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Guest Red Devil

I'm pissed off right now. I started up a new season yesterday and started with Palace with my sole aim being to stay in the Premiership. I spent hours on it changing formations and shit. I usually download a tactic and use that but i thought I may as well try and do it properly. I did all the player instructions and everything and started off. The start was really bad, around 5 loses and a couple of draws. My team then finally gelled together and I drew the next 7 games in a row! The thing that pissed me off about that was in every game I was winning by two goals until the 85th minute when the opposition always scored their equalisers. It took me 17 games to get a win and by the end of the season I had only 5 wins but a load of draws. I ended up getting relegated with a game to go but out of the 18 draws i got, 16 of them always had me leading and them scoring in the last few minutes. It felt like there was a bug in there somewhere but i just couldn't put my finger on it.

Anyway now i'm working out whether to continue with Palace in the Championship or to start a new game. Has anyone got any tactic help for me with a shitty Premiership team. I always seem to be on the back foot and can't win unless it's one of the bottom 5 teams.

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When I'm playing with smaller clubs against larger teams, I always tend to go with a 4-5-1 formation. As much as I hate it, it stifles their play and if you do it right, can pretty much stop their midfield from getting involved.

If you've got a lead, then in the last 15/20 minutes or so keep as many men back as possible, with counter attack on. Maybe play the defence a bit deeper as well, but not to much.

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Guest Red Devil

Is that 5 across the midfield or a couple of DM, a couple of wingers and an AM? I've tried various formations throughout the season and they didn't really change anything for me. Maybe the team was too weak. I'll probably give it a go in the Championship but does anyone know if you get the TV Money for the first season ala the Premier League money or will i get money for the second season ala the Championship?

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Is that 5 across the midfield or a couple of DM, a couple of wingers and an AM? I've tried various formations throughout the season and they didn't really change anything for me. Maybe the team was too weak. I'll probably give it a go in the Championship but does anyone know if you get the TV Money for the first season ala the Premier League money or will i get money for the second season ala the Championship?

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Is that 5 across the midfield or a couple of DM, a couple of wingers and an AM? I've tried various formations throughout the season and they didn't really change anything for me. Maybe the team was too weak. I'll probably give it a go in the Championship but does anyone know if you get the TV Money for the first season ala the Premier League money or will i get money for the second season ala the Championship?

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Guest Red Devil

Yeah I know about that Malenko. I gave each formation 5-8 games before changing. They really didn't have much effect on the team. I'll have to get back to the drawing board. Maybe it was because I played too defensive? I was always on the back foot and AJ got most of his goals from long balls. I'll just have to switch things around.

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The main thing to do is to play to your own players' strengths. It's no use downloading a tactic that the creator worked wonders with a completely different set of players. It's quite boring, but look at your individual players' stats - if they're poor at passing, keep their passing to short, if your keeper is poor at kicking, set his distribution to 'collect' etc.

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I'm pissed off right now. I started up a new season yesterday and started with Palace with my sole aim being to stay in the Premiership. I spent hours on it changing formations and shit. I usually download a tactic and use that but i thought I may as well try and do it properly. I did all the player instructions and everything and started off. The start was really bad, around 5 loses and a couple of draws. My team then finally gelled together and I drew the next 7 games in a row! The thing that pissed me off about that was in every game I was winning by two goals until the 85th minute when the opposition always scored their equalisers. It took me 17 games to get a win and by the end of the season I had only 5 wins but a load of draws. I ended up getting relegated with a game to go but out of the 18 draws i got, 16 of them always had me leading and them scoring in the last few minutes. It felt like there was a bug in there somewhere but i just couldn't put my finger on it.

Anyway now i'm working out whether to continue with Palace in the Championship or to start a new game. Has anyone got any tactic help for me with a shitty Premiership team. I always seem to be on the back foot and can't win unless it's one of the bottom 5 teams.

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Guest Dakendo

I've got quite a good training regime, and some good tactics. I'm playing as Leeds, with the newest patch, in a 4-1-2-1-2 formation, and, after losing or drawing all of my friendlies to oblivious Croation teams, I've really picked up, shooting to the top of the Championship with the new regimes and tactics after a few games. So, yeah, I'm pretty pleased. With the new patch I have to say, the added signings of David Healy and Gylfi Einarsson are pretty awesome for goalscoring.

Also, something I've been wondering: If you can, how do you comment on a game afterwards to the press? I swear I've read about the feature somehwere, I'd just quite like to experiment with that feature, if it indeed is there.

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Yes! The last day of the season and my expected relegation candidates Doncaster Rovers secured the Championship title after a 1-0 win against Ipswich. Pre game 1st and 3rd placed Leicster and Portsmouth faced off and Portsmouth won to leave me the chance to go top, Marc Bridge Wilkinson scores and we win. We end on 98 points, Leicster 96, Pompey 95.

The fans were ecstatic that I had done the unthinkable in taking them to the Premiership and were thinking of building a statue in my honour. :D

Rockin, my reserves won their league too as did my under 18's (for the second time in a row).

Edited by King Ellis
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My Basingstoke game's going slightly better, we've started scoring now - but the defence has decided to become leaky. Beat Hayes 4-0 on the first day of the season, but then lost to Thurrock 2-0. Played Lewes, went 1-0 up. They got it to 2-1, before we equalized in the 70th minute. 83rd minute, they get a third and win the game.

I've got to try and find the right tactic for my defence. Instead of playing a 4-4-2, I'm thinking of switching to a 4-1-3-2 with some playing the Malkelele role just in front of the defence.

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Yes! The last day of the season and my expected relegation candidates Doncaster Rovers secured the Championship title after a 1-0 win against Ipswich. Pre game 1st and 3rd placed Leicster and Portsmouth faced off and Portsmouth won to leave me the chance to go top, Marc Bridge Wilkinson scores and we win. We end on 98 points, Leicster 96, Pompey 95.

The fans were ecstatic that I had done the unthinkable in taking them to the Premiership and were thinking of building a statue in my honour.  :D

Rockin, my reserves won their league too as did my under 18's (for the second time in a row).

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