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Everything posted by apsham

  1. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    You can trade in the PS4 one? Haha.
  2. Haha! You found one of the places I went to directly first - yeah the middle of the map, the big open field - that's more of an end game area or at least when you have some decent grasp of the game and some armor built up. And without the blood moon you'd be hard pressed to get more weapons and equipment - nothing respawns until then!
  3. Oh, I really liked Paradise too - different breed of game but still done super well and it really helped to introduce the open world concept that still makes for some of the best driving games today.
  4. Burnout 3 is a general consensus I think - and you can get it on the 360 as an Xbox Classic I do believe.
  5. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    Here, fixed it for you. https://tubedubber.com/?q=SX2ApPUn05c:17ZWrcL9Dz0:0:100:0:12:1
  6. If they can make Red Dead's multiplayer as long lasting and fun as they made GTAs I'm sure tossing them some extra money here and there won't be a problem.
  7. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    Oh man - I forgot about New Bray. I miss Whose Gimmick Is It Anyway?
  8. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    Custom match types looks fucking awesome - AND there was an option for elimination so fuck yes. A lot of new moves too.
  9. I feel like every escort mission for the last 5 years has existed solely to lampshade escort missions.
  10. This pops into my head all the fucking time.
  11. By gawd, I know right? At that point I realized they were out of ideas haha.
  12. Currently reading Lords Of Chaos based off a recommendation from Last Podcast On The Left since they are covering the Norweigan Black Metal scene and it's an absolutely kickass read so far.
  13. I am guessing somewhere in the: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fire Prowrestling World\FireProWrestlingW_Data Folder but nothing there is properly named and it's probably smushed in with something else.
  14. Each wrestler you have takes up something like 20MB? And it's optional so.. eh. I have a ton of space to spare. EDIT: 20MB must be the max a file can be... I have a ton of guys and my cache is under 1GB.
  15. I don't think anyone who has actually been a name should be removed - at some point moving forward, some people will have to be trimmed and no name guys who were added ages back when people were added without question are probably a good candidate. Also when it comes to moving people to non-wrestlers like Nikki this month - should that really be done until they are someone who is out of the game entirely? When you do that to someone in EWR they will NEVER become an in-ring performer ever again and it's not really a ruled out thing for her and I feel some others who are set to non-wrestler at this point in time. You can fix that with Arsenic, etc - but it's a bit of a pain.
  16. Menu navigation has been fixed as of the patch on the 15th!
  17. apsham

    NBA 2K18

    I had a weird feeling in the Prelude too that nothing I was doing was landing even though my timing was spot on.
  18. People love the idea of having tons of workers, but if they're going to remove workers 1 guy heard of and wanted into the game who had shit stats - no one is going to use them or miss them really.
  19. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    Gameplay for sure but shot at an angle you'd never really see it in during the game - I dunno if you could call it awful at all really.
  20. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    This is what they've done in the past though, right? I am pretty sure when you choose Surfer Sting it takes you to a menu where you choose attire. I don't know if whoever typed the list up just messed that up but I was sure that was the way it was before.
  21. apsham


    Did two of the 'trials' in the raid last night. The part with the dogs is going to be terribly, terribly hard for anyone without a full fireteam that they can trust. The first trial we were hoping to 5-man as well but it almost assuredly needs 6 people to do - I think the days of 2-3 manning raids is done with for the most part.
  22. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    Let me jump off a three story Times Square billboard or give me nothing.
  23. It's backwards compatible on XB1.
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