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Everything posted by apsham

  1. There's games I wouldn't bother playing anywhere but the Switch now. Dead Cells is one of them.
  2. Honestly, the Xbox is they only console that does it right.
  3. I'm hitting God Of War "must play more" levels, but even worse. In GOW, I would finish a segment and then realize it was a good place to stop. I can just keep going in Spiderman.
  4. A couple of my favorite shots so far.
  5. You have to go and put the rings together yourself in that editor.
  6. Yeah man, entirely nailed it. Now that I'm getting good at combining the moves, it's even better. It's a testament to how good it is that I already unlocked all the towers and got all the collectible backpacks because it was an excuse to swing.
  7. apsham

    RIP Mac Miller

    Fuck man, just like Avicii - Miller was always super stressed out about touring and performing. That fucking sucks.
  8. I mean - everything aside about EA memes and stuff - they were still the 8th largest studio for publishing revenue and that list is flooded with non-traditionals like Google and Apple at this point. They're still the go to for a lot of companies looking to license their products so in that sense, they've still got one hell of a reputation. Plus they still just flat out have good games under their belts for better or for worse.
  9. Alright, so... Spider-Man first impressions. I know you've probably read that web slinging is great in this, but I can't even begin to explain how good it actually is. You remember how the games where it was great in the past really made you feel it when you were in the zone? That's still here, but it has the added benefit of making even fuckups look like you know what you are doing. Try to turn a corner and didn't quite make it? Spiderman games in the past I remember you'd end up smacking into a wall and dangling there or just attaching. Keep committing to what you were trying to do and Spider-Man will wallrun, reach the edge of the building you plowed into and then shoot out a web and keep swinging in the direction you were going. I love it. Little things like that just make it so fluid. The fight system is out of this world. I know it's going to be compared to Batman because well, Arkham games were the codifier for this kind of stuff - but it really nails it. Batman games would always reward precision and if you want to play with the combat challenge up, you'll actually just pretty much need it here. Batman you could get away with button mashing and getting excited but in the early stages at least here, it can cause the end for you. I've seen some of the combat powerups later in the game and didn't know if I'd need them. Now I'm looking forward to them. Finally I want to talk about the crimes in progress, etc stuff. That was the one thing that had me thinking about it whether I was going to get it now or not - but now that I've experienced it - I'm fine with it. Getting tangible things like tokens to upgrade gear and XP is the base layer of making it feel useful, adding on needing to click a button to scan for it is another and then not punishing you if you don't do it (I'm looking at you Amazing Spiderman) is totally good by me. Going back to the Batman games - having a way to find enemies for sure if you want to/need to get into a fight for XP or whatever other reason is a good tool to have.
  10. Harvest Moon is a different story as well. The REAL Harvest Moon games, Story Of Seasons are still excellent quality.
  11. Nothing really makes me think that it's going to be striped down, it states that it comes with all the latest updates, etc from the PC version in the press release.
  12. J. Jonah Jameson essentially being Alex Jones in this world is amazing.
  13. Got my copy of Spider-Man - couldn't help myself. I'll do my 10 day thing and put it on the next purchase down the line maybe, but I couldn't resist.
  14. Civ6 is coming to the Switch on November 16th.
  15. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    Ciampa pulling some very obtuse heel work in getting himself removed from the game this time around.
  16. Yeah if the referee is across the ring it's fine, but if he's at a certain distance or you're in the middle he'll make it to you. Plus sometimes you might just want to work a hold.
  17. I think it just makes sense, especially when they offer and teach you that for grapples AND they have multiplayer that focuses on putting on a good match.
  18. That's the one thing that I don't like about the Fire Pro series gameplay wise - I really want them to add the ability to hold a button like L1 when you're doing a submission and it'll block the opponent from tapping out. When I put one on by mistake, I always mash the release button but sometimes it's just a millisecond too late.
  19. So y'know when it first came out, I kind of just laughed at the idea of Dante's Inferno because well.. come on now. But now that it's backwards compatible and on sale I'm playing it and.. it's a really friggin' good game in that genre. Like one of my favorites so far.
  20. I changed up my favorites page - I try to just favorite one guy from each creator so I can easily go back and check them for new edits.
  21. I don't think the NBA Jam game is in the pass but it IS $1.99 right now. Here's a link to the store page It has a mode where you make your team and go around to the different divisions that I remember being fun. Plus you use unlock money to get legacy teams and the joke characters that the Jam games were known for.
  22. Don't bother with Playgrounds - it really wants to be NBA Jam but... NBA Jam is backwards compatible on the Xbox One so you might as well grab that version. They use a system of using coins to open blind packs in order to unlock players. The mode in the game is just playing games at a specific court in order to unlock a boss fight, and all these matches have bonus objectives to get you more packs/coins. It should work fine - but once you run out of the one-time unlock rewards for doing the matches in that mode - you severely slow down unlocks and even then it's really random. Working up on matches that all feel the same just to unlock a pack of nearly all duplicates was not a rewarding experience.
  23. Oh man! I love it. Have it on the Switch and it's the perfect pick up and play.
  24. I get what you're saying entirely. For us this just replaces Facetime calls where we're just talking to each other like normal - now we're doing that and playing Stardew. Plus they let me design the farm and because of three people - I have a ton of resources to do so.
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