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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Turns out I was one bad break away from disaster. Glad I only had it on GamePass.
  2. I almost jumped on but I heard about some technical issues and then others like how Akuma is playable online for SSFT2 so... that's basically that whole thing ruined, etc.
  3. Yeah, everything that gets presented well go to as it's own video usually. More and more seem to be following Nintendo's brand of fast, get to the point stuff.
  4. Almost better to watch the condensed videos that cuts out 70% of the fake enthusiastic executives and bored looking celebrities.
  5. 100% better than another fucking battle royale game.
  6. Solo was awesome, loved it.
  7. I'm getting it for sure - being able to play 2 players with my girlfriend (however that'll work out) sounds fun.
  8. Kotaku writer was saying that the announcement doesn't relate to FO3 in any way.
  9. THREE new Switch Pokeymans. A free to play for download now about cube shaped Pokemon Let's GO Pikachu and Let's GO Eevee - a Kanto reimagining with Pokemon GO mechanics and connectivity A new core game in 2019
  10. I'm assuming it would get the Skyrim remastering and be out on all systems... but yeah.
  11. Fallout 3 for the Switch, was making the rounds the other day.
  12. James Mangold is directing a Boba Fett movie.
  13. I'm with Meacon - it's depressing to look at releases sometimes and just see a bunch of shovel-ware junk and then games that came out everywhere else or years ago. There are a few instances where I'll say "yeah that's be perfect on handheld actually" but then other things are just sort of eh. Still chuffed and baffled that Fire Pro isn't announced for the Switch.
  14. I'm playing and enjoying it because I have the game pass and I didn't pay for the game as a whole - it's been long enough since I played the original and I'm a fan enough of some of the minor additions they made, but the game itself has that whole 'stresses you out on purpose' vibe to it that I'm probably not going to stick with for all that long.
  15. When they created the Legends concept - the only things existing that were considered canon were the prequel trilogy, the original trilogy and The Clone Wars so yeah, it's proper canon. Anything that came off it (games, novels, etc.) are still part of the Legends concept however.
  16. TotalBiscuit passed away from cancer today.
  17. apsham

    The Sims

    Oh I met the ghost last night too - it's a boy ghost who just wants to use my computer and then leave. Also, my girlfriend created a sim - I gave her the keys to my house and ALL day when I'm at work she comes into my apartment, drinks glasses of water and leaves them scattered around the place.
  18. apsham

    The Sims

    One thing I noticed that's new from when I first played the Sims 4 is a little tab that asks you what pronouns you want the character to use, whether or not they can become pregnant or even if they can pee standing up.
  19. I honestly believe Bateman there - the whole tone of that conversation was a bunch of people trying to get their thoughts in before someone else started talked, part of the reason that I've never really enjoyed big group interviews like that - and his intentions/thoughts were half baked. I don't think there's really anything else out there to make me think that Bateman would be like that on purpose.
  20. apsham

    The Sims

  21. apsham

    The Sims

    It was - they were delisting it and offered it for free. But apparently for the Mac version, it was contracted out to some other studio who did MOST of the addons and charge for the full thing still.
  22. apsham

    The Sims

    I was watching Giant Bomb's Deadly Sims series and got really into the idea of playing again - but the Sims 4 base game I owned probably wouldn't play all that nice on my Macbook and the Sims 2 ultimate collection that we all grabbed a few years back isn't compatible with Mac - you have to buy another version entirely that's in the App Store and a big meh to that.
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