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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. Yeah, I was suprised on that one. Can someone tell me why his name is pronounded like it has an a and a v in it?
  2. Man Montreal got trashed by the caps, 5-1. We just came up empty. When I heard that Toronto won 10-2 I thought severeal things, the first, Clawson is going to make me eat my words, the second, that the parade route will be planned and third that Sundin will have gotten me all sorts of points in my hockey pool. But he was almost a non-factor in the game(point wise).
  3. I'm shocked that the Laffs actually think that they have a chance at making the cup finals. The playoffs could be a hard enough tast.
  4. I was reading a statbook the other day, and I came across the trade for Lindros from Quebec to Philly. I saw what they got and what other teams had offered. Calgary offered cash, draft choices, Quebec's choice of MacInnis or Suter plus either Nieuwendyk or Reichel. It went sour when Quebec asked for more. Chicago's offer was Belfour, Larmer, Steve Smith in a 5 player, 7 pick offer. In return Chicago would get Lindros & three Quebec choices, including Quebec's #1, except Quebec asked for 5 Million cash and Chicago said no. Toronto had the cash, but not the players. Their offer included Felix Potvin, Wendal Clark, Dave Ellet, Berube multpile #1 picks and $15 million. Toronto would not include Gilmour, which killed the deal. The Rangers offer Kovalev, Weight, Amonte, Vanbiesbrouck (James Patick would be substitued if Vanbiesbrouck a free agent refused to sign in Quebec), #1 picks in 93, 94 & 96, plus $12 million. And Finally Quebec settled on Ricci, Hextall, Duchesne, Forsberg, Huffman, 7th overall pick in 92 & the #1 pick in 1993, as well as $15 million. For one player who's never been a 50 goal scorer, only had 1 100+ point season in his career, sure he had 2 90 point seasons, but after that never hit 80 points. Hindsight being 20/20 Philly got hosed. So what were some of the worst trades in history, for any sport?
  5. Well sorry to break up this Toronto party, but a playoff bound team has news. Montreal comes off losing 2 games in a row in regulation for the first time this season and bounces back with a 5-2 win over the Lightning. Koivu moved up to 13th all time on Canadiens assists passing Peter Mahavolich and is ranked #9(I think) now in all time points as a Hab. Our second line got things going tonight. Kovalev had a goal and 2 assists, Samsanov had an assist which was good for them. Ryder also got a goal which seems to be rare for him tonight. And our big players are shooting more which was a problem in the last 2 games. Huet played a fantastic game, I don't think he get's enough credit, everyone seems to pass him off as a one time fad, but he's #8 in Gaa before this game with a 2.36, which will come down after tonight's performance, and his 931 save percentage still leads the league, as it has for most of the season. Pleckanec got 2 goals tonight, would have been nice for him to get the empty netter, but Higgins took care of that. Gainey is back after mourning the loss of his daughter, and this win was a good way to ring in the new year and keep some distance between ourselves and Toronto, because it doesn't look like anyone in our division is catching Buffalo, that electric bison clad squad is 10 points ahead of Montreal, and almost 20 over Ottawa and Toronto. So Montreal sits 4th in the playoff picture at mid season. If it were all to end tonight playoff match ups would be; Buffalo v Toronto Atlanta v Rangers Jersey v Ottawa Montreal v Carolina I'd love for Montreal to play Carolina again in the playoffs. If I had to make Predictions on that I'd take Buffalo Atlanta Ottawa Montreal After re-seeding, if I'm not too tired ang got this wrong Buffalo v Ottawa Atlanta v Montreal I'd go with Buffalo, Montreal And I'd pick Buffalo in 5 if they went at it with the Habs.
  6. If you see me on MSN, I could walk you through it pretty easy.
  7. Belfour plays sober again and stonewalls the Habs for a good 45 minutes, awesome display of goaltending. Our D is too sloppy, giving up goals to the other team. Had we won last night, it would have been the 19th time the Habs have made it to 50 points in 37 games, 11 of those times going on to win the cup.
  8. Montreal vs Florida tonight, the last time these two went at it, it was 60 minutes of some of the most fantastic goaltending I've seen this season as Montreal took it 1-0 in a shootout. Hopefully Montreal can be more dominant tonight and win their 7th in 8.
  9. I'm still thinking that Niinimaa is left for free agency, Rivet gets traded, Markov signs, and in a perfect world Souray signs for a multi-year deal but will most probably go to test free agency as his stock is sky high.
  10. Montreal wins it's 6th game in 7. Beating the Caps 4-1. After the first period Montreal completly dominated the game, and it was too bad that Washington scored with 3 minutes to go. Another shorthanded goal for Montreal, Another goal for Souray, who TSN was speculating could command upwards of 6 million per year next season.
  11. If Erat plays with a good center, he's down for 80-100 points a season. I had a 3 season game I played with Nashville, first year he only produced between 45 and 55 points, after that, he was paired up with Bondra and produced an 85 point campaign and a 109 point year the year after.
  12. This is the second time ass officiating has ruined a game for me this year. Again it was the jerkoffs in Boston. Now this might not be as bad as last time there was a Habs game in Boston and the referee's ineptitude cost Montreal the game, but last night, Boston's 3rd goal was ass as Rivet was taken out of the play with a blatant high stick right in the kisser, right in front of the refs. No call. Then Montreal scored a tying goal, but it was disallowed by the refs discussing it with each other behind the net. The problem was that Boyes pushed Kovalev, twice, into Thomas as the puck was going in. The ref's after discussion and not video review where it is clearly seen that Kovalev is cross-checked into the goalie, they disallow the goal and give Kovalev a penalty for Goaltender Interference. Fucking idiots in Boston.
  13. It didn't seem intentional to me. Wasn't O'Neill the one who called Boullion fucking dropping Tucker with one shot a cheap shot after Tucker cross checked Boullion from behind after a perfectly clean hit?
  14. Old woman takes drugs, becomes retarded, son takes drugs, loses arm, girlfriend takes drugs, becomes a whore. That's the gist of it, I guess.
  15. Personally, with the players we have now, and comming up aswell. I think Montreal will trade Rivet, Sign Souray and Markov and let Niinimaa go to Free Agency. Those 4 defencemen have their contracts up at the end of the year. Souray has 31 points(12G 19A) and Markov has 25 points(3G 22A), also, Markov is far and away our best defender, and Souray has adapted well to the new NHL after that abysmal season last year. Hell he's on pace for 30 goals and 46 assists this season. So 5 in a row now, the Flyers goalie was incredible last night, easily could have been 4-0 going into the first intermission. Game on Saturday in Boston, I think that'll be the end of our streak. I'm suprised with their recent run of sucesses, we've got points in each of our last 8 games and have only lost in regulation once this month while posting a 7-1-2 record. Not bad.
  16. 4-2 over Philly tonight. That's 5 in a row now. Too bad Buffalo is going to win tonight or else we'd be within 5 of them. Oh well. I think that's 11 over Toronto now.
  17. Apparently an Ottawa paper recently said that if Montreal wanted to keep on to their playoff hopes, they're looking to land Federov for Niinimaa and Bonk as they're dissapointed with both. Besides the fact that Montreal is currently a top 5 team in the NHL(even if it IS only 33 games in) Bonk has been one of our best players this season, with a +10(which is rare in Montreal) and has been the key piece of our Checking like. Also I don't think ruining our salary structure with a 6 Million dollar contract is in the cards, and I certainly don't believe that interim GM Pierre Gauthier is going to be making any blockbuster deals. Philly tonight, going for 5 in a row.
  18. I think it'd go 7, and as much as I hate Toronto, their chance of winning would be just as good as Montreal's. Montreal seems to bring out the best in the Leafs... unfortunately.
  19. Loved the film, bought the DVD, love the soundtrack, look to all of its features from score to editing almost as reference for my film making class.
  20. Yeah, in all my EHM games, Montreal is either barely able to hold on to a playoff spot, or 14th in the league. Similarly Toronto is either one of the top teams or 15th, never anywhere in the middle.
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