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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. Yeah, Crosby raped Theo in the shootout. Was a good game.
  2. That was funny as hell. Montreal wins their 5th straight. Beat Tampa last night 3-2. Good game. Zednik's goal to go ahead in the third was fucking intense. Breaks in, defenders do a good job trying to slow him, looks like he loses control of the puck then roofs it backhand. Theo's been playing good too. It's good stuff. Pittsburgh tomorrow night. Toronto on Saturday. I'm so pissed off I couldn't get tickets for that. With Toronto on it's monster tear(didja see em play the caps, hoowee) It should be an excellent game. Then it's Florida on the 15th, and I'm going avec ma blonde.
  3. Yeah, Streetlight, is one of the best shows I've been to. When they were here, Their album, some Keasbey Nights. Pure. Fucking. Class.
  4. Tickets Bought. I've got my seats for next Tuesday when Montreal plays Florida. w00t!
  5. Put your faith in another Canadian team or contemplate suicide. Clearly those are the only options for Leafs fans. I'm heading downtown with my girlfriend today to pick up some Habs tickets. One pair for a game soon. Another for sometime in March, we're playing Toronto twice in 3 nights, I think both in Montreal too. I'd love to go to both games. As much as I rag on Toronto, The Habs Leafs games are always incredible. Just for the intensity and atmosphere. Especially with the way the game is now, it becomes unpredictable.
  6. This is my ego trip before Montreal collapses round the all-star game.
  7. Not for me they aren't. I find that OT is much better, if 2 teams play 60 min to a tie, then overtime and it's still tied. It's gotta be exciting as fuck. But if you really want a clear cut winner I'd just continue with OT. I hate how it's whoever has the fanciest deke wins the game. Hockey's a team sport. But that's just my opinion. In other news Montreal wins... again. Montreal and Ottawa are 1 and 2 for points in the east(ottawa is tied with Carolina I think) Ottawa's gonna take 1st soon enough, they're 2 games less played than Montreal. I know there's an overabundance of them on the board so I'll have to ask Leafs fans because My Habs and CKN's Sens are sitting atop the conference, how's good ol' Toronto doing? Still bringing up the rear in the Northeast? Nah, I'm just joshing ya, Toronto's alright, wherever they are, I can't see that far down.
  8. There were about 300 - 400 people at the show. Yea, they played a lot from their first album. They played tons of stuff. They came back for 3 encores and then a 4th when a one more song chant broke out, it was then that Dear Sergio was played. Place went nuts.
  9. Good game Montreal vs Buffalo was last night. I hate how Montreal was constantly playing catch up hockey with them. Still I guess a win's a win. I'm missing the game tonight am gonna be up north, but go Habs.
  10. I went to the Catch 22 show here in Montreal last night. Was spectacular. The Flatliners and General Rudie opened for them and played amazingly. Catch had a great set, and I heard a lot of Keasby Nights favourites. For one reason or another, the Planet Smashers were all there. Taking tickets, fooling around on stage, translating words into french for the flatliners. All in all an amazing show. Too bad it too me an hour and a half to get home because they closed the highway. Oh well, was completly worth it.
  11. Great game the Rangers vs Habs was. Goaltending battle till the third period. Montreal played really well. Tons of pressure in the second and third and it showed with 4 goals in the third period. Theo seemed back on game, Lundqvist was great again, even if he did let in 3.
  12. AUGH!!!! Montreal got trounced. Albeit at least we pretended we knew how to play hockey unlike the Leafs but going down 5-2?! The fuck happened. Theo gave up 3 goals in 11:45 of the first. And Danis gave up 2 within a min of each other in the third. I guess they gotta regroup and try to stick it to the Rangers on Monday. When we play em again.
  13. That was an awesome game. When Spezza scored, I was like whatever, that was sweet. Was a great game. Theo was on top of his shit, but we just got outplayed. Oh well, it's a more respectable loss than to the Leafs, pack of bastards they are. And CKN as much as it pains me to say it.... I don't not like ottawa...
  14. Oh man, that's classic Beatnik. I love you so much.
  15. Habs game against Philly last night was great hockey from both teams. I loved it, the Habs were faster than the Flyers and won most foot races, but Philly was so much more physical than us, sure we threw out a few good hits, but they were on us all night. It showed late in the third, the Habs looked like they were lagging a bit. Ribeiro's 2 goals were awesome. The first, what was that, Markov shoots from his own zone and no one's around to stop Ribeiro. Then in OT, no one challenged him, he just lined up the shot and let loose. Stunned everyone I think. Was a fun game to watch, we head to Ottawa tomorrow night. Should be a great game. Top two teams in the east, combined record of 13 - 3. I think Ottawa might take the game. They've given up so few goals this year. CKN will mock me again if we lose to them again.
  16. Bossy for sure. He was an incredible player, back injury cut him short what? 9 years into his career, he wasn't even comming out of his prime yet. I got to meet him a few years ago, he was doing a 3 day hockey camp, I got to go for free. Was fun, really nice guy.
  17. Dudes, dudes, this is a thread for hockey, the greatest sport on earth. No need for the bickering. Besides, what's hockey if I can't say that the two most foreign words to Leafs Fans are Stanley and Cup. And if someone's gonna rag the Habs, god bless em.
  18. The Habs/Islanders game sounded good last night. I was listening to it on the radio at my girlfriends house. Was an exciting second half of the third period, but Theo is lacking consistency. He faced what? 19 shots(or was that how many saves?) Still, the last goal he gave up, sounded like just bad playing on his part. Sure we're winning games, but damn, they're cutting it close.
  19. Good game the Leafs vs Habs was. Sucks that Montreal lost again at home. But was a fun game to watch to the end. I loved how much Montreal hates Eric Lindros. I will give credit where credit is due, Lindros was playing top notch last night. And Belfour was outstanding. I'm liking the play the teams in your own division 8 times. It really makes the rival team games feel special.
  20. w00t! Danis gets a shutout in his debut against Atlanta. Was happy to see Montreal bounce back after that abysmal third period against Ottawa.
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