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Everything posted by TheSqauredCircleMessiah

  1. It never made much sense between The Simpsons and Family Guy. It always seemed like a perfect mate with New Girl.
  2. The emo Kylo stuff is a bit off, I agree. I imagine the pressure he would have faced given who his parents and were and the fact that he is now the future of the legendary Jedi must have been overwhelming and that's how he was manipulated. Look how Han is referred to by Rey & Fin, a legendary smuggler and war hero. Imagine trying to live up to that when that's your family legacy.
  3. Tom Brady is now 22-8 in the playoffs as a starter and 172-51 in the regular season. Throw in his 20-5 record at Michigan and he's 214-64 as a starter, which is a .770 winning percentage.
  4. They still do owe another three seasons on Whisenhutt's contract
  5. Nobody is saying he's an angel, he's clearly not. (He ran his cousin off the road with his car, he killed his cat, wrote his first wife a bunch of threatening letters from prison), but there's no telling who or what has gotten to his ex-fiancé. Her ex-boyfriend being so gung ho in the search party and admitting he hacked her voicemail made him seem very suspicious His father was the true star of that show. He needs to be a legal commentator calling every judge and prosecutor a "goddamn sunuvabitch."
  6. 13 Hours is a really good movie, it's just a shame that it's going to be turned into a political tool for both sides
  7. The good thing is that it looks like Austin is staying, as reportedly the Titans are locked in on Josh McDaniels
  8. I think if anyone can get anything out of Colin Kaepernick, it would be Kelly.
  9. I definitely think Matt Damon is getting nominated and I think Fassbender should for Steve Jobs, but it bombing could hurt him. Kate Winslett should get a Supporting Actress nomination as well. Also, Emily Blunt should get one for Sicario, which I think was criminally overlooked.
  10. So much of being a "good coach" is dependent on talent. In college, a system can make up for lack of talent, that doesn't happen really in the NFL. Bill Belichck and Pete Carroll both were failed NFL head coaches until their current jobs.
  11. 32 is a perfect number. It makes scheduling and everything easy and non-confusing. When it comes to the Rams leaving St. Louis, St. Louis will now be the city the NFL uses as bait when it wants to hold a city hostage and get public financing for a new stadium. This is a great write-up on how NFL teams stick it to taxpayers when it comes to stadiums, how the Bengals bent over Hamilton County, Ohio, to fund a stadium that is still somehow named after the billionaire's father that owns the team. I'm sure @zero could expand on it. The Giants will name offensive coordinator Ben McAdoo as their new head coach Lawrence Phillips was found dead in his prison cell this morning in a suspected suicide, just one day after he was ordered to stand trial for first-degree murder in the death of his cellmate in 2013. He could have faced the death penalty in that case. The remaining vacancies are the Bucs, Titans, Eagles and 49ers, though Bucs' offensive coordinator Dirk Cutter is considered the favorite in Tampa and is the reason why they fired Lovie Smith
  12. The Bengals weren't simply in "take three knees and try the FG" mode, not only because of the Steelers having their timeouts but also because of the weather. It was pooring all night, the balls were slick, a FG is not guaranteed, especially considering Nugent was 23rd in FG percentage and about 70 percent from 40-49 yards. Thanks to the final minute, everyone will forget about the awful play call on the Bengals' 2-point conversion attempt. If they make that, at worst they go into overtime
  13. You couldn't release this movie without the old characters, not the first one in a new saga. Not to mention, of the old guys, Han & Chewie were the only ones with significant screen time.
  14. So, apparently Netflix accidentally pit the description of "Police Academy" under "Making a Murderer"
  15. I remember last season there was an Adam Scheffer article calling Michigan State the next Quarterback U. based on Hoyer, Cousins, Drew Stanton and Nick Foles (who was at MSU one season and played in one game before transferring to Arizona). So, I guess not on all that. Somebody always has to be the hot assistant coach. For years it was whoever a coordinator for the Pats, or somebody like Rod Marinelli. You have to find a head coach from somewhere. There doesn't seem to be any buzz about college coaches, so that's why the same five assistants are going to interview for every job. Apparently, the Bucs fired Lovie Smith because the Dolphins wanted to interview Dirk Cutter (their OC)
  16. Marshawn Lynch has decided himself out of Sunday's game and did not travel with the Seahawks to Minnesota
  17. Great addition, all busts have side profile shots like mugshots so they can have a helmet logo
  18. I guess the Bucs decided the Browns have been getting too much publicity for being an incompetent franchise and had to step it up
  19. So the two people who ended up taking down the evil Empire being the secret twin children (who were literally separated at birth and had never met) of the most feared person in the galaxy isn't a small universe? George Lucas made a point that makes sense...from the beginning the saga was always a soap opera in space. In soap operas, everyone always knows everyone. Everything is always interconnected. You may not like it, but he followed that storytelling structure.
  20. I just read that the Innocence Project has freed 392 wrongfully convicted people. It is scary to think of the amount of people that have died in prison for stuff they didn't do.
  21. What is such a big deal with midichlorians?
  22. Showtime has put the pilot of "Billions" online. My God...a show with Paul Giamatti and Damian Lewis as rivals, amazing. They have a scene at the end that is reminiscent of Carrie vs. Brody, in a good way.
  23. Browns plan to fire Head Coach Mike Pettine and GM Ray Farmer, as early as Sunday Night This obviously is a response to Chip Kelly being available and the Browns made a big push for him in 2013 when he left Oregon. The Browns may be the only team desperate enough to give Kelly both titles. The next Browns head coach will be their ninth since they returned to the NFL (only one interim) and fifth in eight seasons.
  24. Definitive ranking of all the friends from "Friends"
    1. Phoebe
    2. Chandler
    3. Joey 
    4. Monica
    5. Rachel 
    6. Ross 

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. CobraKaiEnTai


      I always liked Phoebe the least honestly.

    3. Noah


      I never watched Friends. I remember thinking Courtney Cox was kind of cute but that's about it.

    4. Adam


      Ross was good in the later series, but yeah, this list is terrible for putting Phoebe anywhere but last. She shouldn't even be ahead of Gunther.

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