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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. You can call whatever you want buddy. Toronto succeeds in dropping a 2 goal lead in the 3rd last night. If it wern't for the clutch play of Kaberle, we'd be talking about how terrible Toronto is at holding a lead right now. Toronto and Carolina in play tonight. Montreal will be 9th or possibly 10th by the end of the night. One of the two teams is going to win for sure. I'm hoping neither of them do. Especially not Toronto. I'll put a bullet through my brain before I have to listen to the 9 or so of you collectively cream yourselves for passing Montreal in the standings.
  2. I need somem help here. I entered a royal marriage with Sweden(I'm Castille). My king dies in battle and I became the lesser partner in a personal union essentially making me their vassal and ally. Now here's the problem I'm in. I can't declare war on anyone, and I can't declare war on Sweden, why, because I'm their ally now. So to be able to declare war on them I'd need to end the alliance, but my role as a vassal and #1 country in the world, won't allow me to do so. What do I do?
  3. So I've started sucking French dick in exchange for not raping me, but I need some help now. I need to find a way to make more money, I get about 6 merchants a year and I send then out to profitable CoT's in pairs of 2 or sets of 4, I'm only making about 78-88d a year which is a real pain in the ass for me. I know that right now a lot of the trouble for my monthly income is due to the fact that I've raised an army of well over 30,000 men to destroy Aragon and Sicily so after the war I'm cutting off the maintenance to the army and disbanding some of the units. So here's how things have been going in my game. I have 1 province in Grenada as my vassal. The Moroccan's took the other two and have 13,000 men(mostly charge cavalry) in Gibralter. I've started an arms build-up in my border province to Gibralter, I think I have 9,000 charge cavalry there with another 5000 longbowmen in a neighbouring province. I decided that I wanted the highly valueable land of Valencia because Castille doesn't seem to be too profitable a nation. So I declared war on Aragon. After some initial trouble(Still getting used to waging war) I quickly secure the provinces of Piniero and Aragon and settle for peace with myself getting the two provinces that I seiged and 50d. I spend the better part of the next 4 years raising a navy of 14 Carracks and 5 Cogs. I've also added some more troop divisions in Aragon and Piniero. I declare war on Aragon again and send in 3 army groups. One, of 9,000 Knights and a leader, one of 7,000 knights and my King and one of 2,000 knights. I quickly destroy what armies they have and lay seige to Valencia and Aragon. I also float my navy into their waters and make quick work of the combined navies of both Aragon and Sicily(Both of whom no longer have a navy). I move armies onto their islands in the Med and within a year have seiged all of them into my occupation. I tried to annex Aragon but because I was in a war with both them and Sicily I was not able to do so. So later today I'm waging my ground campaign from Messina across the strait into southern Italy. It shouldn't take too long to do. And I'll have secured a piece of Europe that I can use to continue my expansion without running into the smelly French.
  4. My Castille is slowly expanding. Portugal was inherited by the English, Morocco took Grenada so quickly I escaped with the Grenada province as my only vassal and I'm making moves on Aragon, and am about to swallow up Valencia and Barcelona before going after their islands. Now here's the fun part. I've got 13,000 muslim cavalry which are better than my Eruopean ones sitting to the south of me. They haven't made any moves yet, but they're just sitting there in Gibralter... waiting. England and I have a pretty good relationship(+200) and they only have 1,000 men in what was formerly Portugal. They've focused their efforts on colonizing and every year or 2 I learn about more land in Africa that the English found. I also have a military access pact with them. The one that's worrying me is France. My navy isn't powerful at all, but I've got around 20,000 men roaming around Castille. About 12,000 in the East where they'll siege Aragon for their remaining 2 Continental Europe provinces. Once my war is finished, and I've hopefully annexed the Aragonians, It's going to be a cold war for me as I'm going to build up at least 15,000 men and knights in each of the two provinces that bottleneck Europe from Spain. It obviously would be foolish to attack the french with only 30,000 men... would it? I need some strategy help. The other option is hoping the French stay out of my business and take the islands from Aragon and use them to set up shop in Sicily(bastards have gone to war with me already) and work my way north. Help?
  5. I need a way to make some more money, I'm only making about 78d a year and about 1 per month without having my inflation rise.
  6. Damn, tough break for Toronto. While I wanted them to lose so Montreal could stay ahead in the standings, I still would rather Toronto in the playoffs rather than some shmuck team like Carolina or the Islanders. I really want Montreal to take 7th place. I would absolutely love to see a Montreal Pittsburgh series. I'd say Pittsburgh in 6, but it would still be an amazingly intense series.
  7. True, but Tucker gets knocked the fuck out by Bouillon far too often right now. Sorry, had to.
  8. Mother Fuckers!!!! MMM YeaaaahhhH!!!!! Pre-Sale tix are mine! That's me = going. Boo YEAH! Myself, my brother and 6 compadres are heading down.
  9. I think that Avery has far more ability, with the obvious advantage for Tucker being the uncanny ability to shovel in the garbage goals.
  10. If there could be an arrangement tonight where the Leafs lose... please.
  11. Montreal is 9th for team not wanting to be traded to, but third toughest building to play in on the road(T'ranna's a very respectable 6th), I like how Crosby is on the most hated players list. I think Tucker should be first. I find that Avery is both a better pest and better player than Tucker. Which brings me to Avery being the most overrated player in the NHL. Montreal 3rd best Ice. Toronto 7th worst
  12. Thank you Toronto. Every team we needed to lose tonight lost and we won our 7th in 8 games and now we're in 8th. The only bad thing is that Toronto stays within 2 points of us and can easily take our spot. We basically need the Hurricanes to lose to the Flyers tomorrow. The Thrashers to beat the Leafs on Thursday, and then we need to extend our streak against the Sens on Friday... that's the best case scenario. Somehow I don't see Montreal winning 8 of 9. Or the 'Canes losing to the Flyers.
  13. CRUSH THEM! Somebody please help me make money.
  14. I take back what I said about GYS, I misinterperated his lack of posting and sudden RAYZOR post as Leafjob. Sawry.
  15. Actually to be honest, I can enjoy the opinions of DT, Clawson(when he doesn't have his vagina all knotted up) and sometimes Be about the Leafs. But sometimesBe and GYS just get on my nerves about it. I think I could liken this to how much fun Sean has poking fun at the Habs since we lost the game to the 'Nucks and subsequently dropped our season faster than a 16 year old girl drops her panties for a black man.
  16. Tonight I'm gonna start a new game. Someone recommend me a nation. I want to have a most powerful army, but I need to make lots of money to do so. In fact someone tell me how to make lots of Ducats because I can never make much more that 60 or so a year and 1 or 2 a month.
  17. I was reading the paper today. They have a weekly hero's and zero's of the week. Some(like Jeffery Loria and Bud Selig Jr.) are permanent zero's, but since GYS has recently come back to talking about hockey, I thought this week's was great. The Gazette has jumped off of the Montreal to the playoffs bandwagon and has started taking regular shots at how badly we botched the season, but they're still on the young guns express which is evident in the list. The reason I'm talking about it is because I thought that the last one in the Zero's of the week was quite true with the way everybody especially the tv screen and Toronto Sports Network are blowing the Leafs as though they're in 2nd place. &&& Last but not least, the obnoxious fans of the Toronto Maple Leafs: so much arrogance, so little accomplishment. I quite enjoyed it. With either a Carolina or Tampa loss tomorrow and another win from the Habs, Montreal would desperately claw their way back into a playoff position that they so readily gave up over 3 months of skull fuckingly terrible play.
  18. I don't see Raycroft making 19 saves as a huge performance against the Sabres. I expected the Leafs to win the second game against Buffalo simply because it's embarassing for any team to blow a 3 goal lead in 7 minutes and you definately want to prove that hey, mistakes happen. Montreal has won 6 of 7, but the position we're in is completly our fault so I don't really feel like it's a huge accomplishment, but it's nice to see our young guys turning it up huge lately. Montreal can only afford a maximum of 2 losses in their remaining games or it's over I say. The only good thing about everybody winning on the same nights is that Montreal is now only 2 outside of 6th place and a playoff match-up against Atlanta I would take any day over Buffalo or Jersey.
  19. I was actually watching the game as it was really important for Montreal as well. When I saw Toronto up 4-1 in the third, I figured that it was over and I could stop watching TSN verbally fellate the Leafs, but wow, I check the paper this morning and Toronto really dropped the ball. I mean montreal did the same thing to Boston the other night, scoring 4 in 7 minutes on 4 shots, but this was embarassing for Toronto, and I'm not trying to be mean here either because I wouldn't mind seeing 7th and 8th go to Montreal and Toronto, but damn, for all that talk about the RAYZOR!!!! and his 33 wins, he played like he did back when he was on Boston.
  20. I'd move Bonk or Bouillon, they just suck up cap space and have never contributed much to any game I play as Montreal.
  21. I just read a nice light hearted article about how enthused the Israeli's apparently are to be playing England tomorrow. http://commentisfree.guardian.co.uk/toby_g..._jerusalem.html
  22. That's pretty funny. Montreal and Boston again tonight. I'm heading down to a sports bar to catch the game in High Def, and highly drunk. Should be fun.
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