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General Television Thread 2023

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So I finally started watching Sucession.


Please tell me that this Cousin Greg doesn't stick around for the entire show. I'm 2 episodes in and I already can't stand him. He is just so incredibly awkward in everything he does and I hate that.


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1 hour ago, Hellraiser said:

So I finally started watching Sucession.

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Buckle up. 

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On 29/05/2023 at 09:55, Benji said:

Does it end in a satisfying way? I've heard great things but since it was the final season I've held off on watching because I figured I'd like to know if it ends in a satisfying way or not.

Personally thought it was very satisfying and a finale that will only get better with time. I thought they completely nailed it. 

1 hour ago, Ruki said:

I just watched the last Ted Lasso episode and I am sad. What an amazing series.

I'm jealous, I haven't got past the first few episodes of the new season, which I thought were really bad. I've currently got no enthusiasm to pick it back up, which is weird cos I dug the first two seasons. 

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Re Succession:


I love, love, love the fact that it was Roman that finally had the epiphany that they were all nothing and nobodies. His arc was so good. 

I legitimately thought that Kendall was on his way to jump off the roof or something at the end, very glad he didn’t.

The scene in the kitchen (which turns out was the final scene they shot) was wonderful and one of my favourite scenes from the entire show. So wholesome.  


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8 hours ago, Ruki said:

I just watched the last Ted Lasso episode and I am sad. What an amazing series.

My girlfriend and I have been watching the series together (the first two seasons being a rewatch for me, and all of the new episodes we've done a first time watch together).  So I can't watch until Friday when she's next over.

Hopefully I can avoid seeing a spoiler before then...even though it's fairly obvious.  Not just this season but the entire three season arc has had a logical endgame from the jump, and they've gotten there masterfully.  Especially this season.

Just really adore this show.

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34 minutes ago, FLiam said:

Re Succession:

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Roman would definitely cope the best outside the corporate world. He'd be happy enough to live Connor's rich, self-indulgent lifestyle (well, minus a Presidential run). He's more or less an internet troll who was lucky enough to be born into ridiculous wealth.

I find myself confused at the people on Youtube who were rooting for any of the Roy children to "win". Not only are they all thoroughly unpleasant people, but they would also never succeed because their egos constantly get in the way. If they combined their skills, they could probably have run The Hundred to a respectable level, but the show constantly demonstrated that they could never cede the spotlight to one another for long enough to make it work.

I saw some people say that they hated the ending because they hate Shiv. I thought it was clear that Shiv's final move was made out of spite for her siblings, and that any personal gain she yielded was pyrrhic. For her, she's now clinging onto a partner who holds the power, a stark role reversal from the start of the series. Even then, Tom's position is likely to be so fragile that that won't last either.


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27 minutes ago, Bobfoc said:
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Roman would definitely cope the best outside the corporate world. He'd be happy enough to live Connor's rich, self-indulgent lifestyle (well, minus a Presidential run). He's more or less an internet troll who was lucky enough to be born into ridiculous wealth.

I find myself confused at the people on Youtube who were rooting for any of the Roy children to "win". Not only are they all thoroughly unpleasant people, but they would also never succeed because their egos constantly get in the way. If they combined their skills, they could probably have run The Hundred to a respectable level, but the show constantly demonstrated that they could never cede the spotlight to one another for long enough to make it work.

I saw some people say that they hated the ending because they hate Shiv. I thought it was clear that Shiv's final move was made out of spite for her siblings, and that any personal gain she yielded was pyrrhic. For her, she's now clinging onto a partner who holds the power, a stark role reversal from the start of the series. Even then, Tom's position is likely to be so fragile that that won't last either.



I’m with you on the not “wanting a Roy to win”. I think that the best bet for a long time was for Tom to take over. 

On the Shiv point, she totally has not gotten anything that she wanted. If anything she’s become her mother, destined to be unhappy whilst her husband does his thing.

The power dynamic shift when they were both in the car was extremely telling.

Also, small detail - but Roman was drinking Gerri’s favourite drink (a Martini) in the bar at the end. Lovely touch. 


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8 hours ago, Jimmy said:

I'm jealous, I haven't got past the first few episodes of the new season, which I thought were really bad. I've currently got no enthusiasm to pick it back up, which is weird cos I dug the first two seasons. 

I'm also very much on this boat unfortunately. 

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I watched the first couple episodes and then got deep into the third and just kind of realized that I wasn't enjoying it at all and maybe I'd put it off until later, and then I got a spoiler on Twitter regarding the Nate stuff and was so "oh fuck that, I don't want to see that" about it that I dropped the show entirely. I'm happy for the people who like it still, it's a very nice and goodhearted show and I'm sure it delivered what they wanted but for me it had just lost all its appeal.

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Season 3 of Ted Lasso definitely is the worst season, starts out poorly, has too many isolated arcs, and too many pointless characters (pretty much the entirety of the Keeley arc is terrible). That being said, the final 4 episodes especially are all phenomenal, excellent television.



I'm really glad Richmond didn't win the League because it was just way too unbelievable, especially given the terrible run of form they were in during that post Zava pre-Tartt as a 10 winning streak. Soccer snob in me there though.

I loved a lot of the callbacks in the finale. I especially was loving the Zorro bits. But Ted so calmly knowing the West Ham goal was offsides was beautiful, and I loved the little Office reference again too. And of course, EVERYTHING about the Believe sign was so beautiful. I loved Isaac and Colin both having it in their uniform when they play...even though it would totally be sweaty and stinky!


Only thing I didn't like was Roy and Keeley not ending the show together 😭


I could honestly go on about the show for ages


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Succession S02E08 spoilers:


In my book Kendall Roy deserves to never take over his dad's company simply for that rap. Jesus fucking Christ on a stick! I mean, that has to be up there with stuff like Skylar singing Happy Birthday on Breaking Bad as one of the most cringeworthy moments in TV history.


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Watched the Ted Lasso finale.  As others have said, season 3 was obviously the worst of the 3 but I don’t agree with some of the reviews making it sound like the entire show fell off a cliff.  A few of the story arcs fell flat with me, but there was plenty enough I enjoyed about each episode this season, and the last handful was especially brilliant.


It’s worth pointing out that at no point during this entire year did Apple ever bill it as the final season, just the season finale.  This is obviously because Apple are going to want to keep all of their popular shows going as much as possible.

Sudeikis has made it clear he wanted to be done after the three season arc they wrote from the jump.  So I thought it was brilliant the way they handled it with the note he left in Trent’s book.  “Change the name, it’s not about me, it never was.”  Basically telling you there could very well be a Richmond spin-off even if the character of Ted has left.

Will Apple decide the show is worth a spin-off without Ted?  Only time will tell, I know Roy Kent became a very popular character and now he’s the head honcho so he’d be a major focus.  They set up possible angles to follow up on for a Richmond women’s team, etc.  but I’m happy Ted Lasso itself stayed at the three seasons.

But my favorite gag - once again, the attention to detail is impeccable.  Season 2 episode 1, Ted says “Watch’chu talkin’ ‘bout Willis?” to Beard and clearly you’re not meant to view it as anything more than a throwaway TV reference.  Then to find out at the last second that Willis is actually Beard’s first name?  Chef’s kiss.


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Well personally I loved S3 of Ted Lasso and the finale was great

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On 01/06/2023 at 15:19, Krabby said:

Anyone else here watching Silo on Apple TV? We have watched all the episodes that are out so far and are absolutely loving it!

2 episodes in and really digging it, love a bit of Sci-Fi and the cast is incredible. I think, with HBO a clear front-runner, I've started to think Apple TV have become quite reliable for quality TV.

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