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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Are you at the minimum level needed for the group?
  2. I know that going into first person for the races helped me GREATLY in that game.
  3. Part 5 was more of an original movie twist.
  4. If you blink and miss the symbiote parts, that just looks like one of those fake trailers that channels make for views using footage from other movies the across have been in. Oh, and Deadpool writing his name on the bottom of the figures feet like Andy is amazing.
  5. I used to float between them all and it's either Google Play Music or Spotify, really. Both do free month trials so give both a spin.
  6. I am three episodes away from my marathon listening of all the episodes of My Brother, My Brother And Me - and I am at the point where I might just start over from the beginning again.
  7. Jump and attack while in the air. I believe mounting is a chance based thing - and that decreases as you mount.
  8. Kindest Glaive is awesome because you can mount anytime - but to do the full effect you need to use the bug for buffs When you shot it out and it hits an enemy. It gets a different color based on where you hit it. Then you call it back and you get that buff - I think it's generally: Red (Attack): Head White (Speed): Body Orange (Defense): Limbs Green (Health) : Other I might be off on three locations there, but anyways - health is instant but the other buffs only last a certain amount of time. But if you get all three (it all shows in a meter under your health) you get a super buff to all of them and the timer extends I believe. The are other things that go with the colors too - only one I remember is that red changes your combos.
  9. It's quite nice when you get used to it - you'll figure out when you can fully commit and such and once you do it's an awesome weapon. Don't be afraid to mix up high and side slashes.
  10. It shouldn't actually activate the harder difficulty unless other people actually join up with you - unless that's what happened. When someone does, the game tells you mid-mission that it's adjusting for multiplayer. I started out thinking that I was going to go with the long sword but it's actually a bit complicated with the combos, so I moved onto the light bowgun and had great success with that but now I'm doing the great sword and I'm really, really liking it. I tried the gunlance and I like that too but I'm doing too well with the great sword to stop now so I'm going to stick with it for the time being. I'm going down the tree that you can take from a monster in the final area, it has a chance to put the monsters to sleep.
  11. There are Arena Quests which are for 2 people but you can still do them alone - they're very post game I think though, really - as they reward based on time taken to complete. I've been told about getting backup but I never really needed it. The last few story missions are hard but doable - AND the SOS alert exists which just basically serves as a way to get help without needing to coordinate with other people too much. In fact playing with other people ups the monsters health anyways, so it all scales.
  12. Wait - what can't you do without being online? I'm well into the post game without playing online once. And @Skummy - capturing is actually pretty easy to do. When you take a capture mission you'll have EZ Shock Traps and EZ Tranq Bombs in the quest box. Once you get the monster limping and they go to sleep in their den, put the shock trap down and once they're caught in it - throw two tranq bombs on them and that'll usually be enough. I think it tells you that kind of information once you actually go into the mission instead of before it.
  13. Asuka wrote for an Xbox magazine, hence that sponsorship probably.
  14. Aha! I used that face-paint as well to be as close to my inner Asuka as possible.
  15. RiME is something that the girlfriend and I will like so that's cool, and as much as Knack is a meh for me it's an exclusive so that's something I won't mind playing through.
  16. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    Oh, I meant my daily downloads but.. at the same time the space thing is a piss off too.
  17. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    I'm sick today so I decided to make a WCW universe. And I ran out of download slots to make my PPVs with. God dammit.
  18. Yeah. That's where I got stuck, I have no clue what it wants you to do.
  19. Now that I have had the weekend with it - I'll have to say that Monster Hunter World was entirely worth it and it'll be holding my attention for a good chunk of time to come I'd say. There's just nothing like it out there.
  20. Sick Scenes was so good you guys, so good.
  21. Doesn't look like it went down like that at all. http://ftw.usatoday.com/2018/01/xfl-vince-mcmahon-colin-kaepernick-national-anthem-tim-tebow-johnny-manziel
  22. Turns out just reading it is as delightful as watching it.
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