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XPW out with the old in with the new

Guest ncguy

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Fans welcome to XPW TV Joey says, Tony says tonight will continue a long line in greatness for XPW and this will lead up to the next XPW Pay Per View Coast to Coast live from LA.

Billy Fives vs 2 Cold Scorpio

The match starts out with Scorpio attacking from the start with big punches. Scorpio traps Fives in the corner and lands some stiff chops and martial arts kicks. Fives is down on the ground after a powerbomb and then Scorpio lands a diving splash onto him for a 2 count. Scorpio taunts Fives and the fans allowing Fives to start a comeback with a dropkick and then a few punches. Scorpio then lands a spin kick knocking the wind out of Fives Scorpio lands a rana onto Fives then goes up top and lands the Scorpio Splash for the 3 count and the win.

*** rating




Shane Douglas Interview

Douglas is backstage with interviewer Alicia Webb. Douglas shows off his belt to the camera. Douglas says he accepts Raven’s challenge but next week wants a shoot at Raven in a handicap match Candido and Douglas versus Raven. Douglas then ends the interview with the Triple Threat sign to the camera.


Black Milita vs Divine Storm

The match starts out with Brian XL versus Divine exchanging holds back and forth until XL lands a quick bulldog. XL stays on the advantage with a suplex followed by a legdrop. XL tags in Smokey they hook Divine up and land a double powerbomb onto him. Smokey then lands a stiff lariat onto Divine followed by a pin attempt only getting a 2 count. Divine though gets to his corner and makes the tag to Storm. Storm lands a big super kick onto Smokey then locks on a cross face hold but Smokey gets to the ropes for the break. Storm knocks him down again with a big german suplex. Smokey though was knocked into his on corner and makes the tag to XL. Storm and XL exchange tie ups until XL lands a sunset flip style hold for a quick 2 count. Storm lands a facebuster onto XL as they both get up. Storm tags in Divine. Divine lands some lighting quick blows onto XL before landing a rana for a quick 2. Divine then goes for a running powerbomb but XL counters it into a rana of his on and tags out to Smokey. Smokey comes in like a house of fire hitting a release powerbomb onto Divine then decking Storm with a dropkick to the arena floor. Smokey then lands a DDT onto Divine and makes the tag to XL who comes in with a Swanton Bomb onto Divine and makes the pin for the 3 count and the win.

*** rating




XPW Cruiserweight Title: The Amazing Red vs Shark Boy vs Juventud Guerrera

The match starts out with Red and Sharky trading tie-ups until Red lands a arm drag taking Sharky over. Juvi sits back in the corner watching. Red lands a dropkick onto Sharky followed by a cross body for a 2 count. Red lands a rana onto Sharky then a standing moonsault but Juvi breaks up the pin at 2 and goes to work onto Red with a snap suplex. Juvi then lands a DDT onto him and goes for the pin but Sharky recovers to break it up. Juvi then goes to work onto Sharky with some stiff chops. Sharky and Juvi tie-up but Red lands a springboard dropkick into both of them. Juvi and Red are going at it until Juvi gets the best of Red with a reverse DDT. Sharky comes back nailing Juvi with a german suplex. Sharky then works on Red’s neck with a camel clutch style hold.Juvi dropkicks Red in the face as he is in the camel clutch Juvi then lands a superkick onto Sharky getting a 2 on the pin. Red throws Juvi outside the ring and works over Sharky landing a rana then a running senton getting a 2 count, then hits a dropkick taking out his knees and landing the Red Star Press for the 3 count and the title.

*** rating




Interview with Steve Austin

Austin comes down to the ring on a black ATV with smoking skull logo flags on it. Austin breaks out his beers and starts drinking as the crowd pops loudly for him. Austin says he is here in XPW to kick ass and take names. Austin also states he has been brought to XPW by Foley to enforce the rules he says he will be watching and adding matches to Coast to Coast he rides off drinking his beer.


Konnan vs Sandman

They trade punches then fight outside the ring exchanging weapons shoots. But as soon as Sandman takes the advantage with some stiff cane shoots Mexico’s Most Wanted come down the ramp hitting Sandman with chair shots. La Familia beat on Sandman with chair shots and punches until Konnan locks on a Armbar and the Sandman is out cold so the ref has no choice and calls for the bell.

** rating




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Top Posters In This Topic


Spanky vs Anthony LaGotto (Cruiserweight Action)

The God Squad vs Adam Windsor and Nigel McGuinness (Tag Action)

Interview with Juventud Guerrera (Juvi Wants His Belt Back)

Naohiro Hoshikawa/Shark Boy/Jason Cross vs Brian XL/ Akio/ Scoot Andrews (Wild Six Man Action)

Kaos vs Samoa Joe (TV title match)

Main Event: Shane Douglas and Chris Candido vs Raven (Pre-Coast to Coast Action)

New wrestlers:

Jay Briscoe

Jimmy Rave

Justin Credible

Mark Briscoe

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XPW Newsline:

XPW Coast to Coast line-up

XPW Cruserweight Title: The Amazing Red vs Juventud Guerrera

Terry Funk and Mick Foley vs CM Punk and Colt Cabana

Ravens Rules Match XPW World Title: Shane Douglas vs Raven

XPW announces that we will see more and better wrestling so fans keep watchin XPW TV and watch the PPV Coast to Coast

Also fans check out XPW Wrestling.com for the lateset News, Results, Pictures and More

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The show opens with a montage to XPW with many of its famous faces and matches after this we see Joey and Tony sitting at the announcer’s position saying hello fans and welcome to another great addition of XPW TV.

Anthony LaGotto vs Spanky

The match starts out with Spanky getting the fans behind him Lagotto ties-up with Spanky and takes him over with an arm drag transitioning quickly into an arm bar. Lagotto then lifts Spanky up and lands a quick hip toss and taunts Spanky. Spanky comes back with punches lefts and rights and whips Lagotto into the ropes and backdrops hims. Lagotto rolls outside the ring and works the fans; Spanky though dives out onto him with a plancha both men are wiped out on the arena floor. Finally after recovering for a bit both men re-enter the ring. Spanky takes advantage of being the first man back in to land a dropkick Spanky then cradles Lagotto for a quick 2 count. Spanky then lands a stiff forearm shot onto Lagotto followed by a shining enzguri getting a close 2 count on the pin. Lagotto though comes back with suplex onto Spanky followed by a chin lock. Lagotto then lands a kick to the shoulders onto Spanky. Lagotto then picks up Spanky and lands a backdrop suplex onto him getting a 2 count on the pin attempt. Spanky though comes back with a quick head scissor takeover. Spanky follows that with a northern lights suplex for a close 2 count. As Lagotto gets up Spanky throws him into the corner and lands Sliced Bread Number 2 for the 3 count and the win.

*** rating




Adam Windsor and Nigel McGuinness vs The God Squad

The match starts out with Windsor and Gabriel exchanging blows onto one another Windsor takes the advantage with some stiff forearm shots. Windsor then lands a DDT onto Gabriel followed by applying a surfboard hold onto him. Windsor throws Gabriel into the corner and tags out to Mcguinness who throws some european uppercuts into Gabriel before overhead suplexing him out of the corner. Mcguinness uses some old school amateur wrestling to keep Gabriel on the mat before applying a choke on the throat of Gabriel. Gabriel though begins to come back after the hold is broken landing a weird spin style kick onto Mcguinness followed by death valley driver. Gabriel quickly tags out to Luke who comes in like a house of fire with punches onto Mcguinness. Luke then lands a rana onto him and goes up top for a moonsault which misses the mark with Luke landing awkwardly allowing Windsor to be tagged in. Windsor uses a spike piledriver onto Luke then flips off Gabriel who comes charging in but the ref stops him allowing Windsor and Mcguinnes to double team onto Luke. Windsor goes for the kryptonite crunch but Luke rolls out of it with a sunset flip for the surprise 3 count on Windsor. Winsor and Mcguinness go outside the ring and come back with chairs knocking out both members of The God Squad.

**1\2 rating




Interview with Juvi

Juvi shows up dressed in street cloths and comes down to the ring and demands a microphone. Juvi says his belt was stolen from him and he wants it back also he says he is the real XPW Cruiserweight Champ! Juvi says at Coast to Coast he will take on Red and cripple him in a ladder match for the belt. Juvi flips off the fans as he leaves the arena.


Naohiro Hoshikawa, Shark Boy, and Jason Cross vs Akio, Brian XL, and Scoot Andrews

Cross and Andrews start the match exchanging punches until Andrews takes Cross down with a drop toe hold. Cross is then locked in an indian leg lock by Andrews. Andrews lays back on the hold making it worse on Cross. Akio is tagged in and fires off some kicks into Cross. Akio then snaps Cross over with a quick arm drag. Akio then lands a rana onto Cross. Akio goes for the pin but only manages a 2 count. Cross begins a comeback with some punches followed by a superkick Cross then tags out to Sharky. Sharky and Akio tie-up Sharky then takes Akio over with a suplex. Sharky then does the shark bite onto Akio followed by a rolling german suplex. Akio though gets to his corner and tags in XL. XL and Sharky exchange stiff blows onto one another until XL gains the advantage with a rolling kick. XL then lands a stiff STO variation getting a 2 count onto Sharky. XL though misses a missile dropkick allowing Sharky to tag in Hoshikawa. Hoshikawa then lands some kicks and chops onto XL before landing a running knee onto him. Hosikawa picks up XL and lands a dragon leg whip onto him and quickly hooks on a half crab a all out brawl happens with Cross taking out Akio and Andrews drilling Hosikawa with the Forces of Nature followed by XL hitting Sharky with a super kick allowing XL to pin Hoshikawa for the 3 count.

*** rating




XPW Television Championship: Samoa Joe vs Kaos

The match starts out with Joe chopping away on Kaos followed by a power slam for a 2 count. Joe picks Kaos back up and lands a big belly to belly suplex onto him. Kaos though rolls out the ring and jaws with the crowd. As Joe comes out after him he is meet with a dropkick knocking him into the ring apron.Kaos then lands a stiff chair shot onto him. Kaos rolls him back in the ring for the pin but only gets a 2 count. Kaos throws some blows onto Joe then lands a Sliding Yakazu kick onto him adding insult to injury doing Joe’s on move onto him. Joe though comes back landing a stiff elbow shot onto Kaos followed by a release german suplex getting a 2 count on the pin. Kaos though recovers and lands a low blow followed by a roll up holding onto the tights for the 3 count and the win.

**1\2 rating




Main Event: Raven vs Chris Candido and Shane Douglas

The match starts out with Raven using weapons on both competitors. Raven throws Candido into a steel chair he has set up. Douglas though catches Raven off guard with a crutch shot breaking it over him. Douglas then beats on him with a steel chair. Candido recovers and stomps on Raven while Douglas gets a table and sets it up in the corner. Douglas goes to whip Raven through the table but it is reversed and Douglas is sent through the table hard. Candido though pounces on Raven with a lariat to the back of the head and lays punches into him. Candido then piledrives Raven onto a trashcan and gets the 3 count.

** rating




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Air Paris vs Jimmy Rave(Replacment Due to Nosawa touring Japan)(International Action)

Interview with Steve Austin (Austin Tells The People What He Thinks)

Paul Burchill vs John Walters (Good Wrestling Action)

Youthanazia vs The Briscoe Brothers (Young Tag Teams Go Head To Head)

Sabu vs CM Punk (Legend vs Young Gun)

XPW Deathmatch Title: Brian Lawler vs New Jack (Old School vs Hardcore)

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The show starts off with Joey and Tony Welcoming us to LA and The XPW Training Center for this exciting episode of XPW TV

Paul Burchill vs John Walters

The match starts out with punches back and forth until Walters takes the advantage with some stiff forearms then a german suplex taking him over. Walters goes for another big suplex this time a dragon suplex but Burchill lands a elbow to break it up before he can be taken over. Burchill hooks up Walters and lands a belly to belly onto him.Burchill follows up with a stiff power bomb getting a 2 count. Burchill then just decapitates him with a stiff lariat getting a close 2 count. Burchill goes for the win with a modified Complete Shoot getting the 3 count.

** rating




Interview with Steve Austin

Austin comes out with a microphone and says how the hell are you XPW. Austin says he is making some matches tonight first off he wants to see a strong tag match with The Briscos and Youthanzia in a best 2 out of 3 falls match and Brian Lawler vs New Jack Deathmatch title match for your TV Main Event. Then Austin drinks beer and goes through the crowd to cheers.


Air Paris vs Jimmy Rave

The match starts off with tie-ups and reversals until the veteran Paris lands a swinging DDT onto him. Paris then bounces off the ropes and lands a quick head scissors onto him. Rave though begins to come back landing a cross body onto Paris. Rave then lands an arm drag followed by a leg drop onto the arm. Rave works over the arm more with an arm breaker transitioned into a modified arm bar. Paris wenches in pain but manages to get a rope break. Rave then goes for a running power bomb put Paris counters it with a rana. Paris then lands a super kick knocking Rave down and getting a 2 count. Paris puts Rave up top then goes for a rana but Rave counters it with a Rave Clash off the top for the 3 count and then win. Some familiar music hits and Raves face is in disbelief as he quickly heads to the back.

**1\2 rating




Tony says Rave better watch out stealing moves Joey then breaks in and says fans we will see Rave in action at Coast to Coast versus a mystery opponent.

Youthanazia vs The Briscoe Brothers

The match starts out quickly with Mark versus Josh they quickly exchange tie-ups but Mark lands a kick onto his gut followed by a quick snap suplex. Mark tags out to his brother Jay who lands some quick forearms onto him followed by a northern lights suplex getting a 2 on the insueing pin fall. Jay then lands a quick backdrop driver before tagging out to his brother Mark. Mark lands a running dropkick onto Josh he follows this with a side suplex. Mark though misses a senton from the top onto Josh and tags out to M-Dog. M-Dog slams Mark down with a fall away slam. M-Dog then hits an axe handle off the ropes onto Mark. M-Dog tags out to his partner Josh who lands a running lariat onto Mark he follows that with a T-Bone Prohibition Plex getting a 2 as Jay breaks up the pin. Mark is worked over with chops and a sit-out power bomb but Mark kicks out at 2. Josh can’t believe it and is irate allowing Mark to tag Jay in. Jay goes to take out Youthanazia with punches and chops and ends the match with a Jay-Driller onto M-dog getting the 3 count on the pin.

***1\4 rating




Sabu vs CM Punk

The match starts out with Sabu diving out onto Punk with a suicide dive as he makes his entrance. Sabu then starts trading punches with Punk on the arena floor. Punk though comes back with a stiff chair shoot busting Sabu open. Punk stomps onto Sabu working him over. Punk throws Sabu back in the ring and lands a diving moonsault onto him getting a 2 count. Punk then lands a DDT as Sabu gets to his feet. Punk goes back up top and goes for a senton bomb but misses as Sabu rolls out the way. Sabu hits a dropkick followed by a springboard moonsault off the second rope. Punk rolls out the ring allowing Sabu to dive again to the outside this time with a moonsault over the top onto Punk. Cabana comes running down the aisle to help his partner he hits Sabu with a chair then he hits Sabu with the Colt 45. Terry Funk though comes down the aisle with his branding iron hitting both members of the Second City Saints. This allows Sabu to land an arabian press onto Punk getting the 3 count and the win.

*** rating,




Main Event: Death Match Title: Brian Lawler vs New Jack

The match starts out with Jack bringing a ton of weapons into the ring going right after Lawler hitting him with a trash can. Jack then lands a shot with a keyboard then breaking out the trademark staple gun busting Lawler open by stapling his head. Jack then hits Lawler with a stop sign Jack sets up a table outside the ring. Jack works over Lawler with some punches then a shot with a chair. But wait out from the back comes the debuting Justin Creditable he lays cane shots into Jack as Lawler recovers and lays in some punches, then both men throw Jack through the table outside the ring Lawler gets a barbwire board and sets Jack on it and goes up top and lands the Hip Hop Drop but doesn’t go for the pin as he and Justin beat on Jack some more with weapons shots Lawler uses Jacks on stable gun on him and pins him for the 3 and the title, But Jack is still down and Justin and Lawler beat on him more with cane shots and weapons shot, Lawler even uses Jacks powder filled guitar against him but Sandman comes in a makes the save with his cane he helps Jack up and to the back. Lawler gloats in the crowd with his new title.

*1\2 rating




Joey and Tony plug the next Pay Per View Coast to Coast this Sunday. They say the card will be great so tune into your local Pay Per View provider for this great show.

As always fans go to XPW Wrestling.com for updates and great merchandise.

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Though I do not necessarily agree with mass changes, I applaud your efforts with this.

You at least had the sense not to C&P, you kept it going despite criticism early on, and you're attempting to have some sort of story, which is more than can be said for many diaries. Therefore, as perhaps one of the best "this is my first diary" types we've seen in awhile, I think of you fondly.

Though, it is largely annoying as a reader to see your news posts with one sentence each. You could improve upon this by waiting until you have enough news to warrant a "dirt sheet" or something along those lines, and then post that.

Also, your matches are very short, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, when a match is so short, it's best to write it as a summary. You write your matches as if they were full length, but finish them in a few sentences. This is something you could work on that would really help things, at least for me, and it's really only the swap of a few words here and there.

Keep on keeping on.

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Coast To Coast Card

Dark Match: Jablonski Brothers vs James Tighe and Air Paris

Cruiserweight Gauntlet: Akio vs Gabriel vs Elix Skipper vs Nigel McGuinness

Samoa Joe vs 2 Cold Scorpio

Battle Of The Clash: AJ Styles vs Jimmy Rave

XPW Tag Title: Shane and Kazarian vs Mexico's Most Wanted vs The Briscoe Brothers

Elimination Match: Vampiro, Sandman, Supreme, and New Jack vs Chris Candido, Dallas, Justin Credible, and Brian Lawler

Ladder Match XPW Cruiserweight Title: The Amazing Red vs Juventud Guerrera

Legends vs New School: Mick Foley and Terry Funk vs Colt Cabana and CM Punk

Ravens Rules XPW Heavyweight Title: Shane Douglas vs Raven

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1. CM Punk, New Jack, NOSAWA, Spanky, Shane Douglas, Air Paris, and Quiet Storm would never work XPW... ever... or again, as the case may be. Anyone who is a major part of RoH should NEVER work XPW, unless the unlikely case that they never plan to work RoH again, because, 'Once you go Black, you never go back.' Same applies for CZW.

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sorry for the delay of the next show but probloms happened from game probloms to personal ones but anyways new show hoping to be up soon so keep reading and agian sorry for the delay.

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Coast To Coast

The show opens with Joey and Tony saying how great it is to be in the LA and the Grand Olympic. They say what a wild night of XPW action this will be.

The tag team of the Jablonski Brothers comes down the aisle to no music and issues a challenge saying they want to be on this show and challenge anyone to come on and face them. The music of Air Paris hits over the PA system he gets a decent response from the fan who cheer him, he says if the Jablonski want a fight they got he Paris calls out anyone in the back to be his partner out from the back comes the debuting british star James Tighe.

Jablonski Brothers vs James Tighe and Air Paris

Tighe and Paris rush the ring and start brawling with the Jablonski brothers. The refree gets the action settled down and Tighe and Chet start fighting with Tighe taking the advantage with a dropkick to Chet’s knees. Tighe then ties him up in a headlock and takes him over. Tighe goes for suplex but it is blocked and Chet lands a DDT onto Tighe. Chet tags in Dean who goes right after Tighe with stiff punches and a strong lariat. Dean then goes to spike Tighe with a piledriver but Tighe counters it with a backdrop. Paris is tagged in and lands a quick head scissors take over onto Dean. Paris then lands a super kick almost taking Dean’s head off. Paris then goes up top and lands a flying cross body onto Dean for a close 2 count. Dean though manages to tag in Chet who unleashes a flurry of punches onto Paris. Chet then spikes Paris with a power bomb. Chet taunts the fans allowing Paris to recover and land the Burning Hammer for the 3 count and the win.

** rating




Cruiserweight Gauntlet: Akio vs Gabriel vs Elix Skipper vs Nigel McGuinness

The match starts out with Gabriel and Mcguinness going at it Gabriel gains the advantage with a quick arm drag and dropkick. Gabriel then hits a stiff thrust kick followed by a northern lights suplex for a close 2 count. Mcguinness comes back though with an amateur style takedown followed by a headlock submission. Mcguinness then takes him back over with an arm drag transitioned into an arm bar. Mcguinness then slams Gabriel back down with a overhead suplex. Mcguinness then hits the governor’s crumpet (hammer lock pedigree) getting the 3 count. Skipper is the next man out and he takes it to Mcguinness with chops. Skipper then takes him over with a rana and follows with a spin kick. Mcguinness rolls out the ring but Skipper dives out onto him. Te crowd starts chanting for Skipper. Skipper then rolls Mcguinness into the ring and lands some brutally stiff suplexs and then a running dropkick. Skipper finishes Mcguinness off with the play of the day getting the 3 count on the pin. Akio comes out with martial arts kicks and a big flying spin kick. Akio works over Skipper with chops then takes him over with springboard arm drag. Akio though misses a quick standing moonsault attempt which allows Skipper to come back and throw some punches before landing a reverse DDT. Skipper follows up on the advantage with a suplex followed by a quick hip toss. Skipper then walks the ropes and lands a rana onto Akio. Skipper quickly follows this up with a double under hook suplex. Skipper then misses a missile dropkick. Akio takes advantage with a axe kick followed by a tornado DDT for a close 2 count. Akio then spikes Skipper with a german suplex followed by a dragon supex getting the 3 count on Skipper and winning the gauntlet.

**1\2 rating




Samoa Joe vs 2 Cold Scorpio

The match starts out with Scorpio using his speed and landing a quick dropkick and armdrag on Joe. Scorpio then lands some martial arts kicks onto Joe. Joe though comes back with a big lariat. Joe then lands a belly to belly onto Scorpio followed by a running elbow drop. Joe then lifts Scorpio back up and lands a hard vertical suplex. Joe then goes into an arm bar onto Scorpio but Scorpio reaches the ropes for the break. Joe though lights him up with chops as he stands up. Joe then quickly takes him over with an overhead suplex. Joe then picks him up and quickly lands the island driver and applies the choke sleeper and Scorpio is out cold so the ref rings the bell and Joe has won.

*** rating.




AJ Styles vs Jimmy Rave

The match starts out quickly with both men exchanging arm drags. Styles gains the advantage with his pele kick. Styles then hits Rave with a quick german suplex and bridges it getting a 2 count. Styles then lands a flying forearm onto Rave. Rave though comes back with a super kick and a spinning DDT. Rave follows up with a school boy getting a 2 count. Styles though quickly takes Rave over with a sunset flip for only a 1 count but Rave counters it with his on pin for a 1 count before Styles rolls through and pins him for a 2 count. Rave though lands a quick dropkick onto Styles knocking him over.Rave quickly goes for a diving DDT but it is countered into a northern lights suplex by Styles. Styles sets Rave in the corner and monkey flips him out. Styles then quickly head scissors Rave over and locks on a STF. Rave though comes back with a quick under hook face buster followed by a reverse twist of faith. Rave goes outside and grabs a table he sets up Styles in the corner with the table set up underneath Rave attempts to rana Styles off the top turnbuckle through the table but Styles counters it with the styles clash off the top rope and through the table, Styles quickly pins him and gets the 3 count.

*** rating




XPW Tag Team Titles 3-way Elimination Match: Shane and Kazarian vs Mexico's Most Wanted vs The Briscoe Brothers

The match starts out with Jay and Kazarian tying up with Jay side suplexing him over. Jay picks him back up and lands an arm breaker onto him he follows that with an arm bar trying to make Kazarian tap. Shane though comes in and breaks it up. Kazarian tags in Halloween who hits Jay with some stiff chops. Halloween then lands a DDT onto Jay and follows that with a jumping elbow drop he goes for the pin but only gets a 2 count. Jay comes back quickly with a half-nelson suplex. Jay tags in his brother Mark. Mark goes right at Halloween landing an uranage on him. Mark quickly tags in Shane who hits Halloween with a snap suplex. Halloween though comes back after a low blow and tags Damien in, they hit Shane with spike tombstone pile driver Kazarian though comes in and hits Damien with a brain buster letting Shane recover. Shane tags in Jay who quickly nails Damien with the j-driller and gets the 3 count eliminating the champs Mexico’s Most Wanted. Kazarian quickly enters the ring spring boarding in with a dropkick knocking Jay over. Kazarian quickly hits a jumping kick onto Jay. Kazarian tags in Shane who comes in and nails Jay with a springboard blockbuster. Jay comes back with a overhead suplex and tags in Mark. Mark lands a dropkick onto Shane then a diving cross body onto him. Mark follows this with a sit-out power bomb. Jay is tagged back in and lands a senton off the second rope onto Shane. Jay goes for a backdrop driver but Shane counters it with a bulldog off the ropes, Shane tags in Kazarian. Kazarian works over Jay with a neck breaker across the knee followed by a camel clutch. Kazarian release the hold and through Jay into the corner and lands the wave of the future onto him getting a very close 2 count. Kazarian strikes Mark who comes inside the ring but is held back by the referee Shane and Kazarian hit a german suplex lariat combo and Kazarian pins Jay for the 3 count and the titles. Chants of Fuck TNA! Break out as Shane gets on the microphone and says he is brining the XPW Tag Team Championships back to TNA and his boss Jerry.

**3/4 rating




Elimination Street Fight: Vampiro, Sandman, Supreme and New Jack vs Chris Candido, Dallas, Justin Credible and Brian Lawler

The match starts out with a wild brawl between all eight men. Jack and Lawler are going at it with Jack landing a stiff chair shot busting Lawler open. Dallas slams Supreme onto a guardrail and assaults him with stomps. Sandman and Credible are going at it until Sandman lands a kendo stick leg sweep putting Credible down and out. Vampiro fly’s into Candido with a moonsault off the ring apron to the floor. Jack breaks out the staple gun onto Dallas busting him open. Credible beats the hell out of Vampiro with a kendo stick. Sandman throws Lawler over the guardrail into the fans and works him over with anything he can find. Candido works over Supreme’s head with a DDT onto a open steel chair busting him open; Candido then goes after Jack with a trash can shoot. Sandman pile drives Lawler through a vendor table and eliminates him with a 3 count. Dallas is working over Supreme and lands a power bomb putting him through a propped up table and pins him for the 3 count and the elimination. Jack lands some chair shots onto Credible. Candido is going after the Sandman they fight in the crowd exchanging punches. Dallas and Vampiro are fighting inside the ring with Vampiro taking the advantage with a thrust kick. Vampiro quickly nails Dallas with a top rope spin kick. Sandman canes Candido repeatedly. Credible works over Jack with a fork busting him open. Sandman throws Candido into the guardrail hard. Dallas power slams Vampiro hard onto a trash can crushing it. Jack goes after Candido with a stop sign knocking him hard to the ground. Dallas though puts the Sandman through a bed of thumbtacks with a power slam pinning him for the 3 count and elimination. Jack beats on Candido with a chair. Jack then hits Dallas with a powder guitar. Vampiro lands a diving splash onto Dallas pinning him for the 3 count and the elimination. Credible comes up behind Jack and hits him with a cane shot. Vampiro and Candido fight in the ring exchanging punches. Jack busts out a pizza cutter and works over Credible making him bleed heavily. Vampiro goes right after Candido but misses a moonsault.Candido lands a pile driver onto Vampiro. Jack staples Credible’s head. Jack lands a diving chair shot and pins Credible and eliminates him by getting the 3 count. Vampiro and Jack beat on Candido with weapons until Vampiro lands the nail in the coffin to eliminate Candido and win the match for his team.

*1\2 rating.




Ladder Match: XPW Cruiserweight Title: The Amazing Red vs Juventud Guerrera

The match starts out with quick exchanges Red takes the advantage with a rana. Red then quickly takes over Juvi with a springboard arm drag. Juvi comes back with a boot to the mid-section and lands a power bomb onto Red. Red though doesn’t stay down long as he dropkicks Juvi and follows with a springboard senton. Red quickly head scissors Juvi to the outside and goes out after him with a tope con Hilo. Red pumps up the crowd before trying to whip Juvi into the ring steps which Juvi counters sending Red crashing into them. Juvi suplexs Red onto the guardrail and follows up with a leg drop knocking Red off the guardrail. Juvi taunts the crowd flipping them off. Juvi puts Red back in the ring and drops him throat first on the top rope. Juvi brings in the ladder sets it in the corner and tries to whip Red into it but Red slides outside the ring. Juvi goes after him with a plancha and nails him hard. Juvi gives Red a DDT onto the arena floor. Juvi lays a chair onto Red and goes for a diving elbow drop off the ring apron onto him but misses as Red rolls out the way. Red quickly super kicks Juvi as he tries to stand up. Konnan comes out from the back to try and help Juvi they work over Red with punches and Juvi holds Red as Konnan goes for a chair shot on him but Red ducks and Juvi is knocked out and busted open with a brutal chair shot. Red lands a spin around reverse rana on Konnan and sets up the ladder and grabs the belt and is the cruiserweight champion. The other 2 members of La Famila Mexico’s Most Wanted come down the aisle and trap Red’s leg in a chair and attempt to break it by stomping on it. La Famila throw the belt onto Red and pour tequila onto him and leave the ring to a chorus of boos.

****1\2 rating




Terry Funk and Mick Foley vs CM Punk and Colt Cabana

The match starts out with a wild brawl were Funk and Cabana pair up and Punk and Foley pair up. Order is restored and Cabana and Foley begin to fight in the ring Cabana spikes Foley with a DDT. Cabana then takes Foley over with a hip toss. Cabana follows this with a tornado snap suplex. Foley comes back though with a lariat and tags in Funk. Funk quickly throws some famous funk jabs into Cabana. Cabana tags in Punk who goes right after Funk applying a hammer lock then following it up with a short arm lariat. Punk then lands a under hook backbreaker on Funk but only gets a 2 on the pin. Funk comes back with a big forearm shot and tags Foley in. Foley lariats Punk over the top rope to the floor going over with him they brawl on the arena floor with Foley bashing a chair over Punk’s head. Cabana tries to help his partner throwing powder in Foleys eyes. Funk though comes over and throws Cabana into the crowd and they begin to brawl through the crowd. Punk takes advantage of Foley being blinded and lands a hammer lock DDT onto him getting a close 2 count on the pin. Foley comes back with a barbwire bat busting Punk open ripping deep into his forehead. Foley double-arm DDT’s Punk onto a steel chair. Cabana and Funk are fighting thorough the fans hitting each other with anything they can find. Foley lands a diving elbow drop off the ring apron putting Punk thorough a table and pins him for the 3 count and the win. The fans cheer wildly after the win by the hardcore legends. Foley gets on the microphone thanks the fans for coming out and hypes the main event a little and goes through the fans making his exit.

*** rating.




XPW Heavyweight Title: Raven’s Rules: Shane Douglas vs Raven

Joey and Tony hype the main event and state the rules are:

• Barbwire Wrapped Ring Ropes

• Falls Count Anywhere Inside or Outside the Building

• 2 Out of 3 Falls

• No Time Limit

The match starts with Raven and Douglas exchanging punches Raven drives Douglas into the corner and pounds on him with kicks and punches. Raven tries to put Douglas’s head into the wire but he can’t. Douglas rolls outside the ring and grabs a chair Raven follows him out and takes a stiff chair shot to the head. Douglas throws Raven into the ring steps. Douglas grabs a chain from his tights and starts to choke Raven. Douglas drags Raven around and slams him and hits him with anything he could find. Douglas has Raven down on the outside of the ring and punches him repeatedly with his chain wrapped fist. Douglas gets a fork out and busts Raven open with it Douglas rolls Raven back into the ring and goes to whip him into the barbwire but it is countered by Raven who sends Douglas hard into the barbwire. Raven takes advantage and beats on Douglas with a steel chair. Douglas though gets the chair away from Raven and sends some hard shots into his ribs and lands the franchiser onto him pinning him for the first fall. There is a short rest period as both men are taken back to the ring and the second fall starts. Douglas is beating on Raven with punches and stomps. Douglas then sends Raven into the barbwire. Raven though comes back with a low blow followed by a knee to the face. Raven opens up a steel chair and drop toe holds Douglas onto it. Raven quickly throws Douglas into the corner and follows with a lariat. Raven catches Douglas coming out of the corner with the even flow DDT and pins him winning the second fall. The second rest period occurs as both men start the third and final fall by trying to cut the other up with the barbwire. . Douglas drags Raven around through the crowd and slams him and hits him with anything he could find. Douglas has Raven up on some bleachers, the two start to slug it out but Douglas takes the advantage and knocks him off the bleachers onto a stack of tables Douglas goes down and pins Raven getting the final fall in the match and retaining his title.

** rating




The XPW Logo appears and the screen goes black signaling the show is over

Fans hope to see you at the matches and keep readign for more great XPW action

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Fans i want you to pick 8 Tag teams you want to see or of enemys so i can have a Lethal Lottery and make a new number 1 contender for Douglas's XPW Title.

Here's my roster feel free to add in any ideas or anythign you would like:

• 2 Cold Scorpio(H)

• Adam Windsor(H)

• Air Paris(F)

• Alex Shelley(H)

Alicia Webb(F)

• Altar Boy Luke(F)

• Anthony LaGotto(H)

• Billy Fives(F)

• Brian XL(H)

• Chet Jablonski(H)

• Chris Candido(H)

• Chris Divine(F)

• CM Punk(H)

• Colt Cabana(H)

• Dallas(H)

• Damien 666(H)

• Danny Doring(F)

• Dean Jablonski(H)

• Gabriel(F)(

• Halloween(H)

• Jason Cross(F)

• Jerry Lynn(F)

Joel Maximo(F)

• Joey Matthews(H)

• John Walters(F)

• Jose Maximo(F)

• Josh Prohibition(F)

• Julio Dinero(H)

• Justice Pain(H)

Justin Credible(H)

• Juventud Guerrera(H)

• Kaos(H)

• Konnan(H)

• M-Dogg 20(F)

• Mick Foley(XPW Owner) (F)

• Mikey Whipwreck(F)

• Naohiro Hoshikawa(F)

• New Jack(F)

• Nigel McGuinness(H)


• Paul Burchill(H)

• Quiet Storm(F)

• Raven(H)

• Sabu(F)

• Samoa Joe(F)

• Sandman(F)

• Scoot Andrews(H)

• Shane Douglas(H)

• Shark Boy(F)

• Smokey Carmichaels(H)

• Spanky(F)

• Supreme(F)

• Tammy Lynn Sytch(manager) (H)

• Terry Funk(F)

• The Amazing Red(F)

• Tomoaki Honma(F)

• Vader(H)

• Vampiro(F)

Thanks in advance look forward to feedback, Keep reading fans

Edited by ncguy
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God Squad vs Men For Hire(Anthony LaGotto and Luis Ortiz) (Tag Action)

Alex Shelley vs Jason Cross(Debut of Shelley)

Interview with Amazing Red(Red Talks about La Famila and Juvi)

Dallas vs Samoa Joe(Battle of The Big Men)

Interview with Shane Douglas(Douglas Rips on XPW)

AJ Styles vs Juventud Guerrera(Styles Fights For Red)

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XPW Newsline:

Fans XPW is sad to report that Vader has left the company but on good terms and may come back in the future we wish him luck.

Another Super Star leaving XPW is Stone Cold Steve Austin who is on his way to Hollywood we wish Austin the best in his future projects.

XPW also is proud to announce all the XPW TV Episodes up to number 7 are avaliable at XPW Wrestling.com for Purchase.

Fans keep tune in for more news and great XPW action.

Thanks for all the support

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The show starts off with Joey and Tony Welcoming us to Atlanta Georgia and The Atlanta Recreation Center for this exciting episode of XPW TV

The God Squad vs Men For Hire

The match starts out with Ortiz and Gabriel in the ring Ortiz gains the advantage with a snap suplex followed by a quick swinging neck breaker. Ortiz tags LaGotto in who immediately works over the neck of Gabriel with a DDT followed by a rear chin lock. LaGotto throws Gabriel back into the corner and tags Ortiz back in, Ortiz goes after Gabriel with a lariat but Gabriel rolls under it and comes back with a dropkick. Gabriel tags in Luke. Luke quickly hits Ortiz with a spin kick. Luke lands a diving lariat onto Ortiz, he follows that up with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors takeover. Luke tags Gabriel back in who charges into Ortiz with a big boot. Gabriel goes for a body slam but Ortiz slips out and lands a reverse DDT taking him down. Ortiz tags in LaGotto who quickly goes to work on Gabriel’s neck with a snap mare followed by a kick to the head. LaGotto then throws Gabriel into the corner and releases a flurry of chops. Gabriel though comes back and lands an overhead suplex and tags in his partner Luke. Luke lands a big flying chop knocking LaGotto down hard, Ortiz comes in though and goes for a double team power bomb with LaGotto but Gabriel pulls Luke over and onto LaGotto getting a close 2 count. Gabriel takes Ortiz over the top with a cross body himself going over in the process. Luke hits a big inverted piledriver followed by the halo (springboard moonsault) onto LaGotto getting the 3 count and the win.

** rating




The Amazing Red Interview

Red appears from the back with a leg brace on his knee and on a crutch but still with his XPW Cruiserweight Championship. Red says La Famila may have hurt his knee at Coast to Coast but he still has the belt. Red says he wants his revenge and says he has big plans for the next Pay Per View entitled “King Of The Deathmatch” so La Famila better watch out.


Alex Shelley vs Jason Cross

The crowd cheers for Cross early on as he is the home town boy. Cross has the early advantage with a dropkick followed by a quick hip toss. Cross then lands a swinging neck breaker. Cross goes to spike Shelley with a DDT but Shelly counters it with a northern lights suplex. Shelly follows this up with a Straight Jacket Neckbreaker getting a close 2 count. Shelly lands a double stomp onto Cross then taunts the fans Cross takes advantage and small packages Shelly as he turns around for a quick 2 count. Shelly though retakes control with an enzguri. Shelly follows this with a knee strike. Cross though groggy comes back and lands an inverted neck breaker onto Shelly. Cross goes up top and lands a missile dropkick. Cross follows this with an arm drag and a TKO getting a 2 count on the pin attempt. Shelly though lands a low blow followed by a tornado DDT off the ring ropes. Shelly signals for the Shell Shock(swinging inverted russian leg sweep) Shelly hits the Shell Shock and gets the 3 count. Shelly taunts the fans talking trash as he leaves the ring.

*** rating




Dallas vs Samoa Joe

The match starts out with punches back and forth until Joe hits a forearm blow knocking Dallas back. Joe follows this with a burning lariat knocking Dallas over. Joe then nails Dallas with a yakuza kick as he stands up. Joe is just beating on Dallas with hard blows but Dallas’s partner and stable mate Chris Candido comes down the aisle distracting Joe who nails him with a big punch to the face as he gets on the ring apron. Dallas recovers enough to land the big boot. Candido comes into the ring and lands a stiff chair shot onto Joe followed by him and Dallas double powerbombing him through a table that Dallas has set up and Dallas gets the 3 on the pin. Dallas and Candido celebrate as they head to the locker room.

** rating




Interview with Douglas and The Triple Threat

Douglas is backstage with Dallas and Chris Candido, Douglas has his XPW Heavyweight title showing and rubs it. Douglas says his revolution is working great and he will always be XPW and have his belt. Douglas challenges any of the WWE Champions or NWA Champions to come face him in XPW. Douglas says the Triple Threat will get more gold, all three members of the Triple Threat do their sign as the screen fades out.


Main Event: AJ Styles vs Juventud Guerrera

Styles comes out to a HUGE POP from the crowd, Juvi comes out with a bottle of tequila and the crowd boos so he spits some onto them. The match starts with some basic chain wrestling with Styles taking the advantage with a diving back elbow off the corner turnbuckle. Styles hits a rana taking Juvi over. Styles then quickly lands a super kick knocking Juvi to the ground and follows with a running senton getting a 2 on the pin. Styles follows this up with a springboard forearm shot. Styles goes up top and goes for the Styles press but misses, so Juvi takes control and lands a quick reverse DDT and follows this with a leg drop. Styles though comes back with the pele kick followed by a modified face buster. La Famila rush down the aisle and go after styles who tries to fight them off with punches and kicks until he is hit from behind by K-Dog but out from the back comes a masked man who rushes into the ring and springboards in with a double dropkick onto Mexico’s Most Wanted sending them outside the ring and goes after Juvi nailing him with the bottle of tequila Juvi had at ring side he and Styles then throw K-Dog outside the ring and look ready for action as Juvi is pulled out the ring the fans cheer for AJ and this masked man.

****1\2 rating




The XPW Logo appears with a message saying tune in next week.

Fans hope to have my Deadly Draw bracket and King of The Death Match bracket up soon.

Thanks for Reading

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King Of The Death Match Bracket

New Jack vs Harley Lewis

Supreme vs Abyss

Tomoaki Honma vs The Messiah

Altar Boy Luke vs NOSAWA

The King Of Death Match Tournement winner will receive a shot at the KOD Title

As always fans thanks for reading hope to have a preview for XPW TV 9 up soon

Edited by ncguy
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If nothing else, I mark out hugely for an appearance by Tomoaki Honma. I believe myself to be the only person so far to have used him in a deathmatch enviroment on this board (and I did it twice too :P) As a bloodmark, your KOTDM has me kind of interested. I'll check back on that one.

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Deadly Draw Tag Tournament:

Rules: 8 teams start until 1 is left and the 2 members of that team fight 1 on 1 for a XPW Heavyweight title shot.

Terry Funk/Raven vs Steve Corino/Vampiro

Samoa Joe/Tyson Tomko vs Konnan/Dallas

Sandman/Kaos vs Justin Credible/Jerry Lynn

Low-Ki/Juventud Guerrera vs CM Punk/Spanky

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(Higland, IN.)

First Primetime Show

Danny Daniels vs Adam Windsor ( IWA Championship)

Double C vs Air Paris vs Jimmy Rave (3-way action)

Interview with La Famila (Revenge)

Kaos vs Super Dragon (XPW Television Title)

Abyss vs Supreme (1st round KOTD)

Mick Foley Interview (The Boss Talks)

Low-Ki and Juventud Guerrera vs CM Punk and Spanky (1st round Deadly Draw)

Interview with Styles and The Masked Man (The Challenge)

Terry Funk and Raven vs Steve Corino and Vampiro (1st round Deadly Draw)

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