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Everything posted by apsham

  1. It's just basically a line of whacky tennis matches with weird courts and mechanics. You do level up stats, but the mode from the GBC days where you'd join a Tennis Academy and work your way through the levels while taking classes to level your stuff up, had free roam around campus, etc - was so refreshing and I don't think any amount of new, whacky mechanics to the actual game is going to change that. At least Mario Golf got something in the way of Golf Story but I always preferred the Tennis games more.
  2. I've heard meh things about the story mode (still really wishing they'd allow them to do a full out RPG like the handheld games used to be) and baffling things missing like stage select and the length of a match - but I can imagine it's still great for playing with other people, etc.
  3. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    I know I've said it before, but my fondest special referee memories come from No Mercy once I found out that if you put both wrestlers down into the 'busted open' position in a First Blood match and called for the bell - the referee won for some reason.
  4. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    Coming back to it - this shit has me more pissed than I thought it would. The pattern has been consistent for a few years now - I said before, I really had hope that they could do something but it's even more stagnant than what the previous publishers had before the switchover. The game comes out full of bugs, and they have basically until the time that DLC stops coming out to patch it out before that's it and tough shit on anything left standing. Look at that absolutely terrible Switch port, loading issues across the board on all the platforms and everything that'll never get fixed because it's on to the next thing, the clear move to easing people into microtransactions and the online focus. How terribly off can you be when you look at it? When has focusing on multiplayer in a WWE game ever been a good idea? Do you know how rare a fair match of a WWE game is online? Of course people want to win so they're going to use every move, every animation exploit, every tactic to pick up the win - and I don't really blame them. There's nothing stopping them and no reason not to. And I know you could say 'well that million dollars, it was never going to end up going towards the game - that's a different pool of money' and true or not - if someone has the money to put towards this game, at least make it look like you are actually trying this year.
  5. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    Here's a novel idea. Use a million fucking dollars to help make a fun game.
  6. I might just pop difficulty down to easy so I can zip through this one a bit faster at the very least.
  7. Yeah I was just about to say Hybrid Heaven myself. For the second one - it's totally in my head but I'm blanking.
  8. Does Uncharted get better after the first one? I've had the collection and the fourth one for a while and I want to play them in order, but I get so bored going over sequence to sequence that is basically the same thing in the first game. I sat down with it tonight and I'm at the jet ski part at least that plays a little bit differently.
  9. This is THE guy. It's a long video - but he'll cover everything. Essentially it's "send bug out, each body part is a different colour and each colour gives you a different boost, bring bug back to get boost" - you'll probably want a list of colours, what they do and the different combos.
  10. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    Awesome that it's an option this year for console - hope the ease of downloading stuff is as good as it is on PC. That's my only concern.
  11. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    I don't think it'll be good again until they entirely rework the engine. I would've played the hell out of MyCareer as repetitive as it was if things loaded in any kind of a sensical way. I was hopeful before - but it turned out to be for nothing. I guess they deemed what they got out of the WWE purchase was enough, because at least they got NBA2K to a playable point before they cashed in on it as hard as they are likely going to push with the WWE franchise starting this year.
  12. Just the thought to do something like that is beyond my comprehension, one of my favourite edits for sure.
  13. I think calling out that Nintendo had won E3 was kind of a short sighted thing - they announced some stuff, but none of it was really shocking and if none of it interested you - nothing that Reggie said to counteract the stock dropping was going to comfort you. When asked about it he basically said that Nintendo only announces/shows anything that's going to be out in the next 6-9 months... so if you're not super hyped on anything coming up? Sucks to be you I guess. But even then, that was pointed out to be a bit of an out there statement - considering they showed Yoshi and Metroid Prime 4 last year amongst other stuff.
  14. Yeah they announced it during E3. Speaking of, here are some details on the Ghost of Tsushima.
  15. When you run into wild Pokemon you catch them like you do in Pokemon GO, but there are trainer battles.
  16. I think it's in a new engine - and VATs won't exactly make sense in a multiplayer sense so here's hoping.
  17. The fact that there are no random encounter fights is the winning point for me. I'm getting it on launch no matter what, but it's nice to have an experience close to the mainline stuff that just looks straight up fun.
  18. Anything else FPS wise would've been a deal breaker for most.
  19. Waiting on Kingdom Come worked out on multiple fronts - it just reached another one of the big patches needed to make it more enjoyable.
  20. Inkling was announced before the event. But that's moot now because Ridley.
  21. Only humans in the trailer.
  22. Ghost and Spidey were cool!
  23. He was trying to say something about don't come for those, or something.
  24. Press at the event are moving around and don't see any of this, haha amazing. It was cool the first time guys but come on.
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