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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. *Awaits plethora of OMG NOCALLONSUNDINZ!!! WE WOULD HAVE WINNED!!!* Montreal absolutely dominated the first 40 minutes of the game and a quick start by Toronto in the third made the score make the game look like it was much closer than it was. Class move by McCabe and Sundin at the end punching Markov in the face, maybe if Sundin spits on the ice some more and complains more he'll get the call. Awesome work by the Habs 4th line in the first two periods, they were throwing on the body everywhere. The Hipcheck on Stajan by Begin was awesome. Watching him fly a good 8 feet was cool. There were two calls I disagreed with, one, the interference on Perezhogen where the Toronto player pushed Perezhogen, then trips while moving away from him was somehow a penalty and there was an interference on Komisarek that was really not a late hit at all. But Toronto also got robbed on the Sundin call, but Montreal won which is the important part. Montreal chased Raycroft from the net on 5 goals in what 14 shots? Aubin didn't have much work after that, Montreal quit on the pressure in the third which was a costly mistake. They did a complete inverse of every other game they play. Instead of sucking the first 40 and staging the epic comeback they just raped Toronto for the first two periods then got lazy. Montreal's pretty good at winning after the 2nd period. We've only got 1 loss when leading after two if I recall correctly. It's too bad it's not two games in a row against each other like last season, I guess tomorrow night will be just as important for both teams. If Montreal pulls out a win and Toronto loses then Montreal has a teensy bit of room to work with, if the opposite happens we're back at square one.
  2. Who's gonna take him? Toronto? He'd fit the bill there.
  3. Rivet.... gone... And for a shit prospect and a 1st round pick of a team that's going to finish higher than us anyways!!! To San Jose: Craig Rivet 5th Round Pick in 2008 To Montreal: Josh Gorges 1st Round Pick in 2007. Montreal got swindled.
  4. Montreal totally should have won against the Islanders. They got a lot of lucky bounces in their own end, Montreal was dominant for a good 35 minutes of the game. They played well for most of it, and Perezhogen got robbed by a defenceman!!!
  5. And the Jews are still waiting for their messiah.
  6. I started a game as the Habs again. I had a pretty good season. I had picked up Craig Conroy in the pre-season because Bonk went down with an injury. I also traded for Frantisek Kaberle in January to help get some speed on my blue line, and late in the season I picked up Mikko Koivu. I was projected to finish 19th and ended up in a wire to wire fight with Buffalo for top spot in the Northeast eveuntually finishing 4th in the East with 102 points(48-27-7). This all came in a season when I only had 6 players who managed to play the whole season. Everyone else was injured for some amount of time. In the end I had Koivu lead my team with 99 points. Both Kovalev and Samsonov were 40+ goal scorers and Higgins and Ryder each were 30+, Conroy who I got for Bouillon played 56 games and managed 57 points which was a big help. I also had the only team to have a guarenteed win if leading after 2 periods going 32-0-0 when leading after 2. Huet hit the 35 win mark in 50 games on the season and I was hoping for a good long playoff run. Instead I was ousted in 5 games by the Flyers. The Stars eveuntually won the cup but it was still a real pain in the ass. In the off-season I had a lot of my players re-sign which bumped up my roster costs, I had to re-sign Abeschier in the off-season because he wouldn't re-sign during the year. I also traded away Bonk who at 2.3 Million a year was not someone I wanted to keep when he only produced 25 points and a +7 rating. I sent him off for Alyn McCauley. The problem I'm facing now is, the new season has started, my costs against the cap are only 41.3M but I have 49.8 Million committed and only a 50.5 Million budget not leaving much room for anything as my board won't let me go over 50.5 Million. I need to cut costs, but I'm very reluctant to part ways with a lot of my prospects. The biggest suprise so far is the fact that Washington now has St. Louis, Ovechkin, Federov, Brewer and Phaneuf just to name a few players they got their hands on. Toronto fire-sold their team as they finished dead last with a 25-56-1 record. Paul Maurice is now one of my asst. Coaches.
  7. Of Course Emery would be smiling. He's wearing kevlar, which also happens to be so damn wide it you've gotta have like a 70 inch reach to touch him. Was entertaining as hell though. I think the only reason the league *might* suspend Emery again is due in part to the fact that when he decided to be a bitch and try to re-arrange Lapierre's face he also had stated that he wanted to fight him. They *might* do it just to tell him to be a goalie and not a goon. The only two goalies worthy of fighting anyways are Ron Hextall and Patrick Roy. If Montreal wins against the Islanders and the Blue Jackets somehow beat Atlanta we'll move up another position in the standings as we start the loooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg attempt at a trek back to 4th.
  8. When I raped CKN like 60-7 at Counter-strike.
  9. Montreal somehow, and I mean somehow manages to beat the Nashville Predators. Montreal, a team with no real star power and missing Huet, Rivet, Higgins, Begin and Kovalev managed to come back from several Nashville multiple goal leads culminating in an absolutely fantastic highlight goal by Samsonov to tie the game forcing OT. Montreal then takes it in Shootout as Forsberg slips on the ice while trying to spin around. This... was thievery.
  10. I've got a list of songs I play when I'm gaming. It's Maiden heavy. Lost of epic sounding songs. I do it for sports also before games.
  11. End of the first period, 3-0 Montreal goals from Higgins(x2) and Ryder with Koivu assisting on at least 2 of them. Washington ran into some heavy penalty trouble in that period. Perezhogen got a double minor and Washington got all of 9 seconds on the Powerplay as they took 3 penalties in that time resulting in 2 Montreal goals. Halak hasn't been bust at all yet. Here's hoping the rest of the game is a success(*clenches fists and shakes*) Also I have an incredible amount of respect for the Blackhawk fans, they've taken more abuse from their own organization in the last few years and yet some, still turn out for their team. There really should be a lot more respect for that Original 6 team. The only Original 6 team I really dislike is those pesky New York Rangers. EDIT: Montreal wins 5-3, The top line gets 8 points as well as a shorthanded goal(franchise record 16th). Also move ahead of Toronto and NYI. I don't think Montreal will be able to get much higher than 7th place in the standings.
  12. We weren't celebrating our frustration. We were celebrating probably the biggest underdog champion in Stanley Cup history. And we managed to do it in 15 minutes so a game could actually be played unlike every other team in this league.
  13. I dunno Sean, hows about you tell me. A team in the league for almost 40 years and you've still done nothing of any importance. Also, why is Toronto celebrating their frustration. Hajj will like this one.
  14. I heard that the Hawks could send one of their goalies with another potential UFA to Montreal in a package deal to essentially rape our roster.
  15. Around the time that Jennings was still doing PW and EWR was probably only in version 1 or so, there were 5 or 6 other Wrestling Management Sims in development, H2H was supposed to blow EWR out of the water, ESWF never did his updated version, TMN7 was around but I don't know much about it. It seemed like everyone and their mother was working on one. Why'd they all die?
  16. Last night's game made no sense to me. Montreal completly dominated the game for 45 minutes, took nearly 20 first period shots, had 45 in all but still managed to lose 5-3 on a couple of bad bounces. Tonight we're starting the pride of Slovenia in nets.
  17. Doesn't Montreal have 8th spot on account of having more wins? I could be wrong but I believe that's the way it works. Even with Montreal's poor month and a half of playing, I can still laugh at a good Toronto joke... Toronto is starting their construction season much to the frustration of many drivers. Toronto has unveiled an ambitious plan to repair over 300 roads. None of which lead to the Stanley Cup.
  18. Toronto pulls even with Montreal but fortunately, for now, Montreal grasps onto an oily 8th place playoff spot. Montreal plays another set of back to back games(what is that like 3 in a row now?) against Carolina and Columbus. That SHOULD be 4 points easy for Montreal... I somehow don't see that happening.
  19. Oh c'mon, you don't like the electric Bison? Despite the fact that the team name is the Sabres and not the Buffalo? I don't want the point system to change, we're not some sort of soccer on ice(although Crosby could argue otherwise with the way he dives).
  20. Is this the NASCAR series that's comming to Montreal?
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