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Everything posted by apsham

  1. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    It'll never be the case because they're in a comfy place. I think it's obvious that gameplay could really, really use a freshening up - but there's no incentive for them to do that. It was said in here before but that would cost a ton of money compared to how they make the games now, and it's not like there's another WWE game out there. There's barely another wrestling game out there, Fire Pro is amazing and I'll sing its praises all day - but they're two completely different experiences. Every year we sit through a game that is broken on launch, patches that introduce new bugs, and support that lasts until the literal second that the last DLC drops - and then it's a ghost town. I honestly don't know what kind of business practice or goof it would take for them to stop doing the games like this every year.
  2. You read that right. And the highest edition of the game you can buy basically exists only for multiplayer additions so.. GG.
  3. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    Being able to choose who you want to win a simmed match in Universe mode is a good addition.
  4. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    So that's a way better direction for MyCareer than that slow moving pain in the ass they had last year. Just make it crazy, have actual interactions with characters in the WWE universe instead of that "one size fits all, talk to anyone but they all say the same shit" way that they were doing things last year.
  5. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    Indeed. To be fair, gameplay was the last thing I've bought a WWE game for recently.
  6. It might be fun to own so I'm thinking of getting one. Ape Escape is pretty much literally the only game that would be out of bounds, so eh. Seriously just get a Pi if you're thinking about modifying for something though. SNES hacked with a USB or not, it's just a million times more versatile anyways.
  7. Oh forgot to say @iDOL, there's a 7-day trial although you'll want to go in and cancel because it'll charge after the 7 days if you don't.
  8. Eh. Can't remap the buttons and really could've started out with more games. The online multiplayer is going to be good though depending on the game.
  9. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    In the last 3 games I turned off the soundtrack instantly and then just selected my favorite entrance themes. You already have a huge list of music that wrestling fans like to hear, come on.
  10. Yeah I just use regular web for that stuff. Impact web is just a shortcut.
  11. People are essentially stealing and re-uploading other people's work for one reason or another. In some cases, they were taking from people who made creations in Japanese and weren't translating the in-game names over. Other times it's just a blatant copy and rip.
  12. There's him and that lilcruz guy who are going around doing it - my god, I don't remember anything like this happening on Steam. They need to add collections and similar features to the website.
  13. I realized that pretty early, thought it was an awesome touch. Especially harkening back to running people over in Arkham Knight, haha.
  14. Yeah, I actually really like this depiction of Spider-Man in general, might be one of my favorites across all forms of media he's been in.
  15. Is it just that you never took an interest in Spider-Man or do you actively dislike it? Because I think that the mechanics in the game will make it fun regardless if you've just never taken an interest before, but if there are elements about him/the world in particular you don't like I suppose that could effect things.
  16. Is it? I've been trying to hunt that own forever and it's so expensive to buy. I swear the last time I looked around, I saw it on a service but it didn't have the full archive - just the most 15 most recent episodes.
  17. Veeeeeeery tempted to grab it on Switch, seems perfect for that format.
  18. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    The booker mode is coming, but then again - we don't really know much about it at this point.
  19. There's a few times that I webbed a dude to the door of a vehicle, and then used the L1+R1 through prompt to throw that door with the dude still on it at someone else. Every time it happened it was accidental but awesome. Also a great combo is hitting a big group of enemies with a web bomb and then following that up with a sonic blast. I do that all the time on guys jumping out the back of a van, and every one of them ends up stuck to the side of it the second they pop out.
  20. apsham

    WWE 2K18

    WWE 2K17, ack - I forgot about this.
  21. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    It's a hard call - it's a niche title, so if you are going to enjoy it you are for sure going to get your money out of it and then some. If you're on the fence about it, it might be a harder sell in those regards.
  22. Yeah, they specifically made the game so that it was possible to Platinum on a single playthrough - once you complete the story you have control over time of day and you can "mop up loose ends" and stuff like that. There's a comic book one that is pretty much that suit, and it looks crazy out of place in the best of ways. It's one of the last unlocks by level though. Actually - no, you should be fine if you don't go all out on gadgets and stuff. To get the trophy for gadget upgrades, you only have to do 15 total upgrades or something along those lines. To get the challenge trophies you have to get silver and if you can silver most things, you should be good to go - what you can do is just focus on the gadgets you want (watch out which ones you are spending heavily on with base/challenge tokens) and you should still be good for all suits down the line. Or if you want the trophy, make a manual save and get your 15 gadgets and then roll back if you spent any challenge/base ones.
  23. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    Yeah this is the thing that always gets me about their games, presentation gets better and better each year. At this point, if there was something that would actually make me want to buy - they would probably have announced it by now instead of this stuff that makes you go "oh cool, I need to pre-order" just because it looks cool. And makes you forget it's still the same old thing.
  24. I got around to looking at the female wrestlers that the RonnieH guy made. Nooooope. Almost all of them have the same creepy doll face.
  25. I missed that they're going to bring some board/card games to the console as well.
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