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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. I liked Gamebiz, I'm downloading now. Will give me something to do while I try to figure out how to salvage my season in EHM.
  2. I'm the Predators. I'm doing shite now. I finished pretty well in the first season 6th with 95 points. I dealt away some players in the off-season to free up cash(notably: Kariya and Sullivan) but I picked up Pronger and St.Louis. My team has a solid roster, but I'm 12-18-2 early on and I can't figure out why,
  3. 3-1, Habs(Abeschier) played a good game. They got pummeled in the third period where it was an absolute shooting gallery on Abby, but damn he did a good job holding the puck out of the net. Higgins gets his first shorty of the year and Kovalev, Samsanov and Plecks get points. Woo us.
  4. Habs start of the year with 3 of 4 points. They should have won the game in Buffalo, but they forgot that the game lasts 60 minutes and not just 55. In Toronto the game was a close, hardfought contest from both sides and really could have gone either way. Abby made some big saves in OT and in shootout it really became a case of who got the luckier bounces.
  5. I want it so badly but my computer just would not be able to handle it. I am officially a sad panda with an old computer.
  6. I got it yesterday. A tremendously fun game, although I am having trouble putting together a winning team.
  7. Well Boullion who is probably the second hardest working player on the team is out for an extra month(November) Souray had an injury scare earlier and I heard that Dandenault left a game early with an injury. Plus, Montreal has been getting bigger on Defense. Looking for some guys with good legs and bigger size to try to help out our smaller forwards. What happened last night in Ottawa, I turn the radio on at the start of the third it's 5-3 Ottawa, Plecks playing between Kovalev and Samsanov seemed to work out well as he assisted both Kovalev and Samsanov on the tying and winning goals.
  8. At least the Habs finally got a win last night. Granted the tying and winning goals came against Glass, but at least we got the offence going with a 42-25 shot advantage, which is good, especially because they only dressed 2 NHL Defensemen. Gerber played an outstanding game. If anyone else was in nets, the Habs had the chance to run up the score, but He played a solid game. Abeschier, well, he played... average. 3 goals on 25 shots isn't the best of starts, but I haven't seen Huet play much better in the pre-season. The Habs have to contend with the special teams. They seem inept at killing a penalty and I believe that both of Spezza's goals were on the PP. In any event, 2 weeks from now, none of the pre-season matters.
  9. Well that's why you don't walk out of contracts in Russia.
  10. Montreal is doing lackluster, I mean they've dressed a ton of rookies, but I still like to see them succeed which they're not. What's going to be interesting is that Souray, Markov and Rivet are all comming to the end of their contracts at the end of this season. I don't expect Souray to last the season in Montreal. He'll probably be traded, but I don't think Montreal will get very much for him. But Rivet and Markov are more solid players, even if their shots aren't the laser beams which Souray fires.
  11. The boy was going to win a tank.
  12. I really hope Nirvana don't make it too high up the chart.
  13. I haven't spoken to my father for 2 days now. He renounced his allegiance(sp?) to the Habs. EDIT: Also, good move on the Habs organization by not going through with the press conference to announce that they will retire the numbers of Serge Savard and Ken Dryden this season on account of the school shooting as they were both on the same day.
  14. I don't recall him asking about the 360. Harumph!
  15. In Just Cause, you take on the role of the flamboyant Rico Rodriguez - an undercover CIA operative specialising in regime change - as he tries to overthrow the corrupt government of San Esperito. This rogue South American island is suspected of stockpiling WMDs and it's your job to negate the threat to world peace. It could be to your advantage that this tropical paradise is about to implode as various factions vie for power - it just needs a gentle nudge in the right direction. Just Cause offers the freedom to tackle your assignment however you want: play the island's factions off against one another; incite a rebellion among the masses; or build alliances with rebel forces and drug cartels. Explore the game's world of 1,225 square miles of mountains, jungles, beaches, cities and villages with a variety of air, land and sea craft. Mature for Blood, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Language, Sexual Themes That's what I found on it. http://ps2.ign.com/objects/709/709565.html There's images/video and a more expansive description at that link.
  16. A contract until he's 40? I mean if he wants to be an Isle for life, sure maybe a 10 year deal and see how he's holding up then but jesus, that's a lot of money.
  17. I saw this in theaters a long while ago. Was a pretty badass movie. "Who said that? Which one!! Fuck you!"
  18. Well he's been cleared to skate for 3 weeks now, he just feels that his pereferrial vision isn't where it should be to play hockey.
  19. Koivu might not make the start of the season. He's been saying he still has trouble with his vision. Gawd Damn...
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