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How do you listen to music?


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This never used to be a big issue for me. I had a good (not spectacular) pair of noise cancelling headphones for work, a decent Sony bluetooth speakerfor home and a decent pair of light headphones for travel.

But with being stuck at home I began to look for something a little bit more. As decent as my speaker was, I didn't really feel like it cut it anymore. I wanted proper stereo separation. But I also couldn't be bothered with the hassle of a hifi and amplification and all that nonsense - even though you can get some really amazing stuff for not very much at all these days. I eventually plumped for Ruark MR1 MK2 speakers. I'd never heard of them before but they got excellent reviews. I think they were actually marketed as desktop speakers, but that suited me down to the ground because it just meant I could plug them in and play without all the fiddly amplification stuff.

I'm absolutely delighted with them. The sound is great, especially for a relatively small speaker. They have an input for.a subwoofer but I don't really know if I need/want that. I only really listen to music - I'm not a huge film or TV guy - and I don't think you need a subwoofer for that. 

This tiny little foray has got me quite interested in hifi and sound systems: I appreciate the nerdery, even though I'm astonished by some of the ridiculous amounts of money people spend on utterly bizarre (at least to me) components. I love the people who spent thousands on an external signal convertor because they just can't stand all those nasty noisy electrical circuits in their laptop or CD player UTTERLY RUINING their listening experience.

Anyway, what do the rest of you have? Do any of you guys take this sort of thing seriously?

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I've never been much of an audiophile at all. When I listen to music at the gym, I've always been perfectly content with some cheap earphones. Similarly, my computer speakers were fairly bottom-of-the-range when I got them about fifteen years ago, and I don't have any problems with them.

I think it's partly because I'm very conscious about making noise. Even if I'm not disturbing neighbours, I don't really want them to hear what I'm watching, playing or listening to. If I'm listening to music, I'm either doing it with earphones in or by sitting close to my speakers. Maybe I'd be more into sound technology if I lived in a big, isolated house.

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Audio-Technica M50x is the gold standard for me. I've owned three pairs now (one originally, one now and a limited edition pair as a backup) - that's usually the only device that I use but recently for when I'm outside of the house, in bed or doing some house work I picked up a pair of Air Pod Pros and they're actually really great quality as well.



We also have a Bose Home Speaker 500 that gets some use when both of us are doing stuff... but usually we just use it for the built in Alexa despite the fact that it's a top notch speaker. She won it from work.


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I used to be huge into music but these days I really only listen to it in the car. I don't have any special sound system although I always wanted one for the car. Just good old factory speakers.

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BUT anyway, I do take listening to music seriously. My main set up in my basement is an audio technica lp120 turn table, some really cool little tube amp that actually is pretty powerful it's a rockville blutube (so a bluetooth stereo), a Fisher cassette deck that I found on Ebay (pretty sure it's the same thing we had when I was growing up), and I have Cerwin Vega speakers. The speakers are old, my dad bought them brand new in 1991 and they still fucking kick ass. They're known as party speakers and they're pretty powerful, some audiophile snobs think they're shit but I like what they do for my purposes. I've gone through a ton of different stereos, for years I was using the Onkyo my dad gave me with the Cerwin Vega speakers (bought them together) but that needs a repair. I think it may just be a fuse, but there is a little tv repair shop around the corner that fixes all electronics. 

Yeah I like having a good music set up for everywhere in my house honestly. I have a speaker in my basement, garage, kitchen, and living room so that I can pretty much listen to music anywhere I go. Oh also have some decent computer speakers on my home computer. 

But if I'm mowing the lawn I'll put on some headphones, I got some skullcandy ones that are pretty decent. 

I think with my basement set up I want to get the Onkyo repaired so I can put a CD player down here as well. I mean, why not throw that into the rotation, I got some good stuff. I

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27 minutes ago, VerbalPuke said:


I was coming in to make this joke. You win this round.


Well, I do live in the Superior state :shifty: . Trolls be slow :shifty: . 

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I have a cheap pair of Bluetooth earbuds from Wal-Mart. If I'm not in the mood to wear them or want others to hear what I'm listening to, I've got a JBL Clip 3 speaker. My `portable' music  is loaded onto my Kindle. Same with podcasts. If I'm at home, I do have a stereo, but I mostly just listen to music through my computer speakers. (Out of habit, because I DJ'd online for several years, though I used headphones back then.)


Edited by GhostMachine
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