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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. Yeah, you make a good point. Kovy while having good intentions needs to really put up or shut up and he'll be gone by the deadline to another sucker team if he doesn't perform for what... his 4th consecutive year in Montreal.
  2. I am such the twelve year old girl. I just came back from the Habs training camp. Meg and I got there at 8:30, it started at 10. When we got there, we pulled into a spot and right next to us pulled up the Canadiens bus, we got out of the car and looking at me with my Koivu shirt on and a Habs baseball cap is Saku Koivu with an outstretched hand going thanks for comming out so early, I'm Saku and these are the Canadiens. I was then introduced to about 60 Habs players and hopefuls along with Carbo and Gainey. These were absolutely fantastic people. We got inside finally at about 9:15, we got the last front row seats and then about another 1,000 people all showed up and filled the arena and the area outside the arena where you can watch without being freezing. When the Habs took the ice, Michael Ryder noticed us sitting front row and waived at us then tried to toss his stick to Meg but it didn't clear the glass and the laughs were more than enough. The game they played was awesome, big things look like they could happen for J.P. Cote, P.K. Subban, both Kostitsyns and Latendresse looked like a whole new player he was fast as lightning, had awesome hands, was throwing his weight around. He looks like he's going to be an impact player this year.
  3. The Habs have a strong goaltending duo and a third goalie trying to steal the #1 spot. They've got a core of young players who have gotten better each year they play and this year is expected to be a build on their break out year (Komisarek in particular) or to have a break out year (Higgins, Ryder, Plekanec, Latendresse). We've got some young players who have great skill sets and are likely to have a shot at the team to try and contribute (Both Kostitsyns, Grabovski, Chipchura). We have one veteran player who has put up career years in each of his last two seasons (Koivu), We've got another who's stated to the media that he wants to show everyone that he's far better than he showed last year (Kovalev) and we've got at least three great defensemen (Komi, Markov, Hamrlik) along with two or three more who really help to add some solid depth to our team(Streit, Dandenault, Bouillon). So, while I wouldn't call Montreal a contender by any means, I think we have all the tools to finish at the very least in the top 6 in the East.
  4. Most Sensible Comment of The Off-Season: "We're going to make the playoffs, but nobody expects us to win the Stanley Cup." Saku Koivu, a rather good response to the playoff question as the entire league seems to think that Sheldon Souray was the only player on our team. Of course he's a big loss, but I'd take a defensively responsible defenseman on most days. We've got a great core of players and I'm honestly convinced that the Habs can place as high as 4th or 5th. Look at last year, we ran into a million roadblocks that led to our demise, I mean for a 4 week stretch we had 9 players being fed fluids via intravenous between periods so we could at least put a team on the ice. Most Ridiculous Comment of the Off-Season: "We're going to make the playoffs and we're going to contend for the Stanley Cup." Paul Maurice, a rather strange response to the playoff question. Albeit the Maple Leafs made a big acquisition in Jason Blake, they still have the problem of not having a legit number one goalie. Now, I don't think that stops them from making the playoffs, I think they could end up as high as between 4-6, I lean more towards the 6 because Toronto had only 1 forward with more than 50 points and again it depends on the play of Raycroft, if he can buckle down and win a good amount of games without losing almost the same amount of games than I lean towards 4th. The reason I say the comment is ridiculous is because without a bonafide #1 goalie every night, you're going to get pole-axed in the playoffs.
  5. My team will rock shit. I sure plan on it. Also, I really think that the Habs have a shot at being the surprise team in the East. Everyone has already cast them off because we lost Souray, but if Komi and Higgins have good years along with our all-belarus line coming up, we could end up as high as 4th or 5th.
  6. you have a top team and stole most of everyone's picks you jerk.
  7. *Hugs, Cries, Acknowledges, Prepares to do battle*
  8. I don't really mind. I mean, yeah it sucked, but as petty as it is, oh, and I'll admit it's petty, when you take a closer look at our records, you were a sub 500 team. 40-42. Just because TEH RAYZOR blew enough leads for you to get the bitch point for losing doesn't make you a good team. And before you jump on me, no, I'm not calling Montreal a contender team, I'm calling it a team that at least finished 500 or better (42-40).
  9. I know it won't happen, but if Toronto made the wild card it would be massive for baseball in Canada.
  10. Yeah you got a drunk and a goalie instead.
  11. Woot on Montreal. This year Gainey and Robinson get the nod. Montreal has two problems with retiring jerseys. In every decade save for the 00's (and even then I can make a case for a certain someone). There has been an absolute impact player who was the total embodiment of the Montreal Franchise. Gainey was that more than anyone in his time. The reason this becomes a problem is because we are running out of numbers, but I can't say that the players being retired ('cept Savard) don't deserve it. If my count is correct, last season was 2 from the 70's, this year is 2 from the 80's which means next season is Roy.
  12. I really want the Jays to win tonight, good god I would love to see the Jays pull a NY Islanders and make the strong push at the end of the season, even if they don't make the wild card if they finish just under the Yankees in the wild card at least it shows that the team showed up (if only that happened in about 50 more games this year). I was playing some Baseball Mogul 08 recently and I've got a game that was started in 1950, now I'm in the 1965 off season. Robin Roberts has been my staff ace since '51, he won the Cy Young for 14 consecutive years between 1951-1964, he's been either the MLB or NL win leader for 15 consecutive years between 1951-1965. He was strikeout king from 1952-58 and the 1961-1962 seasons. And he's a 4 time triple crown winner 1952-1954 and 1957. On a Phillies team that has missed the post season 11 of 16 times since I started playing he's amassed a 404-196 record with a 2.98 ERA, 3411 strikeouts, 297 complete games and 67 shutouts. The reason I mention this is because the game of baseball in my opinion needs more dominant pitching. Granted, the numbers put up in a video game can hardly be replicated or expected, but I really hate the fact that baseball games are now won on the bullpen and home run. Now, solid baseball strategy of make contact and get on base still stands as hitting is contagious but if I recall correctly last season there wasn't a single 20 game winner. I would love to see a move to a 4 man rotation with far less emphasis on the bullpen. If pitching were far more dominant I think it would make for a better game. Now, not to the point where there's less than 5 runs combined scored per game, but seeing 20-25+ game winners and high strikeout totals would be great to see.
  13. Demers admitted a few years ago that he was illiterate for most of his adult life.
  14. Jacques Demers tonight was at a depanneur (general store outside Quebec) where some teens were harassing a family that was waiting in a car. Demers, a former coach of the Montreal Canadiens, and a Stanley Cup winner aswell as the play by play for the Habs on RDS went up to confront the largest of the teens. They get into a heated yelling match and Demers starts getting pushed around by the kids. Demers then throws the teen to the ground. When he gets up he tries to push Demers some more who then loses it and throws the kid through the glass window of the depanneur. It's making all the news in Montreal. Demers, 63 then called the police and the teens were arrested.
  15. Washington Senators trade $25,000 for Ty Cobb. Cobb would amass over 4,800 hits for me in 25 years.
  16. Alllllright, so I said that when I made the league I'd start the new thread. It will be a points league meaning that the players on your team are awarded points for a whole bunch of statistical categories. At the end of each day the total accumulated points of the players on your roster are added to your score. Read the rules as to how everything works (things like trades and waivers need to be approved by the other managers IIRC). There will be a live online draft on Saturday, September 7th: 12:00 PM Eastern Time. That is next weekend at noon eastern time, I believe it's 7pm for you English folk... that's basically why it's that early, so if anyone East of New York City wanted to join, they're not drafting at 3 am... Maybe Plubby is in Aussieland. There are a maximum of 20 teams in the league, and if you don't like the points system well than you suck. I hope everyone will have fun and enjoys the league. If someone wants to contact an Admin and we want to put down say 5 bucks US or Canadian as they're almost par right now with the winner taking the possible total pot of $100 at the end of the season that would be super. I'm hoping everyone who joins is down for putting the small wager. If some people are and some aren't the highest ranking wagering player at seasons end will get the pot. There Must Be An Even Number Of Teams Or Yahoo Will Stress And We Won't Draft! So without further babbling. http://hockey.fantasysports.yahoo.com/leag...b_hockey_league Password: iamgayforbasha Ok so now that that's out the way. Montreal will surprise and finish in 6th place, Toronto will finish a plesant 9th again... or 8th, depending on if Blake produces and if they can move Raycroft for someone better. Ottawa finishes in 2nd behind the Rangers. Montreal wins the cup... oh wishful thinking...
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