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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. You think that's bad, the other language media in Montreal is ripping Gainey and Kovalev right now.
  2. Heh, the paper today is commemorating the academy award performance by Mats Sundin last week against the Habs, questioning why he didn't get an unsportsmanlike conduct call after whining for so long and spitting invisible specks of blood onto the ice. They also speculated that the only reason Jannsen got suspended was because his hit was against someone from the center of the universe and action had to be taken even though the Neil hit on Drury was clearly far more brutal. God I love how much my city despises Toronto. Wow, Montreal and Toronto are making it really hard on themselves to get into the playoffs. It looks like we both are almost not trying to win.
  3. Get Price, He's been solid for me. I had him as a back up for one season, did 11-4-1 with 3 shutouts and about a 2.00 and 900 save percentage. Last season he went 39-10-5 with a 1.88 GAA and a 932 save percentage along with 10 shutouts.
  4. Well I was able to secure the #1 pick from a terrible team(Phoenix) for Higgins and a mid-range Prospect. For Aucoin you should be able to do plenty at the deadline.
  5. there were 5 or 6 players with more points, the top being 65-70 points. But they were mostly minus players. I really don't know why he got it to be honest...
  6. Latendresse took rookie of the year honors in 08/09. He put up 45 points and a +28 rating in 82 games. I finished that season with 109 points, another 50 win season, I was in 4th place. I got dropped like it was hot by Boston in 5 in the first round. That really pissed me off, but I did have 7 rookies on my roster.
  7. that she's using her anti-christ powers to only make unreliable sources report the truth?
  8. Actually he's 17 and has incredible speed, acceleration, balance and a great shot. He was ranked as the #1 euro skater and 6th overall. I picked him #2 overall. Just I feel that for 14 picks having only 1 quality pick to show for it is weak.
  9. TDK made me a friend... what about me is it that made you pick me?

  10. I had 2 first round, 2 second round, 3 third, 3 fourth, a fifth, 2 6th and a 7th round pick in the 08/09 draft. 14 picks, and all I have to show for it is Andrei Kruchin.
  11. I see it as an eye for an eye. If some player went after Koivu, I would want to see someone looking to land the punishing hit on their star player.
  12. Yeah, if players are getting their shit ruined in a hit or fight and they get injured why should the other guy get suspended if it's a legal hit or a fight, I mean if Spezza and that murderer Heatly got hurt when they turtled like... softcocks when the Sabres pounced on them it was really just natural selection.
  13. Well If anything, Montreal and Toronto are going to duke it out for that last spot something fierce. At this point, as much as I hate to say it. I'm going to say Toronto 7th, Carolina or Islanders 8th Montreal 9th. Montreal just doesn't have what it takes. I don't know what was in the water the first 40 games, but it's gone. What I sorta wish is that when Montreal had their bad years from 96 or so till about 01 we never finished bad enough to get top picks in the league. Look at consistant loser teams like the Sens who for what like 5 years in a row had a top 3 pick? Well look at them in the last 8 years now. They won the Spezza Sweepstakes, they got Redden they basically drafted a lot of the quality they have on their team now. A few good trades aswell and you're a top team looking to make an extended post-season run every year. Pittsburgh is also another example of that. Montreal, who was riddled by bad management for most of the 90's by throwing away picks in trades or using them to draft french players who obviously wern't good enough is now seriously paying the price showing up empty on depth. We've got some good talent comming up, obviously in Price, but I really can't wait to see how Josh Patrick, or Kyle Chipchura or Alexsei Emelin or Grabovski develop. I trust Bob. Bob is good. Don't irritate Bob.
  14. I haven't played in like 8 months, this should be fun.
  15. The same way Samsonov was 4th in League scoring.
  16. I'm about done the off-season of 2008 and am about to enter the 2008-2009 season. I lost Dandenault on waivers when I was trying to buy-out his contract to make room for another player. I didn't particularly feel like spending 1.8 million on a player who plays maybe 12 games a season. Nobody wanted to trade for him though. I'm about to enter the pre-season. But right now, my lines look a little something like this... Samsonov - Koivu - Kovalev(These three combined for 270 points last season, they were all in top 15 scoring) Vasicek - Conroy - Ekman(Conroy was a PPG player, Ekman a 40 goal scorer and Vasicek is my newest acquisition comming off of a dissapointing season in Buffalo.) Higgins - McCauley - Ryder(These three are a combined +43 last season, Ryder was a 39 goal scorer, he'll probably bounce between the third and second line depending on play and injuries) Grabovsky - M.Koivu - Weinhandl(This line was +42 last season, Koivu plays very well with Weinhandl and Grabs setting both up for 50 point seasons) Vaananen - Morris(Both player with ratings over 8 last season, Their speed and skill should anchor the blue line) McGillis - Roszival(Between the two they were a +56 last season) Streit - Komisarek(the last of the original defence from the 2007 season. Komisarek was a team leading +41 and Streit put up 35 points) Huet(Just signed a 4 year 16 million dollar deal, he's comming off an amazing 40+ win season) Price(This will count as his rookie year but he played in 6 games last season going 4-1-0 with a 2.02 GAA)
  17. I think scene kids look the same but would rather other people kill themselves than they themselves.
  18. It was definately a bad move by the Oilers. I don't think that getting rid of Smyth was at all a good idea, or even one to consider.
  19. I don't bend to the laws of time or space. I, and Lui Kang, are just that fucking awesome.
  20. Looks like somebody chickened out. You know what that means?
  21. Alright, so I've got a friend who through most of high-school was 'scene' or 'hardcore' or I dunno what to call it. He called himself scene. He basically wore black most of the time, tight as hell pants that I swore were ladies pants, dyed his hair black and left some of it blonde, and also had it grow long enough for it to cover only one of his eyes. Now I never understood it but he always told me that this is who HE was. So now that we're in college there's like 200 of them and they all look exactly alike, but all are convinced that they're not the trend, they're totally unique because they listen to music with screaming and dress the same. What I'm trying to understand is why do they have to look a certain way to enjoy the music? Because they look down uon those who don't but go to the shows. Also, most of them seem to be vegetarian converts and straight-edge. It's like some sort of a psuedo-religion. So what's the deal? Why do they have to be the same to be different?
  22. I'm having a big problem with my Habs. I just finished my second season with them and at the end of this year I have 2 players still left on contract... that's it. But nobody on my team really wants to sign deals longer than one year.
  23. It's the same idea as Koivu gettin four and a half million per year in Montreal. He's a 60-70 point scorer on the team, but since 99 or so he's been THE face of the team which is why we pay probably a million and a half or so too much for him. Also, as much as I hate Toronto so goddamned much(It's not their team so much as their fans), I really do want to see Montreal and Toronto both make the playoffs for the incredibly, incredibly, incredibly small chance of a Montreal-Toronto playoff match up at some point.
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