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Everything posted by apsham

  1. You don't have the stats to climb the turnbuckles when you start, otherwise you'll fall when you start - if you're talking about Fighting Road. Otherwise it's towards the buckle and MEDIUM (X). The manual says tap - but consensus is in the earlier stages that holding will do it for you. Another post in the Steam forum said that someone watched the code working behind the scenes and noted that you'll gain back health while tapping during a pin.
  2. http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/564230/manuals/FPW_en_0707.pdf Page 51. Press A (X in the PS4's case) to escape a pin, rotate the stick or directionals for submissions.
  3. The switch just got a surprise launch of Into The Breach today for 14.99.
  4. Started the story mode - really goofy slideshow cutscenes about you entering the Dojo and competing in a two match tournament for a possible place. Nagata, Super Strong Machine and Tana judge you. I think this will be a great intro for people who don't know a lot about New Japan just because every will time someone shows up for the first time they get a good little bio. After every match you get points to put into training, maybe unlock some moves and then move on to the next chapter. Loving it so far, gives a fun reason to play matches when you're tired of just doing exhibitions.
  5. Just had my first match playing as TAKA Michinoku vs. Okada - had a really fun back and forth that I eventually won after 15 minutes after trading finishers and some reversals. Can't wait until creators start publishing stuff and we figure out who does the good edits - glad there's Fighting Road in the meantime.
  6. Just put the Streets of Rage 2 soundtrack in there as an option and it's good to go.
  7. Generally film related; here's a recent Kevin Smith picture.
  8. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    DuckDuckGo is literally one of the places that promotes privacy, it's not that weird. Bing especially with rewards is still pulling into from you.
  9. In the end that's the risk you take when you fully mod out a game like that. On the PS4 front - people have been reporting no real limits on the amount of edits they can pull in. Makes sense considering the size of the edits compared to a single 2K games one.
  10. Well yeah, but I can't imagine many Nintendo only fans were clamoring for Saints Row - and then people who have had a PC or any other console since the PS3/360 era have had the chance for years to pick the game up for practically pennies.
  11. Yeah, that seems like one of the more "why?" announcements coming out of these last couple days.
  12. Slay The Spire comin' to Switch next year, cool stuff.
  13. See Goats; The Mountain
  14. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    It's probably getting hopes up to say that Special Referee is back in considering that Triple H in that sense will likely just be outside the ring or something like what they've done for special referees in those modes for the past.
  15. So... Prey. I don't know why I slept on this game for so long, but it has to be one of the best things out there in recent years for me and it's also one of the only games that has put me in the atmosphere of it almost entirely in recent memory too.
  16. For that area I put the difficulty down and made it to her and still got thrashed and had to come back. Even on easy dealing with all the valkyries, especially the one at the end, was a huge pain in the ass.
  17. So mid-September they're launching their online service - which is relatively cheap compared to others, I think it's something around 20 dollars for a year. Games like Splatoon/Smash going forward are going to need that sub, but to answer your questions - it comes with access to some NES games with leaderboards/online multiplayer in some cases and that seems to be their version of it for now. Only NES games announced and it's been back and forth over the announcement history whether they're going to be there permenantly/rotated out or what not but right now it looks like they're there for good and new ones will be added. Otherwise they seem perfectly happy to restrict that kind of stuff to NES/SNES Mini/Classics instead.
  18. They bought Koch/Deep Silver earlier this year too.
  19. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    Yeah. And that's a massive pain in the ass, has an easy fix and is lazy as hell - something that is synonymous with how this game is handled each and every year. If I want to get to Dean Ambrose, I shouldn't have to scroll past 11 Daniel Bryans. In a minor way, it also means that the random features is less well... random.
  20. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    "Gameplay" Those were all just the cutscenes that play after you perform certain tasks in the match.
  21. The guys at New Legacy Inc. got an early copy of the PS4 version and have some videos up on their YouTube channel of them playing around with the game, another with the story mode and another talking about how you get created stuff into the game. Essentially what you do is sign in to https://firepro-w.com/ and manage it almost exactly like the Steam workshop. Right now it looks like you can do wrestlers, referees and textures - I'm glad it's like this, being outside of the Steam system means they can possibly do more with it, etc.
  22. Some unique-ish sounding systems to combating griefing - I'm wondering if flagging yourself as a pacifist puts you entirely out of the PVP system or just signals intent. Sounds better that it did when we first heard about it - but still a probable pass for me.
  23. Ridley killed Mario a few months back.
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