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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. Really? I'm taking the Sabres because in my first full season with the Canadiens they kicked my ass in the playoffs.
  2. Wait lemmie guess, your first order of business, signing Leetch, Allison, Bondra and possibly Checmanek?
  3. I just won the Stanley Cup. Go me. Unfortunately my salaries for the upcomming season are about 45.5 Million.
  4. I dunno, but if you're running on the trial for your Leafs diary you can only play 6 months game time no?
  5. *grumbles over DT's perfect orthographical skills* If you can figure it out, I'll play.
  6. Well I'm at the midway mark of my 2008-2009 Canadiens season. From the looks of things now, we're cup bound. We've played 44 games, have a 33-8-3 record to lead the East by 13 points. Koivu and Samsonov are 1-2 in the scoring race, Koivu has 40 Goals and 31 Assists for 71 points while Samsonov has 23 goals and 42 assists for 65 points. Cristobal Huet's 2.24 GAA is good for 4th in the league and his .910 save percentage is 7th best in the league. He's having a dazzling season with a 21-5-2 record. Carey Price is my back-up goalie. He had a terrible start to the season losing his first 4 starts, but has since bounced back with an 8-5-3 record and a league leading 3 shutouts. My special teams are amongst the top in the league, my powerplay at 2nd with a 24.6% and my PK is 8th in the league at 83% With 69 points the next two closest teams to me are Calgary at 57 points and New York at 56. The only changes that were made to my team for this season were signing Jochen Hecht and Bill Guerin, trading away Kovalev and Begin while acquiring Jeff O'Neal, Jay McClement and a bunch of prospects and picks. The only problems I see myself encountering are my players aging and not having enough young guys to replace them.
  7. I like the way Vancouver plays defence. Yes they trap the shit out of the other team. But when the opposing team gets into the offensive zone they're so good at forcing shots from the boards or point. They also pounce on rebounds like nobodies business.
  8. The one he beats? Montreal dominates Atlanta to a 4-1 win. Phew.
  9. Man, Montreal is teabagging the rest of the league right now. It's as though the other teams all simultaniously yelled out Tea Bag in Yo Face! No one is playing with any confidence right now. Especially our goalies. I don't know what someone should do, but they should do something. Like open up a few briefcases of money dump them in the middle of the dressing room and offer it to the team if they can put together a win.
  10. Yeah, GTT's got it pretty well down. Decelerate before the turn, on the outside of the track, move to the inside while coasting the turn and once you reach the apex of the turn accelerate out of the corner. Also, where have you suddenly gotten all this money and why aren't you sharing it with me.
  11. I think it was HCTP that I was Stevie Richards and in my first match I had to face Goldberg. What a squash. Smackdown 2 was excellent, a friend of mine and I used to sit in the basement and play it all the time but the all time greatest wrestling game of all time... WCW Backstage Assault! David Flair > *
  12. If in his second season as Starting goalie, barring the last game he played which was just unexplicable(maybe the puck was made by Germans, who knows) Huet is obviously a credible starting goalie. He basically led Montreal to the playoffs last season when Theo went bust, and he's backstopped us to 4th place in the East so far this season. And trust me, beyond Markov an improving Komisarek and Dandenault, our defence is about as porus as swiss cheese when it comes to giving up shots. I don't think it's overrated when you finish your first starting season with the saving grace award, and are 4th in GAA then before a horrible game in your second season as a starting goalie you're still leading the league in Save %age and are still in the top 5 for GAA. As far as Raycroft goes, while I really don't like him just for how much he's been blown by the media and fans, he's going to eveuntually be a solid starting goalie. If Toronto had a two goalie system like San Jose, or Montreal at the beginning of the season, I think they'd be doing better as a team. I'd also hate to be in his position. Belfour couldn't get it done so now we're bringning you in to carry us to the playoffs. Enjoy your stay.
  13. Huet is sure gonna get his shit ruined in this city. There was just no excuse for how terrible he played. 6 goals on 25 shots in 23 minutes!!! The papers were blasting him today. He was on the front page with the caption Embarassing under it. It's reasons like that, that free agents would rather take less money from another team to avoid playing for Montreal.
  14. Wow, I didn't watch the game today, but I heard that even when we lost to Carolina 8-2 last season we played a better game. I was talking to someone at work who watched the game and he said it was the worst game Montreal has played in the last 10 years. 8-3?! 8 to motherfucking 3!! Ottawa played a hell of a game from what I heard though*grumblecakes* The general agreement around the water cooler at work was that this could be the turning point in our season when we just free-fall.
  15. I'm in 2008 and if I search for him he doesn't show up...
  16. Toronto has become my biggest competition now. They finished dead last in the past two seasons, but early into this one and they're showing much improvement. While my Habs are 13-4-0 and predicted to finish 1st overall, Toronto has shown a big turnaround. They're currently 8-5-1. They look to have re-vamped their roster as Kari Lehtonen is in nets now and they recently signed Marion Hossa to a contract. I wonder if they'll do much better in this season... My Habs on the other hand are doing great. We've had trouble at the bginning of each season so far, but this year we've gotten out to a fantastic 13-4-0 start which leads the East and is 1 point behind the Canucks who have played 3 more games than the Habs. I've managed to lock down everyone to contracts for the next season as all of them except 3 were up. The only exceptions are AHL players who didn't pan out and Souray who I'm going to let go to free agency and just re-sign him for a much lower salary. After my last game Samsanov, Grabovski and Armstrong are all out for 2 weeks. But I think I have enough depth to fill the holes as I picked up Bill Guerin in the off season and traded away Kovalev for Jeff O'Neal, prospects and picks. If anyone wants a graet player to get early in their game, pick up Chris Higgins, he's turned into an amazing player. I've also got my next oh say 15 years of goaltending locked down as Huet went to FA but re-signed with the Habs on a 3 year 10 Million dollar deal. I also re-signed Price to a 1 yaer $975,000 contract. If I can keep re-signing the two of them, I'll be set in nets for a few years. I've fared pretty well in drafts so far, picking up a few great prospects, but the real problem I'm having is that I have some talented young guys who could crack the line-up, but I'm having trouble finding places for them on the main roster.
  17. To the Leafs fans getting on my back. Look, I never said that Sundin was a bad player, but if you think you can mention Sundin in the same breath in Gretzky, you're probably one of the fans who's already got the parade route planned. Look, Sundin is a great player, but it took him what a career to hit 500 goals, it took Gretzky like 3 weeks to do it. Gretzky revolutionized the sport in the States, and Sundin has led Toronto to false hope.
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