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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. I love hockey, it's wonderful to watch, then again, I'm also from a city that mourns when we lose a game and the summer is tainted when we invairably lose in the playoffs. Baseball, while I love it, you either get it or you don't. And if you don't it can be boring as watching paint dry. I hate Basketball, but that's just me. I'd recommed the NFL(or the far superior CFL >_>) or NHL. NHL is a lot more game time a lot less jerkwad announcers spouting off meaningless statistics after every play.
  2. I think this might justify the 170 bucks I gotta shell out to see them in October.
  3. I'm the only one of my friends to own Clerks and the Animated Series, so there is suddenly a high demand for me to lend em out.
  4. I've seen a few episodes and loved it, I don't know why I never got totally into it. But I do plan on going out and picking up the first season soon.
  5. Deal. Have you seen it yet or are you still dirty?
  6. 3 for me aswell. Saw it with a good friend of mine today. Was still class. I'm such a nerd... I also need slightly less free time.
  7. Yeah, basically after the whole Porch Monkey incident the movie becomes more and more sappy, quick break for a donkey show, then it continues right into the fucking awesome, yet strangely homoerotic argument between Dante and Randall. I really liked that part of the movie. Randall suddenly became that much more of a character to me. While you could see it all film whenever it came up that Dante was leaving. Him actually getting upset over it and asking Dante not to leave was an awesome scene. Actually toyed with emotions.
  8. I may hate everything you stand for in hockey, but Desiredtoe, you make a damn good point.
  9. Seeing it again tonight.
  10. I'm gonna bake you a cake Dragsy. You did some fine sleuthing.
  11. I've been a huge Clerks fan for a few years, Clerks and the Animated Series are gold in my view. That considered, I had a skeptical attitude when I went to see the movie tonight. Personally, I loved the movie. It was awesome, and with that ending, it does have the Clerks come full circle. I really thought that the movie was great. Was offensive, agressive, some of the dialogue still held that Clerks feeling which was really nice. I found the ending a bit meh, I enjoyed it, but after the 80 some odd minutes of hilarity(minus a few minutes of plot and the like) the ending was a bit of a let down for the end, not so much that it ruined anything.... I guess I just wanted Randall to go on one for rant on a customer before it ended. All in all a great movie. Good god, with Randall and Elias about the trolls, good fucking lord I was crying in my seat over it. Randall's facial expressions sold it beautifully!
  12. Yeah, and Mike Ribeiro is the leader of that squad... fucking jerk gets 1.9Million... grumblecakes.
  13. I agree with the bitch had it comming attitude towards this. I have two words for this girl. Natural Selection. If you're not fast enough, strong enough or smart enough, life and nature will team up to kill you.
  14. The Northeast looks to be very tough this year, Ottawa is still a very strong team, they might not do as well in the regular season, but I expect more in the playoffs, Buffalo is just a tank of a team, Montreal is slowly trying to improve but I feel will have less success than last season. The teams I see failing in the North East are Boston and Toronto.
  15. Yeah, and with Raycroft in nets, Toronto looks to have a banner season. Oh how I feel I'm going to eat those words. While I doubt Montreal will be a contender this year, much less even make the playoffs, we have picked up some new guys. Montreal signed Sergi Samsanov today, Traded away Richard Zednik to the Caps for a third round draft pick in 07, picked up Mike Johnson from Phoenix for a fourth round pick in 07 and re-signed Abeschier. I really feel that Montreal got way less than they deserved for Zednik.
  16. What's your opinion on the band The Cat Empire? Bedouin Soundclash was in town a few nights ago, and I had bought my mum tickets for mother's day, The Cat Empire played first and they were absolutely fucking incredible. They were there the next night also, played 2 sets for free thanks to the Jazz Fest. Yeah so, The Cat Empire aren't too big over in these parts(Canada) but I've heard they've got some popularity down under and was wondering what anyone else thought of them.
  17. Way to let me know about it ApSham!!*Shakes fists* Luckily today is still the 30th.
  18. I don't think you guys rely on Koivu too much, at least when it comes to scoring. You had plenty of people putting up points, like Ryder and Kovalev. You don't have any leaders past Koivu though. The Leafs due, when Sundin went out after the first game, Lindros stepped up and led, Tucker stepped up and led. You guys have no one who can go out and inspire the rest of the team, except for your brand spanking new goaltender.
  19. Yeah, that's gotta be our biggest fault after leadership. We have skilled players, but no size. The biggest player we have who's a force is Souray and Komisarek and even then.... That and the Habs rely on Koivu way too much. Someone else has got to step up.
  20. Habs signed Huet for 2 years 5.75M, Hopefully he didn't have a flash in the pan season. It looks like Boullion might not resign, and the Habs aren't persuing Sundstrom, Bulis or Simpson. Hopefully Gainey will pick someone up in the free agent market. A power forward to push Koivu to a second line center would be good. So would be a big, fast defenceman.
  21. The Habs are slow as hell to retire numbers. They were basically one of the top teams for 4 decades and we have only 8 numbers retired. I actually quite like that. The names on the rafters at the Bell Center are influential to Hockey in Montreal and in some cases the world. Richard, Beliveau, Morenz, Plante. Those are some top quality players who'll be remembered, but I think that some players like Dryden and Roy should be up there. Especially Roy. NHL all time winningest goalie, Recorded most 30 wins seasons of any goalie with 12, Most wins in the Playoffs for a goalie, 4 time cup champion, led the NHL in save percentage in 4 seasons, 86, 93, and 01 Conn Smythe Trophy winner, 3 time Vezina trophy winner 8 all star games and the Willian M Jennings trophy. I'd say that's a pretty incredible career, not to mention how influential he was in Montreal. I work at an arena, every goalie either has number 60 or number 33 on his back. He was a fiery character, and was beloved by the people for being an asshole. Retire it, damnit.
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