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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Yeah, there's a whole mode to teach you the basics, followed by a series of challenges to test them.
  2. Final Fantasy VII, IX, X and X2 on Switch as well. Actually hell - even more than that.
  3. I got the platinum in it last night. Spider-Man wasn't just an amazing game, it was essentially everything I've wanted a superhero piece of media to be.
  4. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    Some people are hanging their hats on the Ciampa thing... but the dude's a good heel, he doesn't hate money.
  5. Maybe this is just my preference in heroes - but... is there a version of Superman that isn't there and doesn't say or do anything?
  6. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    ...huh yeah, wait what?
  7. Oomph. RPGs with quicker battle options have really spoiled me at this point.
  8. apsham

    NBA 2K18

    Live was actually pretty good last year to be fair, I had a lot more fun with career mode in that.
  9. firepro-w.com if you're on the PS4. You sign in with your PSN account and can search/subscribe to items there. You can do it in browser from the game under the edit option but, eh - don't bother and just do it on your laptop or phone because you'd need to shut down the game and restart it to get them to download anyways. After that, you have to go into the edit options and create new teams (you can do a Promotion which acts as a new tab or Stable which acts as a new sub-group under that tab) and move the guys you downloaded from Retired to there in order to use them.
  10. I'm wondering what New Game + is really going to add in this case - I've pretty much been able to unlock everything.
  11. This is how I felt about God Of War and yeah, I'm having the same feelings about Spider-Man as well. At the same time though, it is nice to finish a game every once in a while and have what felt like a complete experience.
  12. It was a pretty quick shot to be fair, especially since it also jumped around to different people in the audience as well.
  13. Playing the game is fine, but I find it kind of limiting to just do that. One of the biggest selling points - you probably know - is the fact that eventually you'll be able to find and create absolutely anyone you'd want to. But a big part of that, as we have been discussing in here - isn't just that they look right and have the right finisher, but the logic assigned to the wrestler. It's everything from 'does this wrestler ever go to the top rope' to 'what sequence of moves do they use to finish a match' and anything along those lines. After a period of time when the gameplay starts to become repetitive no matter who you are playing as (this happens in the 2K games as well), setting up tournaments/leagues/your own shows and watching the matches themselves are a big part of the appeal for many.
  14. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    Look at the Switch version last year - entirely broken, no effort put in to fixing it and then just saying screw it this year. And the sad thing is that, yeah - there's not really anything to be done about it. I can't even really sell Fire Pro on everyone - it's a great game but at some point you pretty much have to be interested in the simming aspect of everything to get full enjoyment out of it, especially as a full priced release (or close to it) on the PS4.
  15. Christ people, can we just leave the eyes alone?
  16. Well now is a better-ish time than a while back to get a card that'll last you with the new cards coming out and the bitcoin mining bullshit dying down a bit.
  17. Marvel and Square Enix have an Avengers game in production. Other than that - I'd imagine that you don't get something with the polish of Spider-Man if you have to focus on multiple heroes and multiple mechanics, etc.
  18. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    I'm pretty sure old games managed a better "cheer here" or "boo here" trigger for entrances. Here it's just sad, and sounds like a constant murmur of an audience waiting for a show to start.
  19. Also - the comic filter is pretty choice.
  20. Story is amazing. I'm near the end (and I've done every collectible I can along the way, save for the crime bits) and I've been hooked the entire time.
  21. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    She has essentially worked with short hair in that attire, albeit in a different colour. I'd be more upset with the render because... oh dear.
  22. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    2K sits on that fine line where fidelity isn't an issue, so you can make a good looking character with fairly little effort compared to the voodoo that it takes to get someone who likes kinda sorta like someone if you squint in the 2K series. Something somewhere in the middle might work out at some point, but as it stands right now you can have the best tools and the best looking things available - but you're only going to get so much effort out of your community. And the 2K architecture for that is terrible.
  23. I'd pay a third time to have it on Switch, 100%.
  24. And I am not at all running into the issue of those collectibles/tasks being repetitive at all. Research Centers for instance all have unique tasks to do - even those that seem similar are differentiated in one way or another (swinging high versus swinging low, for instance) - so I don't get that criticism in the least bit.
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