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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. Well today I missed one of my bets, so I lost my bet, but on 5 bucks I would have made 33. There's an odds calculator on the site which also calculates the potential winnings.
  2. Alright so, I picked up some work during the week at a Depanneur. We sell lottery tickets there, and something caught my eye, the Sports programs, Loto-Quebec does sports betting and I've decided with my brother to try it out. http://pari-sportif.loto-quebec.com/pesweb/cmd/getprogramme That's the site where it has the odds etc, I pick from there and then fill out a card at the depanneur and pass it through the lotto machine to make it official. So I've tried betting on Baseball today, we have $5 dollars riding on the fact that Toronto will beat Baltimore, LA will beat Seattle, Matsuzaka will pitch more K's than Oswalt and A-Rod will have a better day at the bats then Ortiz. The rules with Loto-Quebec are that you need to pick a minimum of 3 and a max of 6, you only win if all of your predictions are correct. Like today for example, if I'm correct, I'll win $33 on the 5 that I bet. So what I'm asking from you people, is to maybe check out the site, help me make some predictions and have a good time laughing at me losing money.
  3. I believe so, but the screen resolution needs to be rather huge.
  4. Why does he want to go to Toronto? He doesn't at all fit the profile of either past his prime and over-priced or young and decent and being hyped a la max.
  5. Holy shit, isn't this a rare appearance on the board. Wow. Hi Tanc. Oh, also, can never go wrong with The Roots.
  6. I want neither Pittsburgh nor Ottawa to win, I'm deciding if it would feel better if the Sens were sent home early for as they've been for the past decade or so or if it's better for that little shit Sidney "fish outta water" Crosby loses in spectacular fashion.
  7. What ever happened to Ken Griffey Jr? He was supposed to be king shit, break all the records etc, and then he got injured for like 10 years.
  8. Chacin had some control problems, but he pitched fairly well, he got enough run support to get the win.
  9. This I cannot deny. Game's in 10 minutes so I should get dinner and go plop down. I'm hoping to head over for a game this year, get some tickets on the first base line maybe.
  10. Bad showing last night from the Jays. 4 errors, and Thomas hasn't been much of a big Hurt unless K's count. A-Rod is seriously hot shit right now. Hopefully Ohka gets the win against the Royals tonight, they're really a weak team. I love the Jays order Their first 6 guys can all hit exceptionally well.
  11. Do and of you think that there will be a third party stats update for next season?
  12. But he can't talk about how great Toronto is and Joey Jo Jo isn't in the Playoffs.
  13. Clawson, the point I was trying to make was that RDS is a French regional network accessable by subscribing customers only. When it draws 1 million viewers in Quebec and CBC can't do the same as a national network... Maybe Toronto isn't the greatest thing ever. I'd like to see more Sens games if any eastern Canadian team, they're the most exciting.
  14. I'm rooting Canucks. I think Luongo has the capability to carry the team to a cup. Toronto needs to replace the pylons they have on Defence and get a #1 goalie. They also need a top calibre player. Montreal looks like they need a top 2 defenceman, a First line center or a top 6 power forward. Edit: Center Ice isn't a bad package from what I hear, but I heard that they sometimes blackout local games, I couldn't get the Leafs - Habs game up north on the satellite, and because I'm not subscribed to RDS up there, I was forced to hear two of the worst announcers ever on CBC, honestly I think they just talk to hear their own voices when they take the Maple Leafs cock out of their mouths to breathe. It made me realize why it is that RDS has outdrawed CBC for Habs Leafs games in the past.
  15. I like the batting order they have this season, it doens't have too many holes. So far, I've liked what I've seen from Clayton, I know he wasn't brought in to be a big hitter, but he's been doing pretty well on both sides of the ball this year. 3-2 record isn't so bad I suppose, considering we lost to Tampa is pretty embarassing. Very very early on in the season, but the AL East is looking kinda weak right now.
  16. As awesome as the game is going to be on Saturday(it would be more Epic if it were in Montreal), I think Toronto's going to win. Like I said before, I think it'll basically come down to the fact that they're at home, so whether it ends 7-3 or 1-0 in shootout, I think Toronto's going to take it. What's sort of bad is that if the game goes past regulation, the air will be taken out of the ACC and the Leafs as the game will no longer have playoff implications.
  17. I really think that if it came down to Saturday and a win puts the Leafs 1 point ahead of Montreal, the Leafs would win. If it were in Montreal, I would say it's no contest for Torono, don't even show up because you're going down, but as it's in Toronto, and could be one of the greatest games ever contested if only for intensity and atmosphere, I think that Toronto would take it.
  18. GYS I love me my Jays. Sadly I too miss Frank. I don't think they really improved their roster much over last season. They really need to fill in their infield, I like Royce Clayton, but they have a really weak middle infield... also who in thier right mind signs Zaun over Molina? I loved Benji, he was so good, everybody runs on Zaun. Tough loss yesterday to the Tigers, but that 7 run inning was a nice almost perfect comeback by the Jays.
  19. Please explain for me? Also, I found the English to be wonderful.
  20. I've got it. It's fun for a little while. HoI2 was always far too easy and cumbersome in my opinion. My EU3 has randomly crashed like 4 times now with no error message. Why?
  21. Koivu pulls out the highlight reel goal to and adds another later to give Montreal their 9th straight win at home in their last home game of the season. Toronto nearly blows it again and I really hope they lose their next game and Montreal beats the Rangers, gives us a playoff spot if I reckon correct. With 2 games left, any combination of a Montreal win and a Toronto loss puts the Leafs outside of 8th place again, and for good(again, if I reckon correctly). Halak played well and has a 1.84 GAA at home in the 7 games he's played at the Bell. I like him, for a 21 year old rookie goalie, he's got a bit of talent. Who's the shmuck that Latendresse jerseyed and beat up?
  22. Ugh. Well at least I can use the time to build up my arms.
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