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Oasis reuniting

gunnar hendershow

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I don’t really see the issue here. I’m all for government intervention in markets for essentials like energy, healthcare, education, housing, transport and so on. In quite a few of these areas I don’t think a market should exist at all. But Oasis tickets are not a fundamental need. It’s a good where demand for outweighs supply and if people are daft enough to pay £400 for a ticket then that’s on them.

I mean you might want to look into the extent to which Tickemaster enjoys a monopoly providing ticketing services but this also has me worried that Oasis has a monopoly on providing Oasis services and whether we might want to look into nationalising them. You might also want to limit the frequency with which dynamic prices fluctuate so the customer at least has some certainty with what they’ll pay in between initiating and completing the transaction. But in general I fall onto the “market forces” side of this argument. Soz.


Obiter dictum:

Football is a far more interesting one because the clubs are an important part of local identity and I’m very fortunate that the team I support is a non-entity that nobody outside my hometown cares about and I do feel bad for people who support England Premier League clubs that once were part of the community but now largely exist to market betting services in the Far East or line the pockets of private equity firms in the USA. I would quite like to turn football clubs into cooperatives or something.

But I don’t feel that level of intervention is justified in pop music.


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I don't think anyones really calling for nationalising Ticketmaster though, it's just the dynamic pricing/internal touting that's the issue. The fact that actually touting tickets the risky old fashioned way is illegal, while Ticketmaster can artificially create scarcity and sell through their own resale sites which absolutely isn't touting apparently is ludicrous.

P.S. Thank you for the spoilered bit, saved me a rant...


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