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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. Alright, I'll give a go for him. See what I can do.
  2. Montreal, plays the best team in the league one night. Wins in a fantastic game. Plays one of the worst teams in the league the next night and blows it 4-2. Not suprisingly Abby was in nets. I can't get it with this guy, he'll play 2 or 3 stunning games, make a bajillion saves and then lets 4 or 5 soft goals in for a couple games.
  3. There was a man at the grocery store here in Montreal, I passed him by and saw he was wearing a Tottenham scarf. I said, Tottenham till I die, and he started singing... why?
  4. THAT'S IT!! HOCKEY NERD FIGHT! Moving along, Ottawa woke up in the third to finish off the Panthers, who they should've had finished when they were up 3-1, but nonetheless, with the win they return to .500. Assuming Tampa loses, this moves Ottawa up into 10th, which means nothing if they don't keep playing well. PS: if you want to be technical, the numbers past .932 are irrelevant due to significant figures
  5. One month in and I'm 7-2-2. We started off red hot going 4-0 but we then dropped 4 straight before winning the next 2 of 3. The only big weakness I Can see so far on my team(Caps) is that Leetch is often used as a pylon and if my top line of Ovechkin - Allison - Clark don't produce, we don't have many other options. Those three have combined for 48 points in 11 games. My next best point producers are Zubrus, Leetch and Bure, at 13, 13 and 10 points.
  6. Actually statistically Huet had like a .9324 to Emery's .9322. If you wanna get technical and all...
  7. Montreal's won 4 of their last 5 and Huet is really picking up. number 1 in save percentage(.932) 5th in GAA 2.20 and a 7-2-2 record so far. He had a really shaky start, but he's been keeping us in most of our games that he plays in. If Montreal is to beat Buffalo tonight, it's going to be because they kept the penalties and turn overs down. I think that Montreal has a strong enough team to beat the Sabre's but it's not going to be the type of game like against Atlanta, when a team with a depleted rosted was allowed to come back from a 2 goal deficit in the second period due to Montreal just not showing up in the period. It needs to be a complete 60 minute effort.
  8. If someone could help me with some recommendations as to what to do with my team so I don't crash and burn like every other game I play. I'm the Caps, My lines right now look like this Ovechkin - Allison - Clark Madden - Zubrus - Brylin Zednik - Rucchin - Bure Pettinger - Sutherby - Fata Morrisonn - Leetch Heward - Pothier Muir - Clymer Kolzig Johnson Not dressed are Beech, Green and Eminger I still have my prospects save for 5 that I dropped to make room on my reserve list for the new faces I brought in. I'm 2-0-0 right now, Won the first game 5-2, but Kolzig gave up 4 goals on 9 shots in the second game as we won 5-4 in shootout. So yeah, just some suggestions for tactics, or line combinations or whatever else. Thanks, Mike
  9. I saw em in Montreal about 5 weeks ago. Fucking Rockin'! If you haven't already bought their new album, do so, becaue they're playing the whole album on the tour.
  10. I can't believe this, people are standing around outside of Futureshops, Wal-Marts and Best Buy's in Montreal and are scalping away PS3's for $5,000 and they're selling them too! 2 men were shot in Hartford aswell.
  11. God Montreal pulled the same shit the did in Toronto the other night. A game we should have won easily and instead Jokinen gets a hat trick because we're not trying when we're not on the PP. And when we were on the powerplay, holy shit, I haven't seen Belfour play like that in years.
  12. Why is it that no matter what, my team starts off hot, then loses 5 or 6 for every 1 or 2 it wins?!
  13. I excited when I heard that the Big Hurt was comming to Toronto then I realized that for 10 millon+ a year, the money could have been spent so much more wisely.
  14. Montreal beat Tampa. Latendresse scores another goal(4th in 3 games), Souray marks 2 in for his team leading 7th and 8th. Huet stands on his head to keep Lecavlier and St. Louis off the board.
  15. I saw the greatest display of man ever the other day. Japanese Viking Challenge!
  16. When Komisarek scores a short handed goal, and Johnson scores on a shot so weak an 11 year old could save it, you've definately got goaltending problems.
  17. Ottawa tonight. Hopefully their early season ineptitude will give us a lift.
  18. Barring the last game, the Canadiens PK was fantastic all this season, 3rd in the league, but if you don't play with any heart you get no results. They just floated around out there. For a team which may be smaller than the Leafs, but faster, this should definately not have happened. The game at the very least should have only been a 1 goal game to either team had the Habs showed up. Hell Aubin was in nets and we could only put one away, he's pratically afraid of the puck!
  19. Maybe I appreciate being complemented by him...
  20. Good god! If you don't want to win, don't bother showing up. The Habs were just not there on the PK despite being 3rd best in the league. They took, again way too many penalties and they didn't bother to work. T'ranna didn't have to try very hard to make the Habs look silly.
  21. I can say, that was awesome. I'm a Jew myself, and hell it was just damn hilarious. "Come and make my day, Jew!"
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