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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. Go Hawks! I need Ottawa, Jersey and Pittsburgh to lose tonight. I'm sure Florida could beat Ottawa and the Hawks, Pittsburgh. But with Montreal, a Bantam team could give them a run right now. How did Higgins hit the post last night, he had about a foot of space and he jams the puck into the post with his stick!!! Argh!
  2. I really wished that the Jays would go out and pick up a second baseman or shortstop and a starting pitcher or 2. I feel like they really dropped the ball in the off-season. They have a terrible middle infield, everyone can run on Zaun, they have a good out field and talent at the corners, but outside of Wells, Glaus, Rios(if he stays healthy) and Thomas they really lack decent hitting power.
  3. AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like Charlie Brown...
  4. I think it's nice, but I'd be lying if I didn't get excited thinking you made a gfx of the public speaker who went to the school in the show Home Movies and was repeating the chant Seize the day! Everyday! with the children...
  5. What I'm suprised about is that I couldn't get into the Canadiens practice the other day because it was sold out. Since when do 21,273 people besides me have nothing to do on the weekend? Montreal better snag a deal for a good power forward. Not somebody who will be good one day, not somebody with potential or leadership qualities. Just a fucking goal-scorer. A Bonafied 30-40 goal guy. Fuck. Also, Emery's a spaz.
  6. I had the game, used to play it a lot, was far too easy for my liking.
  7. See, Clawson has some common sense. And CKN, would you want to fight a goalie in hockey? That's a one way ticket to a gang rape.
  8. ({) Now get over it and help me with WD:'43
  9. Montreal loses again. Ottawa's gonna stay up on the Habs from now. 29 minute player only meeting after the game, from what I've heard and read all the right players were speaking and by the end of the meeting everyone seemed to be on the same page of enough of this, starting tomorrow we play with the intensity, bite and urgency that we need to. I didn't catch the game, but I heard that Ray Emery is a complete fucking bitchLike Grapehead for apparently pulling off a stick swinging incident on Lapierre. I heard that luckily it caught visor, but I really do hope he gets suspended a game or two for intentially swinging his stick at someone else's face. If Lapierre didn't wear a visor, it would have been more than some bleeding, he could have broken his jaw or nose. You've gotta lack some serious balls to do something like that... bitch.
  10. I can write and play us a national anthem. You guys can sing back-up, but remember who the real star is here. Me. Basha.
  11. Montreal needs to pull it together. Now I know how teams like Chicago and St. Louis felt at the beginning of the season. Montreal's done a complete turn around from previous years. We usually suck the first half and make the epic comeback journey to the playoffs in the second half. All we're doing now is just free-falling for no particular reason. Where's the chemistry from the first 40 games? You can't just go 21-8 and then nothing happens!!
  12. I found a great crack for the game, all you have to do is take a metal fork, and wiggle it around in a light socket. I'm having trouble getting the new patch, it just won't download for some reason.
  13. Guilty Pleasures.... Kliq's mom >_>
  14. Montreal loses again, same old story. Not enough offence, too many penalties. Even without Markov and Rivet it shouldn't make a huge difference. I think that our woe's since Dec 23 can be directly attributed to the loss of Steve Begin. He went out the game before that I believe and look at us now. Haha, oh how I wish it was that easy. I think Bob's going to make a big move before the deadline, just he's so ghostly you'd never know what he's thinking.
  15. Montreal lost a good game to Carolina. Montreal had at least 8 or 9 great scoring chances that they either failed to capitalize on or were shut down by Ward. Very important two games against Ottawa comming up. I'm willing to bet they split the games, but if one team takes the two games, I'm predicting they stay on top of the other for the rest of the way. I'd hate to be Samsonov right now. Placed on waivers, no one claims him. He'll get picked up on re-entry, or traded. I believe his agent did ask for a trade. He was a good looking signing, but things just didn't work for him in Montreal. I also feel that he was a lazy player and reluctant to play our style of game. He was forever complaining about one thing or another.
  16. I'd be the starter on a bad team. I've played a lot of Baseball and Hockey, and I've often times been on a terrible team with 3 or 4 guys carrying it. It's much more rewarding and motivating when you need to perform for a team to succeed rather than just sit around and be a non-factor.
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