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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. Ahem. Montreal seriously outplayed the Leafs the other night.
  2. Point taken if you withdraw your defense of McCabe's "cheap shot" comment about Bouillon dropping Tucker last season. haha.
  3. McCabe is out for a whole whack of time. Broken wrist in 3 places, I didn't see the hit as particularly dirty... also Kostitsyn is like half the size of McCabe... guess it was an awkward way to get hit into the boards. Hope he recovers quickly. Toronto needs him.
  4. Yeah well there were about 10 instances of holding, tripping, hooking and your boy Antropov throwing his mits in peoples faces like crazy so I don't think McClutz getting injured or not would have changed the game. I mean shit, even when Montreal had only 14 shots through 2 periods, they were fucking dominating the Leafs. Montreal and Toronto both have a habit of just not showing up to some games. And tonight Toronto was a victim on just not showing up to play. It's not a knock against the team, it's just how I saw the game, one team wanted it, the other sort of flailed around a lot.
  5. Montreal plays their first complete game in about 10 games. Jesus please don't fuck it up. Also, Sergei Kostitsyn, pretty fucking good.
  6. Toronto's at 500 for the first time since late October. A nice little winning streak y'all have put together. What I don't understand is why TSN is pretty much calling the Leafs the best team in the league because they won 4 in a row... Montreal finally fucking snaps their 3 game losing streak. I guess X-mas came early this year because we played only 500 in November and have sucked nuts in December... reminds me of oh... the last two seasons we played. Let's not fuck it up this year. Higgy had a 3 point night, that was good. O'Byrne had 2 assists and was a force on D in his NHL Debut... he's gotta be in the line-up saturday. Price played well enough to give us the chance to win and I'm happy we did. Also, Reich, who's what 6'1 and about 205 pounds got fucked up by Bouillon... who's like 5'8 and 170 or so.
  7. Well at least one team showed up to play at the Bell tonight... to bad it was the Wings. The only positive I take from that game is Koivu fucking throwing some lefts in a fight with Samuelson, and then the coup de gras, from the right side of the tv screen this red blur just flys in and jumps on top of Samuelson. Dandenault came charging at full speed, then left his feet to jump on top of him to defend out captain. Now that... is team bonding. haha... lousy fucking Habs.
  8. Fuck Huet. That whole 3rd period, entirely his fault. He gives up 3 of the weakest goals in the world and doesn't bother to even try to make himself look big in nets for the shootout. That loss, I blame Huet. Furthermore, I'm throwing my hat onto the Price bandwagon. Fuck it, we'll go Price and Halak all the way. Fucking cunt of a Huet pulls a TEH RAYZOR 37 WINZ! and lets in 4 3rd period goals. No, it wasn't the defenses fault, it was his own god damn fault.
  9. Haha, he really does try to make everyone happy. I know that the fans and the city embrace him completly, I mean shit, he comes in to collect money from me once every 3 months, but damn, some people really get on him about the french(read the french media who don't know fuck all), but yeah, his pronounciation sucks...
  10. http://www.gazblogs.com/habsinsideout-file...anChillcast.mp3 That's a leafs chill cast as it were. I thought it was pretty funny. I want one in french for the Habs. I have to say, the ACC sounds like a really quiet building on TV. I thought maybe TSN turns the crowd down a lot more than RDS or something, but on both stations it sounded meh. What gives Toronto? you've got some the best fans out there but I'll bet a game in Nashville or Chicano is livelier.
  11. There's been a ton of non calls on chippy play... mostly from whatsnewsski or whatever his inept name is. Good on mats for 400 for the leafs, but you'd think that it would have happened for a player in Toronto by now, it is the second most sucessful franchise... BELARUS! PRICE! WIN! I think the league made the ot/so loss point just for Toronto... they had what like 13 last year and 6 already this year.
  12. Well that became a 2-2 game pretty fast. Kilger had a nice goal, so did Kovalev, the feed from Markov was fckin killer.
  13. I'm surprised that Toronto won last night. I'm not sure which was the lesser of two evils in that Game. Toronto for obvious reasons I wouldn't want to win, but since we have 2 game at hand and 4? points up on them I sort of wanted Ottawa to slow down, give the other teams a chance to even pretend they can contend with the Sens. That said, what the hell happened to Montreal last night? 52? They took 52 fucking shots on net. The entire game was just trading end to end rushes. Montreal had 7 different goal scorers, they were throwing around the body. Nobody was taking any shit in the third period, I mean Kostitsyn who had a crazy game and showed off all sorts of skill wouldn't back down from Alberts. Latendresse mixed it up with Chara after Chara threw an elbow at Kovalev... then again, Begin and Chara were just hardcore slashing each other infront of the Montreal net for a good 20 seconds after one play ended with Begin not backing down from someone several times larger than him. Kostopolous threw down in 2 fights. It was a pretty complete effort.
  14. They better be willing to cough up a lot of money to some scalpers, because there's no way you can go to the admissions outlet and get tickets.
  15. GOAAAAAALLLL!!!!! Komisarek is my hero. What a shit game from Montreal, but let's be honest, the last Habs/Leafs game, the Leafs were slightly lacking in their effort and they got the win. What a dramatic ending, I love it. So McCabe can't stop giving away the puck (or putting it t\into his own net) and Tlusty is naked with another man on the internet. All seems so right in the world.
  16. Summit Series to me will forever outweigh the 'Miracle on Ice'. I think that the Summit Series was a far more important hockey series, while the Miracle on Ice (I hate that name), was a big upset by an underdog team, I think that in the Summit Series Canada made themselves an underdog and clawed and played their way all the way back to winning the Series. Not to mention all the drama of the series. The fighting, the players getting into it with fans, the KGB lining the rinks, dirty plays, amazing skill. The only think it lacked was Bobby Orr. I mean even the finish of it, what 32 seconds left in the game and the Canadian side puts it away in dramatic fashion... I'm adding Henri Richard dropping 3 Rangers consecutively in fights. Not, like fight, penalty box... fight. No I mean 3, one punck knock downs that ruined the other team. While I'm at that, Maurice Richard and Hay Laycoe(I believe) going at it like they're going to kill each other(stick swinging incident right there, bam, one player broke his stick on the other), the refs holding Richard's arms so he can't defend himself, Richard punching out the ref, destroying Laycoe. Then the riot that ensued. Ah... love for Montreal.
  17. Either Koivu returning from Cancer, the whole 20 someodd minute ovation that he got from the crowd was immense. Then there was Richard at the closing of the Forum, the crowd showered him with love, broke him to tears, it was huge... but those aren't actual sports moments... I'm gonna go with Summit Series. The whole of it. Fuck you Russia... Fuck you.
  18. Random leafs Jokes(feel free to post Habs jokes).. Pat Quinn took $100 million worth of hockey players to the Olympics and in just two weeks turned them into the Toronto Maple Leafs. Q: What is blue and white and lives in the basement? A: The Toronto Maple Leafs. Q: Why doesn't Hamilton have an NHL team? A: Because then Toronto would want one too. A Canadian peace keeper is walking in a desert when he comes across a magic lamp. He rubs it and out comes a genie. The genie promises to give him 1 wish. The peace keeper thinks hard and finally takes out a map. He points at the region where he's from and says all he wants is to have peace in that region. "Wow," the genie says, "that's a tough one. Do you have anything else?" The peace keeper thinks a moment and says: "How about the Leafs winning the Stanley Cup?" to which the genie replies: "Let me see that map again." all in good fun
  19. Its just badass. Knowing the story too, its sad, terribly terribly sad... and then hope.
  20. I only heard the game on the Radio but Ottawa vs Montreal sounded like a fantastic game, just Montreal seemed to sound like they gave up trying to pressure Ottawa for the last 15 minutes.
  21. Montreal gets the win again against Boston. Apparently our second goal by Plekanec was just unbelievable.
  22. That was a super fun game last night. It sucks that the Habs lost, obviously because I'm a Habs fan and also because the first two Toronto goals were really weak goals, I mean, one was a floater that somehow went in the net, and the other was Dandenault pulling a McCabe... well with his skates. The game winner was a really nice goal so it's not so bad. I thought that as far as possession it was pretty even, but Montreal clearly had far more quality scoring chances. I mean Toronto had a few, notably when Poni stripped Huet behind the net but now is working on his backhand shot because he completely missed the net. Also, Blake's partial break on Huet was exciting as hell. Toskala was once again the difference maker, he made some incredible saves, and Montreal blew a lot of big chances. I though the game had a ton of non-calls for both teams. There were what? 3 penalties all game, I mean there was a lot of holding and a ton of tripping from the Toronto defence, but Montreal was really getting their elbows up (notably Kostitsyn launching himself at a Toronto player elbowing him in the head). Montreal was also doing a lot of late hitting. The only thing that really bothered me was I think it was Sundin who after a Montreal play that ended up with a Toskala save, Kostopolous who was skating away and not even facing him was cross checked from behind at least 3 seconds after the whistle. That was just dirty. In all a great game, it took me an hour to get home because all the Leafers were trying to get home and were clogging up the streets with their Ontario license plates. I really feel like Montreal got robbed of a point, it was a great back and forth game, but Montreal had at least double the quality scoring chances of Toronto. This came down to goalies and chances. Montreal had a lot of quality chances, but they also had a lot of plays that could have been quality chances but a pass was too far ahead or a stick wasn't on the ice. Toronto didn't have many chances, but they got the puck on the net when they did. Montreal scored both goals after they had a decent possession in the Toronto zone, all three of Toronto's goals came while they were trying to set up in the zone. Even the third goal, I don't think anybody thought it was going in the net, but it did. Toskala totally outplayed Huet as the two teams played a well matched game(which no offense to Toronto fans, but that should be a warning to the Habs that they need to pick it back up). Oh well, next time I guess... Montreal really could have used the two points. They came into the game with the third most points in the league.
  23. I've heard a few songs from the album, good god it's awesome. Everything Went Numb was a pretty amazing album, but this to me is a better record, which says a lot, because their first release was fuckin' insane.
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