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Everything posted by apsham

  1. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    It would technically be smarter for them to do versus "hey, want Buddy Murphy?".
  2. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    Oh shit! Sanity being in the game as a whole, I was not expecting. I wonder if they're going to basically include the entire NXT roster as if it was the main one?
  3. About the second boss on the Chemical Zone.
  4. I don't think it's bad - it's just a different style from what one would be used to.
  5. I picked up Sonic Mania for the Switch despite it being 6 dollars more in Canada than it would've been if I bought it on the XB1... but it just screams handheld mode to me and I can't wait to dig into it tomorrow.
  6. There's a How Did This Get Made episode for that movie which is one of my favorites.
  7. Anyone have Arsenic 4.4? It's easy enough to find a link for 4.5 but that has the wage glitch.
  8. I think it's also that they didn't really in any way modernize the graphics. Sonic 4 might have played alright but I did not give two shits about updated graphics.
  9. I don't even like Sonic games for the most part but I am super into getting this one.
  10. I just looked and yeah it is! Guess that explains the reprints I've been seeing in the book store.
  11. Get ready. http://www.kanyezone.com/
  12. apsham

    NBA 2K18

    Naw, it just landed today - should be the most recent demo on the list in the store.
  13. apsham

    NBA 2K18

    I downloaded the NBA Live demo that's out now to play later - I'm hopeful, mostly due to me wanting a basketball game that I can play fully without a fuckton of microtransactions.
  14. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    I think the environments go way past slightly better - I never realised how off they were until I see them like that.
  15. apsham

    Music that is great

    My god I love this song.
  16. You can go here to filter based on full/partial/timed.
  17. Is there anything sadder than the existence of Pro Wrestling X? Holy shit... I can't believe that's still a thing.
  18. So the one complaint I have about The Dark Tower probably revolves around everything moving a bit too fast in it. I like the way that they adapted the story but it was probably enough to do two films or at least a longer one in the first place.
  19. I was walking past the horror section the other day and this caught my eye. I have absolutely been loving it so far. When I was looking for books that felt like the first season of True Detective did.. this should have been at the top of the list, had it existed at the time. Phenomenal so far and I'm supremely glad I came across it.
  20. Another update and still nothing that really touches the slowness of the menus or the lack of utility around the workshop stuff... I might just get rid of ALL my stuff and slowly make sure everything is alphabetical as I add it.. that's a huge pain in the ass but I guess it's what has to be done.
  21. Just got to the episode before the finale.
  22. I'm going to see the Dark Tower on Saturday and I'm still up for it - it's gonig to be relatively short, it's going to have two of my favorite actors in it and I know what I'm getting into going in.
  23. Apparently in its first three DAYS 671,000 physical copies were sold in Japan of Splatoon 2 which is already +200,000 past where BOTW numbers were for the Switch at the start of last month. Breath of the Wild did come with the Wii U option however... but even then I don't think it touches it.
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