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Psychodelic Rock

Guest George

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I have been loving the type of music ever since I heard it, and I'm trying to get more into it.

Any reccomendations besides The Doors or Chris Cornell?

Note: While not completely psychodelic, both above are a experimental and psychodelic rock.

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I have been loving the type of music ever since I heard it, and I'm trying to get more into it.

Any reccomendations besides The Doors or Chris Cornell?

Note: While not completely psychodelic, both above are a experimental and psychodelic rock.

Strawberry Alarm Clock might not be a bad start, they were mentioned in a previous Simpson's thread.

The Monks are very good, there are elements of acid rock and garage in their songs.

Frank Zappa is definitely some experimental rock from the 60s you can look into.

Iron Butterfly is an obvious choice to look at. They had alot of very good tunes other than In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida.

The Sonics are another excellent group from this time period that are worth a shot.

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'Underground' 60's bands like the Sonics, Monks, Zombies, Mysterions etc.

I wouldn't call any of these bands underground. "96 Tears" was much more than an "underground" hit, and the Sonics, Monks, and Zombies all had pretty good followings. Not on the scale of the say the Beatles, The Who, the Doors, etc.., but certainly not underground. And for the record, The Monks and the Sonics were great, that is if you enjoy that kind of thing.

Edited by VerbalPuke
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Guest Locutus of Borg

You can never go wrong with the Grateful Dead. "Dark Star" is probably the most "psychedelic" sounding song of their's, I'd also check out "Scarlet Begonias". Traffic is another good band to check out, but I'm not really sure how much of a psychedelic rock band they are. Perpetual Groove and Phish are a few good present-day bands that could be considered to be "psychedelic rock". Most of the true psychedelic rock, however, is in the '60s and '70s when many of the bands more focused on more spiritual lyrics and experimented with many drugs to achieve this.

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Oh.. right.. damn...

I still don't totally agree though.. Ozzy Osbourne was influenced by The Beatles and a lot of rock and rollers now adays were influenced by Black Sabbath... maybe there's a little Jimi in there but i don't know...

and Locutus, I really meant to say Grateful Dead and i don't know why i didn't.. i think it was because i was thinkin well they might say they're more of a jam band but i think they're plently psychodelic.. i don't know why i forgot about them..

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George, maybe you're not downloading the right Beatles song.. try Tomorrow Never Knows, A Day In The Life, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, Being For The Beneifit Of Mr. Kite!, Fixing A Hole, I Am The Walrus, I Want You (She's So Heavy),

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There are only 3 songs I like from The Beatles

"Helter Skelter "

"A day in the life"

"I wanna hold your hand"

"Lucy in the sky with diamonds" has a good chorus, but I hate the verses.

"Let it be" it's ok. Other songs just annoy me.

Please, dont turn this into a Beatles discussion thread. They are just not my type....

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