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Entertaining Amercan Wrestling


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You all know the kinda guy who, steals your girlfriend in high school, team coach for football and the basket ball teams and can pretty much get anyone he wants, yeh we all know that kinda guy, but do we know the flipside of him? Unpopular, geeky and pretty much everything that the football coach isnt, a man who fits this description is Justice Styles, in high school he was the unknown guy in the corner doing his work when he could have been clubbing or whatever.

Well, you usually hear bad things about this kinda guy, but not in this case, in this case, Justice was a straight A student and thats what turned the tide, all the years of being picked on and bullied paid off, he hooekd up with a nice girl and that worked out for him, but there was always this part of him that wanted to get into sports, he could talk well and was good on stage but that was all, he wasnt the footballer sterotype, or the basktball player, he just knew his way around the stage, wasnt afraid of performing and could talk for his country.

He wanted all that to change, he wanted to be able to do sport, so from his 18th birthday he spent the next 7-9 months training, turning his quite ugly skinny frame into a well built frame, he now wanted to continue his dreams and go into sports but he couldnt actually play football nor basketball or rugby, but there had always been wrestling, wrestling was the one thing he enjoyed because of the sports entertainment factor.

So again, he set off to continue training himself, he used all the money he had, being that his parents were rich mother fuckers, he used all the money he had to to be able to be trained to wrestle, to be able to mat wrestle, chain wrestle, shake his fear of heights and to mould him to be the geratest wrestle he could be. So, the story of the events leading up to now are almost over, but what happened around Justice's birthday wa s a suprise, after 2 months of him not being seen at all, he returned a cocky bastard, in a year he had gone from straight a student geek no-one liked, to being a great built, egotistical bastard, its strange what happens to you when you try to mould yourself on others, but maybe this would work out, then again maybe it wont, no-one knows the answer yet, but they will.


Roster details and othr stuff up in the next post

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Justice Styles - Its going to be the old, turn up the original guy 10 times, gimmick. He's going to play an egotistical heel who most likely wont job to anybody, thus destryoing the company in our first month.

B.A Konn Radd - Well its pretty much a rip off off that billy gunn fellow, but konrad suits it more, we tooled him up and set him up and now he's ready to be Styles' arch enemy.

Masked Dragon - Originally Flying Dragon but with some work we have a masked ninja dragon who is stealthy and can beat you within seconds, then again that could also be cause everyone else sucks.

Jason Norcross - No changes here, he's gonna be old school and a face, try and capture the older fans attention.

Shane Matthews - The comedian of our company, he may end up just cutting promo's, we shall see, hopefully his new gimmick will work out.



I got 21,000 from the sponsors i managed to round up, wont be paying the wages though i dont think. Hopefully the shows generate enough money.


First Event

The card isnt prepared yet, but it should be set soon, however, i have to sign a referee for this and set the ticket prices, its $3 to enter, i doubt anyone will pay to come but we can try, I signed Jason McCord to be my referree, hopefully he adds something to the matches otherwise I'd be better choosing a fan to count the damn pins.


The first show, Genesis, will have a preview put up soon, feedback welcomed :D

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So the egotistical bastard that is my boss and the owner of this company decides that eh can do whatever he wants, yes he wants to company to succeed and that being found with drugs on him and shooting on the company is the way to go.


So earlier today I decided to spread some fliers around town to announce the first show, entitled Genesis, heres a copy of the flier..

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Entertaining American Wrestling Presents...


EAW World Title Tournament Match 1

Justice Styles Vs. Masked Dragon

EAW World Title Tournament Match 2

"Old Skool" Jason Norcross Vs. "Bad Ass" Konn-Radd

EAW World Title Tournament Final

Match 1 Winner Vs. Match 2 Winner

All that and more, Shane Matthews makes his long awaited debut to the wrestling industry and will thrill you all, he's funnier than that peter kay fellow and he's got a better name than that peter kay fellow, so come on down for wrestling and a stand up act for only $1 per ticket.

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Entertaining American Wrestling Presents...


EAW World Title Tournament Match 1

Justice Styles Vs. Masked Dragon

EAW World Title Tournament Match 2

"Old Skool" Jason Norcross Vs. "Bad Ass" Konn-Radd

EAW World Title Tournament Final

Match 1 Winner Vs. Match 2 Winner

All that and more, Shane Matthews makes his long awaited debut to the wrestling industry and will thrill you all, he's funnier than that peter kay fellow and he's got a better name than that peter kay fellow, so come on down for wrestling and a stand up act for only $1 per ticket.

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I designed the new flier for next month so that people can read about it a while before it hapens, hype the show up.

So without further ado...

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Entertaining American Wrestling Presents...


Fans Choose The Challenger World Title Match

Justice Styles © Vs. ???

Tag Team Opponents Become Partners Match

"Badd Ass" Konn-Radd & Justice Styles Vs. Masked Dragon & "Old Skool" Jason Norcross

Welcomers Match

Shane Matthews vs. ???

All that, another comedy sketch with Shane Matthews and lots lots more, so check on your towns wrestling company at the next show, 23rd January.

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Sorry, I am a huge Konrad and Norcross mark, all because of the WEF. I shall always be a huge mark. Should they appear on WWE TV, I shall have conniption fits.

Give Konn Radd a banjo...or maybe bagpipes...hehe.

Good show, nice way to do up the Main Event. I'll be reading.

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My apoligies for the bump, but can people PM me who they want to face Styles at the next pay per view, and since i dont wanna mnake a complete bump I'll add some news -_-.


Unsuprisingle, Styles has been in his 3rd incident this month and, once again, has blasted the company, I seriously wonder if he cares or is just in himself, ok no, I dont wonder. I know he just cares bout himself.

In other news, WWE signed old talents such ass; Sting, Goldberg, Austin and Foley. Why they actually releaded them to rehire them is beyond me though.

Also, Fat Frank Iadevaia has taken over control of CZW, this caused a big shake up which might help me because i might wish to sign some of their released talent.

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News & Front Office Updates

I guess the incidents with Styles are catching peoples attention because while readinbg through internet reports, Scott Keith ansered a question that asked..

Q: Who's the worst political offender of all?

A: At the moment, Justice Styles, political Games, working stiff and holding people down.

I guess i can just counter this with the fact that the same site, Grapple Fanatics, listed Justice Styles as the best newcomer to the biz, so hopefully it doesnt turn people off our product, well, not that we have a product, but, umm, our events.

Also, Wrestling-Heat has said that Styles may eb leaving the company, well he owns the ompany and I can tell you firsthand that this rumour is NOT true and he will be at the show erarlier in the month facing the fans choice.

I also noticed, that a new Canadian Company has opened, they are runnign under the name "Canadian Charisma Championship Combat", or 4C, too bad very few canadians are actually charismatic. They will be running at small level, which means im still the lowest ranked wrestling company that is recognized on the Stock market. Putting me now 6th out of 6 companies.

And finally, to cap off this newletter, I'll update you all on what EAW world champion, Justice Styles, had to say about Genesis.


Styles: Great show, good idea to have me open the show and close it because it had them, want to stay and it made them leave the show with a sense that there, umm, dollar, was worth it. Damn punters, beggers get more money, but back to the show. I like that you had Dragin put me over quickly so it could concentrate on me more and make me the biggest star in the company, which is what should happen, it'll be intersing to see how they react next show, I need to be a little more heel.

Oh and that comedian guy, can you give him something to read next show? He sucks on the mic but maybe reading from cards would help him put on a better act, not that the act wasnt funny.

And finally, Konn-Radd could be the only guy to make it through the "Glass ceiling" in this company because damn he worked well with me, and my motto is, "if you dont mind Jobbing, you'll get somewhere, in..life.." thats it. So, when you see this promo, I hope you all enjoyed Genesis and will also enjoy Aftermath.

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Entertaining American Wrestling Presents...


Fans Choose The Challenger World Title Match

Justice Styles © Vs. ???

Tag Team Opponents Become Partners Match

"Badd Ass" Konn-Radd & "The Highlight" Justice Styles Vs. "The Ninja" Masked Dragon & "Old Skool" Jason Norcross

Welcomers Match

Shane Matthews vs. ???

All that, another comedy sketch with Shane Matthews and lots lots more, so check on your towns wrestling company at the next show, 23rd January. Entry is only $3.

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I raised the advertising rate upto 10%, hopefully this helps our shows.

Our PI continues to raise to an amazing 3%, also, Styles and Masked Dragon had birthdays this month, making them 19 and 27, respectively.

We hired 2 new guys this month, all of them are going to only be working one show with us unless thery impress as we really cant afford to keep them with us.

In other news, Styles didnt appear to a photo shoot we supposedley organised the whole roster to go to, well neither did anyone else so I'll ignore that.


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Entertaining American Wrestling Presents...

Battle Lines

World Title X-Match

"The Highlight" Justice Styles © Vs. "Old Skool" Jason Norcross

After last weeks amazing display and with Norcross coming up so close to getting the title EAW management has granted him another shot at the title, but under the stipulation that if he loses this he doesnt get a shot as long as Styles is champ.

Tag Team Grudge Match

JC Ice & "Rap Phenomenom" Dr. Jre Vs. Shane Matthews & Burchill

Both Jre and Mathews have brought in allies to try and get one over on the other, this started off as just a friendship turned sour but after last weeks run-in incident by Jre it has built up even more-so. Will it be settled at the aptly named 'Battle Lines'?

World Title #1 Contenders Match

Masked Dragon Vs. "Badd Ass" Konn-Radd

Both men have already had chances to get the title but we at EAW are giving both men another chance, both men also have to make a name for themself in EAW.

Welcomers Match

Burchill Vs. JC Ice

Both men who were brought in by Jre and Matthes will go one on one as well as fight later in the night.

Tickets are only $2 so come and enjoy the above matches and the usual comedy sketch with EAW's own Shane Matthews.

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News and Updates

It seems that Burchill, being the favourite that he is in England, specifically British promotions IPW and FWA. He is causing excitement around the net and I'm hoping that this will drive people to come to our shows and check out the talent that we have,

The Industry is going into a slump, obviously this isnt good for us at all, but hopefully we can get through it.

And Once again, Styles blasted the company in a Radio Interview we set up for him, but then again it has yet to have a negative effect on us so I'll let this pass again, and with that Styles' morale shoots upto 100.

So thats all in todays update, hope you all enjoy the show if you goto it.

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Entertaining American Wrestling Presents...

Battle Lines

World Title X-Match

"The Highlight" Justice Styles © Vs. "Old Skool" Jason Norcross

After last weeks amazing display and with Norcross coming up so close to getting the title EAW management has granted him another shot at the title, but under the stipulation that if he loses this he doesnt get a shot as long as Styles is champ.

Tag Team Grudge Match

JC Ice & "Rap Phenomenom" Dr. Jre Vs. Shane Matthews & Burchill

Both Jre and Mathews have brought in allies to try and get one over on the other, this started off as just a friendship turned sour but after last weeks run-in incident by Jre it has built up even more-so. Will it be settled at the aptly named 'Battle Lines'?

World Title #1 Contenders Match

Masked Dragon Vs. "Badd Ass" Konn-Radd

Both men have already had chances to get the title but we at EAW are giving both men another chance, both men also have to make a name for themself in EAW.

Welcomers Match

Burchill Vs. JC Ice

Both men who were brought in by Jre and Matthes will go one on one as well as fight later in the night.

Tickets are only $2 so come and enjoy the above matches and the usual comedy sketch with EAW's own Shane Matthews.

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EAW Daily Update

Finally got a site up for the promotion, so onto the updates of the day.

We have signed two new wrestlers this month, to take the place of JC Ice and Burchill, all of who will definitely make an impact on the company when they debut.

Hell Storm: This guy was rather cheap at only 9k and he is over a bit, so time to tool him up with a gimmick that can get him over. So we renamed him as Agent Smith and he's running a "Man On A Mission" gimmick and he's also a Heel. See if he can turn anyone in the company to his side.

SexxxY Eddy: A great wrestler who, again, I signed for 9k. I have tooled him up with a "Supernatural" Gimmick, should work well, also, he is no Longer SexxxY Eddy he is The Angel.

Moving onto other news, the advertising rate is going to stay the same and maybe this month it will actually help us rather than end up with us having less people coming. Also, in addition to this, for possible this month only, EAW are going to be producing a show every week, this will hopefully improve out public image and monthly income.


In an e-mail sent to EAW a few days ago, we were asked if we can produce a full Roster update so here it is..

The EAW Roster

The Angel - Originally SexxxY Eddy, well now he has supernatural powers and is called The Angel, is skilled in the ring and is one of our best finds as he is at quite a cheap price.

"Badd Ass" Konn-Radd - KonRad became the companies badd ass who doesnt listen to authority, the boss or anyone who tries to tell him what to do. He's had one chance at the title so far and he didnt win as Justice Styles won that match and became the World Champ. However, at Battle Lines Konn-Radd won a number 1 contenders match, so will he be able to win the title at Ascension?

Dr. Jre - Jre is your typical rapper, a cocky bastard who believes he's the best, while he isnt the best raper his skills in the ring are undeniable and he has a few wins under his belt. He won his first match in this company by defeating Shane Matthews and in his second match he teamed with JC Ice to defeat Shane Matthews and Burchill.

Jason Norcross - Norcross is very old school and as he may not have won a match yet in EAW but he has a lot of potential and is a major player in EAW, its only a matter of time before he tries to get Styles to allow him a title shot, as his loss last month was a controversial one and it was a loss that meant Norcross wouldnt get another title shot against Styles.

Agent Smith - Agent Smith is here for one reason, and one reason only, to turn all of EAW onto his side and to use them for his evil doings. Smithwill be making his debut at Redemption in 2 weeks, we'll see what tricks Smith has up his sleeves.

Justice Styles - The founder of EAW and its first and only and current World Champion, has yet to lose a match in EAW and is without a doubt one of EAW's most exciting performers, at the next PPV EAW will hold he will be facing off against Konn-Radd, but with last months main event finish, how will this shows title match end?

Masked Dragon - Hasnt done much to be remembered properley in EAW, but last month when he took out Norcross was something he will be remembered by, we will have to see how this attack on Norcross continues but look out for Dragon in the future as he makes a name for himself in EAW.

Shane Matthews - A self professed Comedian, former friends with Dr. Jre but both men showed that there loyalties lie elsewhere when both men started the first blood feud in EAW, Matthews has yet to win a match in EAW tio my recollection, but his comedy sketches on every show are very memorable and he is slowly but sureley making his way up the EAW ladder.


In other news, a new promotion named Total Championship Wrestling has been opened at High Regional level, they are said to be looking for around 20 new faces to sign to the company. We'll have to see how this company turns out. However, the creation of TCW drops EAW to the

Also, Chavo Guerrero Sr. has recently retired and is now going to becomne a full time announcer, he is currently unemployed but with TCW popping up he may not be out of business for long.

Thats all for todays news update, se you all soon.

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It is my unfortunate news to tell you that EAW is dead, however, Wrestle Dome is now here. I hope everyone likes the new name, true its not the most inventive but its short and Snappy and easy to remember.

Wrestle Dome: Ascension (2/3/05)

Ascension is going to be featuring a World Title Contendership Tournament, Four Matches, Three Challengers and 1 Champion. The matches on the next 2 shows will decide who ends up in the 4 way match with the winner facing off against the champion at "The PPV After Last". However, if the world champion managed to enter and win the 4 corners match then he wouldnt have to defend his World Title and would get the night off at "The PPV After Last".

Wrestle Dome World Title Match

"The Highlight" Justice Styles © Vs. "Badd Ass" Konn-Radd

Konn-Radd earned his title shot at Battle Lines by defeating Masked Dragon, both of these men interefered in the X Match between Styles and Norcross which was for the world title, in a match that ended in controversy follows another match which could follow the same path, but will it? The winner of this match goes into next week with an easy advantage because both of these guys face off next week in a World Title Contendership Quarter Final match, if the champion wins this match

World Title Contendership - Quarter Final

Dr. Jre Vs. The Angel

Jre is on a roll coming off a succesful mini-blood-feud with Shane Matthews as the winner. The Angel is making his debut in Wrestle Dome in this matrch and looks to prove himself in this match, and maybe we will see some of his promised super powers?

World Title Contendership - Quarter Final

Masked Dragon Vs. Shane Matthews

Dragon screwed Jason Norcross out of the title last month, but what will the reprecussions of Dragons attack be? Obviously Norcross will have been told who actually attacked him last week so in this match Dragon will have to watch his back. Shane Matthews may also need to watch his back as a heated battle like that with Jre may or may not be over yet, we'll have to see how possibly the most looked forward too match of the night unfolds.

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