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I don't pretend to ignore Altidore's "issues" one bit.

I'm just dumbfounded that this is being done given the following:

HALF of the issue with Altidore's performance has been with the tactics/player choices employed by Klinesmann. Hell, the article you linked even states part of that. Klinesmann has an ideal situation at FWD with Altidore/Gomez.

Herc isn't a full 90 ST like Klinesmann wants. Sure, he can go the full 90 but not in the manner Klinesmann is berating Altidore for not doing. No, Herc is actually better served as a 60th/70th minute sub as opposed to a starter. He's proven that at both the club and national team level. Altidore for 60/70 and Herc for 30/20 gives Klinesmann exactly what he wants at the ST position. Given that you aren't calling in Boyd ... and you're going with EJ (who is the original Jozy to be honest), it simply doesn't make sense to make this move.

Altidore is the ST that Klinesmann wants in his set up. Sure, he played like ass in the 10 minutes he was out there last. Sure, his performance in Jamaica was crap ... but give me someone that played well down there ? He's scapegoated for the entire team shitting the bed (with a formation/player selection that admittidly didn't suit Jozy up top). Everyone has shit performances, it happens. The only way to have players come around is to actually have them play. I mean Fabian Johnson was crap his first few times on the field for us but there's been no hint of real criticism ... Torres looked lost as all hell for a stretch but Klinesmann didn't bat an eye ... Zusi and Beckerman looked like JR High players more than once but Klinesmann thought nothing of it.

Then of course, take into account the depth at ST that the US player pool ------- yeah

As for the Donovan/Shea call ups, I don't even know where to begin.

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Yeah, we're not going to see eye to eye on this one.

What we can see eye-to-eye on is the fact that the latest news is straight-up horrible and the fault of sheer awful luck; Fabian Johnson has the flu and will miss the A&B game, and Edgar Castillo has gotten hurt and will miss both. So that's probably Boca at LB due to sheer lack of options otherwise. Supposedly now that even more players have gone down someone else is finally going to get called in.

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Yeah, we're not going to see eye to eye on this one.

What we can see eye-to-eye on is the fact that the latest news is straight-up horrible and the fault of sheer awful luck; Fabian Johnson has the flu and will miss the A&B game, and Edgar Castillo has gotten hurt and will miss both. So that's probably Boca at LB due to sheer lack of options otherwise. Supposedly now that even more players have gone down someone else is finally going to get called in.

Or not ... "No replacements were called in"

Wonderful. So does this mean we get Duece at LM ? Seriously, he's the only guy that's really ever done it at all let alone been any good there.

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Wow, who would've thought our savior would be Eddie fucking Johnson.

I did!

Klinsmann outright said that going into this match he knew that A&B would have a tiny pitch and would sit back a lot, and that's why we needed players who are good at headers. EJ has scored around 9 or 10 of those this season before tonight.

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Yeah, we were not good. No clue how we get out of the Hex playing like this. The awful conditions played a part, as did decisions forced by injury (Boca at LB), but so did players like Dempsey being terrible.

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Looks like it's going to be Parkhurst instead, all training reports indicate he's the only guy playing left-back in training. Goodson probably made that decision especially easy with how badly he played on Friday.

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Subbing in Jones was really really stupid. I don't think I'll miss him, though.

Starting XI for tonight is the same as last Friday except Parkhurst at LB and Boca in the middle. I would have had EJ and Dempsey switch spots but I'm otherwise okay with this.

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It doesn't matter if Jamaica win if we even just draw, though.

But Christ, we need to fix this backline. Glad that Boca put that in but he's not going to be there for the World Cup.

EDIT: Jamaica now 2-0. This could end bad for Guatemala.

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It doesn't matter if Jamaica win if we even just draw, though.

But Christ, we need to fix this backline. Glad that Boca put that in but he's not going to be there for the World Cup.

I know all we need is the tie, HOWEVER with this backline we need to score 3/4 to win I think. Jamaica is 2 up now .... and their GD is only 3 behind us ...

... just saying, it's still shaky.

That Jamaica match matters for Guatemala too.

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