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The Gladiators Thread


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It's kind of a shame that they're going back to Sheffield Arena because it's lack of size really limits some of the events, but I guess it's cheaper than a bigger arena.

They've made the contender application more public this year as well, which should open up more places for people outside of the M1 corridor and Ireland. 

I just hope they get a few more episodes so they can do away with the constant need for fastest losers.

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It seemed obvious that Finlay would win no matter what, he's an army guy who excels at assault courses so the Eliminator is a formality for him. It's a shame because Wesley is great, loved the Spinarooni this time around.

I've done the whole series of stats now, including a "best Gladiator" ranking. Viper does not win that.


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It feels like a bit of an anticlimax when the person who lost in the quarter-finals ends up winning the whole thing, but that's the nature of the beast with the format they used.

Just winning a trophy also seems like a bit of a step down from the contenders' perspective. Winners of some of the old series got a car, with the runners-up getting a holiday.

For me, the best thing about the final was seeing Saracen in the crowd. He looked great for a 60-year-old.

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A producer has said that they fully intend to bring back every Gladiator for the second series, which is great.

There's also a lot of speculation, mainly based on it happening in the Australian reboot, that Finlay and Marie-Louise will come back as Gladiators next year as a reward for winning this time. Given how they were both Eliminator-experts and barely scored points outside of Gauntlet (where everyone scored 10 points) that doesn't seem like a good idea.

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Weirdly I just watched Heat 3 of Season 6, and one of the female contenders did the exact same thing - she injured her knee in Whiplash, then skipped Gauntlet to concentrate on the Eliminator, so there is a precedent for it. The difference is she had a much worse injury, and completely blew out her knee on the second obstacle on the Eliminator and had to be carted out on a stretcher (whilst Ulrika was still interviewing her).

On that note, the gulf between seasons 1-5 and season 6 is enormous. Jeremy Guscott is a terrible host, they lost five Gladiators (Panther, Trojan, Zodiac, Nightshade and Laser) and replaced them without giving the new Gladiators any introductions (although Laser was only a temporary Gladiator for S5 when Nightshade had to stop, she wasn't even in the title sequence), they started splitting the events between genders (e.g. the female contenders played Hang Tough and the male contenders played Duel) and completely revamped the Eliminator for seemingly no reason. They also spend more time showing the Gladiators doing training exercises in Mauritius and cut out the majority of the post-event interviews to make room for that, adding to the new Gladiators getting no time to introduce themselves. I defy anyone to be able to tell the difference between Siren, Fox and Gold.

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Gauntlet either needs booting, adding a fifth Gladiator like in ye olde days, or changing scoring. Maybe give them a point for every second left when they get through the end. It it was only ever used as the final event before the Eliminator it would add some tension to the competitors trying to finish a second or two faster.

I'm glad if every Gladiator comes back ultimately. Give them another season to build on their characters and get stronger at certain events.

My other three wishes are put the Gladiator on the left podium for Duel, add another couple of events and there really needs to be less chance of losers making it to the semis and final. I know they were unlucky with injuries on the men's side but maybe only having one fastest loser in the heats only and not quarters too.

So you would have 14 competitors in the heats, seven winners and one loser to the quarters. Then it's only winners all the way through from there. It means extra episodes (7 heats, 4 quarters, 2 semis, final - 14 episodes) but I feel they'd be happier after the success of series 1.


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2 hours ago, ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster said:

My other three wishes are put the Gladiator on the left podium for Duel, add another couple of events and there really needs to be less chance of losers making it to the semis and final. I know they were unlucky with injuries on the men's side but maybe only having one fastest loser in the heats only and not quarters too.

Even if your wish was guaranteed, I would fight this with every ounce of strength in my body! The Gladiator is always on the right, from Season 1 to Season 8, the Sky seasons, and eventually the BBC when they changed it back halfway through this season.

They took away the Duel music, don't take this from me as well! :crying:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm on to Series 7, and this is very much the "I remember barely any of this" era. Literally all I can remember about this season is that Vulcan shows up (whilst he was filming for The World Is Not Enough at the same time), taking over as the main heel and allowing Wolf to do a face turn. I think they have a Duel at some point, probably in the final.

One thing I had definitely forgotten is the game Dogfight, it's barely describable (Duel with Airships?), so here's an image:

UK Gladiators - Season 7 (1998) - Dogfight - YouTube

Safe to say I doubt they'll be bringing this back.

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Dogfight reminded me a bit of Joust in that it was a highly mechanised event that involved the contenders barely touching each other. I loved the ridiculous gimmickry, but it never made for a compelling athletic contest.

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  • 3 months later...

John Anderson has died at the age of 92. He was one of the greatest voices of the 90s and a light entertainment legend.

Besides Gladiators, he was also a successful athletics coach. He trained Liz McColgan, who won the 10,000m in the 1991 World Championships, and Dave Moorcroft, the former 5000m world record holder.

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15 hours ago, Bobfoc said:

John Anderson has died at the age of 92. He was one of the greatest voices of the 90s and a light entertainment legend.

Besides Gladiators, he was also a successful athletics coach. He trained Liz McColgan, who won the 10,000m in the 1991 World Championships, and Dave Moorcroft, the former 5000m world record holder.

From a Gladiators standpoint he also worked in recruitment and training the Gladiators, and some of the most recognisable names that joined from S2 onwards were from John Anderson's recommendations, most notably Judy Simpson/Nightshade. He has his place as a cult figure from the 1990s set in stone, and anything Clattenburg says is modelled after how John refereed the original series.

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