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Everything posted by apsham

  1. The ones in Zelda are kinda cool - they give you extra items but some of them do special things. For instance having Wolf Link will actually spawn him in the game as a companion, and some of the Link ones from other games will spawn bits of tunic that match those games - but they aren't actually good bits of gear and you find better stuff playing the game. The BOTW specific ones will spawn items once a day for you too based off what they are - Bow & Arrow Link will spawn arrows and bows, etc. Any non-Zelda ones will spawn random food and stuff I think.
  2. Heh, I love things like that. Jake is from Dorkly too and also on one of my favorite podcasts with Holden McNeely covering different pop culture things called Wizard & The Bruiser.
  3. I also didn't like how new enemies on a field will pop up first with their ears to show you where they'll be - and then the next turn they have an entire full range of motion. It doesn't sound so bad but the way the game works - when an enemy can pop in the other side of the map and then using the games systems, just entirely push themselves all the way up the field to me without any chance to counter really took away some of the whole 'there is strategy' aspect for me.
  4. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep that's what did it in for me.
  5. Ahh. If Switch was going to be your only console in the house, then I would say it would be a lot easier of a sell - because multi-platform games are starting to come out now in the form of the sports titles and while they make sacrifices here and there (NBA2K gets 30fps, FIFA gets 60fps but cuts out a mode), they are apparently performing about the same and have the portable advantage - which is another thing to consider. If you are going to take advantage of the portability or not. Multiplayer was only a thought due to the other big Nintendo titles at this point in time (ARMs and Splatoon 2) being online multiplayer focused. Personally - I'm happy to own the machine solely for first party titles at this point. Still waiting to see what WWE 2K18 is going to be like on the Switch (besides having a cut down number of people on screen) to see if I'm going to go to that console for bigger titles outside the company.
  6. 1. What else do you have in the house to game with, if anything? 2. Are you interested in multiplayer online gaming? Those are the two things I'd like to know before answering further - from my experience owning a Switch and nothing else from launch, I never regretted the purchase once. I've regretted buying some individual games before busting out the XB1 again, but never the console itself and that was just based off that one game and the anticipation for the upcoming Mario title. And when that comes from me with my known history of buying/selling consoles, that kinda means something. As far as durability - that's a hard call. You can get glass screen protectors to stop the unit itself from getting scratched and cases for it when you don't have it in the dock. I've dropped mine on accident twice without any noticeable damage.
  7. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    Please, please, please add Shut Your Mouth styled conversations. I want Brother D-Von endlessly asking me for donations.
  8. 1. Find a fire with a stone bowl in it 2. Go to your inventory and put two-five (I think) items in your hands 3. Drop it in the bowl and watch it cook You'll get different results based on what you put in. And if the fire isn't lit you can usually find something nearby OR put some wood down and strike it with something metal to start a fire.
  9. Yeah, it's not very intuitive is it? Blaster Master Zero Disgaea 5 Complete Just Dance 2017 Pokkén Tournament DX Puyo Puyo Tetris Snipperclips: Cut it out, together! VOEZ
  10. apsham


    The servers just underwent maintenance - everyone is trying to get on at once.
  11. https://kotaku.com/two-cheats-make-final-fantasy-vii-way-better-on-ps4-1746617898
  12. If you get VII on PC or PS4 there are special features that allow you to basically skip random encounters, get full stats, add a fast forward, etc.
  13. All the SNES games are, yeah - mentioned that in the post.
  14. It is! It's like, the first one I bought.
  15. They made only a handful of games that ONLY work on the "New" branded systems - the Xenoblade game being the big one. The SNES downloadable games also only work on that system. Other games have speed/performance improvements on the New 2DS XL and the system also has a couple more buttons and a little nub that acts as a right stick.
  16. Oh! That's good - I didn't even know it was coming out and it had some middling reviews. I didn't like reading about having to capture points but then randomly, the enemies will capture them back - etc. The review that I read likened it to adding tedium to the randomly fun nature.
  17. apsham


    They've already commented on it - you can't even get them all from the Bright Engrams, you get them planet specific in chests that you find around the areas for example. Regardless you still get free Bright Engrams just by playing the game. If people are impatient and can't wait, they'll buy Silver and try for more but it's hardly a guarantee anyways. I don't see the issue with Destiny - a game that you buy once and put a shit ton of time into (past buying expansions, which are fairly spaced apart and I think - a fair price for the content and work they put in) saying 'hey, if you want to do this and give us extra money - go ahead, but you don't have to in the least because we're going to give it to you anyways' when it's not COD literally saying "hey, give us money and your stuff will be better than everyone elses". I haven't paid a cent yet and I have a fuck ton of shaders. Luke Smith's comment on it is something I agree on for the most part - once you get late in the game, all you have left to do is grind things mindlessly - having small goals like shaders will likely keep me going in that aspect if I start to care enough.
  18. apsham


    You can't even buy shaders directly with money as a guarantee - you can do it with dust, sure but even then it's a couple selections a week. Once you hit level 20 the amount of shaders that you receive from chests and other activities is huge and I don't really see a point in shadering anything unless it's end game stuff anyways. It's hardly a money grab at all and an issue with people's patience. Hardly "loot box bullshit".
  19. apsham


    But except that's not it at all - you can get literally anything you could get from microtransactions by just leveling up after you hit level 20, and you get the Bright Engrams that you would purchase with the Silver. It's actually better than D1 where you HAD to buy Silver things. And anything that you'd get with Silver then was just cosmetic in the first place.
  20. apsham


    Hey so. The second one is out. And it's really good.
  21. I always had some kinda on and off issues with the Joycon early on - but I play rather close to my Switch these days and it kind of stopped it - as does unsyncing and resyncing whenever it happens from time to time.
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