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General Movie Thread 2024


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I think I watched about 10 minutes of the first one? It was a nightmare.

I also recently read the Wikipedia summary of Sucker Punch to just remind myself how fucking stupid Zack Snyder is and why do people keep giving this guy millions to make really shitty movies.

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On 20/04/2024 at 04:51, Colly said:

I sort of want to put myself through them both (I was waiting for the second one) but there's actual good films I haven't seen. So annoying.

The first Rebel Moon I thought was in the "Its so bad its good" category.  Nothing made sense, but the plot holes and lacm of world/character building made it entertainingly bad. 

Rebel Moon Part 2 was just fucking boring

4 hours ago, Benjamin said:

I think I watched about 10 minutes of the first one? It was a nightmare.

I also recently read the Wikipedia summary of Sucker Punch to just remind myself how fucking stupid Zack Snyder is and why do people keep giving this guy millions to make really shitty movies.

I'm one of those people. 

Granted, I've never seen a Zack Snyder movie in theaters.  But I do keep watching his Netflix output.  Mostly because I expect it to be bad and make me laugh.

Rebel Moon Part 2 was bad, and never made me laugh

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Zack Snyder NEEDS people around him to stop his self-wanking ways and steer his work into a coherent direction.

If you give him too much rope, he's absolutely going to hang himself. His best work in his career was Dawn of the Dead... which was written by James Gunn as a remake of a classic film. Snyder got to put his artistic stamp on the look and feel of the film as director, but the heavy lifting was already done and the amount of shit he could fuck up was severely limited.

Then, for some reason, people thought he needed or deserved more control and here we are.

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Zack Snyder has done a stellar job marketing "Zack Snyder" to a cohort of people who by and large don't have a critical eye for art at all and likely don't want one. Movies, like a lot of things for them, are a place to tribalize. So they're loud and make Snyder out to be something he isn't. They're on his team, he's their guy, and that's all that matters.

The fact this group exists makes him out as a much bigger deal than he is. "His name is always mentioned so he must be good".

I'm sure there are people who genuinely like his movies. But those people are definitely not the driving force behind him being perceived as a major director and creator.

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On 26/04/2024 at 09:50, Lint said:

The first Rebel Moon I thought was in the "Its so bad its good" category.  Nothing made sense, but the plot holes and lacm of world/character building made it entertainingly bad. 

Rebel Moon Part 2 was just fucking boring

This worries me as I watched the first last week and found it painfully dull. A five year old could write "then they went here and picked someone up" five times, and having so many characters with absolutely zero character is almost impressive. I presume all the non exposition stuff is in the 4 hour director's cut.

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They are showing Alien in my local cinema. Do you guys think it would be a great experience to go and watch it (and pay like 60 bucks for the everything including parking, etc) or is it not worth it?

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14 hours ago, Benjamin said:

They are showing Alien in my local cinema. Do you guys think it would be a great experience to go and watch it (and pay like 60 bucks for the everything including parking, etc) or is it not worth it?

I am a massive fan of the Alien franchise, and I would say no. The first movie doesn't have a lot that feels like it would be better on a bigger screen. Especially when you're paying that much money.

Put that $60 towards a nice dinner and a bottle of wine, sit down at home and enjoy the movie.

With Romulus coming out in August, we sat down and watched the whole lot of them. Aliens, Resurrection and Prometheus all benefit greatly from a big screen experience, but the others don't really need it.

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Finishes watching Unfrosted


Oohhh THATS why Seinfeld is complaining about "wokeness". He made a bad movie and will blame the reception on him being "cancelled" or something!

All in all not great, but does have its moments. Thomas Lennon and Bobby Moynihan are great together and Dean Norris vaguely mumbling "Russian" as Khruschev was good

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Was looking for a movie to possibly watch on Xbox. Saw one called "Breathe" which kinda looked interesting so I decided to read the description before renting it. Instead of describing what it was about so I could possible rent it the "description" was the entire plot of the movie beat for beat. I now know what happens to every character and how the movie ends. Thanks for nothing Xbox!

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The Strangers: Chapter One is so very bad, I do not know how it made it into theaters.   Its remarkable it wasn't released on like Tubi or some other third rate streamer.  It felt like a made for TV movie retelling of the original film. 

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We watched Damsel last night. I had added it to our list before really hearing anything about it, but reviews made it sound like complete garbage, so it just got left there until my partner suggested it yesterday.

It's not a bad movie. I mean, it's not a great movie. It's extremely paint by numbers, lazy and uninspired writing... but the performances were pretty good and there's a dragon... so, if you like dragons and strong female leads, it's probably worth a watch.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Nothing says Christmas like Nosferatu.

I've not seen the original all the way through, tbh, but I do quite like the Herzog remake. This will be interesting.

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  • 3 weeks later...
10 hours ago, Your Mom said:

Civil War made me angry. I'm not sure if that was the goal but here I am it's over and I'm angry

Yeah it's basically emphasizing the death of journalism. 

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