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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. Montreal needs a change of pace I reckon. There needs to be a trade, they've all gone so stale. I think that ditching Kovalev or Samsanov would be a good idea.
  2. I stopped watching after the third goal. The first, well it was just a nice shot, can't take that away from Toronto. The second one they scored, you know the one that Stajan tipped, and even CBC was able to prove that he tipped it into the net and his stick was clearly over the crossbar. No, the goal judges subscribe to the Magic Bullet(not the awesome chopping and dicing machine) theory because apparently a point shot can be taken, be going over the net, then, in mid air mind you, change from going up, to down like a knuckleball that would make most Major League pitchers jealous and go into the net. I'm sorry, but it was so fucking obvious, RDS was flipping out over the fact that they called it a goal, I know that the goal judge doesn't have the same angles as the networks do, but it was so fucking obvious. RDS has two clear shots of Stajan's stick touching the puck about 4-6 inches over the crossbar. After Toronto scored their third goal I just turned it off. The penalty on that was a boarding call on Souray, I mean even when the completly biased CBC announce team is questioning the call, you know it was a bad call. I think one of them asked what the penalty was going to be for on Souray because you can't give a penalty to someone for being too strong. At 3-1 with the breaks Montreal were getting(or not getting) it just wasn't going to happen for the Habs. When you have two goals scored against you, one a definate no-goal and the other off a bad penalty call to put you down 3-1 in another team's building, f'get about it. Montreal only scores on the PP anyways, so they'd have needed another 6 to catch up with the way Raycroft was playing. Yes, so despite my greivances with the ineptitude of the goal judge and one call which ultimately tipped the scales for Toronto, if Raycroft had played like he did oh say 20 games ago, this would have been an easy one to get back into, or just run away with from the start, but he's had a few quality starts going into the break and now comming out of it. Also, even though the Souray penalty was absurd(I mean come one, the guy he touched with his forearm practically threw himself into the boards) Toronto took advantage of the Powerplay chances they got and that was the big difference(despite the fact that one powerplay goal now shows that NHL players can take a slapshot sinker, and another came from a terrible call)
  3. Montreal vs Toronto tonight, a great way for Montreal to start their sprint for the finish. It's too bad Tucker won't be there tonight for Boullion to use as a punching bag again. It's also too bad that Wellwood is out of the line-up for Toronto, even if he plays for the wrong team, he's still a fun player to watch.
  4. I love my record player. It's this beast of a machine from the 1950's. It was something given to me in my grandmother's will. It's wonderful, almost 60 years later and it's still in prestine condition. I've also got thousands of records from Queen to the Beatles, Elvis to Johnny Cash, practically every pop single from the 1940's to the 1970's. My grandfather owned a jukebox company and thus had boxes and boxes of records which I've started pouring though lately.
  5. Anybody hear about the woman who had her birth induced on the friday before the Bears game so her husband could go watch it?
  6. How can you offer pre-season games to other teams, I always have to wait for them to ask me.
  7. This is why I love my college, I have one class on Mondays(1pm-2:30PM, Rocket fuckin' Science), Tuesday and Wednesday I'm there from 8:30 to 5:30 with various breaks throughout the day. Thurday I'm done by 10am and Friday I have no school
  8. I've heard of that happening before, have you patched to 3.0.1?
  9. Yeah, well when you give up 4 potential franchise players because you want immediate sucess, your team is boned.
  10. Well by Season's end I'm predicting the Northeast to be Buffalo, Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Boston. I'd say Buffalo first in the east, Ottawa 4th, Montreal 5th, Toronto 10th and Boston 11th.
  11. I can play any day aswell really, and IaceI won't put Mats in his sig because he has taste.
  12. Basha let me get to second code and didn't even make me buy him dinner.
  13. Montreal takes Buffalo 4-3 in a great back and forth game. I still think Plecs should have gotten a Penalty Shot when he was hauled down on a clear breakaway.
  14. Don't be Montreal, the powers that be in the game seem to have decided that one of the top teams in the league should finish near the bottom in the first year. They suck. For a good team be Buffalo or Florida or Nashville, Ottawa maybe. For a team with lots of money to spend pick Washington.
  15. If calling someone ugly is code for wanting to sex them, I must be an absolute fucking stud. There should be some sort of forced gratitude SDM, and well you just for being ugly should have to show me. Him for getting to play for free from me, and you, well, we have to look at your damn face. I mean jesus, when you touch a girl do they yell, Get your filthy paws off me you damn dirty ape!... Nah I love you, I just really wanted to use that line today.
  16. If calling someone ugly is code for wanting to sex them, I must be an absolute fucking stud.
  17. I get the feeling that SDM wants to ask me out to the dance but is too shy. I gave him my second code! Second CODE!
  18. that long VT-blahblahblah thing is what you send him.
  19. In my third season as the Habs we beat Minnesota in 5 for the Cup.
  20. You've gotta be firm. You need to go up to him and say, Where's my money man! repeatedly why beating him up.
  21. What happened to all your tennis money Luke?
  22. Oh man, Mean Street Posse. A friend and I used to play as them all the time. Joey Gas as World Champ was awesome. Wern't you not able to pin women as a man in SD2? I remember having some sort of a gimmick match where I was 'Taker and a friend was Tori, I think we were in a boiler room, anyways, I gave her like 11 Tombstone Piledrivers in a row and I couldn't pin her, it was tits.
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