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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. I can't seem to get my score much higher than 700.
  2. This is fun! I'm terrible at it! Matzat, translate please?
  3. Oh we riot over everything. And I'm not saying Stajan isn't a good addition to the Leafs, He's a good player, I just don't understand why he's hailed as a god and the future of the team. Anyways, I blame that spat on CKN. Latendresse was good in the training camp, but I don't think he was ready for the big time. And it's too bad the Leafs aren't still in the Western confrence, I'd love to see a Habs, Leafs cup finals hook-up. But I suppose both teams are better off in the East, considering the fact that it's unlikely either team could survive the West.
  4. I was thinking more along the lines of keeping that pack of Leaf's at bay for whenever any of their players show any amount of talent. OMG! Stajan! Skor'd 27 points in 80- games. FUTURE IS NOW!
  5. Check the 06/07 thread, EBG already started one, and I believe Clawson is already spiteful.
  6. a 4-5 finish would be sweet deal. And yeah, it'd probably be some of the most charged hockey we'd see.
  7. The gods of hockey(read Montreal Canadiens circa 1940-1979), in their infinite wisdom, and several dynasties including 5 cups in a row, and what? like 6 in the 70's say let us play the peace hockey and eat wings after... why?
  8. I am officially extending the olive branch of peace to the Maple Leafs fans of this thread. To keep the thread fun, and readable and not a totally FUBAR season thread, I am proposing this. As we all know, there are some of us(notice that I say us, which includes myself) who love our teams dearly and hate those dirty rotten English, McCabe jersey wearing Maple Leafs fans, just as there are many more of us, who love our teams dearly and hate those dirty rotten, french speaking, womanizing, french media whipping boy, overly critical Montreal Canadiens fans. I am porposing that all nay saying, and general douchebaggery designed to attack the opposing religions, erm teams, which I am quite guilty of doing be kept to Game nights. Then all gloves are off, but for the other 74 games of the year, we play nice and keep this a good place for everyone... ... 'Cept those dirty Sens.
  9. pm45, have I told you lately that I love you? And Ribeiro better produce, didn't he get a raise to $1.9 million for a one year deal? I mean, since he came up to the NHL he's seemed to have trouble playing at the pace that a lot of people expect him too... then again, in the city that is Montreal, being a francophone forward and scoring any less that 200 points is a dissapointment.
  10. Where can I see how much cap room a team has? I know the Leafs could not field an offer due to their still unsigned players and low cap room. But I was rather pissed off that Gainey and Co. failed to secure the player. Hell he even said that it was his dream to play for the Habs.
  11. Yeah I'll be honest, I'll grudgingly accept that the Leafs will field a far more competitive team than last season, the only really big thing that will be the variable as to if the Leafs sink or swim will be Raycroft, a calibre of season like his rookie year or better I see a top 6 finish, a season like last year, I see 8 through 12.
  12. Right, so as mentioned in the other thread, this was up by now last season. Personally I'm hoping for good things from the Habs this year, but they don't seem to have improved their roster in any way. Boullion is out for the first month of the season with a knee injury, but we have guys like Chipchura, Latendresse and Price comming up from our farm system. Personally I'm predicting a 6th place finish and eliminated in the second round for the Habs, with the Leafs falling even further out of the Playoffs and the Sens taking it all.
  13. I fail to see how basketball is an internationally competitive sport. What baffles me is that it continues to be an olympic sport, there have only ever been 4 countries to win the Olympic Gold as Basketball, the USA (12) USSR(2) Yugoslavia(1) and Argentina(1).
  14. Just because the Canadian happened to be passing by in Mass. Still makes it a Canadian made sport.
  15. That losing streak for the Red Sox has done it for them, much like the 7 game losing streak for the Jays which cooked their goose.
  16. I need to know something, and I'm almost embarassed to ask seeing as I play ball myself, but what constitutes a walk off. Is it just Bottom of the 9th type idea?
  17. Yeah, most of my family hates the show, but I have to admit, I'm forever watching it. I can't wait for the movie myself.
  18. I'll enjoy nynyny Shut up damnit! you're stealing my thunder.
  19. So I should enjoy them as a good opener to Iron Fucking Maiden!
  20. Do they suck? Are they alright? What kind of music do they play? Recommend me some songs. They're opening for Iron Maiden and I want to know if they're alright or not.
  21. So far it seems that EWB has really shitty taste in music. Here's hoping to see N.W.A. and Maiden rocking the top 10.
  22. I'm an anglo but I don't believe that the french around Montreal find frog to be too offensive, my girlfriend's family is from backwoods Quebec and they're alright with it. For one reason or another Pepper is a word some use for the French.
  23. Alright so the absolute greatest Metal band in the history of time is comming to Montreal this October and I want to go. What I'm wondering is, is it worth it to pay $170 for a ticket to Iron Maiden. There's 3 types of seats I can get, close to the stage, away from the stage but still on the floor and staduim seats. If I buy an actual seat, which would cost $170, is it worth it? I'm just wondering if Maiden puts on $170 worth of music or not.
  24. I knew it was a terrible game, but myself and a friend has far too much fun with it.... WCW Backstage Assault!
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