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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. Somebody help me with tactics!!! I always have a fantastic start to the season then end up like Toronto.
  2. Montreal bounces back from losing 2 in a row for the first time and gets the 4-2 win in Long Island. Taking 3 out of a possible 4 points from the 2 game trip. Strengthing their lead over Toronto and Ottawa to 5 points. Koivu has 3 points and 7 in his last 4 games. Leading the Habs with 27 points in 28 games. Montreal played possibly their best 2 games of the season in Jersey and New York. Even if we lost in Jersey, we played 2 60 minute games, which is quite rare for the Habs. I think the Sens have a good shot at catching the Canadiens in the division standings. Unless Sundin gets injured again Toronto looks boned. But I have to admit that the Sens have all the momentum in the world. They were what 5-11 at one point and now their 15-13. That's a Buffalo-esque winning streak. Speaking of, Montreal plays Buffalo tomorrow night. December is a killer schedule for the Habs, during the week we only have 1 day of rest at most. Last night was the end of back to back games. Anyone else see Niinimaa who's been a healthy scratch for 8 of 9 games before 2 nights ago get drilled by the puck in the face. Get busted wide open, bleeding all over the ice, and return to the game. Now that's just dedication to hockey. Do the Habs have what it takes to beat Buffalo? I think they do, but I'm going to give tomorrow night to the Sabres and call for either Vanek or Briere to have a multi-goal night.
  3. Yeah Ottawa's really gotten their shit together. In a big way. And Lari, I like the cut of your jib, what with the Leafs hating and all.
  4. Wow. 5 goals in the third, that's... wow, how did that happen.
  5. Thankfully even if Toronto wins they still remain under Montreal, even if tied in points.
  6. Montreal against Jersey tomorrow, I have to admit, I feel it could be the first time Montreal loses 2 in a row this season.
  7. I mean, if he was taken down, but Montreal got the puck and then gave it up, or something like that, then yeah it sucks, but that play didn't decide the game, but last night, He was taken out, and in the same play Boston scored. The referee's futility this year is mind boggling. Carbo was screaming at the refs after the play. On RDS you could hear him screaming, for a good 3 or 4 minutes, I'm suprised they didn't give him a penalty for abuse of officials like they did a few games ago where 2 tripping plays on Habs players wern't called, but a holding penalty(which was justified) was called on Montreal and Carbo clapped for the refs as they passed by.
  8. Montreal had a high scoring affair with Boston losing 6-5. The last goal by Boston was a piece of shit, Komisarek was blatently hauled down in open ice without the puc, and no ref calls a penalty, not 10 seconds later Boston scores. Shitty ending for a game when Montreal came back from 4-1 and 5-4.
  9. I believe it was Souray who had the wrist injury, could be both though.
  10. Oh, I don't doubt the futility of the Habs players last night. I mean, maybe 6 of em were trying to win and one was put out of commission when he was tagged by a Sundin Slapshot.
  11. There's not backing down, which is good testicular fortitude, and then there's getting up, and holding, clutching, slashing, etc etc. It just to me demonstrates that he feels that he's untouchable. And I think if anyone is outmanning any team, it's Koivu, he did it twice to Toronto to tie the game up. I mean honestly, Montreal should have lost the game. But Koivu just threw the entire team on his shoulders and went to work.
  12. What about Boullion fucking dropping Tucker after that dirty cunt laid out an equally dirty hit on Boullion. I could not believe the size of the balls on Bouillon to just drop him with 1 punch. I've never seen that. Sundin is also a dirty player who can't accept being hit. There was a play in the first period where he facewashed Komisarek in front of a ref just ripped his head back taking his helmet because Komisarek hit him. Koivu put in a huge one man effort to tie the game. All Koivu in the second half of the third. I liked Koivu's deke better than Souray, but even I was fooled by him when he wound up. Raycroft just had no chance. A game we lost in the first, and were out shot, but not necessiarly out chanced in the next 2 periods. Good hockey game though. Even if Sundin is a pussy of the highest quality.
  13. I started a new game as the Habs, who I haven't really played with yet. I agressively pursue a few free agents and pick up Allison, Bure and trade for Michalek. I also signed one of my prospects(Grabovsky) to a contract. To balance the deals, I dump Radek Bonk and his 2.3 million dollar salary to Washington for draft picks(3rd round, 5th round) and a good prospect(Oskar Osala) In my final pre-season game, I dress mostly game day players, with 2 prospects and a few players who might be heading to Hamilton soon to make room. We destroyed the Thrashers 11-0, goals from, Markov(2), Boullion(2), Rivet(1), Samsanov(1), Perezhogen(1), Grabovsky(1), Kovalev(1) and Bure(2) Points were also scored by most other players on my team, most notably Koivu with 3 assists and Begin with 2 assists. As said earlier in the thread, Michalek is a godsend. I had to deal away I believe a draft pick and a middle level prospect for him and it was more than worth it. Right now my top 2 lines are looking like Samsanov - Koivu - Kovalev and Michalek - Allison - Bure I honestly think that my Habs can put forth a good playoff run with this team. If injury should strike I've got a good crop of youngsters who can come up from the AHL, especially because a bunch of players will need to go down. I'm under the cap by almost 1 million. I've got a solid roster(or so it seems). The only concern I have is how do I keep my players happy, I've heard that players Morale will nosedive with reletive ease.
  14. Anyone else heard of Jaroslav Halak? This goalie for the Hamilton Bulldogs was goalie of the month down there, he had 4 shutouts in November, posting a 7-1-0 record, a .956 save percentage and a 0.83 GAA. He's only ever played 23 games for Hamilton in the 2 years he's been there, but took over as number 1 in late October moving up from 3rd in the depth charts to #1. In the 23 games though he's got 7 shutouts, and apparently has only given up 1 goal in his last 4 games.
  15. Here it is, the greatest name you will ever hear. The Sultans of Swank.
  16. How do you turn off the salary cap? I want to do a fantasy draft, but I dn't want to really care about the cost. DAMN THE EXPENSE! Also, my Caps are 19-11-4 good enough for 6th right now in the East.
  17. Clearly Montreal is being gay. 1 shot in the first 15 minutes of the third period!!! Who do they think they are?! St. Louis. That was an embarassing game. We poured on the pressure in the first period, Kovalev and Latendresse both beat Ward and hit the post or crossbar on breakaways! Once we scored we forgot how to play and blew the game. Huet played well, but if you're not doing a good job defensively you can't expect the goalie to stop all 48 shots on net. Anyone else see Cole give a shove to Huet and Dandenault, Begin and Souray all gangbanged him.
  18. I'm going to give the Fantasy draft a go. The first pick, Sundin, he always finishes with 150+ points when I play.
  19. The last time they almost made it was in 2001/02 when they were beaten in 6 by Carolina in the Conference finals.
  20. Exactly, I wasn't saying that he should actually make the team, but I think maybe he's a little more deserving than others to be on the ballot.
  21. Touche. The Sharks wanted 3 prospects and 2 draft picks for Michalek.
  22. Big game for Montreal last night. Pulled ahead of T-dot and Huet got another shutout and his 6th consecutive win bringing his GAA to 1.93 and his Save %age to .940. Montreal and Florida played a very good contested game, with Florida getting the better of the chances. That's fucking terrible. They're what 14th? 15th? in the East, Montreal should be putting on a more dominant showing against those cupcake teams. Montreal has great special teams(5th on the Powerplay, 3rd on Penalty Kill) but their 5 on 5 play had got to pick up in a big way. Heh, NHL.com called Toronto the Mecca of Hockey, and said that they play under the constant scrutiny of the Media. Try the microscope that the players are under in Montreal, so much so that players choose not to play here. Does anyone else find it strange that the goalie who is currently statistically the best in the league is not on the All-Star Ballot? He had the best save percentage last season, is currently leading in both Save Percentage, GAA and his 9-2-2 record is what, almost .700 hockey if we disregard the ot/so losses. I'm just upset that I can't vote for him, but Raycroft who is 21st in GAA giving up almost 3 goals a game, is again 21st in Save Percentage with .906 which isn't bad but the rest of the league seems to be doing better. He's also playing very good hockey with about a .600 winning percentage. The NHL says it's because Huet hasn't built up enough credentials to be on the ballot. Now that's just gay.
  23. Pat Quinn doesn't have a job I reckon because of the terrible job he did in Toronto.
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