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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. The Hurricanes have been playing a good series so far. I hate them for what they did to my beloved Habs, but they out played the Habs. And it showed the lack of effort we show without Koivu. But they play so well that it's hard to hate them. The Oilers have gotten a lot of breaks, but it's been a fun series to watch. I want the Oilers to win if only because they're from Canada, but I don't want to be associated with there new fans. They're almost as bad as the fucking Fan boys in Toronto(no offence, Clawson, GYS, Be, but your team isn't the only one in the world, Belak isn't the best enforcer since sliced bread and no there isn't anymore of a dynasty forming in Toronto as their is in Montreal)
  2. Montreal absolutely has to win tonight to avoid elimination. 21,273 desperate fans and 20 or so desperate hockey players should hopefully give the the kick in the ass they need to square things up. I was following the series in sports bars in Europe, has been fucking exciting as all hell. Cam Ward is pure fucking evil. He's so incredibly solid. Huet is class as usual, but we don't score, and don't defend well. We also lost Bouillon for tonight. Bon Jovi's Livin' on a Prayer comes to mind right now...
  3. Tonight Atlanta plays Tampa, on the one hand I want Atlanta to lose as it'll clinch Montreal a playoff berth. On the other hand, if they do lose, Tampa will pass us for 7th place, and right now 7th is good as we'd be playing Ottawa and not Carolina.
  4. Huzzah, a 3-2 win over Ottawa! So we end up with a season series tie of 4-4 against Ottawa. Was a really good game, it really had an intense atmosphere on the ice. Was incredible to watch. And I'll say it from now. Abeschier is quite possibly one of the luckiest goalies ever. I mean he played really well, but there were a few open net chances that Ottawa missed.
  5. I'd love to see another Canadian team. I'd love for it to be in Quebec. Hell if it's in Nunavut but they're competitive and draw crowds I'm happy. Montreal goes for 9 in a row tonight against the Devils. Should be an awesome game, both teams have identical records and are tied for 6th in the east.
  6. Personally, I like the option of having a Habs game on in English, but I just plain don't like the CBC commentators. I'll usually watch the games on RDS when there is the option of an english game. Not that I think it's a bad thing to have Habs games on English TV, because a lot of my friends don't have the patience to listen to it in French, but for me it's l'equipe RDS and no one else.
  7. Montreal takes their 7th win in a row. I can't say that I'm not happy. I guess they chose a good time to get hot, hopefully it carries on into the playoffs because at this point we're looking at playing Carolina who we have an 0-4 record against and have been outscored 25-9 by them. Ottawa tomorrow night, it's one of our last away games, hopefully the Habs can capitolize on the Sens injury troubles and get their 8th in a row.
  8. Well as much as I am a fan, Montreal is due a loss soon. I wouldn't be suprised if they got taken down by Boston tomorrow night. 6 Wins in a row is great and all, but it's their biggest streak in a few seasons, also Boston has gotta want to beat the Habs so badly, they haven't scored on us in 200+ minutes.
  9. Well, 7-0 is a mighty fine score indeed. Glad to see that the Leafs and Habs both got shutouts. Huet got his 7th in 20 games. And Montreal got their 6th win in a row and now sit in 7th place. We only have 3 road games left which is great because the atmosphere at the Bell Centre is absolutely fucking incredible.
  10. Montreal's won 4 in a row after that 2-0 shutout last night. I don't understand the Hab hate from all the Leafs fans. All I can say is thanks for the leg up. Montreal's got only 3 away games left so with the perpetually sold out Bell Centre and 21,273 drunk frenchmen cheering we might actually finish 6th. I'm going to the game tomorrow, got some Air Canada Club seats(201, AA, basically its like 10 rows and its free everything. Also my seats are front row for the section and on the red line. Huzzah) If Montreal's going to finish lower than 6th, I'd want it to be 8th. At least we have a chance against the Sens and have beaten them a few times this season. We're 0 and 3 against Carolina and were mercelessly destroyed by them in 2 of the games(not unlike Toronto)
  11. Goddamned Atlanta. Montreal loses, they win, Montreal wins, they win. Good game by Montreal last night, hopefully they can pick up another 2 points tonight in Long Island before comming back to Montreal to quash Toronto's playoff hopes.
  12. Montreal vs Ovechkin tonight. Hopefully we stop dicking around and snap our 3 game funk. Huet is getting the call tonight and should help not suck copious amounts of cock in net. If we can produce the same sort of offence 40+ shots as we did against Pittsburgh we should come out with 2 points.
  13. Montreal gets really lucky last night. We lost 5-4 but Atlanta also lost so we're still in 8th. I don't care how many games at hand Montreal has, it means fuck all if we don't win them. Abeschier lets in more soft goals last night, it was brutal, he's really not performing all that well. Boullion was taken off on a stretcher, but in the first, wow what a monster hit that was. The Gazette was complaining about HNIC again, going on about how a national broadcast for toronto gets 1.5 million viewers, a cable station in Quebec brings in 600,000 viewers for the Habs etc etc etc, all this to say that they were printing a bunch of Maple Leafs jokes sent in by readers. One of my favourites was; How many Maple Leafs does it take to screw in a lightbulb? 6, 1 to screw it in and 5 to stand around and talk about how great the old bulb was.
  14. I suddenly very badly want Atlanta to make the #8 spot if only to spite Clawson.
  15. Boom Boom's Birthday is the day after mine. Sad day for hockey, especially on a night when his jersey was to be retired. There was a really nice ceremony for it. The Habs didn't let him down though. Gaining a 1-0 shutout over the Rangers and the biggest suprise of the night to me was Begin going neck and neck with Jagr in a footrace than swiping the puck off his stick. Montreal played a solid first two than were awake for maybe a combined 5 minutes in the third. Solid game by Huet and New York's goalie was making some incredible saves. Montreal now moves into 7th, and this is the only, ONLY time that I will say this, but thanks to Toronto winning against Tampa Bay Montreal moves to within 3 points of Jersey who also lost tonight. With Montreal trying to solidify a playoff spot in what is a great race for the last few spots(sure, I say that now while we're still in the thick of it) If Montreal can keep 7th or even take 6th I wouldn't mind Toronto taking the last spot if only to see that every Canadian team, even incompetant ones like the Leafs get into the playoffs.
  16. Hoo-ray to Huet, bouncing back after 2 less than stellar performances with a 3-0 shut-out over the Bruins. I'm hoping Montreal can string a few wins together and move up to 7th or 6th as it really is pretty close between 6th and 8th. I seem to be the only person in Montreal upset that Theo was dealt for so little. I don't find Dave to be enough for a goalie like Theo, then again after a season like he had it's pretty understandable. I know Theo's time was basically up in Montreal, but this will more than likely come back to bite Montreal in the ass sooner or later.
  17. What's wrong with the Leafs? What's that? 5 in a row, and the 8 in a row not too long ago. It seems like out of nowhere they've dropped out of the playoff race as they're 7 points back of the Habs now. Montreal is 3-0 after the olympic break and after a 6-2 win over Tampa last night they could move into 7th place tomorrow night with a win.
  18. Sell Out and Take on Me bring me a little whiles back to some good times.
  19. Montreal grabs a 5-3 win on their first night back and with Toronto losing they pull just a little bit further away from les tetes carres over in Toronto with 3 points and a game at hand. Should be a fun dash to the finish with those two going at it for the spot. If Toronto didn't go on that 8 game streak of ineptitude this would be a completly different story, then again, it brought Montreal into #8 so I'm not complaining.
  20. I'm up for it at Pokerstars. I'm feeling lucky.
  21. I dunno about me, Most of the songs I would use were used at my friends funeral... Off the top of my head, Falling Down - Mad Caddies If You Wanna Be Happy For The Rest of Your Life - The Skatalites The Big Sleep - Streetlight Manifesto
  22. Montreal lost tonight, Huet played a strong game but he gave up a soft goal in the first which didn't help. In OT it was 1-1 and Huet made an absolute amazing save, which will probably take sportcenter's highlight of the night to keep it tied, but he got beat in Shootout. So at least we got a point. Toronto got slapped around by New York which is good considering they're Montreal's biggest rivals for the #8 spot. The only bad thing to come of tonight was that while we do lead Toronto by a point with a game at hand. Atlanta climbed to within 2 points, thankfully they've played 2 more games than Montreal. It's a good way to break for the olympics and it will certainly prove to be an exciting race to the finish. Also, Koivu was resigned to a 3 year deal worth 14.25 million dollars.
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