cross the line tonight!

Jonathan Coachman- Don't do it! Don't cross the line! You don't wanna go there Shawn!

Cactus Jack- Do it! You know you want to! Kick me!

The crowd are going rabid, Begging Michaels to nail Jack. Michaels nails the Sweet Chin Music........... To Coachman! Jack shoved Coachman right in the way! Jack leaves the ring with a wicked smile on his face as Michaels realizes what he's done and goes to check on Coachman. Cactus Jack looks on from the top of the stage with a smile on his face.


The Master And The Ruler Of The World

We go to the backstage interview area where Kevin Kelly is standing by with Sycho Sid and his manager Dawn Marie.

Kevin Kelly- Sycho Sid, You get ready for your non title match with The Undertaker tonight. We saw you run in on Monday Night Raw and lay out both The Undertaker and Kevin Nash with choke slams and powerbombs. Sycho Sid, Why did you interfere during The Undertaker and Kevin Nash confrontation this past Monday night? What's on your agenda?

Dawn Marie- What's on his agenda? Why would Sycho Sid attack both the WWF Champion and the number one contender? It's quite simple Kevin Kelly. It's so simple that even a kid would get it. But I guess you're not as smart as a kid. Undertaker, Nash, You two are fighting for something this man wants. Something this man craves. And that is the World Wrestling Federation Championship. Sycho Sid has got a appetite for the WWF Championship. And he will not be happy until that title is around his waist. Kevin Nash had his shot and he blew it. Now it's Sid's turn to get a shot at the title. This might not be a title match tonight, But Sid will be treating it like one. And Undertaker, After he defeats you tonight, Sycho Sid will go to In Your House on May 18th as the number one contender.

Kevin Kelly- Sycho Sid, It's you and The Undertaker going at it for the first time ever tonight. After laying out the phenom with two powerbombs this past Monday night, You know The Undertaker is coming after you looking for revenge. The Undertaker has the urn and Paul Bearer back on his side. How in the world can you defeat The Undertaker tonight?

Dawn Marie- Another dumb question from a dumb person. Do you think the urn and the fat man scares Sycho Sid? Sycho Sid's got one thing that neither men have, The money to back him up. We got the Commissioner on our side. And Rick Rude has promised me that after this match is done and over with, Sycho Sid will be the number one contender for the WWF Championship. Undertaker, You had your little celebration cut short this past Monday night, Tonight, After Sid's done with you, You and Paul Bearer will make the cemetery your permanent home.

Sycho Sid- (whispering) Undertaker, The voices have been telling me that I should be the WWF Champion. I can't help but listen to the voices. The voices tell me the bad man has been holding my title. The bad man is holding the gold. That doesn't make me very happy. It doesn't make the voices in my mind happy either. No, They're not happy (yelling) they're very upset! They're angry! How it hurts, Oh does it hurt. Undertaker, The voices are hurting my brain. I try to, But I can't get rid of them! (speaking normally) You have what they want, The WWF Championship. And our match might not be for the title, But I will powerbomb you straight back into the hell you come from. I promise you that tonight, (whispering) after our match is all said and over with, You will find out why I am the master and the ruler of the world.

Kevin Kelly- Fans, It's up next, Sycho Sid versus The Undertaker!


Dawn Marie gained overness from this segment.


WWF Slam Of The Week- "All American" Bart Gunn delivers the devastating Forearm Shot to Chris Benoit! (Monday Night Raw 4/21/97)

The Undertaker with Paul Bearer Vs. Sycho Sid with Dawn Marie

Sycho Sid and The Undertaker actually put on a pretty decent match. Sycho Sid wrestled better than he has in weeks in here. Lawler was the only one announcing this one after what happened to Coachman. Sycho Sid and The Undertaker started off with the usual slugfest. Sid was able to dominate the phenom early on, But The Undertaker soon took the advantage by nailing Sid with quick right hands as Paul Bearer held the urn high in the air. Undertaker and Sid went out to the floor and did some brawling, With Undertaker sending Sid into the steel guardrail, steps and ring post. The Undertaker's downfall came when he tried to Tombstone Sid on the outside, But Sid escaped and rammed Undertaker into the steel ring post. When they fought back in the ring, Sycho Sid ran down Undertaker with a series of clotheslines, But thanks to the power of the urn, The WWF Champion kept sitting right up. Sycho Sid was finally able to catch a break after delivering a big powerslam to the phenom. Sid spent the rest of the match working over Undertaker's back, Softening it up for the Powerbomb. Paul Bearer tried to get his Undertaker going, But Sid kept taking the fight to the phenom. Sycho Sid kept things his way for a long while, But when he went for a Choke Slam, Undertaker countered and planted Sid with a huge DDT. Undertaker made the big comeback, Finishing Sid off with a huge clothesline right off the top rope. Undertaker then went for the Choke Slam, But Sid countered with a elbow to Undertaker's face. Undertaker came staggering off the ropes right into a Choke Slam! Sycho Sid then called for the Powerbomb. Before Sid could complete the maneuver, Kevin Nash came running down from the back! Nash entered the ring and ran right over both Sid and Undertaker with a double clothesline! The referee ruled the match a no contest.

Kevin Nash wasn't done yet though. Nash lifted Sid up and send Sid to the corner. Nash charged at Sid in the corner with a huge clothesline! Nash quickly followed up with a sidewalk slam! What Nash failed to see, Was The Undertaker sitting up! Nash turned around and Undertaker started to hammer away on Nash! Sid joined in and all three men started slugging it out! Nash and Sid joined forces against Undertaker and started to pummel Undertaker in the corner! Sid backed off, Allowing Nash to do all of the work. Nash hit Undertaker with devastating knees! Nash turned around and got grabbed by the throat! Sid choke slams Nash! Undertaker then comes out of the corner right into a choke slam as well! Sycho Sid pulled The Undertaker up to his feet and powerbombed The Undertaker! Nash staggered up to his feet and Sid booted Nash in the midsection. Sid then powerbombed Nash! Just like on Monday night, Both Nash and The Undertaker were left laid out. Sid grabbed the WWF Championship and posed with it. Dawn Marie entered the ring and raised Sid's arm in the air as Friday Night Mayhem came to an end.

87, 93, 75 **3/4

Overall Rating- 80

TV Rating- 7.66


"I think i should be higher up the card." -Johnny Swinger

Edited by Baby Hewey
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First things off, I wanted to say that the last PPV was very strong. Unlike a typical post Wrestlemania period, things seem to be very hot in your WWF Universe. As there is a lot of major stories coming together and 'money making' feuds on the horizon. The last PPV was definitelty not a typical IYH as there was a decent amount of story development.

I like where the Cactus and Micheals storyline is headed. It's cool that Cactus is sort of like a dark angel attempting to bring Micheals to the side of evil. Even though Cactus may not win the match, he could very well change Shawn Micheals for the worse which it seems he sets out to do. Friday Night Mayhem played out Micheals inner turmoil very well. Will Terry Funk still play a part or has he served your purpose? I think, it would be really sad if all Terry was hired for was to interfere in a major match and then job to Micheals. I really would like Terry to stick around. Depending where this storyline goes then may be even a heel stable of Funk, Jack and heel turned Micheals (as he fully comes to Jack's side of thinking).

I also like how Ahmed got his moral victory by destroying Wright but still did the job thus maintaining the Wright push. I don't like the Wright character or enjoy his segments. But I can appreciate how the Ahmed feud was booked despite not really liking the content.

Sid's involvement in the main even seems so random. I get a feeling we might be looking at a fatal four way with Hall, Nash, Taker and Sid. Though, you could also just go with a straight up Nash & 'Taker again with Sid and Hall simmering in the background. I can appreciate how strong you are making Sid at this point. He is another character I don't care for but he definitely seems like a title threat. Even if his involvement seems to have come out of nowhere. The non-match on Raw probably would have pissed off lots of fan who would have been stoked for the match. I do think you're doing a solid job of making him seem like he deserves to be in the main event by taking out both "Taker and Nash on consecutive shows.

Is Monty Davidson a worker or just a random referee you're using to be heel? If he is a worker, is he somebody we should know? Just curious.

I am wondering where you came up with the name Luigi Alfredo Ruifini (or whatever it is). Is it just a random name you came up with that sounded Italian? Or is there some pun I'm missing? It just seems like a hard name to say. A very untypical wrestling name. I personally thought it could be one of the worse wrestling name's created but I will admit I could be just missing the genius of it. Where did you get the idea for that name???

Is Ric Flair still employed and could we expect him soon? Or will you just make me wait until the next monthly update?

Push Hakushi & Scorpio. Just saying. Actually, all the cruiserweight could use some more play in my opinion. Oh yeah, don't forget the D Lo push -- that was rocking.

I like the HHH & Goldust story and think it has a lot of cool directions to go. I'll patiently wait for that to unfold.

The Martel story is a good one too. I have to say that I like this Universe Martel a lot more then the real life Martel. I look forward to the inevitable heel turn but this slow build is real good. I like the whole delusional, egomaniac thing. A eventual match between him and Hart will be good. I also like that he is attacking heels right now despite acting like one himself. It's a good use of the 'shade of grey' that WWF started adopting back then.

The Scott Hall character reminds me a lot of the Steve Austin of that time. Just a rebel that will attack anyone. I definitely dig his character and wouldn't mind another run at the title. I think the Hall vs. Rude story has lots of pontential to last through the year. Will it be able to match the real Austin and McMahon?

Add Owen Hart to the list of guys I miss. Hopefully, he still has a future.

Austin v. Snow probably has potential of being your diary's feud of the year. I think, it still has lots of steam to it. Don't kill it off quite yet. The build to Snow's eventual win will make it that much more sweet.

All in all, you're making it a good post Mania period. Even if there is a few stories and characters I don't dig so much. Keep up all the work.

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First things off, I wanted to say that the last PPV was very strong. Unlike a typical post Wrestlemania period, things seem to be very hot in your WWF Universe. As there is a lot of major stories coming together and 'money making' feuds on the horizon. The last PPV was definitelty not a typical IYH as there was a decent amount of story development.

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IPB Image

Credit Jack Krauser for the logo

Channel: USA Network

Time Slot: Late Evening

Date: April 26, 1997

Location: St. Louis, Missouri

Attendance: 9,029

Ticket Sales: $361,160

Announcers: Dok Hendrix and Todd Pettengill

Voice Over- The World Wrestling Federation, For over fifty years the revolutionary force in sports entertainment.

RAW Saturday Night comes on the air with a video package showing great World Wrestling Federation action. When the video ends, We're taken to inside the arena where pyro goes off from the rafters and from the entrance way. We then head over to our announce position where Dok Hendrix and Todd Pettengill are standing by. They are very excited and hype up tonight's big show.

Doug Furnas, Phillip LaFon and Detective Arnold Jelly Vs. Harris Brothers and Hobo Jack

Usual six men affair here with Furnas and LaFon doing all of the work since the other four men suck very badly. Sad thing is though, Jelly's the most over guy in the entire match. Jelly now after knocking down a guy, Pretends he's investigating the scene to see what happened, There was some laughter from the crowd and the announcers whenever he'd do that. The heels worked over Furnas for a bit until he made the hot tag to Jelly. Jelly entered the ring and cleaned house. Jelly ran down all of the heels with clotheslines. Furnas and LaFon ended up out on the floor with the Harris Brothers, Leaving Jelly with Hobo Jack. Jelly was quickly able to finish Jack off with the Case Closed.

50, 51, 62 1\2*


Hollywood Holly with Chris Kanyon Vs. John Bradshaw

Great match up between these two men. Both men have really stepped up their efforts in recent months, Especially Holly, Who after getting the Hollywood Holly career, Has definitely been catching the eyes of the WWF officials. A real romp 'em stomp 'em affair here, With both men hitting each other with stiff blows. Kanyon couldn't interfere after Bradshaw grabbed him off of his wheelchair and tossed him into the steel guardrail. Bradshaw came close several times to picking up the win, But when he went for his lariat, Hollywood caught him coming off the ropes with a huge drop kick. Hollywood then finished Bradshaw off with the Hollywood Slam to pick up the win. After the match ended, Hollywood helped the injured Chris Kanyon to the back.

68, 70, 82 **3/4

World Wrestling Federation Light Heavyweight Championship

Chavo Guerrero© Vs. Nasty Mike

Mike Lockwood is really into his role as Nasty Mike. He actually got some pops. The match started off with Chavo being shocked at Mike, Who started doing some kind of weird dance, While flipping out his tongue. Both men had another solid encounter, But the crowd only reacted when Mike would do his nasty stuff. Nasty Mike looked to have the match in the palm of his hands several times, But the resilient champion kept fighting back. After some close encounters, Chavo started making the comeback. Chavo Guerrero had Mike down after delivering a big brainbuster, But when he went for the Frog Splash, Nasty Mike rolled out of the way. Nasty Mike then delivered a big tornado DDT to Chavo, But instead of going for the cover, He lifted Chavo up and went behind Chavo. After doing some dancing behind Chavo and sticking out his tongue, Mike yelled "time to get nasty!" of course, Chavo had recovered by then and rolled up Mike for the three to retain the title.

63, 57, 84 **3\4

The WWF Light Heavyweight title has gained in image.


British Bulldog with Vader Vs. Brian Lee

A pretty good match between these two power houses. With Brian Adams returning from suspension soon, I'd expect to see Adams and Lee team up again, Even though there's rumors of splitting up the team and turning of them heel. Vader tried to interfere several times, But amazingly, Lee was able to fight off the big man several times. Bulldog had the advantage early on and kept Lee grounded with a few chin locks and other rest holds. Lee would fight back, And looked like he was going to finish Bulldog off, But Vader pulled the ropes down on Lee as Lee tried to clothesline Bulldog, Sending Lee out to the floor. With Bulldog distracting the referee, Vader did a number on Lee out on the floor, Sending Lee to the steel steps! Vader then rolled Lee into the ring right into a running powerslam from Davey Boy Smith allowing Bulldog to pick up the win. After the match ended, Bulldog again delivered the Running Powerslam to Lee, With Vader following up with the Vader bomb.

76, 84, 86 ***1\2


Kama Mustafa Vs. Taka Michinoku

Taka Michinoku and Kama seemed to have pretty good chemistry here. Taka actually gave the supreme fighting machine a fight early on, Knocking Kama off of his feet with a few drop kicks. Taka impressed the crowd early on by knocking Kama out to the floor with a drop kick and following up with a dive off the ropes to Kama on the outside. Sadly for Taka, Once inside the ring, Kama almost took off Michinoku's head with a side kick. Kama pounded away on Taka and used a big time back breaker to Taka, With Taka selling it perfectly. Kama picked up the win after delivering the Supreme Driver to Taka.

66, 69, 79 **1\2


WWF Slam Of The Week- Luigi Alfredo Rufino beats the Japanese Hakushi with the Trip To New Jersey. (Friday Night Mayhem 4/25/97)

Kevin Nash Vs. Yokozuna

Bad match here, Since Nash and Yokozuna don't have much chemistry together. But the crowd was into it big time. Nash started off by playing the crowd and making fun of Yokozuna, Only to get super kicked and tossed out of the ring. The fans actually thought Yokozuna stood a fighting chance as he rammed Nash's head into the steel steps several times out on the floor and in the ring, Delivered a big samoan drop and belly to belly suplex for near falls. Yokozuna even delivered a big leg drop to Nash, But the genetic wonder kept kicking out. Yokozuna was frustrated and send Nash to the corner. After delivering a big avalanche to Nash in the corner, Yokozuna followed up with another super kick. Yokozuna then dragged Nash to the corner and went for the Bonzai Drop, But Nash moved out of the way just in time to avoid the five hundred pounder! When both men got up to their feet, Nash nailed Yokozuna with right hands and followed up with three clothesline, The last one being a flying clothesline which knocked Yokozuna off of his feet. When Yokozuna stood up, Nash drilled him with a big boot to score the big win. After the match ended, Nash celebrated his win with his pyro going off as the show came to an end.

69, 84, 63 *1/4

Overall Rating- 58

TV Rating- 2.59


Saturday Night

TV Rating- 1.94

Attendance- 6,532

Ticket Sales- $261,280

Hardcore TV

TV Rating- 2.99

Attendance- 1,751

Ticket Sales- $52,530


TV Rating- 3.90

Attendance- 7,024

Ticket Sales- $280,960

NWACI Into The White

Attendance- 141

Ticket Sales- $2,820


"Brian Lee and British Bulldog work pretty well together due to their similar styles." -Sophie

"I was thinking, how about giving me some matches with Mark Henry? I think we'd be able to do some good work together given the chance." -Sycho Sid

"Our ratings battle with Hardcore TV is so close that neither show is gaining a clear advantage!" -Sophie

"Here is my weekly report on our battle with WCW. They have more star power than us, and that is affecting our image. We are seen as having better workers, and this is causing fans to choose us over them. The fans see us as being the more professional promotion, thanks to our higher production values." -Sophie


- WCW have signed independent worker Dory Funk Jr. to a written contract!

- WCW have signed Tony Halme to a written contract!

- WCW have signed Mike Tyson to a written contract!

- Robert Fuller has agreed to an open contract with USPW!

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I usually really dig this show because it has the guys that we never see on the premier shows. Plus I've always been a fan of C-Shows, for some reason, on diaries. Maybe because it takes less of my day to read them?

I really think poor Furna & Lafon are being misused. They deserve a run at the title against Pillman and Beniot. I think, the damage is already been done with them and they don't really have any credibility anymore. As for the other four, they can remain in C-Show hell forever, for all I care.

Big fan of Hollywood Holly which is funny because I could never stand the guy in real WWF. The gimmick seems to be catching on. I look forward to the inevitable push. Kanyon is fantastic too, of course.

I don't really like the name Nasty Mike. It sounds so bush league. Though, he is nothing more then a glorified jobber at this point.

It's too bad that Chavo seems to destined to the lower card for now. Light Heavey title really lacks any credibility at this point. Though I believe that Chavo is the man to make it mean something if you decide to push him and the title. Though, you still use it 100 time better then the WWE is.

Shocked that guys like Bulldog, Vader and Nash got some play on this show. I guess, if you didn't use them then your rating would have been even lower.

The squashing of Taka makes me cry. I hate it when quality lightweights are used as jobbers for big lugs. But it's how the real WWF would have done it. So, it's definitely an accurate portrayal. Hopefully, some day Taka can be used in a proper program.

It makes me laugh that WCW hired Tyson and Dory Funk. It's so typical of the actuall WCW. Hiring really old and aging talent or hiring really washed up celebrity talent. I expect both to be released by next month.

Well, keep up all the work. Look forward to the A-shows.

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