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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. New York show, already got tickets. Me, my brother, his friends, my friends. Awesome!
  2. Haroun And The Sea of Stories - Rushdie. Fantastic!
  3. I saw it last night. Greatest movie ever made. Unfortunately I now have to break up with my girlfriend to pursue Megan Fox. EDIT: The only way that movie could have been any better is if Megan Fox was naked, or at least topless.
  4. Toronto gets a great scorer. Montreal gets shafted by most of the UFA's. Cocksucking twits.
  5. Well from the way the salary cap has ballooned... yeah, we basically lost a season for absolutely nothing.
  6. I read up on it, the salary cannot exceed 20% of the team's total payroll. So at 50.3 million that would leave us at 10.06... that doesn't sound right at all.. SEAN!!!!!! explain please.
  7. The more I think about it, the less I want Briere on the team. Look who he played with on Buffalo. Who's he gonna play with in Montreal? Higgins and Kovalev? I'd be surprised if he signed and managed to be a point per game player. He got great talent, but I feel that he needs a supporting cast to hit 95 points like he did.
  8. Jesus Christ Almighty! Rumors have the Habs ready to pitch a 7 year 50 Million!!!!! dollar deal for Briere... What. The. Fuck. First person to blame this on the French clearly knows nothing about how hockey works in Montreal.
  9. Montreal drafts, and correct me if I'm wrong, but their first black draftee ever in P.K. Subban.
  10. Toskala isn't old, over priced or past his prime yet.... What gives JFJ?
  11. I wouldn't mind seeing Las Vegas in the league, but 32 teams is huge.
  12. What I've heard is that we're looking to trade for Marleau, we're apparently targeting someone like Daniel Briere. Defense as well, Preissing is apparently high on the radar. There's no sense in trying to keep or find another Souray, the price just won't be justified for 25 goals.
  13. All signs are pointing to Kovalev out of Montreal, possibly to Washington or Calgary.
  14. That's a fantastic deal for Toronto. It doens't make them a cup contender, but it could be the difference between 9th and 6th.
  15. 1st, 2ns and 4th from Toronto in exchange for Vesa Toskala and Mark Bell. Damn!
  16. Canada has no use for you. You pronounce Out wrong and don't know what a poutine is or how to properly make one. Your inferior hockey and love to shoot all things moving along with your thirst for oil makes you... well hot damn, it makes you Albertan. Welcome to Canada.
  17. Offsides my foot. Boo America. I hope that thousands and thousands of Mexicans hop the border and "steal" more of your jobs.
  18. I'm hearing and reading about a ton of Montreal rumors, all centered around the same players. Washing and Montreal could be making a cap room clearing deal, I've heard Montreal is huge on landing Marleau and to a lesser extent, Preissing. I'd love both, I don't think it's possible. Montreal is a team that I feel was like the Leafs of the 80's torn by bad management. I really feel we're maybe 2 or 3 years from being a true contender and not just a very good hockey team. On the other hand, Gainey seems like he wants to do everything in his power to deliver on his promise to Koivu, that being. Montreal will not rebuild again. They will do whatever it takes to put the pieces together for a championship team for Saku.
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