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Football Manager 2024


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Having now looked over it, there seems to be a lot of negativity around the article which I suppose in many ways is to be expected. Change in general can always lead to a lot of negative feedback and this is possibly one of those cases where the angry minority are going to be the loudest because it's obviously a work in progress. I think it's okay to be sceptical about these sort of previews, especially when we're jumping into this whole new engine which has the potential for things to go wrong, so the proof of the pudding will be in the final release. I can also see where the idea of taking several things out of the game is a bit alarming, especially in light of several lean years where the stuff going in was thin and far between, manager timeline anyone?

But it seems like the developers are actually using a concept that a lot of people called for when the womens side of the game was announced. "Why waste time developing something only a small number of people are going to use? Why not just the resources you were using on that on more core features." "Okay, here are several features only a minute percentile of our players actually use so we're skipping over them for now." "NO, NOT LIKE THAT!"

I have no idea what the chalkboard even is, I suppose shouts is a big one but they never seemed very intuitive to me. It always felt like a confirmation bias button where because 'demand more' worked once, you'd just do it again and again in the hopes it worked. It never felt obvious when you were meant to use which shout in what situation so it came down to trial and error which you might not be willing to do in games that mattered. Plus it often felt like the player reactions didn't make sense, like when we're approaching the last 10 mins of the game with a narrow lead so I tell them to concentrate, then they get mad or upset at me for it?

And people are acting like the game looks like a mobile game made for babies based on the 'screenshots' which are actively described as being more for illustrative purposes so people can get a better idea of the features that might not come across well in text.

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On 27/06/2024 at 19:19, The Lusophone said:

How's he gotten a 26 minute video out of four screenshots and a medium length blog? True talent.

I hate you for posting this shite and Ellis for suggesting it. Also, for existing.

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On 27/06/2024 at 14:22, King Ellis said:

Shall we post all the FM tubers talking about it for @METALMANs enjoyment?

Take this as an implied angry react

On 27/06/2024 at 19:19, The Lusophone said:

How's he gotten a 26 minute video out of four screenshots and a medium length blog? True talent.

this guy is my least favourite one.

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