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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. Alright, the song is on the Weebl and Bob cartoon Space Mushrooms. And is also the song that the formerly quite popular internet video which was 2 kids dancing to the song. The only lead I have is that the video is called Chin 2.
  2. I guess we found our messiah then.
  3. Yeah, I think he just about got a standing O for it. It's like when... oh the name escapes me now, but earlier in the year a pitcher hit 107 on the gun and the crowd went nuts.
  4. The more I think about it, the More I don't want Montreal to draft Angelo Espo.
  5. Higgins and Komisarek are both resigned for 2 years in Montreal. Financial terms are undisclosed as per club policy. Higgins is a fantastic young player who many feel will be the Captain in Montreal when Koivu eventually leaves or retires. Komisarek was 2nd amongst NHL defensemen in hits, and played in all 82 games for Montreal. He really stepped up his game this year becomming a top 4 defenseman on the team showing great awareness and defensive ability. Pavel Valentenko was also signed and is expected to play in the NHL and it is also rumored that the more impressive Alexi Yemlin will be signed before the draft day as Montreal apparently found a way around his Russian contract. He would likely play in the NHL right away. Also, I need someone like Sean to decypher this one for me. I don't know much about the Blackhawks but I heard that Samsonov could be gone for Jassen Cullinmore and Tony Salmalainen. Are they any good as I also heard the plan might be to just buy those two out of their contracts which I also need someone to explain the purpose of this for me. EDIT. The trade is a go and Sammy is gone (Praise Jesus). Komi and Higgins have identical deals worth 1.5 in year 1 and 1.9 in year 2.
  6. I think that either Toronto needs better defense(I didn't think they were that terrible, just very slow), or a #1 that can handle making the big saves. Yeah, I know, 37 wins 37 wins!!! He played 72 games because there is no back up in toronto, IIRC you traded that opportunity away in Rask. But he essentially went 37-34 (37-25-9), which as a #1 really isn't #1 numbers in my opinion. While things in Montreal wern't much better, Raycroft also had a 2.99 GAA which compared to the other goalies who played 70+ games puts him way at the back of that pack with the closest being Mikka at 2.46. While only a half goal per game, over 70 games, that starts to add up in close games. A .894 save percentage isn't that spectacular either. Again out of the goalies that played 70+ games he's at the back of the pack as the only one under .900. But then again those goalies were Mikka, Miller, Luongo, Brodeur and Lundqvist. And I don't think that Raycroft is really at that level to be competing with them. If you compare him to the league, at 2.99 GAA that's 32nd out of 44 goalies who played at least 25 games. For a team who leans on their goalie for 72 games, there's going to be high expectations, and numbers like that don't cut it. His Save %age would put him 37/44. So statistically he's a very meh goalie. Then again, he also had to play 72 games and he wasn't able to do so. I think toronto either needs a solid #1 or another good goalie who can split the load with Raycroft so he's only playing 40 games or so.
  7. Sounds like another franchise I know... oh yeah, those fickle pricks in Montreal.
  8. I really don't think that Ontario, the southern part of it especially needs another team. I think it would succeed because from what I've heard from Ontario ex-pats, people outside of Toronto really don't much like Toronto, so there's a large enough fanbase for the team, I would just rather see some diversity in the league. At least the 3 teams in New York State are there because there's 19,000,000 people there. I was looking at the Attendance figures that DT put up. I was suprised enough that Calgary has enough room for 12% SRO crowds... which I miss from the Forum, and I really wish the Phone Booth has, but I am really... happy? about Philly fans. I really have to admit, that they must have some of the best fans in the league. They have one of the worst season of any team probably since the Sens sucked and they still average over 19,000 per game and a average of 98.2% capacity. That's dedication.
  9. I'd like to move Toronto to the West so that if one day when the stars are all aligned and Toronto has gotten their shit together, and the Habs put together a respectable season, there's the chance of a decent all canadian final. But if Toronto(or most Eastern teams) went to the West right now, they would get Ker-Pwned.
  10. Agreed. Look at Pittsburgh's goalie(who's name escapes me at 12:10 am), he was brought up way too young and has taken a few years to develop.
  11. Talk out of the dirty French mouthes of Montreal and a lot of articles in the paper, is that based on Price's performance at the WJ's and the Calder Cup where he helped the team get the upset on Hershey along with getting the Playoff MVP award, depending on Training Camp, if Price puts in a very good performance, there's going to be a for sale tag on Huet. The general agreement amongst many right now is that this is Price's job to lose. Bob's also said that if he plays in Montreal, it's not on the bench. On the one hand, he's a very gifted goaltender who if he continues to develop like he has, will be an all-star for some team some day. But at what? 19 - 20 years old, to be the starting goalie in Montreal is a little much. I think a lot of this has to come from the fact that he's taken the exact same route to Montreal as Patrick Roy did... in 1984 Montreal traded away some players to Hartford for their #1 pick hoping to be able to land the player perceived to be the #1 player in the draft class, Mario Lemieux. Hartford's pick only gets Montreal as high as #5 on draft day and Pittsburgh Penguins are lucky enough to draft Mario. Montreal drafts goalie Partick Roy who had less than stellar stats with his terrible junior team. Lemieux goes on to be one of the finest players of the 80's and 90's, Roy goes on to become the winningest goalie of all time along with 4 cups, many awards etc etc. You could argue that either one of these players is the best from that draft year. If you measure it in cups, Roy had 2 in Montreal and 2 in Colorado and Lemieux had 2 in Pittsburgh. Skip ahead 21 years to the 05 draft. In the Lottery, Montreal lucks out and gets the #5 pick. Pittsburgh gets #1(I'm convinced it was rigged, Boo Pittsburgh, Yay Chicago). Pittsburgh takes who is thought to be the best player in the draft class in Sydney "Bitchtits" Crosby, Montreal picks Carey Price who had less than stellar stats with his terrible junior team. Now here is where a lot of people are creaming themselves... especially the french. Roy was signed by the Habs at the end of the 84-85 season Roy is signed and sent to the Sherbrooke Canadiens(which would later become the Hamilton Bulldogs). He leads the Baby Habs to an improbably Calder Cup win. Sure enough Carey Price does the same thing in the 07 season. So, if you're an idiot, this clearly means that in the 09 season Montreal has to win the cup because Deja Vu said so.
  12. I always liked Hartford. What I'd like to see, not really seriously, but just like to see, is a 26 team league with 12 Canadian Franchises in it. Hell instead of Eastern and Western Conferences, you could make a Canadian and American conference... travel would be brutal.
  13. I'm asking because I simply do not know, but is Toronto Overpaying for Antropov? Also how does anyone think the draft is going to go? I'm hoping Montreal maybe trades up their choice, but they've have to get #5 or 6 which I don't think would happen. I'm real excited to see what Bob does in the off-season. There's some weight to get rid of, some players still to re-sign and some players that we need to sign... which I don't see happening. The ego of the average NHLer is far too weak to play in the most fickle market.
  14. He's pretty awesome. I find that he over acts some of his illusions, but besides that, his magic is out of this world.
  15. Jesus christ, that was the weirdest game I've ever seen. A 6 run 9th inning to come back. I mean, down 8-1 at one point. Big comeback.
  16. You know what I think everyone should be doing right now? Joining my Fantasy Hockey League in the cube.
  17. I'm not at all saying that Fischer is a bad player, I'm just saying that when in the company of some of the players the Senators have, it's a little peculiar that he would be the best in the Stanley Cup Finals.
  18. Well, I think Grapehead might be right for once. He might see things right now through his own set of blinders... and I must say, they're one hell of a pair. But I take back calling Neil one of the dirtiest players in the league. I mean, sure he did take 2 interference penalties in the game. Interference being hitting a player who isn't even in the play, but I've changed my mind. It's Alfredsson, you've got to be just low down, no good, bitter, jealous and a plain terrible and classless person to shoot the puck at another player. I'm sorry, but as "classy" as Alfredsson is as a player, he clearly winds up, stops his motion, looks up, spots Neidermayer, turns, winds up again and lets fly directly at hit. I mean an accident?! it hit him square in the chest, what is it the magic fucking bullet?! Then the "classy" Daniel Alfredsson ends up in the scrum and clearly turns and punches another player in the face. Tres Classy. If I were the ref, I would have let Alfredsson and Neidermayer go at it, Neidermayer would have totally ripped apart the Sens captain, because let's face it, Ottawa's top line for all the talent they have, which I will never doubt and always respect, but for all the talent they have they're real yellow bellied. The three of em. But really, anyone who thinks it was an "accident" would be mocking the ability of Alfredsson, it hits Neidermayer square in the middle of his body, some accident. It's too bad Neidermayer didn't pull a Crosby and just fall to the ice screaming in pain, maybe the league would react to it then. Personally, even without the penalty, it should be a suspension for a game. There needs to be consequences for Alfredsson so he can learn that you can't just run around shooting the puck at whichever team is currently giving you a hard time. I know that the Sens have worked incredibly hard over the last 10 years to build a championship team, but doing whatever it takes to win doesn't usually include taking a slapshot at the other teams captain. Ottawa has been struggling this series, clearly. When Mike Fischer is probably one of your top players in the series, when you have players like Alfie, Spezza, Heatley, Comrie et al on your team, well you need to get things going, but that was just a bitch move. Daniel Alfredsson is a bitch. I still love you CKN & Grapey
  19. Definately not Bouillon, maybe Streit. Bouillon would rape Ian White.
  20. Haha, Plubby, they're a magnificent thing, but c'mon, that was a pretty vicious swing. The uppercut with the stick would have made Jaxx jealous. That being said, Perezhobitch could rival Bonds with the way he swings his stick. Also, I don't think people complained about Tucker because he was hitting them, I think it's because Tucker is probably one of the larger "bitch" players in the league. I mean, he only fought Bouillon after laying him out with a contender for dirtiest hit of the year, and please feel free to youtube it for yourself to watch, then subsequently got dropped with a 1 punch KO. You had to know next game it was on if only because he got embarassed. But in all seriousness, and it's not because I'm a Habs fan, I just find Tucker to be the type of player to slash, board, hit from behind, spear, and bitch about it everytime when someone hits him back or knocks him silly. It's like slapping another man in the face then running behind McCabe.
  21. Why do they take so long? Also, Overbay, broken hand, 4-6 weeks.
  22. What I was trying to say before you went off on a defensive spat laced with an insult at the end was exactly what CZWGabe said. Especially the most defensive person part. I wasn't knocking the Senators, I was saying that Neil is a dirty hitter which I feel is true. And the fact that it comes back at the Sens, and it's as though someone insulted the Leafs within earshot of DesiredToe. If I were getting upset and trying to insult players for being dirty I would talk about the Emery stick swinging incident that should have netted at least a 7 game suspension or Heatley getting drunk and killing Dan Snyder then getting 3 years probation when he should be in prison for vehicular manslaughter being someone's bitch. And just for the end comment, if Ottawa doesn't win the cup, which I hope they don't. You will eat those words. Edit: Grapehead, if you want a demonstration of Neil giving off a dirty hit, it was directed to my attention that if you go onto your tivo or dvr or what have you, and go to the
  23. Heh, it's like the Sundin Syndrome a lot of Refs seem to have. Clearly yes, Pronger gave a forearm smash in the hit and it was dirty, but for a team to then complain about it when they've got some of the dirtiest players in the league who've been throwing dirt all night is just classless. It's like when I believe it was Pahlsson who was trying to get under Spezza's skin in game 2 or 3 and Spezza decides to choke up on his stick, turn it so the end of the blade faces down and use it to slash at Pahlsson in the side. Ooga booga, when Spezza actually plays like a complete player and plays the body, you know it's an intense series.
  24. House is Ruggedly Handsome and the only show better than House is Arrested Development which is now on in syndication on CBC about 8 times a day.
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