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Everything posted by apsham

  1. This was initially cool, but they're losing me with this.
  2. Also, I don't believe that gameplay will be as fluid as they showed there. No way. Feels like they're trying to humanize Sony Phil Spencer but he's awkward as hell.
  3. Apparently this intermission is so they can change themed rooms for the presentations.
  4. Yeah I heard the racing game rumor. It's like the people clamouring for a new Star Fox and the others wanting a new F-Zero got mashed up.
  5. I had to go eat, and I got very excited when people were talking about Star Fox but it's just a guest spot in that game that they showed last year, right?
  6. Hit Record has been big on paying contributors for their work in the past, so that's a cool addition if it remains the same for BGE2.
  7. Skyrim Very Special edition is actually real and not just a joke apparently, just installed it on my Alexa. Finally! Gameplay. I was figuring Beyond Good and Evil was just going to be a yearly episodic thing before that.
  8. Oh well yeah, but I mean - if Bethesda booked out a big building and didn't have much to say, that would just be an unneeded cost. 30 minutes to show me the new Dragon Quest game and that sweet Dark Souls-y trailer for Babylon's Fall amongst the other stuff for no cost was pretty reasonable.
  9. Including single player? Fucking hell that sucks.
  10. It's not like they booked out a venue like Bethesda - they made a video of their upcoming games, including some stuff that wasn't in other conferences yet - and set a time for when it was going to be played. It'd be nice to get everything on the Sony/Microsoft press conference and even if the things they showed today end up in the Sony/Nintendo ones tonight and tomorrow I don't really know why it rules out just saying "here's some more publicity that we have to put out barely anything for" - there's literally no downside.
  11. Try realistic, the studio can only handle so many projects at once. And even with the XIV announcement you're downplaying the fact that it's a new piece of content for one the most successful currently running MMOs (still with a subscription needed model even) - when most everything else event related for it has been rehashed, so a crossover with MH only means that it's going to be new content that is going to keep it going. I don't see why Microsoft's conference has anything to do with the roster of games that they are showing off to be put out - they're working on more that we know about even, but that's likely been put off for a reveal at a different event or more likely than not, paid/promoted by Sony to put it in their conference tonight. And it burns my fucking blood every time I try to be positive about something to get the 'lol, look at this guy who isn't shit talking straight out of the gate' - and that wasn't even the case this time, I saw 9 games that I was interested in and seriously wondered why it was a 'load of nothing'.
  12. That'll likely be the place for it if anything, I forgot that Sony was tonight. Maybe Avengers too.
  13. Oh yeah, all those PS4/PC/Switch exclusives that Microsoft showed off. 🙄 Not to mention what else were they going to show? Make up some news games on the spot because they got shown already at the Microsoft conference?
  14. I saw a bunch of awesome games - what are you people expecting?
  15. Square'll probably be doing something about the FF7 remake I'm guessing.
  16. Mike Jackson had big hopes of fighting again in the UFC, but Dana went off on him hardcore because he never tried to finish the fight - saying that he considers him to be 0-2 after that. Amazing.
  17. Still just not sold on an always online thing like this. Blah.
  18. I wouldn't take them saying next gen as being quite that literal. It's a buzz word.
  19. Microsoft did fucking awesome, great presentation.
  20. Shit, they picked up Ninja.
  21. Forza is great for that actually, you don't have to but you get the option to and it's non-intrusive to see how you stack up versus others.
  22. Horizon 4 on GamePass day 1 - nice.
  23. Come on, bring the collections to Xbox too... please...
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