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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Outposts are their own number, along with each area's destroy-able item.
  2. Core gameplay has changed quite a bit, yeah. It's been described as 'open' but not 'open world' and I've yet to figure out what that means - but due to story reasons, he has an entirely different weapon and battle is focused on enemies having health/stun bars - when you bring down a stun bar, you can do one of the gory kills.
  3. The new God Of War reviews have started and it's getting pretty much across the board 9 and 10s - lowest score I've seen yet is a 8.
  4. Wait, story missions are gone forever? I guess I never really experienced that I guess.. I seem to have done everything, and some of the missions that I did after the fact actually had dialogue that accounted for story changes/deaths.
  5. apsham

    NHL 18

    The game is now in the EA Vault if you want to give it a shot, I think I'm going to do just that.
  6. I'm easily buying 4 one week and 5 the next... just insanity.
  7. OG Xbox backwards compatibility has expanded! Original Xbox games releasing on April 17: Blinx: The Time Sweeper Breakdown Conker: Live & Reloaded The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Hunter: The Reckoning Jade Empire Panzer Dragoon Orta SSX 3 Original Xbox games releasing on April 26: Destroy All Humans! Full Spectrum Warrior Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction MX Unleashed Panzer Elite Action: Fields of Glory Star Wars Battlefront Star Wars Battlefront II Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Star Wars Jedi Starfighter Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Star Wars Republic Commando
  8. Yeah I had a hard time keeping up with people too, and just keeping track of what I was doing in general due to my schedule. Trying to remember what I was going for last time, what I needed to do, what I'd have time to do just didn't work with my schedule but still a great re-debut on a non-Nintendo console for the game.
  9. Khabib/Iaquinta but Al is also 2/10s of a pound over as of weigh in, so he won't be eligible for the title.
  10. Shit. That is a step above and beyond most remasters.
  11. I did a replay of the first Spyro when I did the three Crash games - Spyro aged relatively well I think, better than Crash did.
  12. Marathoned season 9 and I can't get this out of my head.
  13. There's one that lets you lockpick things, including safes - so you can do that instead of blowing things open. You'll come across places exploring where lockpicking can get you some extra stuff so that's nice. I also went ahead and got the one that repairs vehicles while you're in them and that has been very, very helpful.
  14. I am really, really into this game. I just finished Faith's area (story wise, I still have some odd ends to clean up) but at times I dipped up into the mountains up north to unlock Jess and do her quest and everything about it just flowed. Shame to see the open nature of the game being written off by a few reviewers as just something to note and move on, it really changes the way that this Far Cry flows for me. Minimal UI is nice and the way that everything moves forward for the main story just feels so much more natural. Far Cry 4 lost me with the terrible, terrible spirit quest sections and how the formula was just the same, same, same. I'm glad to see Ubisoft really polishing the concepts that they had into something that just flows so much nicer.
  15. Urban Chaos, holy shit that takes me back.
  16. I'd be even more impressed if it was a picture of you and not your in-game character.
  17. Piss. I have both consoles now, but I bought Far Cry on XB1 to have something to play for when the girlfriend wants to play Horizon Zero Dawn (which is always) - I'mma add you anyways though.
  18. Are you on PS4 or XB1, Ollie?
  19. Oh for sure, I don't intend to use any but the dog and cougar and they are really time savers more than anything.
  20. You can turn it on and off with a click of the L3 button I believe - I feel it's better and also totally needed for some of the shooting and driving you might need or want to do. I'm loving the open nature of the game, though it does make it hard to discuss with people because everyone doesn't have the same progression. I ended up doing the Faith Seed stuff first purely because I was in the area and wanted to unlock Peaches as my buddy - and there is SO much cool stuff to talk about there.
  21. Specialists probably don't I'm guessing.
  22. I almost feel lied to by people who told me that the opening of the game wasn't intense or memorable. That was something else. Question: Do Guns for Hire permanently die?
  23. I picked it up because.. while reviews have been split (I guess due to whether or not the game was making enough of a "statement", meh) no one here is saying anything too bad so I'm game.
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