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World Wrestling Federation- From November 1997

Guest Cool Xtreme Dude

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Guest Cool Xtreme Dude

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D-Generation X

December 8, 1997

Springfield, Mass.


"No-Escape" Cage Match

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker

WWF Championship

Bret Hart (Champion) vs. Triple H

WWF Intercontinental Championship

Stone Cold Steve Austin (Champion) vs. Kane

WWF Tag Team Championship

Legion of Doom (Champions) vs. New Age Outlaws

If Jeff Jarrett wins, he gets a contract

Jeff Jarrett vs. Mankind

Dustin Rhodes & Sunny vs. Vader & Marlena

WWF European Championship

Owen Hart (Champion) vs. British Bulldog

Ken Shamrock & Ahmed Johnson vs. Rocky Maivia & Faarooq

Free For All

WWF Light Heavyweight Championship

TAKA Michinoku vs. Jerry Lynn

You are welcome to predict, I would however like to encourage you to leave a reason for at least a couple of your predictions to prove that you are not postwhoring.

News Update- WWFHeadlines.com

WWF signs Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho

World Wrestling Federation announced today that they have signed former Dungeon trainees Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho. This is expected to be a big shot in the arm to Eric Bischoff but Bischoff would soon counter that. Benoit and Jericho will join WWF in March.

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D-Generation X

December 8, 1997

Springfield, Mass.


"No-Escape" Cage Match

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker

(I can't really choose, but I liked HBK a lot around 1997/1998 so I'm just going with him then)

WWF Championship

Bret Hart (Champion) vs. Triple H

(I can't see Triple H win the WWE Title so fast, not before HBK has another run. It would be too early for HHH in my opinion)

WWF Intercontinental Championship

Stone Cold Steve Austin (Champion) vs. Kane

(Austin started the Attitude Era and I have a feeling he will do that again in your diary. Kane will have his time, but not now)

WWF Tag Team Championship

Legion of Doom (Champions) vs. New Age Outlaws

If Jeff Jarrett wins, he gets a contract

Jeff Jarrett vs. Mankind

(Why would you use him in the first place if he just leaves after the PPV)

Dustin Rhodes & Sunny vs. Vader & Marlena

(Because I like Dustin's new character)

WWF European Championship

Owen Hart (Champion) vs. British Bulldog

(He just became the new European Champion so I don't think Bulldog will win here)

Ken Shamrock & Ahmed Johnson vs. Rocky Maivia & Faarooq

Free For All

WWF Light Heavyweight Championship

TAKA Michinoku vs. Jerry Lynn

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Guest Prototype

D-Generation X

December 8, 1997

Springfield, Mass.


"No-Escape" Cage Match

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker

Should be a great match, and I see a possible Kane interference giving HBK teh win.

WWF Championship

Bret Hart (Champion) vs. Triple H

Too early for Trips.

WWF Intercontinental Championship

Stone Cold Steve Austin (Champion) vs. Kane

Kane will prolly get into a feud with Taker, so he doesnt need the IC title.

WWF Tag Team Championship

Legion of Doom (Champions) vs. New Age Outlaws

LOD getting a little old.

If Jeff Jarrett wins, he gets a contract

Jeff Jarrett vs. Mankind

Same reason as FDM.

Dustin Rhodes & Sunny vs. Vader & Marlena

I see Dustin getting a mild push

WWF European Championship

Owen Hart (Champion) vs. British Bulldog

Straight up good wrestling.

Ken Shamrock & Ahmed Johnson vs. Rocky Maivia & Faarooq

Rock makes another mistake

Free For All

WWF Light Heavyweight Championship

TAKA Michinoku vs. Jerry Lynn

Lynn could make the LHW title legit.

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"No-Escape" Cage Match

The Undertaker

Two of my favorite wrestlers of all time going at it, But Taker should go over. Infact, Michaels should get the shit beat out of him here. Since no one can interfere, This should be all Taker. Michaels will put up a fight, But there's no way HBK can beat Taker.

WWF Championship

Bret Hart (Champion)

Bret would never drop the belt to HHH, And HHH wasn't anywhere near ready to get the title. If Bret drops the title before Wrestlemania, It'll be to HBK not HHH.

WWF Intercontinental Championship

Stone Cold Steve Austin (Champion)

DQ win, Kane will do something stupid and get dq'ed. I don't see Kane winning the IC title............

WWF Tag Team Championship

New Age Outlaws

No brainer here, The Outlaws was at it's best in the beginning imo. LOD were getting washed up at this point.

If Jeff Jarrett wins, he gets a contract

Jeff Jarrett

Jarrett wins to get his contract

Dustin Rhodes & Sunny

Why job Dustin and Sunny now when they're getting over? They will win but not cleanly

WWF European Championship

Owen Hart (Champion)

Owen just won the belt, He won't lose it.

Rocky Maivia & Faarooq

I doubt the nation will split yet, Rocky and Faarooq will find a way to win.

Free For All

WWF Light Heavyweight Championship

TAKA Michinoku

Taka was the hand picked champ by the WWF, It's good to see Lynn making this far. But, Taka's taking the win. This should be a awesome match though.

I caught with the other shows, And I'm loving this. You got the era down perfectly. And you're the only writer to have made Michael Cole get laid :thumbsup:

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Guest Cool Xtreme Dude

Free for All

(The PPV Channel starts up for the free preview of WWF In Your House: D-Generation X. We see Vince McMahon, Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are sitting at ringside. The camera is squarely on them)

Vince McMahon: Welcome to the Free For All and your free preview of the World Wrestling Federation’s In Your House: D-Generation X and the Light Heavyweight Championship Tournament final. If you have not ordered, we urge you to call your Pay-Per-View or Satellite provider and order now because it promises to light up the house in Springfield. Isn’t that right Jim Ross?

Jim Ross: It certainly is Vince and I can’t believe the caliber of matches that we have set for tonight. Bret Hart will defend the World Wrestling Federation Championship against Triple H of D-Generation X. Also, The Undertaker will be in action as he steps in a “No-Escape” Cage to take on The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. Stone Cold Steve Austin will defend his Intercontinental Championship against Kane in what promises to be an exciting match.

Jerry Lawler: You know what? I can’t wait to finally see the end of that damn Rattlesnake. It’s coming Vince, JR and you know it.

Vince McMahon: You may have to eat those words after tonight Lawler.

Jim Ross: Well guys, we have action in the ring. Let’s send it to Howard Finkel.

TAKA Michinoku vs. Jerry Lynn- Introductions

(Howard Finkel and referee Mike Chioda are standing in the ring.)

Howard Finkel: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to In Your House: D-Generation X.. *small pop* You’re Free For All contest is scheduled for one fall and it is the finals of the World Wrestling Federation Light Heavyweight Championship tournament

(TAKA Michinoku’s theme hits. The entrance set looks to be a big metallic “X” in the middle. TAKA comes out wearing a white robe with a Japanese Sun on the right side.)

Howard Finkel: Introducing first, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing in at 200 pounds, TAKA Michinoku.

(When TAKA enters the ring, he gets no reaction. Some fans are seen arriving and others are seen leaving. Some seats are still empty. Suddenly we hear hard-driving, repetitive music [The real life music of the Radicalz]. Jerry Lynn walks out to no real reaction. Lynn is wearing plain black long tights as he makes his way to the ring)

Howard Finkel: His opponent, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing in at 212 pounds, Jerry Lynn.

(Jerry Lynn slides into the ring and heads to the second rope to pose.)

WWF Light Heavyweight Championship- Jerry Lynn vs. TAKA Michinoku

Jerry and TAKA stand face to face as a Commissioner Slaughter comes down and hands the WWF Light Heavyweight Championship belt to Chioda. Chioda takes the championship to the center and holds it up. The bell rings. Both men circle each other. They lock up with TAKA getting Lynn into a side headlock. Lynn shoves TAKA off into the ropes. TAKA returns and Lynn drops down for TAKA to jump over him. Lynn stands up and catches TAKA returning with a hiptoss. TAKA rolls over onto his stomach. Lynn grabs TAKA by the back of his neck and sets him up for a vertical suplex. TAKA sees it coming and counters. TAKA gets Lynn up but Lynn counters before TAKA can fully get it set up and turns it into a crossbody for two. Lynn and TAKA do a clean break. They lock up again with TAKA going down and tripping Lynn down. Lynn falls onto his stomach and TAKA goes down into a side headlock. Jerry Lynn powers up and into a back suplex. Lynn goes to TAKA’s legs trying to apply the Figure Four leglock. Since the announcers are too busy shilling the card instead of calling the match, Lynn is trying to wear down TAKA’s legs to keep him from using his high flying ability. Lynn wraps TAKA’s leg but TAKA kicks Lynn’s butt and sends him flying through the middle rope and head first into the steel rail. Lynn uses the rail to get to his feet. However, he is not met with the best results as TAKA uses the top rope to launch himself over the top rope for a crossbody to the outside. TAKA gets up quicker than Lynn and tosses him into the ring. TAKA doesn’t get back in the ring after him but instead goes to the top rope. Jerry Lynn manages to make it to the ropes and shakes the ropes so TAKA falls. Jerry Lynn makes his way to the turnbuckle. He climbs to the second rope and tries a vertical suplex but TAKA starts with a fist fight to Lynn. TAKA hammers away with right hands to the mid-section of Lynn. Lynn jumps backwards off of the top rope and lands back first onto the mat. TAKA jumps off with a second rope legdrop. TAKA into a cover for two.

TAKA doesn’t let Lynn get back up and clamps on a chinlock. The chinlock doesn’t last long as Lynn powers out and drops TAKA with a jawbreaker to break the hold. TAKA steps back holding his jaw. Lynn stands up and shakes the cobwebs out. TAKA is leaning against the ropes. Lynn stands up and whips TAKA into the ropes. TAKA slips down between Lynn’s legs. TAKA rolls up Lynn for two. Lynn kicks out and they stand up. Both men circle each other. They lock up with Lynn getting TAKA into an armbar. He drives TAKA to the mat by driving his elbow into his shoulder. TAKA gets to the ropes quickly. Lynn breaks the hold very briefly and then grabs TAKA’s leg. He pulls TAKA to the center of the ring and starts trying to set him up for a Boston Crab but TAKA rolls Lynn up with a small package for two. Lynn and TAKA stay on the canvas as Lynn jumps on TAKA with a front headlock. Lynn’s head is on TAKA’s upper back. TAKA manages to maneuver his way out it and jumps on Lynn’s back with a hammerlock. TAKA stands up and breaks it. TAKA though keeps Lynn on the canvas and returns to mat wrestling. TAKA now applies the front facelock. He squeezes as Lynn reaches for the ropes. McMahon finally mentions the psychology of taking advantage of Lynn’s fatigue by taking the air out of him. Lynn powers out of it with TAKA on his back. Lynn drops TAKA with an inverted vertebreaker. Vince calls it “WHATTA MANEUVER.” Lynn into the cover but TAKA kicks out at two again. Lynn is shocked. Lynn goes to TAKA’s legs and finally apply a Figure Four Leglock. JR explains that now that Lynn has finally gotten TAKA down and hurt, he can now begin wearing down the legs. Lynn and TAKA are in the center of the ring. Lynn applies severe pressure to TAKA. TAKA manages to turn the Figure Four over. Lynn and TAKA both scramble. They stand up with TAKA uses the ropes to stand up. Lynn runs over and shoulder blocks TAKA’s right knee. TAKA drops to the mat holding his knee in the fetal position. Lynn grabs TAKA’s right knee and drops his elbow into it. Lynn does it again and again. Lynn lays TAKA’s right knee onto the mat. Lynn jumps onto it, sending all 212 pounds onto TAKA’s knee. Lynn grabs TAKA’s leg and pulls him to the center of the ring. He grabs the right leg and tries to turn him for a half crab but TAKA nails Lynn with right hands and a poke to the eyes to break it. TAKA starts to standup but Lynn stumbles forward first and applies an abdominal stretch forcing TAKA to use his hurt knee to support himself. You can see the referee whisper something to Lynn and Lynn reaching out and Lynn starting to stumble back. TAKA forces Lynn back into the ropes. Lynn breaks the hold. TAKA starts to limp away. Lynn grabs TAKA and whips him into the ropes to put pressure on TAKA’s leg. TAKA comes back and Lynn ducks too early. TAKA catches Lynn with a DDT. TAKA into the cover for two. TAKA uses Lynn’s hair to pull him up. He struggles to get Lynn up in position for a Michinoku Driver and even takes too much time. Lynn pushes back and manages to counter it. TAKA is now on Lynn’s shoulder. Lynn spreads TAKA out into a tombstone piledriver position. Lynn nails TAKA with a sitout tombstone piledriver. Lynn into the cover for the 1-2-3.

Howard Finkel: Your winner and NEWWWWWWWWWWWWW World Wrestling Federation Light Heavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn.

Jerry Lynn is handed the championship. He raises it up as the fans give him a standing ovation for the match. Jerry Lynn leaves the ring with the championship on his shoulder. WWF security run past Lynn and they start to help TAKA as everything is being hurried along.)

(76, 53, 100)

The WWF Light-Heavyweight title has gained in image.

(The camera cuts back to ringside)

Vince McMahon: Ladies and gentlemen, what a match. If you have not ordered World Wrestling Federation: In Your House: D-Generation X. You only have a few seconds to do so. For Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler, I’m Vince McMahon, good night and enjoy the Pay-Per-View.

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D-Generation X

December 8, 1997

Springfield, Massachusetts

(We see the exterior of a suburban house at night. The lights are on and The Undertaker’s voice starts)

The Undertaker’s Voice: Who’s house is this? Could this be your house? What are you doing? Are you having dinner with your family? Do you have nice kids?

(We fade out into a picture of Shawn Michaels walking down the aisle with WWF Championship on his shoulder. He’s smiling and has Jose Lothario is at his side. There’s a cloud like border with this picture being a bit of a fade to give an angelic like feeling. Undertaker’s voice comes in over this picture)

What happens when good kids go bad?

(We fade into a video of Shawn Michaels hitting Undertaker with a steel chair at Summerslam. From here on out, I will put Shawn’s action and Taker’s voiceover in parenthesis)

Shawn Michaels nails The Undertaker with a chair on RAW (What if he repeats his dastardly deed?)

Shawn Michaels falling off of the Hell in a Cell (What if he takes the ultimate fall?)

Shawn Michaels and HHH wearing the face shields while Sgt. Slaughter screams at them (What if he continues to defy authority?)

Shawn Michaels rising out of his wheelchair and attacking Undertaker leading to a Pedigree by HHH (What if he steps over the line?)

We fade back out and into an abandoned prison. It is at night and the prison has a fence with barbwire on top like a standard prison fence.

The Undertaker’s Voice: He ends up here where he will meet his maker. Where he will meet the Prince of Darkness. There is no escape. He will suffer immense torture. This is what happens when good kids go bad and this is what will happen to Shawn Michaels………

Edited by Cool Xtreme Dude
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Guest Cool Xtreme Dude

Austin/Kane- Pre-Match Interview

(Kevin Kelly is standing backstage with Stone Cold. Stone Cold has the Intercontinental Championship draped over his shoulder is where his vest is also)

Kevin Kelly: Steve, you are getting ready to face what could your biggest opponent ever. How are you feeling?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: To tell you the truth, I feel pretty damn good. I had a hot dog and a beer before this interview so I’m ready. I don’t really give a damn about who I’m facing, be it Kane or the Brooklyn Brawler, I approach every match the same. My goal is to go out there and keep my Intercontinental Title and I don’t give a damn what color Kane wears and what he does. He ain’t nothing but a piece of trash to me in a damn red suit. Kane, let me tell ya something son, you may be new and you may not understand how things work around here but let me give ya a big hint, you are nothing but an obstacle in my 8 year quest to become World Wrestling Federation Champion. A goal that will end at WrestleMania 14. At the Royal Rumble, I am gonna toss 29 pieces of trash over the top rope and advance to WrestleMania to face the champ and you can bet your ass that at WrestleMania 14 in Boston, I will walk out there as World Wrestling Federation Champion. Now for tonight, Kane, I’m gonna give you a nice initiation. I have a special can of whoop ass for a new guy like you. After I shove that can of whoop ass down your throat, I’m kick you in the gut and give ya a Stunner. I ain’t playin’ games, I really don’t give a damn about you nor anyone else in this company. I’m gonna win tonight, win the Royal Rumble, go on to WrestleMania and become World Wrestling Federation Champion and that’s the bottom line ‘cause Stone Cold said so.

Austin/Kane- Ring Introductions

(We cut back to the arena where it immediately darkens and Kane’s theme hits. The pyro explodes and Kane walks from behind the pyro with Paul Bearer)

Howard Finkel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship. Introducing first, the challenger, being accompanied to the ring by Paul Bearer, weighing in at 325 pounds, Kane.

(Kane enters the ring and sets the turnbuckles off)

(The Glass Shatters and the arena explodes. Austin comes down the aisle with the Intercontinental Title on his shoulder)

Howard Finkel: His opponent, from Victoria, Texas, weighing in at 252 pounds, he is the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin.

(Steve Austin drops the belt on the outside and enters the ring. The referee for this match is Jack Doan)

WWF Intercontinental Championship- Stone Cold Steve Austin (Champion) vs. Kane

Austin slides and a fist fight erupts. Austin knocks Kane back a step and Kane retaliates. Both men just hammer away in the center of the ring. Austin ends this with a kick to the gut followed by a whip into the ropes. Austin catches Kane coming back with a Lou Thesz Press. Austin gets off and moves back. He does his trademark middle finger elbow to Kane. Austin into a cover for a one count Kane throws Austin off. Doan has to move out of dodge to avoid getting hit by the flying rattlesnake. Kane sits up and Austin stands up. Austin stands up and leans back in the corner. Kane stands up, Austin runs in and tries a Lou Thesz Press. Kane catches Austin and runs him back first into the turnbuckle. Austin is backed into the corner so Kane elbows Austin in the corner. Kane backs off and Austin stumbles out. Kane whips Austin to the other side. Kane tries to run in and Austin moves out of the way. Kane stumbles backwards. Austin kicks Kane’s leg out from under him causing the big man to fall. Austin grabs Kane by the hair and slams his head into the turnbuckle 3 times. Austin lets go and Kane turns around into the corner. Austin begins going to work with kicks to the gut of Kane in the corner. Austin tries to whip Kane to the other side but Kane counters. Austin goes to the other turnbuckle and Kane follows it up with a clothesline. Austin stumbles out and Kane whips Austin into the ropes and catches him coming back with a big boot. Kane picks Austin up and attempts a chokeslam but Austin nails Kane downstairs which distracts him long enough to get him to let go. Austin back off and kicks Kane in the gut. He tries a stunner but is shoved off into the ropes. He comes back and is clotheslined by Kane. Kane into the cover for a nearfall. Kane whips Austin into the ropes. Austin ducks another big boot attempt and comes back to nail Kane with a clothesline. The force of the clothesline knocks Kane off of his feet. Kane immediately stands up into kick to the gut and STUNNER. Austin into the cover for the 1-2 and Kane kicks out of the Stone Cold Stunner. The Rattlesnake is stunned. Austin gets up and starts arguing with referee Jack Doan. Austin stuns Doan. Austin stands up with Kane standing right in front of him. Austin kicks Kane but Kane doesn’t budge. Runs into the ropes and tries a clothesline but it can’t move Kane. Jerry Lawler says that the Stunner made Kane stronger than ever. Austin tries another clothesline but he fails to move Kane. Kane just stands there. Austin gets out of the ring and tosses the timekeeper from his chair. Austin takes the chair into the ring. Austin nails Kane with a chairshot once, Kane doesn’t budge. Austin with another chairshot, it moves the big man a little, a third chairshot and it knocks him a bit loopy but not down. Austin knocks Kane again and Kane falls this time. Austin goes to the ropes for a breather but when he turns around, Kane sits up. Austin turns around into Kane grabbing him by his throat. Kane takes Austin up and drills him with a chokeslam. Kane into the cover, Paul Bearer signals for a referee to run down. Mike Chioda comes running down and he slides into the ring. Chioda counts for a nearfall before Austin kicks out. Kane stands up and hovers over Mike Chioda. Paul Bearer tells Kane to focus on Austin. Kane turns around and he picks up Austin. Kane grabs Austin by the throat and sets up for another chokeslam. Austin kicks Kane downstairs while Mike Chioda is busy with Paul Bearer but not even a lowblow bothers Kane. Kane lifts Austin and drills him to the mat with a chokeslam. Kane into the cover but Austin gets his foot on the bottom rope. Kane stands up and grabs Chioda by the throat. Kane chokeslams Chioda. JR points out the bad night that Mike Chioda is having. Austin rolls out of the ring and makes his way over to the time keeper’s table. Austin grabs the bell and enters the ring as Kane picks up Chioda for a tombstone. Austin taps Kane on the shoulder for one bell shot, it doesn’t move him much, second one it moves him a little and third makes him wobbly and Austin kicks Kane and drops him with a stunner. Jimmy Korderas starts running down the aisle as Austin goes for the cover. Korderas starts counting but Kane kicks out of the second stunner. Austin rolls out of the ring as Kane sits up again. Austin tries to formulate a plan that will keep the Big Red Machine down. Kane stands up, not even feeling the events of the Stunner. Austin walks around and stands in front of the Spanish announce table. Kane leaves the ring and they brawl in front of the announce tables ending with Kane slamming Austin’s head against the Spanish announce table. Kane removes the monitors and such from the table. Kane picks up Austin and chokeslams Austin through the Spanish Announce Table. the referee is distracted by Paul Bearer. Austin is motionless on the arena floor. Kane grabs Austin and he tosses him into the ring. Kane pins Austin. The referee sees Kane’s foot under the ropes and forces him to break the pin. Kane starts stalking the referee as Austin rolls out and gets the championship belt and gets back in the ring. Austin waits for Kane to turn around. Kane turns around to get Austin but Austin runs and knocks Kane down with a belt shot. Austin slides the belt out of the ring and waits for Kane to stand up. Austin kicks Kane and connects with the third Stunner to Kane. That took all of Austin’s strength. Austin pins Kane and yells for the referee for count. Korderas turns around and counts 1-2-3. Austin retains the championship.

Howard Finkel: Winner of this bout and STILLLLLLLLLL World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Austin doesn’t even have enough strength to stand. Kane sits up immediately after the three and looks at the referee. Jimmy Korderas hightails it and runs up the aisle. Kane looks down at Austin but surprisingly enough doesn’t go after him. Paul Bearer motions for Kane to leave. The timekeeper brings the belt into Austin. He lays it on top of Austin as he rolls over to clutch the belt.

(90, 94, 81)

The WWF Intercontinental title has gained in image

Vince McMahon: What was that?

Jerry Lawler: Kane lost the match and immediately left. What did Paul Bearer tell Kane?

Jim Ross: I don’t know King but I have a bad feeling about this. Well let’s take you backstage where Kevin Kelly is standing by with the Hart Foundation.

Bret/HHH- Pre-Match Interview

(Backstage, Kevin Kelly is standing by with WWF Champion Bret Hart, WWF European Champion British Bulldog and Jim Neidhart. Owen is missing)

Kevin Kelly: Certainly already a whirlwind night for the Hart Foundation and Bret you still have to defend your championship.

Bret Hart: Your right, it has been a whirlwind night. Davey had to use a glass pitcher to beat Owen for the championship but you know what? This isn’t the Nation of Domination and I’m not going to let my group fall apart. That’s why before Sarge got beat up by Cactus Jack, I got Bulldog and Owen a match against The New Blackjacks tomorrow night on RAW to confirm our unity. Bulldog said sorry to Owen and it’ll never happen again. Now to Hunter, I don’t like what you did on Monday Night. You stole my championship belt, just like a typical American would do but as a Canadian, I must fight you with honor and respect and that’s why tonight, I am going to wrestle you as cleanly as possible. I was taught how to wrestle by my father Stu Hart and he told me to always defend my championship to the best of my ability. Just remember, Hunter, I’ve never lost this championship fairly and you’re not going to be the first to do. I am the best there is, the best there was and the best that there ever will be and Hunter, I hope you realize that you are nothing but another obstacle in my path to solidifying my legacy as the greatest World Wrestling Federation Champion of all time. Get ready Hunter, because you are in for the fight of your life. Boys, I’m going out there by myself. You guys just stay back here. Okay?

(Bulldog and Neidhart nod as Bret walks out of the picture)

Bret/HHH- Ring Introductions

(We return to the arena where DX music hits. Triple H, Chyna and Rick Rude step from behind the curtain)

Howard Finkel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the World Wrestling Federation Championship. Making his way down the aisle, being accompanied to the ring by fellow DX members Chyna and Rick Rude, from Greenwich, Connecticut, weighing in at 240 pounds, Triple H.

(Triple H makes his way down the aisle and removes his robe. He enters the ring and prepares for the Hitman)

(The familiar music of Bret Hart starts and the arena goes into boos. Bret walks down with the WWF Championship around his waist and leather jacket on.)

Howard Finkel: His opponent, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, weighing in at 235 pounds, Bret “Hitman” Hart.

(He enters the ring and poses for the fans to boos. Bret removes his championship, sunglasses and leather jacket. He hands all of them to referee Tim White.)

WWF Championship- Bret Hart (Champion) vs. Triple H

Bret and HHH step to the center of the ring. Bret and HHH have a brief argument with it getting very heated. Bret and HHH get face to face with Bret shoving HHH off. HHH returns with a clothesline attempt that Bret ducks. Bret whips HHH into the ropes but Bret ducks too soon. HHH kicks Bret in the face and Bret straightens up quickly. HHH takes down Bret with a clothesline. HHH waits for Bret to stand up and when he does, HHH runs in with another clothesline attempt. Bret ducks and catches HHH with a kick to the gut. Bret sets up HHH and connects with a vertical suplex. Bret rolls over into a cover and a kick out at two. Bret doesn’t argue with the referee but instead picks up HHH and connects with a Russian Legsweep. Bret goes to the second rope and attempts and elbow drop but HHH rolls out of the way. Bret rolls around holding his arm so HHH grabs his arm and lays it flat on the mat. HHH jumps onto his right arm sending all of his weight down on it. HHH grabs Bret’s right arm and begins twisting it. HHH stands there holding Bret’s arm and then he drives his elbow into Bret’s shoulder driving the Hitman down to the canvas. HHH isn’t done as he takes Bret’s arm and puts it on the bottom rope. HHH jumps onto Bret’s arm. Tim White comes over and tells HHH to lay off. HHH drags Bret to the center of the ring by that one arm and starts stomping it. HHH holds on to Bret’s arm and whips into the turnbuckle using that arm. Bret reaches the turnbuckle and immediately collapses against the ropes holding his arm. HHH makes his way over as Bret makes his way along the ropes using his hurt arm. HHH grabs Bret by the hair and sends him into the ropes. Bret returns into a Harley Race high knee. HHH into the cover for two. HHH immediately picks up Bret by his hair and locks on a hammerlock. HHH pulls Bret’s arm and makes his struggle to escape. All of the pressure is on the right arm. HHH pulls back on Bret’s arm. Bret reaches for the ropes but can’t reach it. Bret pushes the ref out of the way and low-blows HHH.. HHH drops to his knees. Bret uses his left hand to nail HHH knocking him onto his back. Bret holds his right arm close to him as he uses his left arm to pick up HHH by his hair. He sets up for a DDT but HHH counters into a Northern Lights Suplex for two. HHH came within inches of becoming the WWF Champion. HHH turns Bret onto his stomach and bears his knee into Bret’s right shoulder and pulls Bret’s arm back. Bret won’t give up as HHH pulls back on the arm even more. Bret would rather have his arm broken than to have lose his WWF Championship. Bret can’t reach the ropes. Chyna hops on the apron and offers to help him. HHH makes a rookie mistake and lets go of Bret to got o Chyna. Chyna whispers to HHH and calls the referee over. Rick Rude grabs the WWF Championship from the timekeeper and hands it to HHH. HHH waits for Bret to stand up and he runs Bret over with a shot to the head with the championship. HHH tosses the belt to the outside. HHH pulls Bret up and sets him between his legs. HHH grabs both of Bret’s arms and drops him face first for a Pedigree. HHH into the cover but Bret’s too close to the ropes. Bret gets his foot on the bottom rope at two. HHH argues with the referee briefly before picking up Bret and setting up for another. HHH sets Bret up but Bret flips over for a BACK BODY DROP. Bret falls forward holding his arm. Bret uses the ropes to stand up. He makes his way to HHH’s legs and pulls him to the center of the ring. Bret lifts both of HHH’s legs and sets him up for the Sharpshooter. Bret turns HHH for the sharpshooter. HHH starts shaking his head frantically. He’s stuck in the center of the ring. We cut to Bret who has a look of extreme agony on his face as he struggles to hold it on with his weak arm. Chyna and Rude try to encourage HHH to not submit. HHH is stuck dead center. After a long battle, HHH taps out. Bret falls forward onto his face when he lets go. The WWF Title is brought to him

Howard Finkel: Winner and STILL World Wrestling Federation Champion, Bret “Hitman” Hart.

(Bret Hart can’t even stand. He rolls over onto his back and the championship is draped across him)

(86, 87, 84)

The WWF World title has gained in image.

(We don’t even go to the announcers we immediately cut to the pre-match video)

(We see Shawn Michaels in the ring talking)

Shawn Michaels: I've beaten them all, Razor, Diesel, Vader, Mankind, Jannetty, you, Undertaker................

The video fades to black and we hear Undertaker’s voice. The voiceover is written in plain text while the action is in parenthesis)

The Undertaker: You’ve never beaten me cleanly (Kane tombstoning Undertaker at Badd Blood)

You can run (Shawn Michaels running through the crowd)

You can have your buddies help you (Shawn and HHH double teaming Taker)

But tonight, there is no escape (We see a cage)

Get ready to REST IN PEACE (We see Shawn Michaels laying on the mat bloodied. This is from Badd Blood)

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Guest Cool Xtreme Dude


December 9, 1997

Worchester, Massachusetts

RAW kicks off live as we get see for the fallout of last night's In Your House: D-Generation X. Bret Hart is still World Wrestling Federation Champion and will be in the house gloating as usual. But, The Hitman has problems within his group. Bulldog used a a glass pitcher to defeat Owen Hart last night at IYH: DX. Bret announced last night that to smooth things over he set up a match with the New Blackjacks. Is everything really alright in the Hart Foundation. Also Dustin Rhodes and Sunny prevailed in the mixed tag team match last night. However, Marlena and Vader will no doubt have something to say about the means in which they achieved that victory. The New Age Outlaws feel as if they were screwed out of the WWF Tag Team Titles last night. What will they have to say tonight? Also, after that bizarre finish to the Mankind vs. Jeff Jarrett match, Mankind morphed into Cactus Jack and then assaulted our commissioner. In what state of mind is Cactus Jack in and in what condition is the Commissioner? Futhermore, The Undertaker defeated Shawn Michaels in the No-Escape Cage in dominating fashion. However, The Undertaker was then beaten by his brother Kane. Speaking of Kane, Stone Cold Steve Austin is still the Intercontinental Champion. However, it's not going to be an easy road for the Rattlesnake. Tonight, we will have a 10 man #1 contender battle royal to see who will go on to face Steve Austin in 5 weeks at the Royal Rumble for the Intercontinental Title. Also, the Nation was destroyed by Ahmed Johnson last night. Problems within the Nation exist, Nation leader Faarooq got Commissioner Slaughter to set up Rocky Maivia up in a match against Ahmed Johnson. With Rock being on the outs with the Nation lately, you have to question Faarooq's motives. What else can be added? We only have 3 matches announced. You will see this and more on what promises to be an explosive RAW. Tune in at 9/8 central only on USA Network.


1. British Bulldog & Owen Hart vs. The New Blackjacks (Windham & Bradshaw)

2. 10-man Battle Royal to determine the #1 Contender for the Intercontinental Title

3. Rocky Maivia vs. Ahmed Johnson

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really good PPV. The Jarrett/Mankind match was insane. The cage match was cool at the end with Taker and Kane. Surprised to see Bulldog win the Euro title and see Kane lose pretty cleanly to Austin. The ECW angle could be good too.

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Good PPV man. Surprised to see Lynn take the gold, I was hoping Taka would win. Hopefully you'll have some good things in store for the Light Heavyweight division. The Mankind/Jarrett stuff was just insane, But awesome. I don't know about a Bret/Douglas match, I mean, Douglas was still pretty bitter at the WWF for "ruining" his character or whatever. But it'll be cool to see the ECW guys there. I'm glad Taker won, And now it'll be interesting to see things between him and Kane pick up.

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