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Everything posted by apsham

  1. The system itself has finally hit "walk in and grab one anytime" levels around here now. There was a big push for stock after E3 in time for Splatoon 2 - which has apparently already outsold BOTH Breath Of The Wild and ARMS combined in Japan.
  2. Oh dear god... well actually, at this rate we might seen You Testament.
  3. Splatoon 2 is like really fun guys and girls
  4. Yeah the only thing I really feel I'm missing out on is the references to things worn/jokes about the personalities of past contestants but... they're usually done so well or are funny enough that I can laugh anyways.
  5. Holy hell, what season is that in? The girl at work told me to watch 5 and 6 after we finished off this one.
  6. Finished episode 7 and saw the preview for the next episode which is.... Strangers With Candy themed!?
  7. Edit: Crap my replies keep going out of order.
  8. I really like the New York trio to be honest.
  9. I'm about like - 5/6 episodes in now and I've had my first big piss off at an elimination.
  10. I watch Degrassi Jr. High and the original Degrassi High along with the finale movie religiously once or two a year - I'm very sad I lost access to my terrible PBS set of DVDs for the show in my split up.
  11. I caved and got Splatoon 2 - another absolute must-have for the system.
  12. I decided to fire the people I wanted to take (limited myself to two) and then hired them once I made the company as a workaround.
  13. Re; the two years in scenario. Does anyone know what it takes to have people want to leave with you?
  14. Did you go up for y'all a year back? It did here and nothing changed.
  15. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    That's just the way that some people are with editions. All depends on what you like the most I guess. I'm happy I landed the Breath Of The Wild special edition, especially for the huge box that it came with. Some people are going to be jumping down throats to get those Cena editions, but I doubt they'll be making THAT many of them.
  16. MDickie is... interesting. It's clear that the game is his and his alone because at some point he said "instead of making sure that __ can't happen" he just said fuck it and let anything happen. Distinction between your owner and wrestler? Nope - they could just as randomly come up to you backstage and start a street fight just as much as anyone else, hit two buttons to rebuild a broken table? Sure why not.
  17. Oh yeah, sorry - I only brought that up to say that there hasn't really been an open-ish styled Mario game in a while.
  18. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    That DLC isn't of Batista/RVD, etc then right? They're talking about SuperCard stuff I thought.. or maybe I was confused.
  19. I worked the rest of the year with the company, keeping the title the whole time but in January they cancelled a PPV and a TV taping right afterwards and then I got offered a contract with the WWE-like company, All American Wrestling. On my first night I beat Miz for the United States title and then Stephanie proceeded to ask me to be a referee for a single match for 2.5 times my nightly salary. That match? Paul Bearer vs. John Cena I made sure Bearer won. This is the best 10 dollars I've ever spent.
  20. I've just watched my first episode of this, season 8 (aka the one on Netflix) - oh my holy heck. I literally knew nothing about the show or any of the former winners but I lost my shit at "so and so couldn't be here so we hired a clown instead".
  21. Okay - the new game that's out on Steam, I've already posted about it but my god. I'm doing a career as Cesaro and as a champion in Strong Style Wrestling I got put into a cage shoot fight with Ken Shamrock. I beat him, he said that the ending was bullshit and I should restart it. I did. I beat him, the referee said that he didn't feel right about the ending so he restarted it even though Dan Severn ran in. I beat him, the referee said the owner wanted the match resterted. I lost him when I "tapped out" to an armbar with 1/5 health.
  22. Yes, this does suck terribly - especially when you are trying to redo challenges you can fail quickly.
  23. Just Cause 3 is great, but even better with the DLC.
  24. Super Mario 3D Land is your best shot at a Mario 64 type experience - although the levels are kind of more focused and smaller compared to Mario 64 stuff. Mario Odyssey is kind of a return to form in that regard.
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