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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. God, Theo is getting so much flak in Montreal. Nobody wants him and everyone loves Huet. The running joke on most of the radio networks, TQS and RDS is that Theo is rumored to be being traded for 12 sherwood sticks and an empty water bottle. Montreal wins tonight, although we should have taken it in regulation, Buffalo tied it up off a faceoff with less than a minute to play. Unfortunately for Buffalo, Markov of all players deked out one of the Sabers before dishing it to Kovalev who had time to stop, adjust the puck on his stick, look around then shoot on a wide open net as Miller was sprawled out. Go us.
  2. 5-0 over Philly and Huet gets a second shutout in as many days. For a guy who literally makes a tenth of Theo's salary he sure is making a fine shot for the number 1 spot in Montreal. He's lost some games, but he's a very consistent and good goaltender. So Montreal is now a point over Boston and one back of Toronto. Tuesday will see if they swap positions as Toronto plays Atlanta and Montreal plays Buffalo. Should be a hard game for both teams.
  3. I'm starting to severely dislike Jerichoholic. The 8th spot race is getting tight. There's 4 teams in serious competition of 8th with Toronto leading the pack. What I would love to see is Montreal make it in, as well as Toronto. I wouldn't mind too much if Toronto took 7th place and the Habs 8th. All the Canadian teams in the playoffs would be great. Would bring up the chances of bringing a cup back up north. Huet, is a monster. 79 saves in his last 3 games, giving up 5 goals, and 67 saves out of 69 shots in the 2 games against Boston. That's good goaltending. The Habs only really picked it up in the last 15 of the third yesterday. When they were on they were playing tremendously, but it took a real kick in the ass to get going. And the Superman dive by Huet to shut down Sturm was an incredible stick save. Lucky like a mother fucker, but still was nice. Habs vs Flyers in 3 hours, Huet with another start, hopefully we can build on yesterday and pull within 1 point of Toronto.
  4. Yeah, that was really nice. I think that's why he scored too, probably suprised the fuck out of Huet. That was an embarassment of a game though. 12 shots? 12 fucking shots?! For a team that has been moderately sucessful against Ottawa that was pitiful, hell even Hasek said he was embarassed to take that shutout. At least Montreal showed up in Toronto last night. We should have taken the game in regulation if it wasn't for a hugely missed call by the ref which set up the game tying goal. But Kovalev and the Cancer Kid made up for it in OT, hopefully a step to stop the bleeding and handing Toronto it's 8th straight loss is always fun even if your team sucks just as bad.
  5. Then we're in the same boat Demon, Gainey's Habs beat the Stars tonight getting their first back to back wins since early november.
  6. Jerichoholic does bring up a good point. While yeah, it's great to talk about your favourite team, myself with Montreal, a bunch of losers with Toronto But it does seem like all hockey talk is constantly centered around the Leafs, Sens and to a lesser extent the Flyers. Buffalo is one of the hottest teams in the league. And is probably the only team in the Northeast which'll give Ottawa a run for the top spot, which is more that Montreal or Toronto can say.
  7. Claude Julien and Rick Green(I think) was fired this afternoon. Bob Gainey(The GM) took over as head coach for the rest of the season and Guy Carbonneau will take over next season. In other news Montreal scored 6 goals in the second period tonight.
  8. Living on a Prayer - Bon Jovi You're The Best Around - unno who by, but its from the Karate Kid.
  9. That's kinda screwed up. So I should just fuck what the projected earnings are going to be and just raise the prices. So that means that a middle of the road team has a better shot at making money than a top caliber team... Weird.
  10. Can anyone help me out a bit? In my game, I finished my first season 52-15-0-15, which was good enough for #1 in the east and #2 in the league. The problem I'm having is that in the dynasty mode, even though I was winning, and we were projecting 20,000+ per game, each month I made less and less money and less and less people came to the games. But in my finances screen it still said that they were projecting 20,000 + for the next game. What's going on and can anyone help me fix it? Thanks, Mike
  11. I'd put Philly or Detroit ahead of Toronto. Toronto is only popular is Ontario and even then, there's big Habs fans and huge Sens fans there. I think it's all relative for the most part to be honest. I mean in Montreal, I go downtown and every store has Habs memrobilia in it, hell even out here in the burbs I go to work and there's a habs jersey on the wall and some other habs shit all over. Toronto has much larger exposure but then again, I don't think that too many people in Quebec, BC or Alberta are watching the Leafs games. Teams like Philly or Detroit have fans all over the place, it's nuts. A philly game in Montreal is huge because there's so many Flyers fans in Montreal. To call Toronto the most popular team in hockey, to me is just stupid. Then again it could be because I'm a Habs fan and it's so fucking huge in Montreal(just like it is in Toronto) that I can't agree with you saying that.
  12. I just don't see how a team that hasn't done anything for almost 40 years sells. Not that the Habs are doing much better in recent years but still, I'd rather see CBC go nuts for a sucessful team and not for the team that's gonna eliminate Ottawa then blow it to Buffalo in the playoffs.
  13. What I hate is CBC, they suck. Hockey Night in Canada is just Toronto games now. It's a pain in the ass, that and the commentating is ass there. I love the guys from RDS, if Montreal scores, they love it, if Montreal fucks up the rip into them, but they do that to the other team also. I watched a Montreal vs Toronto game on CBC, and anything good that Montreal did could not have been skill, had to be luck, A Toronto player scores a goal, and they're hailed as the second comming of Christ on skates, they go on and on about how much skill went into the goal. But I'm not bitter.
  14. Jericho... nobody talks about the mighty Habs but me, and even then, it's depressing how Montreal has barely been able to hold a lead all year. And if you ever EVER suggest that the Maple Leafs are mighty again... I'll hit you
  15. Habs game is great so far 1-0 for Montreal of a wickid goal by Zednik. Huet is so lucky tonight, made a few nice saves, Ovechkin hit the post... twice and one puck beat Huet but Markov saved it before it crossed the line.
  16. Good game PHilly versus Ottawa. The crowd in Philly was intense. They were into the game hardcore even when they were up 4-0. Ottawa gave a good push to try to come back, but 4 goals is a lot to overcome. Still, it's suprising that Philly almost blew it. Was fun to watch, was really hardhitting on the Flyer's part.
  17. I guess they're nervous about putting young guys on the roster. The Habs vs Sens game was amazing. That was for at least Montreal, one of the best games(maybe not played) but best to watch. I was glued to the tv the whole way through.
  18. Wow, an entire new coaching staff. Montreal at Edmonton tonight, Habs need this win. And Kovalev and Koivu still aren't back. Grr.
  19. Went to the Habs vs Phoenix game last night. Was awesome. We had a small scare before the game. The day before we bought our tickets from a scalper when we were told that there aren't any seats together(me and my girlfriend) from now till the end of the season. We got 2 tickets center ice in the reds for 100 bucks each so the guy made maybe 5 dollars profit on the tickets. We were skeptical about the seats, as they use bar codes to verify the tickets now. But last night we got in just fine and the tickets were legit. We left to grab a bit at the Hat Trick(an amazing resturant next to the Bell Center) we took the express exit out of the building(4 massive staircases that lead you out after the games. We got food and were going back to watch the warm up. They go to scan our tickets again, and we're denied. Turns out that you have to scan out of the building aswell or else the ticket remains verified and another one like it will be refused. Meg was ready to cry, as she had just wasted 200 bucks(was a gift from her... also sorta to herself because she's nuts about hockey) I took her to a side entrance found one of the guys scanning tickets and he thankfully just chastised us about not scanning out and let us back in. The game itself was amazing. The Bell Center atmosphere is absolutely incredible. Game was another sellout and hockey was fun to watch. Theo played a solid game, except for the first goal he let in, that was pitiful. Goals came from some unexpected guys, and the Habs played incredibly well without Koivu and Kovalev. The Young guys really stepped up and carried the load. Too bad they only got the idea that they need to do that after dropping 7 of ten. Kovalev is apparently comming back either next game or by the end of our road trip, and Koivu is supposed to be back next game also.
  20. Rugby: Our school is absolutely nuts about Rugby, we're undefeated in 3 straight seasons. It was weird, myself and a few of my friends decided to join, and it turns out we've got a bit of a knack for it. 2 of the players came back from the Canada games this summer after playing for Quebec Rugby. Volleyball: Mens and Womens volleyball have swept every tournament they've played in for the past 4 years. The same team from the school also won the provincials. My girlfriend was the setter on the team, they were playing at Jeux de Quebec and finished 2nd place. Yeah its weird there's a Provincial tournie than the Jeux de Quebec which is basically the same thing.
  21. Good game last night. Habs vs Kings. Glad Montreal finally got a win, but the game was tremendously exciting. Dagenais scoring 2 beauty goals then Begin skating like a madman before passing to Bulis for the winner. Theo played pretty alright too. At least now with a week off we can recouperate a bit. And get 4 good players back for next Saturday in Koivu, Komasarek, Souray and I believe Markov aswell. Even if we've been playing like ass without most of our regulars and Kovalev, It is good that the other guys have been stepping up, or at least trying too, hell Dagenais logged 18 min on the ice last night, he's usually sitting around on the fourth line.
  22. Montreal against Buffalo should be good tonight. Although I'll miss the third period of it as I'm going to see the Maurice Richard movie that's out. It's supposed to be fucking amazing. Hopefully Montreal can get back on track tonight with a win. Since the loss in Pittsburgh we've been rather shaky. But the win against Atlanta was intense. Theodore was on fucking fire in the third stopping Kovalchuk on a breakaway, stopping tons of scoring opportunities and his last save in the shootout was amazing. That and I never knew Dagenais could shoot like that. He had such a quick release on the puck, I barely saw him shoot it.
  23. AUGHHH!!!!!!! Too many men?! Too many fucking men?! Goddamnit. That and what kind of luck was on the Leafs side for the goal they got to tie it up. Grr... It's a piss off especially when Montreal outplayed Toronto for a good large chunk of the game. Belfour saved Toronto over and over again. Was a fun game to watch, but Montreal blew it so badly.
  24. That it was. He dekes Souray then undresses Theo and scores in Overtime. I hate TSN commentators. They're so lifeless, I like the guys from RDS.
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