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Everything posted by apsham

  1. So the Mario Odyssey speed running community has a record called "Nipple%" that tracks New Game to the point where you can get Mario into his underwear. That is all.
  2. I never got to actually play the Metal Gear PSP games so I looked up the storyline for Acid. It better get whacky within because god dammit, that's no where near whacky enough to get my MGS fix.
  3. You okay with things talk like this? Many, many of them all talk same and voiced same as well! Maybe that reason to put off Xenoblade as Nopon all speak so!
  4. I'm very happy that I picked my girlfriend up a set of the Witcher books for Christmas because god damn, if the first book is any indication they're written very well - especially for a work that is translated.
  5. Paid DLC? They're at the point in the PC version where I think they could do a lot more but they've slowed down considerably.
  6. Switch doesn't have that as far as I've seen. General rule is that if it's less than 20 dollars it probably doesn't have a physical release and if it seems like an indie title and they made a physical copy of it, your local store probably got like.. three copies of it over the entire print run of it. A lot of places don't bother publishing due to the cost of the carts.
  7. Remember when Shadow President was a big thing here? That was a small obsession for a period of time and that game was fucking impossible.
  8. 2018 and I can finally set my new goal! I wanted to try for 75 but I might hold off and update it to that at a later date. I set it for 50 and I think I'll do good until I reach 50.. upping it might be a way of keeping me going. And not feeling bad that at least 4 of those books are going to be Goosebumps ones from the anniversary set I got purchased for Christmas.
  9. PS1-era game design blows in general. Ground breaking for the time and Crash is one of the few series that actually got it right but god damn is it still not optimal.
  10. Around here nothing for the Switch stays pre-owned for more than a day or so. Lucky!
  11. It's a hard call - the series of games in the Ezio trilogy are really good and if you can buy them in that pack instead that would probably be the preferred way to get at them these days. It's about as core gameplay for AC that you can get though so some of the aspects of Black Flag might appeal to you more.
  12. Yeah that was one where I basically said screw it.
  13. Yeah - they cut back pretty fast on the stuff that didn't work in 1. No more of the beggar junk, no riding big areas where moving faster than a crawl would get there guards suspicious of you, etc.
  14. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    Wouldn't be so bad if walking around backstage was a smaller area or loaded/ran smoothly. It was fun at first but it just drags on.
  15. The tests are out there, it pretty consistently jerks between 30 and 20 frames and the animation in sections is sketchy enough to show that off. But that's just Telltale in a nutshell really.
  16. Performance wise it was just unpleasant to play, which isn't entirely new for Telltale games but it was pretty egregious here.
  17. Getting that Powerpoint presentation game for free would be the best way to experience it, yeah.
  18. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    You can up Finisher Power to make them a bigger deal in the sliders. It's the bare minimum I do every year.
  19. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    Should be the 'O' button - hold your direction first to aim your opponent and if you hit Square you'll pull them back and do an attack, and if you hit X you'll do a grapple move of sorts. Some wrestlers can do a hard irish whip by holding down the 'O' button.
  20. I might finish one more novel before the end of the year but I'm mad that I hit my quota and kinda stopped for the most part. I'm going to double it next year and see if that keeps me on track.
  21. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    For me it's what used to be the 'select' button on the older controllers, so for the PS4 it might be a click on on the left side of the touchpad?
  22. That sounds infinitely closer to season 1 than 2, so I am on board.
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